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        水稻의 白葉枯病 抵抗性遺傳子 分析

        S. Z. Park(朴淳直),J. W. Lee(李貞華),K. C. Kim(金基淸) 한국육종학회 1984 한국육종학회지 Vol.16 No.3

        The inheritance mode of the genes for resistance to bacterial leaf blight caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae was studied through the F₂ analysis of three crosses, wx 817-1-65-2-3 /Hankangchalbyeo, wx 817-1-65-2-3 /Zhu-Lian-Ai and Hankangchalbyeo /Zhu-Lian-Ai. The resistance to bacterial leaf blight isolate, JN 7919 appeared to be controlled by duplicate dominant genes without cumulative effect, while the complementary interaction of two genes seemed to be involved in the resistance to isolate GW 8031. kecombination value between resistance genes to bacterial leaf blight isolates, JN 7919 and GW 8031 were estimated to be 7.9% and 20.5% in wx 817/ZLA and Han. chal. /ZLA, respectively. The resistance to bacterial leaf blight was segregated independently of glabrousness and base color in this study.

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