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      • KCI등재

        한국산 날치과(Beloniformes , Exocoetidae)어류 5 종의 분류학적 재검토

        김종만,김진구,유정화,조선형,명정구,강충배,김용억 한국어류학회 2001 韓國魚類學會誌 Vol.13 No.2

        Taxonomic review of the five flyingfishes, Parexocoetus mento (Valenciennes), Cheilopogon agoo (Temminck et Schlegel), Cheilopogon heterurus doederleini (Steindachner), Cheilopogon cyanopterus (Valenciennes), Hirundichthys oxycephalus (Bleeker) were carried out based on samples collected from the South sea and around sea of Jeju Island of Korea from 1996 to 1998. Parexocoetus mento (Valenciennes) and Cheilopogon cyanopterus (Valenciennes) were revealed as the unrecorded species in Korea, which were named as "Men-to-hwang-nal-chi" and "Ki-geom-nal-chi" respectively. Parexocoetus mento is differed from P. barchypterus in having no chin barbels in juveniles, and Cheilopogon cyanopterus is distinguished from C. agoo in the branched form of pectoral fin rays and from C. heterurus doederleini in the numbers of the dorsal fin ray and the color of pectoral fins.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        高麗 明宗代의 정치와 內侍

        金載名(Kim, Jae-Myoung) 한국사학회 2010 史學硏究 Vol.- No.99

        武人政變으로 명종이 즉위하면서 내시 구성에도 큰 변화가 생겼다. 어느 때보다도 새로운 인물이 대거 내시로 등용되었기 때문이다. 하지만 왕과 교분이 두터운 側近 출신은 많지 않았으며, 무반으로 내시가 된 예도 거의 없었다. 대신 親武臣的인 성향의 文臣이 다수 내시로 선임되었다. 이런 가운데 명종 3년 일부 문반 출신의 내시가 反武臣亂인 金甫當의 亂에 가담한 사건이 발생했다. 이에 집권 무신은 이들을 대신해 문반 관직을 겸임한 무신을 내시로 등용하는 방안을 적극 모색하였다. 李義方의 아우인 李隣이 그 시초였다. 그러는 한편 학문이 뛰어난 문신의 등용도 계속하였다. 직무수행의 효율성을 위해서는 어쩔 수 없었다. 그 결과 내시의 수는 한때 정원을 초과할 정도로 크게 늘어났다. 그리고 이 무렵 왕은 통치력을 거의 상실했다. 兵權은 물론 人事權과 刑罰權도 제대로 행사하지 못했다. 심지어 왕을 近侍하는 내시의 임면조차 집권 무신의 뜻에 따라 행해지는 경우가 허다했다. 이에 따라 왕보다 權臣에게 충성하는 내시가 훨씬 많아졌다. 이런 현상은 慶大升執權期까지 계속되었다. 그러다 명종 14년 李義旼의 집권을 계기로 상황이 달라지기 시작하였다. 財政權과 人事權을 중심으로 왕의 통치력이 상당 수준 회복된 것이다.내시를 비롯한 측근과 宗親?小君, 그리고 일부 朝官의 지지와 도움이 컸다. 이에 따라 내시의 구성과 성격에도 변화가 일어났다. 親王的 內侍의 수가 크게 늘어났고, 내시 구성도 그간의 親武臣 위주의 틀에서 벗어나 양자가 균형을 이루었다. 명종 말에 崔忠獻이 무더기로 내시를 축출하고 국왕마저 폐위한 것은 바로 이런 이유에서였다. 내시를 비롯한 측근세력의 도움으로 명종의 통치력이 상당히 회복되었던 만큼 권력기반을 확고히 하기 위해서는 이의민뿐 아니라 이들 모두를 제거하지 않을 수 없었던 것이다. 이런 면에서 최충헌의 집권은 단순한 무인집정자의 교체가 아니라 복고되어 가던 왕정체제를 재차 붕괴시킨 또 하나의 武人政變이었다고 할 수 있다. The organization of Nasi changed a lot after king Myoung-jong came to the throne with military revolution. A lot of new officials were picked for Nasis than before. However, there were not lots of surroundings of the king, and it was rare for military officials to be Nasis. Meanwhile, civil officials who kept friendly relationship with military ones were nominated to Nasis. In the 3rd year of Myoung-jong, some Nasis from civil officials took part in Kim Bo-dang"s(金甫當) rebellion which was against military revolution. So military rulers actively drew up a plan of nominating military officials who could play a role of civil officials at the same time, instead of taking Nasis from civil officials. Lee Ryn(李隣), Lee E?i-bang"s(李義方) brother, was the first man whose brother was the most powerful ruler. On the other hand, the government continued to appoint competent civil officials to Nasis for a high degree of efficiency. As a result, the number of Nasis increased a lot enough to exceed the fixed number of people. By this time, king almost lost his ruling power; He couldn"t control properly the authority of human, and the power of punishment and amnesty as well as his military power. As well, he could not help following the military rulers" decision even when it comes to the matter of appointing Nasis who had to support him. So it happened that many Nasis were loyal to military rulers who had strong power, not to the king. It continued to the period of Gyoung Dae-seung"s(慶大升) military rule. Therefore, in the 14th year of Myoung-jong, the political situation began to change with Lee E?i-min"s(李義旼) military rule. King"s power was recoverd around finance and personnel administration significantly. The king"s surroundings including Nasis, Royal families, sons of King"s concubine, and some civil officials made it possible. And it caused to change the organization and political character of Nasis. The number of Nasis who kept friendly relationship with the king increased a lot. And the organization of Nasis started to keep new balance breaking the frame that was composed of members who were co-operative to military rulers. For this reason, Choi Chung-hyeon(崔忠獻) expelled a lot of Nasis who were close to the king and took the crown from the king. He had to remove not only the military ruler, Lee E?i-min, but also king Myoung-jong and the king"s helpers to confirm the basis of political power, because king Myoung-jong had already recovered his ruling power a lot with the help of Nasis. From this point of view, we can say Choi Chung-hyeon"s rule the second military revolution that collapsed again the restoration of the royal regime, not simple military ruler"s exchange.

      • KCI등재후보

        일반 논문 : 최인훈의『광장』에 나타난 분단현실 인식과 의미 연구

        김명준 ( Myoung Jun Kim ) 단국대학교 한국문화기술연구소 2008 한국문화기술 Vol.6 No.-

        This research is purposed to observe the character of ideology and the symbolic meaning of space in Kwang Jang. In addition, it presents how a writer recognized the reality of divided country and signified such facts with focusing on the writer’s reaction. Yi, Myoung-jun, the protagonist of Kwang Jang got furious and disillusioned at the dark side of ideology through experiencing three cases: ‘violence case at S police station’,‘self-accusation at Labor Herald’and‘a conflict with released hostage in the process of a neutral power’. In this novel,‘S police station’is judged as ritual place to resurrection and ‘a cave’is symbolized for the space of union and birth. It means that the writer switched external social despairs to internal love affairs. Yi, Myoung-jun, lived as a watcher between reality and ideal, finally did not overcome the conflict world and fell into the situation because of the rules of reality. His ideal dream revealed just a day-dream that cannot come true in reality. Eventually, he realized a neutral power, which he believed in a slim chance of new life, was merely‘an island in fantasy’, and then this seemed to be a natural conclusion of an ideologist. The writer, Choi, In-hun’s descriptive recognition basically leans on individual sense of western modern. He presents external society to come true and internal love to keep relation ship through a character. Furthermore, the writer symbolizes these two worlds for open square and closed room, and also hope for reconcile both. In order to do this, he has a descriptive strategy to show a conflict such as different ideology and hypocrisy power through figuring out a problematic individual.

      • KCI등재

        Distal Femoral Medial Opening Wedge Osteotomy for Post-Traumatic, Distal Femoral Varus Deformity

        Myoung­Soo Cha,송시영,Koo-Hyun Jung,Young-­Jin Seo 대한슬관절학회 2019 대한슬관절학회지 Vol.31 No.1

        Restoration of neutral mechanical alignment of the lower limb is an important factor in the treatment of unicompartmental arthrosis. Traditionally, medial opening wedge high tibial osteotomy has been widely performed to correct varus malalignment with unicompartmental arthrosis. However, an ideal indication for the high tibial osteotomy is the knee with metaphyseal tibial varus malalignment. The basic principle of corrective osteotomy is performing an osteotomy at the center of the deformity to prevent abnormal joint line obliquity. If pathologic distal femoral varus deformity is the cause of genu varum, the osteotomy should be performed in the distal femur. Reports of medial opening wedge distal femoral osteotomy (DFO) to correct varus malalignment are rare. We present a case of this very rare and challenging condition in a 47­year­old male, which was successfully treated by medial opening wedge DFO.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Determination of Fatty Acid Composition in Peanut Seed by Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy

        Jeong Min Lee,Suk-Bok Pae,Myoung-Gun Choung,Myoung-Hee Lee,Sung-Up Kim,Eun-young Oh,Ki-Won Oh,Chan-Sik Jung,In Seok Oh 한국작물학회 2016 Korean journal of crop science Vol.61 No.1

        This study was conducted to develop a fast and efficient screening method to determine the quantity of fatty acid in peanut oil for high oleate breeding program. A total of 329 peanut samples were used in this study, 227 of which were considered in the calibration equation development and 102 were utilized for validation, using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS). The NIRS equations for all the seven fatty acids had low standard error of calibration (SEC) values, while high R2 values of 0.983 and 0.991 were obtained for oleic and linoleic acids, respectively in the calibration equation. Furthermore, the predicted means of the two main fatty acids in the calibration equation were very similar to the means based on gas chromatography (GC) analysis, ranging from 36.7 to 77.1% for oleic acid and 7.1 to 42.7% for linoleic acid. Based on the standard error of prediction (SEP), bias values, and R 2 statistics, the NIRS fatty acid equations were accurately predicted the concentrations of oleic and linoleic acids of the validation sample set. These results suggest that NIRS equations of oleic and linoleic acid can be used as a rapid mass screening method for fatty acid content analysis in peanut breeding program.

      • IT and Welfare: A Conceptual Framework of Information Welfare of Older Adults

        Myoung Yong Kim 한국노인복지학회 2013 International Journal of Welfare for the Aged Vol.29 No.-

        Information technology(IT) has become an important issue of quality of life and social inequalities in two waves of informatization and aging society. This study is to theoretically examine the association between IT and welfare of older adults, and then propose a conceptual framework of information welfare of older adults in order to provide implications for further empirical studies and more attention to IT in old age. According to the conceptual framework of information welfare of older adults, firstly, socio-economic and demographic factors of individuals affect the state of information life, in terms of ownership, access, usage and utilization of IT for daily life; and lead to differences in IT use between individuals and social groups. Secondly, socio-economic and demographic factors are closely related to the broader social context in which a society is located, in a specific environment, and to changes such as informatization, aging, technological development and so on. Thirdly, the objective conditions of information life and its differences have influences on life satisfaction via satisfaction with IT use or non-use. The psychological satisfaction with information life consists of the subjective aspect of welfare along with objective conditions. Finally, this leads to ‘information welfare’ of older adults. Ultimately, information welfare leads to quality of life or the general welfare of older adults. IT use in old age can influence the welfare of older adults in both positive and negative ways. The implications of the study are to emphasize the importance of quality of information life in later life and the need for a practical approach to IT and welfare in old age from an aspect of the welfare of older adults.

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