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        20세기 초 만주(滿洲) 한인(韓人)에 대한 중국정부의 정책

        박정현 ( Park¸ Junghyun ) 호남사학회 2021 역사학연구 Vol.84 No.-

        논문에서는 20세기 초 간도협약과 만몽조약 전후 시기 만주 한인에 대한 중국 정부의 정책이 어떻게 변화되었는지를 연구했다. 1915년 滿蒙條約 체결 이후 중국과 일본은 만주에서 더욱 첨예하게 대립했다. 중국과 일본은 크게 세 부분에서 서로 충돌했다. 1) 한인의 국적문제와 중국 귀화문제, 2) 한인에 대한 재판관할권 적용 범위, 3) 간도지역에 토지 商租權 적용문제였다. 중국은 자국 영토인 만주지역에서 외국인인 한인을 통제해야 했다. 중국정부는 일본과의 외교 마찰을 피하면서 한인들을 회유하고, 통제하는 방식을 고민했다. 그래서 중국정부의 한인政策은 일본과 외교 마찰을 불러일으키지 않는 한도 내에서 법적, 정책적 수단으로 단속했다. 이러한 방식은 눈에 띄는 차별이나 압력을 가할 수 없었다. 하지만 민간에서는 중국인의 한인에 대한 차별과 탄압이 일상적이었다. 만주 현지에서는 지방관리들과 중국인들의 한인에 대한 압박이 현실로 나타났다. 만주 한인문제는 만주사변 전까지 한인과 중국인 사이의 최대 갈등이 되었다 In this paper, we studied how the Chinese government’s policies toward Koreans in Manchuria changed before and after the Gando(間島) Convention and the Manmong Treaty in the early 20th century. After the middle of the 19th century, the migration of Koreans to Manchuria was started due to natural disasters in northern Korea, the exploitation of government officials, and poverty. After the Japan- Korea Treaty, Koreans emigrated to Manchuria to escape poverty and Japanese rule. The Koreans in Manchuria became a problem to be solved among Korea, China, and Japan after the Japan-Korea Treaty. After the conclusion of the Manchuria-Mongolia Treaty in 1915, China and Japan became even more prominent in Manchuria. Due to the ambiguous provisions of the Treaty, China and Japan have argued over the cancellation and application of this treaty. China and Japan collided with each other in three major parts. 1) The issue of naturalization of Koreans to China, 2) The issue of application of jurisdiction to Koreans, 3) The issue of application of the rights of renting land through negotiation to the Gando area. China recognized that naturalizationof Koreans to China, which should effectively govern Koreans, is the best way to do it. Therefore, if possible, China implemented a policy to naturalize many Koreans to China, and Japan desperately prevented the naturalization of Koreans. In addition; Japan tried to hold a court and administrative event for Koreans on behalf of China because of its great influence in Manchuria. As a result; Japan tried to invalidate the Gando Convention and apply the Manchuria-Mongolia Treaty. However; if the jurisdiction and administrative power of China were transferred to Japan; China could no longer maintain the sovereignty of the Manchurian region; and China made efforts to maintain the Gando Convention. In addition; the revocation of the Gando Convention was also affected by the land ownership of the Gando Koreans; and China and Japan argued fiercely over this. China had to control foreign Koreans in its territory; Manchuria. However; the number of Koreans in Manchuria exceeded 1 million in the late 1920s; and it was difficult to unilaterally control it due to diplomatic friction with Japan. While avoiding diplomatic friction with Japan; the Chinese government contemplated how to persuade and control Koreans. Therefore; the Chinese government cracked down on Korean-Americans by legal and policy means as long as they did not cause diplomatic friction with Japan. This method could not create any noticeable discrimination or pressure. However; in the private sector; discrimination and oppression of Koreans by Chinese were commonplace. In Manchuria; local officials and Chinese pressure on Koreans has become a reality. Discrimination against Koreans in Manchuria has aroused the anger of Koreans; and in Chosun; persecution by overseas Chinese has called for protests by the Chinese government. The two problems were raised separately in different regions; but were closely linked to each other Japan used the conflict between Koreans and Chinese to take advantage of Korean colonial rule and the Manchurian issue. The Korean-Chinese issue in Manchuria was the biggest cause of conflict between Koreans and Chinese before the Manchurian Incident.

      • KCI등재

        충청남도 도립공원 산림 식생 분석

        김현숙 ( Hyoun-sook Kim ),박관수 ( Gwan-soo Park ),이상명 ( Sang-myong Lee ),이중구 ( Joongku Lee ),김정현 ( Junghyun Kim ) 한국환경생태학회 2018 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.32 No.5

        본 연구는 충남도립공원(덕산도립공원, 칠갑산도립공원, 대둔산도립공원)에 분포하고 있는 산림 식생을 비교 분석하기 위해 2006년부터 2016년까지 실시되었다. 본 연구 조사지의 식생을 식물사회학적 방법으로 분석한 결과, 덕산도립공원은 신갈나무군락, 소나무군락, 굴참나무군락 및 느티나무군락으로 구분되었고, 칠갑산도립공원은 굴참나무군락, 신갈나무군락, 소나무군락 및 서어나무군락으로 구분되었으며, 대둔산도립공원은 신갈나무군락, 굴참나무군락 졸참나무군락, 개서어나무군락, 서어나무군락, 소나무군락 및 상수리나무군락으로 구분되었다. 각 도립공원의 중요치는 덕산도 립공원에서 신갈나무가 가장 높았으며(72.35), 다음으로 소나무(70.25), 굴참나무(53.11), 때죽나무(11.44), 산벚나무(11.17), 물푸레나무(10.41) 등의 순으로 나타났으며, 칠갑산도립공원에서는 굴참나무가(73.34) 가장 높았고 다음으로 소나무(58.71), 신갈나무(57.02), 서어나무(18.84), 졸참나무(13.48), 산벚나무(13.31) 등의 순으로 나타났다. 대둔산도 립공원은 신갈나무가(57.03) 가장 높았고 다음으로 굴참나무(31.98), 졸참나무(31.53), 소나무(16.80), 개서어나무(16.50), 서어나무(16.07), 쪽동백나무(15.76), 당단풍나무(10.09) 등의 순으로 나타났다. 중요치가 높은 주요 분류군에 대한 흉고직경급을 분석한 결과 덕산도립공원에서는 신갈나무, 굴참나무가 정규분포형의 밀도를 나타내고 있어 당분간은 이들 수종의 우점 상태가 계속될 것으로 보인다. 칠갑산도립공원에서는 굴참나무, 신갈나무, 소나무가 정규분포형의 밀도를 나타내고 있어 당분간은 이들 수종의 우점 상태가 계속될 것으로 보이나 서어나무와, 졸참나무의 어린 개체 밀도가 높아 앞으로 이들의 세력이 확장될 것으로 판단된다. 대둔산도립공원은 신갈나무와 굴참나무는 어린개체의 밀도가 높은 역 J자형을 하고 있어 우점 상태가 계속될 것으로 보이며, 개서어나무와 소나무는 어린 개체와 큰 개체의 밀도가 낮고, 중간 개체의 밀도가 높아 정규분포형의 밀도를 나타내고 있는 것으로 보아 당분간은 이들 수종에 의한 우점 상태가 계속될 것으로 판단된다. 서어나무와 졸참나무는 중간이상의 개체와 비교해 볼 때 어린 개체의 밀도가 높아 앞으로 이들의 우점도가 증가할 것으로 예상된다. This study compared forest vegetation in Chungcheongnam-do Provincial Park (Deogsan, Chilgabsan, and Daedunsan) from 2006 to 2016. The results of the analysis on the vegetation of the research sites by the phytosociological method showed that the Deogsan Provincial Park had Quercus mongolica community, Pinus densiflora community, Q. variabilis community, and Zelkova serrata community. Chilgabsan Provincial Park had Q. variabilis community, Q. mongolica community, P. densiflora community, and Carpinus laxiflora community. Daedunsan Provincial Park had Q. mongolica community, Q. variabilis community, Q. serrata community, C. tschonoskii community, C. laxiflora community, P. densiflora community, and Q. acutissima community. The importance value in each Provincial Parks was analyzed as follows. The importance value of Q. mongolica(72.35) was the highest in Deogsan Provincial Park, and followed by P. densiflora(70.25), Q. variabilis(53.11), Styrax japonicus(11.44), Prunus sargentii(11.17), and Fraxinus rhynchophylla(10.41). Q. variabilis(73.34) was the highest in Chilgabsan Provincial Park and followed by, P. densiflora(58.71), Q. mongolica(57.02), C. laxiflora(18.84), Q. serrata(13.48), and Prunus sargentii(13.31). The importance value of Q. mongolica(57.03) was the highest in Daedunsan Provincial Park and followed by Q. variabilis(31.98), Q. serrata(31.53), P. densiflora(16.80), C. tschonoskii(16.50), C. laxiflora(16.07), S. obassia(15.76), and Acer pseudosieboldianum(10.09). The results of DBH analysis of the major species having the high importance value showed the normal density distirbution of Q. mongolica, and Q. variabilis in Deogsan Provincial Park, so the dominance status of these species is likely to continue. Q. variabilis, Q. mongolica, and P. densiflora in Chilgabsan Provincial Park showed the normal density distribution showed the density of normal distribution, so the dominance status of these species is likely to continue. However, the dominance status of C. laxiflora, and Q. serrata is likely to be expanded in the future due to the high density of young individuals. Q. mongolica, and Q. variabilis in Daedunsan Provincial Park showed the density of reverse J-shaped curve, so the dominance status of these species is likely to continue, and C. tschonoskii, and P. densiflora had a formality distribution, suggesting continuous domination of these species over the other species for the time being. Additionally the dominance status of C. laxiflora, and Q. serrata is considered to be expanded in the future due to the high density level of young individuals.

      • A Comparative Study on the Bioethics Consciousness of University Students on the Life-sustaining Treatment Decision Act

        Junghyun Kim(Junghyun Kim),Dae-Eun Kim(Dae-Eun Kim),Eunseok Park(Eunseok Park),Dae-Jin Kim(Dae-Jin Kim),Hwanhee Kim(Hwanhee Kim) 한국보건의료윤리학회 2023 한국보건의료윤리학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        Background: The purpose of this study is to provide basic data on the necessity and direction of education to establish a desirable bioethics view by identifying bioethics awareness of the Life-sustaining Treatment Decision Act among biomedical laboratory science student and nursing students attending K University. Methods: From October 30 to November 5, 2022, the final 279 people (144 in biomedical laboratory science and 135 in nursing) were analyzed through a structured survey of 29 questions. Results: As a result of comparing the presence or absence of learning and the degree of awareness of the life-sustaining treatment decision act, the presence or absence of learning p<.001. There was a statistically significant difference in cognitive degree p<.001. Conclusion: It is suggested that continuous research should be conducted to confirm the perception of biomedical ethics of Biomedical laboratory science students and nursing students and to find the need and direction of education to establish a desirable bioethics.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Overexpression of Nanog in amniotic fluid–derived mesenchymal stem cells accelerates dermal papilla cell activity and promotes hair follicle regeneration

        Junghyun Park,Eun Kyoung Jun,Daryeon Son,Wonjun Hong,Jihoon Jang,Wonjin Yun,Byung Sun Yoon,Gwonhwa Song,In Yong Kim,Seungkwon You 생화학분자생물학회 2019 Experimental and molecular medicine Vol.51 No.-

        Alopecia, one of the most common chronic diseases, can seriously affect a patient’s psychosocial life. Dermal papilla (DP) cells serve as essential signaling centers in the regulation of hair growth and regeneration and are associated with crosstalk between autocrine/paracrine factors and the surrounding environment. We previously demonstrated that amniotic fluid–derived mesenchymal stem cell–conditioned medium (AF-MSC-CM) accelerates hair regeneration and growth. The present study describes the effects of overexpression of a reprogramming factor, Nanog, on MSC properties, the paracrine effects on DP cells, and in vivo hair regrowth. First, we examined the in vitro proliferation and lifespan of AF-MSCs overexpressing reprogramming factors, including Oct4, Nanog, and Lin28, alone or in combination. Among these factors, Nanog was identified as a key factor in maintaining the self-renewal capability of AF-MSCs by delaying cellular senescence, increasing the endogenous expression of Oct4 and Sox2, and preserving stemness. Next, we evaluated the paracrine effects of AF-MSCs overexpressing Nanog (AF-N-MSCs) by monitoring secretory molecules related to hair regeneration and growth (IGF, PDGF, bFGF, and Wnt7a) and proliferation of DP cells. In vivo studies revealed that CM derived from AF-N-MSCs (AF-N-CM) accelerated the telogen-to-anagen transition in hair follicles (HFs) and increased HF density. The expression of DP and HF stem cell markers and genes related to hair induction were higher in AF-N-CM than in CM from AF-MSCs (AF-CM). This study suggests that the secretome from autologous MSCs overexpressing Nanog could be an excellent candidate as a powerful anagen inducer and hair growth stimulator for the treatment of alopecia.

      • Synthesis of Nanoporous Adsorbents Using Alum Sludge.

        Park, Nayoung,Bae, Junghyun,Goun, Kim,Jeon, Jong-Ki,Park, Young-Kwon,Lee, Choul-Ho American Scientific Publishers 2015 Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Vol.15 No.7

        <P>This study optimizes the synthesis process of pellet-type adsorbents using alum sludge. The effect of the binder and heat treatment temperature on the nanopore formation in the adsorbent is investigated. The pellet-type adsorbent prepared using the powder-type sludge from water treatment is determined to be a material that contains nanopores. The specific surface area is increased significantly after the calcination process in the range of 132-172 m2/g. With the calcination treatment, the breakthrough time in the formaldehyde adsorption increases remarkably with an optimum calcination temperature of 400 °C. The breakthrough capacity of the formaldehyde increases to a maximum 2.96 mg/g at this temperature.</P>

      • Establishment of Infrastructure for Analysis of Characteristics of Intermediate-level Radioactive Decommissioning Waste

        Junghyun Park,Youngsu Ha,Sukbon Yoon,Kiho Son 한국방사성폐기물학회 2023 한국방사성폐기물학회 학술논문요약집 Vol.21 No.1

        In Korea, many characteristic component facilities and technologies in general experimental areas for non-radiative materials are owned by industry-academia research. Still, no characteristic analysis test technology has been developed for large, intermediate-level decommissioning waste emitted by neutron irradiation. Since Korea plans to decommission nuclear power plants in 2027, securing analysis technology for intermediate-level decommissioning waste is essential. Accordingly, the Korea Research Institute of Decommissioning (KRID) plans to secure an infrastructure (hot cell) to analyze the characteristics of intermediate-level dismantled waste. Afterward, we intend to stably dispose of the waste generated while decommissioning the current Gori Unit 1/Wolseong Unit 1 using the intermediatelevel dedicated hot cell. It aims to secure high-dose/high-radiation decommissioning waste handling technology through intermediate-level hot cells for the first time in Korea, supports domestic nucleardecommissioning projects, and secure and validate procedures related to material characteristics and nuclide analysis of intermediate-level waste. Furthermore, research on intermediate-level radioactive materials is expected to be carried out in cooperation with schools and research institutes.

      • Relocation of Earthquakes in the New Madrid Seismic Zone: Estimation of 1D Velocity Structure and Geometry of a Seismogenic Fault

        Park, Junghyun,Lee, Jung Mo,Chiu, Jer‐,Ming,Kim, Woohan,Kim, Won‐,Young Seismological Society of America 2015 Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America Vol.105 No.2

        <P>Determination of reliable hypocenters of earthquakes is crucial to earthquake seismology and to evaluate hazards associated with earthquakes. There are many associated computer codes for this purpose; however, most of the location algorithms are designed to determine hypocentral parameters based on previously determined velocity models. In contrast, we employed a location method that is independent of the initial velocity model, using a genetic algorithm (GA) to determine an optimal 1D velocity model and the locations of earthquakes. Using this GA, we relocated earthquakes that occurred in the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ) in the central United States between October 1989 and August 1992. The goal of this work was to delineate the possible fault planes by reliable relocation of those earthquakes and to determine a 1D velocity structure for the NMSZ. A total of 502 earthquakes recorded by 37 Portable Array for Numerical Data Acquisition (PANDA) stations were used in the relocation study. In the relocation process, the root mean square travel‐time residuals were reduced by ∼35%, corresponding to an average of 2.3 km deeper in depth, 0.7 km shift in latitude, and 0.8 km shift in longitude compared with those in the initial catalog locations. The hypocenters of the earthquakes can be subdivided into four groups based on their spatial distributions. The group that corresponds to the Cottonwood Grove fault (CGF) in the southwestern NMSZ represents a very steep plane, whereas the other three groups fall into Reelfoot fault (RF). We inverted <I>P</I>‐ and <I>S</I>‐wave travel times from the new hypocentral parameters to determine 1D velocity models. The resulting eight‐layered velocity models consist of a 2 km thick surface layer followed by seven 2 km thick layers, with <I>V</I><SUB><I>P</I></SUB> ranges from 5.36 to 6.74  km/s and <I>V</I><SUB><I>S</I></SUB> ranges from 2.83 to 3.90  km/s for both CGF and RF regions.</P><P><I>Online Material: </I>Interactive visualizations of hypocentral distributions.</P>

      • Polarization Singularities in the Metal-Insulator-Metal Surface Plasmon Polariton Waveguide

        Park, Junghyun,Lee, Seung-Yeol,Lee, Byoungho IEEE 2010 IEEE journal of quantum electronics Vol.46 No.11

        <P>We investigate the polarization singularities in the metal-insulator-metal (MIM) plasmonic waveguide structure. It turns out that there exist <TEX>$L$</TEX>-line and <TEX>$C$</TEX>-point polarization singularities for the antisymmetric plasmonic mode in the MIM plasmonic waveguide. These polarization singularities have unique properties because they exist on a subwavelength plane parallel to the direction of propagation of light along the core. We believe that our findings can expand the understanding of polarization distributions in nanoscale plasmonic structures.</P>

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