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      • 고분자 복합재료를 위한 액정중합체(I)

        조철형,조성휴,조병욱,김정규,김숭평,권중근 조선대학교 생산기술연구소 1983 生産技術硏究 Vol.1983 No.-

        Copolyesters containing oxybenzoate as a rigid rod molecule and methylene group and dimethyl tetramethyl disiloxane as flexible spacers were prepared by room temperature solution polymerization for the purpose of the developement of polymeric composite materials. The thermal properties and the characteristics of the polymers were investigated by DSC and a polarizing microscope. The polymers may be formed nematic liquid crystal phase, and the thermodynamic characteristics of their mesophase to isotropic phase transition could be explained on the basis of its structural features.

      • KCI등재

        도메인 이름 分爭調停決定에 대한 司法的 救濟 : 統一도메인이름分爭解決規程(UDRP)에 의한 分爭調停決定에 대한 法院의 判決을 中心으로

        曺廷昱 법무부 2003 선진상사법률연구 Vol.- No.18

        도메인 이름 분쟁 초기에는 법원의 판결에 의해 분쟁을 해결하였으나, 인터넷에 기반을 둔 도메인 이름의 분쟁이 점차 국제화되면서 분쟁해결의 실효성을 위해 "통일도메인이름분쟁해결규정(Uniform Domain Dispute Resolution Policy, UDRP)"이라는 특별한 분쟁해결절차를 마련하기에 이르렀다. UDRP는 .com, .net, .org 등 일반도메인(generic top level domain)에 대하여 적용되는데, 절차 내부에 불복절차를 두지 않는 단심제이다. 그러나 UDRP 제4조 k항은 UDRP에 따라 패널이 내린 결정(이하 "분쟁조정결정"이라 한다)에 대하여 법원의 다른 판단을 배제하지 않고 있으므로, 그 결정에 불만이 있는 자는 일정한 기간 내에 법원에 소를 제기할 수 있다. 그러나 UDRP는 현행 상표법 또는 부정경쟁방지및영업비밀보호에관한법률(이하 "부정경쟁방지법"이라 한다)에서 정한 적용요건과 다르고, 절차적으로도 분쟁조정결정에 대한 법원의 판단을 어떤 형식을 통해 할 수 있는지에 대하여 법령 또는 위 규정들이 아무런 기준을 두고 있지 않다. 현재 UDRP에 의한 결정(이하 "분쟁조정결정"이라 한다)에 대하여 불복하기 위해 논의되는 소의 형식은 분쟁조정결정취소 또는 무효의 소, 사용권확인의 소 등이 있으나, 실무에서는 "도메인 이름의 부존재확인의 소"를 적법한 것으로 보고 있다. 그런데, 도메인 이름을 등록한 자(이하 "도메인 등록인"이라 한다)는 이 소에 의해 분쟁조정결정의 효력 자체를 부인함으로써 등록이전청구권의 부존재확인을 구할 수 있다고 할 것인지, 아니면 원칙적으로 분쟁조정결정의 효력을 부인하지 않고 다만 재량의 일탈, 남용 등 예외적인 경우에만 분쟁조정결정의 집행을 부인함으로써 등록이전청구권 부존재확인을 구할 수 있다고 할 것인지에 관하여 다툼이 있을 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 법원은 上訴制度처럼 분쟁조정결정의 當否를 일반적으로 판단할 권한이 없다고 보므로 직접 그 효력을 부인하는 것은 타당하지 않고, 다만 UDRP가 정한 요건에 해당하지 않음에도 불구하고 도메인 이름의 등록이전결정을 하는 경우(예컨대, 패널이 부정한 목적에 관한 판단 없이 임의로 도메인 이름의 등록이전결정을 하거나, 부정한 목적으로 등록 및 사용할 것을 요하는 규정에도 불구하고 등록 사실만 인정하여 도메인 이름의 등록이전결정을 한 경우 등)에는 도메인등록인이 등록기관과 분쟁해결기관에 동의한 범위를 일탈하여 판단한 것이므로 예외적으로 부인할 수 있는 것으로 해석하고 있다. 이러한 해석이 도메인 이름의 등록이전청구권부존재확인의 소에 의한 구제를 인정하는 취지에도 부합한다고 본다. 다만 당사자간의 적절하고 공평한 분쟁해결을 위해서는 국내법의 정비와 국제간 협력이 필요하다. Internet domain names (hereinafter, "domain names") are identifiers in computer networks which consist of letters, numbers, and some symbols that are more user-friendly than I.P. addresses. However, the fact that a domain name can be registered by only one person, and the fact that domain names may be identical with,or confusingly similar to a trademark (including service marks) of another party, have given rise to numerous domain name disputes. As the existing trademark law could not provide adequate standards for resolving domain name disputes, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (hereinafter, "ICANN") established the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (hereinafter, "UDRP") and Rules for UDRP, which provide for the transfer or cancellation of domain name registrations in cases of registration and use of domain names in bad faith. The panel of UDRP procedure issues its decision (hereinafter, "panel decision") to order a transfer or cancellation of a domain name registration. Despite the fact that the UDRP is only applicable in cases of registration and use of a domain name in bad faith, the panel has issued several decisions to transfer domain names even though the registrant had rights or legitimate interests in the domain name. Unfortunately, the UDRP does not provide remedies for such instances. It does, however, allow parties to submit the dispute to a court regardless of the outcome of the panel decision. The problem with this remedy is that, to the extent UDRP and the existing legal system provide very different standards and procedures, it can potentially give rise to a plethora of legal conflicts. Moreover, since most of the domain name disputes are international in scope, a domestic court's judgment on panel decisions could lead to international conflicts of laws issues. Where the panel has decided on registration transfers based on a misapplication of the UDRP, this thesis proposes that the registrant should be allowed to file for reactivation of the domain name resulting from the UDRP's misapplication, pursuant to Articles 763 & 394 of the Korea Civil Code, although whether these articles provide for such reactivation is subject to some interpretive controversy. Laws prohibiting infringement on domain name rights should be enacted. In relation to this, the possibility as to whether domain name rights can be acknowledged as intellectual property rights should be investigated as well.

      • 건축조형을 위한 스키마작용과 이미지

        조용수,오신욱,김정현 東亞大學校 建設技術硏究所 2006 硏究論文集 Vol.30 No.1

        The objectives of this paper aims at investigating the characteristics of image which appears by schema during the concept design process of an architect. The image is an efficient tool for the design process as well as a useful medium for creative design idea. It affects design process to interpretate given conditions and helps to shape the initial form at the elementary stage of design. The image is able to be translated as the expression of an architect's schema. Architects will create the final form of the design from this schematic images including his own design language. This paper searches the images affected on architect's projects, and verifies the influence of schema on the common images, and analyses the relationship between schema and image.

      • 새로운 열방성 액정중합체의 합성과 PET와의 블렌드

        조정대,김희종,최재곤,조병욱,유지강 조선대학교 생산기술연구소 1997 生産技術硏究 Vol.19 No.1

        Blends of new thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer(TLCP) with poly(ethylene terephthalate)(PET) were prepared by the coprecipitation from a common solvent. The thermal, mechanical properties and morphology of the blends(2wt%, 5wt%, lOwt% and 20wt% TLCP/PET) were examined. In the blends, liquid crystalline phase did not reveal any significant macrophase separation and thermal degradation at the processing temperature. According to the scanning electron micrograps, the TLCP domains in matrix were found to be more or less finely dispersed with 0.2㎛ to 0.4㎛ in size and interfacial adhesion between the TLCP and matrix polymer was excellent. Results of mechanical property measurement show that modulus of TLCP/PET blend was enhanced with increasing TLCP content.

      • 지구온난화의 동향과 환경정책 추진방향에 관한 연구

        김정욱,조재립 경희대학교 2004 環境硏究 論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        Currently the problems of ozone depletion and global warming due to air pollution are quite serious problems to be solved. The Ministry of Environment has made great efforts in various fields: improving water quality, providing clean tap water, reducing air pollutants in urban and industrial areas, reducing and recycling wastes, managing hazardous wastes, preserving wilderness, expanding environmental awareness through education and developing environmental technology. I near future, we should establish more diverse environmental policies. Based on the basic premise of integrating environment and economy, the environmental policy will work toward building a sustainable society by preventing pollution, saving resources and encouraging citizen participation and cooperation. Recently, Korea has been suffering economic difficulty, which is directly influencing the environmental policy. However, we should not let economic difficulties to discourage environmental preservation because the environmental problems are closely related with the life of next generation.

      • 부산시 일부지역 강우중 초기 및 후속강우의 이온성분에 관한 연구

        황성욱,조정구,최금찬 동아대학교 환경문제연구소 1997 硏究報告 Vol.20 No.1

        Ion compositions of 1st and 2nd fractions in rainfall water were investigated in Pusan area. pH value, conductivity, and anion·cation components were measured and analyzed from Fall. 1993 to Spring. 1996. High pH value was found to 6.12 on April 1995 in 1st rainfall(1mm below) because of yellow sand phenomena. To contrast, low pH value was indicated to 4.09 on winter 1993. Removal efficiency of ionic compounds was resulted to Mg^(2+) > Ca^(2+) > NO₃^(-) > K^(+) > SO₄^(2-) > Na^(+) > Cl^(-) > NH₄^(+).

      • 서비스 품질 평가 측정 도구에 관한 연구 : TV 홈쇼핑을 중심으로

        김정욱,조재립 경희대학교 레이저공학연구소 2005 레이저공학 Vol.16 No.-

        As service industry develops rapidly, companies which is engaged in service are growing. Home shopping without store, which is a new distribution type, is introduced and the number of internet based online shopping malls is also increasing. Fast growing of shopping mall provoked excess competition, and it became important problem that how satisfied consumers. To survive and grow continuously of these service companies, an appraisal standard that can be estimated from customers is necessary. Especially, customers' understanding and evaluation on enterprises and services provided can be a basis to build a marketing strategy. Therefore, a customer assessment standard about home shopping service quality refer to PSI, IQ, PQISS which is measurement tool for broadcasting program quality and internet service quality based on a SERVQUAL of retail store will be developed and suggested.

      • KCI등재후보

        진폐진행정도에 따른 혈청내 구리와 아연 농도의 변동

        박정래,박종욱,이수일,이철호,오차재,김창원,조병만,김돈균 大韓産業醫學會 2000 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.12 No.3

        목 적 : 진폐증은 분진으로 인해 인체의 면역기전이 작용하여 폐섬유화가 진행되는 질환으로, 인체의 면역기전에 작용하는 구리와 아연은 진폐증의 병리적인 진행과정인 폐섬유화에 관여한다. 본 연구의 목적은 초기진폐증 유소견자와 진행된 진폐증 환자의 혈청 구리와 아연의 농도를 정상인과 비교함으로써 체내 구리와 아연의 농도가 진폐증의 섬유화의 진행정도에 따라 변동함을 밝히고, 이를 이용하여 폐섬유화의 진행정도를 추정할 수 있는 지표를 제시하고자 한다. 방 법 : 진폐정밀기관에 내원한 초진내 원자 100명과 진폐요양기관에 입원한 진폐증 환자 100명을 선정한 후 흥부사진소견을 ILO 분류법의 진폐진행정도에 따라 각각 세 군(Stage Vl, V2, V3 & Stage Pl, P2, P3)으로 구분한 후 각 군의 혈청구리와 아연의 농도를 비교분석하였다. 대조군으로는 폐결핵, 심근경색, 뇌경색을 경험한 적이 없는 일반인 100명을 선정하였다. 결 과 : 초진내 원자군의 혈청 구리농도는 섬유화의 진행단계에 따른 유의한 차이를 보였으며, Stage V3에서 가장 높았다. 입원환자군에서는 혈청 구리농도가 대조군과 유의한 차이를 보이지 않는데 (p=0, 152), 이는 입원환자의 불량한 영양상태와 건강상태 때문인 것으로 추정된다. 초진내원자군과 입원환자군의 혈청 아연농도는 섬유화의 진행에 따라 통계적인 차이를 보였으며, Stage V2와 Stage P2, P3에서 각각 대조군에 비해 유의하게 낮았다. 혈청 아연과 구리농도의 비또한 양군에서 섬유화의 진행에 따라 의미있게 높았는데, 섬유화가 현저히 진행된 단계 (Stage V3, Stage P2, P3)에서 대조군과 의미있는 차이를 보였다. 결 론 : 초진내 원자와 입원환자의 혈청 Cu/zrl 비는 섬유화의 진행정도가 현저할수록 대조군에 비해 유의하게 높게 나타났다. 진폐증 환자들의 혈청 Cu/zn 비는 진폐증의 폐섬유화의 진행정도를 추정함에 있어 상당히 유용한 지표로 이용될 수 있으며, 폐섬유화의 진행과정에서의 혈청 구리와 아연의 작용기전을 이용한 치료방법의 마련에도 도움이 될 것으로 판단한다. Objectives : Copper and Zinc, the trace elements of a living body, take a part in immunologic mechanism and induce the pulmonary fibrosis which is the pathologic progress of pneumoconiosis. This study was performed to assist the identification of the pathologic process of pulmonary fibrosis in pneumoconiosis. Methods : The subjects of thls study was 200 diagnosed persons as pneumoconiosis, of whom 700 persons was the visitors in the outpatients departments of pneumoconiosis and 100 admissive pneumoconiosis patients. The serum copper and zinc are measured and compared. Results : The mean serum copper concentration of visitor group was significantly higher than that of control group, and that of stage V3 subgroup of visitor group was highest because of their advanced fibrosis. But, there was not the difference of serum copper concentration between patient and control group. We thought that the reason was poor nutritional and health status of the patient. The mean of serum zinc concentration of visitor and patient control was lower than that of control group. As the degree of pulmonary fibrosis was more severe from stage Vl, V2, V3 of visitor to stage Pl, P2, P3 of patient, the mean of serum zinc concentration was lower. The ratio of serum copper/zinc of visitor and patient was higher than that of control, and that of patient was higher than that of visitor. Those results showed that the ratio of serum copper/zlnc ratio more greatly expressed the degree of progression of pneumoconiosis than only copper or zinc concentration by adjustment of nutritional and health status of the patient. Conclusions : As above study results, the degree of pulmonary fibrosis of pneumoconiosis could be estimated by means of serum copper/zinc ratio.

      • 구조방정식을 이용한 제품 이미지가 제품 선택에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        김정욱,조재립 경희대학교 레이저공학연구소 2004 레이저공학 Vol.15 No.-

        On-line games have become the essence of entertainment and multimedia industries as the use of Internet diffuses broadly. Many organizations are searching for ways to compete more effectively in today's market environment. It is necessary to analyze the factors that influence customer's purchasing behavior. This study analyzes the factor that influence in customer's purchase decision in on-line game. As a result, on-line games have 'Image', 'Interaction', 'Anonymity', 'Accessibility' and 'Expandability'. This paper use SEM(Structural Equation Model) to analyze relation structure of these factors and customer's purchase decision. The purpose of this study is find various requirement of consumers and present efficient marketing activity through theoretical verification and actual proof analysis.

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