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      • 동료 튜터링 프로그램을 통한 공학교육 활성화 방안에 관한 연구

        오정은(Jungeun Oh),박종현(Jong Hyeon Park) 대한기계학회 2014 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2014 No.11

        This study is focused on the effects of a peer-tutoring program for improving engineering math education and searching for more higher academic achievements such as encouraging students to learn for higher performance and to work hard for themselves. The peer-tutoring program has been carried out with 60 students for advanced engineering mathematics. As a result of a survey, it was found that the peer-tutoring program is effective in learning performance and self-efficacy and developing community spirit. The remarkable thing is that the program had more positive effects on the tutors than the tutees, although it was intended to give benefits to the latters. In this case, a tutor acts responsibly as a leader of his/her team throughout tutoring, and it leads to encouraging tutor’s attitude in a positive, challengeable, motivative and self-directed manner. It means that individual students attitude was an important factor in successful tutoring. Weve found various possibilities in improving engineering education and developing strategic alternatives at the same time, which include an introductions of various tutoring subjects, an elaborate grouping of participants (tutor/tutee) and teaching basic communication skills between tutoring members, and etc.

      • KCI등재후보

        신규 간호사의 임상 경험에 대한 메타합성

        오정은 ( Jungeun Oh ),도지영 ( Jiyoung Do ),장민진 ( Minjin Jang ),허정미 ( Jungmi Heo ) 이화간호과학연구소 2019 Health & Nursing Vol.31 No.2

        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to provide an in-depth understanding of the clinical experience of new nurses through integrated review and synthesis. Methods: This study was performed according to the qualitative meta-synthesis method proposed by Atkins et al. The final six articles were meta-synthesized to comprehensively describe the clinical experience of the new nurse. Results: There were 44 themes derived from the collected literature, which were integrated into 8 themes. The clinical experience integrated among new nurses is as follows. New nurses struggling from immaturity in new clinical environment, physical hardship caused by working conditions at the clinical practice, feeling burdened by the increasing workload in an unfamiliar work environment and excessive role, lacking professional knowledge and skill about clinical practice. In addition, parents, caregivers, colleagues, and senior nurses make it difficult or supportive to adapt clinical practice for new nurses. However, new nurses put effort in obtaining knowledge to become a qualified nurse, and discover themselves who are adjusting to clinical practice. Conclusion: These results provide an in-depth understanding of the clinical experience of new nurses, which can be used as basic data in the development and application of educational programs to help new nurses adapt to their clinical settings.

      • KCI등재

        저출산·고령화에 대응하는 싱가포르 이민정책 연구

        오정은 ( Oh Jungeun ) 사단법인 한국민족연구원 2021 민족연구 Vol.- No.78

        최근 저출산·고령화 심화에 이민정책으로 대응하자는 주장이 증가하고 있다. 이민은 출생, 사망과 더불어 인구구조 변화의 3대 요인 중 하나라는 점에서, 이민정책으로 저출산·고령화가 초래하는 인구문제를 극복하자는 주장은 일견 타당성이 있어 보인다. 실제로 저출산·고령화 문제에 이민정책으로 대응하는 국가들이 있다. 그 대표적인 사례가 싱가포르이다. 싱가포르는 1990년대에 코스모폴리탄 글로벌 도시 프로젝트를 발표했는데, 그 핵심 내용이 싱가포르를 매력있고, 효율적이며, 활력있는 도시로 만들어 외국인 고급인력을 끌어들이는 것이었다. 싱가포르의 이민정책은 외국인 고급인력 유치를 넘어, 외국인 고급인력의 정주를 유도하고, 가사노동자를 수용하며, 저숙련 단순노무인력의 정주를 차단하는 전략을 구사해 왔다. 이러한 싱가포르 이민정책은 노동인구 확보 측면에서 긍정적 효과가 있었지만, 동시에, 싱가포르 국민들이 외국인 고급인력에 대해 역차별 받는다는 논란을 일으켰다. 결과적으로 내·외국인 갈등이 심화되고, 국가에 대한 충성심이 약한 외국인이 행정적 이유로 국적을 신청하는 부작용이 나타났다. 싱가포르 사례는 저출산·고령화 대응을 위해 이민정책을 활용하면 긍정적 효과뿐만 아니라 부정적 효과도 나타날 수 있음을 확인시켜 준다. The immigration policy has emerged as a solution of low birth-rate and rapidly aging population these days. As the immigration is one of the three key elements with birth and death to change population structure, it seems reasonable to emphasize the use of immigration policy to deal with low birth-rate and aging population. In fact, many countries use their immigration policies to mitigate the problems related with low birth rate and aging population. Singapore is one of the typical examples. The Singapore government announced in the late 1990s its new development strategy, so-called “Cosmopolitan Global City Project” outlining making an attractive, efficient and vibrant Singapore attracting high-skilled foreigners, and since then, the Singapore has pursued open immigration policy suitable for attracting high-skilled foreigners. Singapore's immigration policy is characterized by inducing settlement of high-skilled foreigners, acceptance of foreign domestic workers and blocking the settlement possibility of low-skilled foreigners. Singapore’s immigration policy achieved positive effect against shortage of labor forth, but it also produced negative effects such as increasing conflicts between Singapore citizen and foreigners and naturalization of foreigners considering administrative convenience and personal advantage without loyalty towards his/her new country.

      • KCI등재
      • Environmental education in Korean primary school curriculum

        Abishu Birru Dekebo,Wanyoung Ryoo(류완영),Jungeun Oh(오정은) 한양대학교 교육공학연구소 2008 학습과학연구 Vol.2 No.2

        초등학교의 전체 교육 과정 중 환경 교육은 기본적인 영역이다. 아동 및 청소년에게 환경문제의 해결에 관한 안목을 키워주기 위해 해당 지역이나 국가 또는 국제적인 차원에서 환경교육에 관한 강조가 이루어져야 한다. 따라서 초등학교에서 환경에 관한 기본적인 교육을 통해 환경을 가꾸고 보존하기 위한 다양한 요소를 가르쳐야 할 것이다. 본 연구에서는 교과서에 제시된 환경 교육에 관한 내용이 얼마나 통합적으로 조직되어 있는지를 알아 보기 위한 것이다. 따라서 초등학교 5,6학년 과학과 교과서에서 환경에 관한 내용을 얼마나 다루고 있는지를 조사해보았다. 연구결과 환경에 관한 대부분의 내용이 교과서에 제시되어 있었다. 하지만 야생 동물이나 천연 자원의 이용 등과 같은 문제들을 다루고 있지 않았다. 국제적 관점에서 바라보았을 때 이러한 요소들은 환경 교육에 반드시 포함되어야 할 것이다. Environmental education is a fundamental part of the total educational package, especially in primary and secondary schools. It must insist young people on the value and necessity of local, national and international co-operation with a view to solving environmental problems. Therefore, it is of great importance to teach various aspects of environmental control and conservation in primary schools so as to inculcate the fundamentals of environmental information. This study fosters the availability of environmental contents in the science learning materials of grade 5 and 6. The findings of the study reveal that most of the environmental contents are incorporated in the learning materials. However the materials lack to present issues related to wild life and wise use of natural resources. It is also reasonable and important to introduce the global aspect of environmental issues at this level. This study however tried to show what the materials looks like with regard to the integration of environmental education.

      • Gender equality in Korean secondary education

        Zaitoune Mounir,Wanyoung Ryoo(류완영),Jungeun Oh(오정은) 한양대학교 교육공학연구소 2008 학습과학연구 Vol.2 No.1

        본 연구는 한국의 중등교육과정에서의 양성평등을 조사한 것이다. 수업에서 교사들이 학생들을 어떻게 대하는지, 교과서에 실린 내용들이 수업을 함에 있어서 학생들의 상호작용을 어떻게 유발하는지 등을 양성 평들의 입장에서 살펴보았다. 양성평등을 교육에 실행할 때는 다음과 같은 목적을 충족시켜야 한다. 먼저 양성평등을 위한 이론적 토대를 연구해야 하고, 양성평등에 관한 이슈가 무엇인지 알아야 한다. 또한 인간 삶의 다양한 국면에 영향을 미치는 요소를 찾아야 하며, 이를 모두 종합하여 중등교육에 있어서 양성 평등을 실현시키기 위한 계획을 세울 필요가 있다. 이 연구 역시 그러한 목적을 바탕에 두고 문헌 리뷰 및 설문지를 통한 교과서 분석 및 양성평등의 실태를 파악하였다. 이를 이용하여 양성 평등에 관한 구체적이고 조작적인 전략을 개발할 수 있도록 하여야 하며, 이는 사회와 문화에 걸쳐 양성 평등에 대한 문제들을 개선하는데 도움을 줄 것이다. This research aims to examine the Korean current position of gender equality in general and in secondary schools in particular and explore what attitudes teachers should have, what contents textbooks should foster on and what classroom interaction strategies should be adopted regarding gender-responsive teaching, when implementing gender equality in education. The following research contents will be selected in order to meet these research objectives. First, the research will explore the theoretical grounds for gender equality in general and in Sub Saharan Africa in particular to get more in-depth knowledge on what is going on in the area with regard the issue; second it will examine gender equality in Korea in order to find out the impact it has on the different dimensions of life; and last it will envision gender equality in Korean secondary education to get information about how gender issue is incorporated in education. The finding will allow us to develop concrete and operating strategies that can be used for the implementation of a more gender responsive teaching which will in turn, contribute to make correction of sexual bias in our society and culture. To achieve this purpose, this research will look into literature reviews, use questionnaire and analyze secondary textbooks.

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