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        중국여대생의 체형연구 Ⅰ

        孫喜順,林珣,金孝淑,孫希定,장희경,鄭嶸 服飾文化學會 1999 服飾文化硏究 Vol.7 No.3

        This research analyzes characterization and classification of body types for the Chinese women with body measurement values. The measurement has gauged in 1999 in Beijing Institute of Clothing Technology in China. 100 women of the Chinese college women aged 17 and 24 in China were mwasured for this research. In the results of frequency analysis, the tall of Chinese women were 158.37㎝ and also has less than 150㎝ high, and has thick under bust circumference, and has a group of more than 18㎝ for width of nipple to nipple. In the results of factor analysis. Factor 1 represented the degree of abesity, while factor 2 indicated the stature and the arm length. The body types are classified into five types by cluster analysis. The stature and weight varied according to types, leading to a classification focusing on the body size determined by stature and weight factors.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of Baicalein on t-Butylhydroperoxide-Induced Cell Injury in Renal Tubular Epithelial Cells

        정순희 THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR BIOMEDICAL LABORATORY SCIEN 2003 Journal of biomedical laboratory sciences Vol.9 No.4

        This study was undertaken to investigate the effect of baicalein, a major flavone component of Scutellaria balicalensis Georgi, on oxidant-induced cell injury in renal epithelial cells. Opossum kidney cells, an established proximal tubular epithelial cells, were used as a cell model of renal epithelial cells and t-butylhydroperoxide (tBHP) as an oxidant drug model. Cell viability was measured by MTT assay and lipid peroxidation was estimated by measuring the content of malondialdehyde, a product of lipid peroxidation. Exposure of cells to tBHP caused cell death and its effect was dose-dependent over concentration range of 0.1~1.0 mM. When cells were exposed to tBHP in the presence of various concentrations (0.1~10 μM) of baicalein, tBHP-induced cell death was prevented with a manner dependent of baicalein concentration. tBHP induced ATP depletion, which was significantly prevented by baicalein. Similarly, tBHP-induced DNA damage was prevented by baicalein. tBHP produced a marked increase in lipid peroxidation and its effect was completely inhibited by baicalein. These results inducate that tBHP induces cell injury through a lipid peroxidation-dependent mechanism in renal epithelial cells, and baicalein prevented oxidant-induced cell injury via antioxidant action inhibiting lipid peroxidation. In addition, these results suggest that baicalein may be a candidate for development of drugs which are effective in preventing and treating renal diseases.

      • KCI등재

        재일 젊은 세대의 아이덴티티 : 『GO』에 표출된 탈민족적 관점에 주목하여

        정순희 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 2005 한국문화연구 Vol.8 No.-

        재일 한인 사회의 변화를 생각할 때 주목할 만한 것은, 일본에서의 생활을 한시적인 체류로 생각하고 언젠가는 귀국하리라는 조국지향적 자세를 강하게 지니고 살던 1세, 2세들의 ‘체재형’에서 일본에서의 영구거주를 기정사실로서 받아들이는 3세,4세를 중심으로 한 ‘정주형’으로의 이행이다. 1970년대 이후 일본에서 태어나서 자란 세대들이 재일 한인의 대다수를 차지하게 되면서 굳어진 정주화는 한인들의 재일관에도 커다란 영향을 미치고 있다. 특히 최근의 재일 젊은 세대들은 종전과 같이 일본인에게 차별 받는 마이너스적인 존재로서 말해지는 것에 거부감을 표시하고, 보다 능동적인 사회적 주체로서 일본에서 살아가기를 희망한다. 그들은 앞 세대와 같이 귀화=동화라고 생각하지 않으며, 귀화자를 민족의 반역자로도 여기지 않는다. 오히려 기왕 일본에서 뿌리를 내리고 앞으로 대대로 살아갈 것이라면 보다 자유롭고 윤택한 삶을 위하여 국적 변경이나 귀화를 선택할 수 있다고 생각한다. 본고는 재일 3세 작가인 가네시로 가즈키(金城一紀)의 『GO』라는 작품에 구체화된 재일 한인의 생활과 의식의 고찰을 통하여, 재일 젊은 세대들이 국가나 민족을 초월하는 쪽으로 자신들의 아이덴티티와 삶의 방식을 모색하게 된 배경과 의미에 대해서 살펴본 것이다. One noteworthy feature when regarding changes in the Korean immigrant society within Japan is that while the 'sojourner' 1st and 2nd generation immigrant exhibit a strong Korea-oriented stance with undertones of one day returning to Korea that is distinct form the 'settler' 3rd and 4th generation immigrants that accept permanent residency in Japan as given. Most of the Korean-Japanese born and raised after the 1970's are of the latter group, and this 'settling' of Koreans in Japan has major effects on their view of Japan. Especially, the current youth generation in Japan has spoken out against being discriminated against as a minority and pursues life in Japan as an active social group. They do not equate naturalization as assimilation like the generation before them and do not consider naturalization an act of a traitor against Korea. Instead if they are to settle down and live for generations, they consider naturalization or switching citizenship as a step towards a restriction-free, better-off life. This article looks at the background and meaning of why the youth generation of Korean-Japanese have chosen an identity and life-style that transcends national or nationalist boundaries by examining the life and mind frame of Korean-Japanese as described in 'GO' by Kaneshiro Kazuki, a 3rd generation Korean-Japanese writer.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of Amino Acids on Anoxia-induced Cell Injury

        정순희 대한의생명과학회 2001 Biomedical Science Letters Vol.7 No.3

        This study was undertaken to examine the effect of amino acids on anoxia-induced cell injury in rabbit renal cortical slices. In order to induce anoxic cell injury, slices were exposed to a 100% N_2 atmosphere and control slices were exposed to 100% O_2. Irreversible cell injury was estimated by measuring lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release and alterations in renal cell function were examined by measuring p-aminohippurate (PAH) uptake. Anoxia caused the increase in LDH release in a time-dependent manner. Glycine and glutathione almost completely prevented anoxia-induced LDH release. Of amino acids tested, glycine and alanine exerted the protective effect against anoxia-induced cell injury. However, asparagine with amide side chain, leucine and valine with hydrocarbon side chain, and basic amino acids (lysine, histidine, and arginine) were not effective. Anoxia-induced inhibition of PAH uptake was prevented by glycine. ATP content was decreased by anoxia, which was not affected by glycine. Anoxia-induced deplection of glutathione was significantly prevented by glycine. These results suggest that neutral amino acids with simple structure exert the protective effect against anoxia-induced cell injury the involvement of specific interaction of amino acids and cell structure.

      • Pseudomonas putida SM25에서의 catBC 유전자의 발현과 catBCA Operon의 Promoter 부위 분석

        정영희,민경희,김지영,최순영 숙명여자대학교 자연과학연구소 1997 자연과학논문집 Vol.- No.8

        catBCA operon은 catechol로 부터 β-ketoadipate enol-lactone까지 ortho-경로로 분해되는 효소들을 암호하고 있으며, 이들 유전자들은 서로 연관된 전사 조절을 받고 있다. Pseudomonas putida SM25의 염색체로 DHA로 부터 catBCA promoter부위를 pRS415a에 클로닝하여 재조합 plasmid인 pRSB1을 제조하였다. 이 promoter의 작동을 lacZ의 reporter gene인 β-galactosidase의 활성으로 그 발현을 측정하였으며, 그 결과 Escherichia coli내에서의 promoter의 작동은 promoter가 없는 경우의 세표에서 보다 그 활성이 약 10배 높게 나타났다. S1 mapping으로 조사한 결과 catBCA promoter부위는 catB의 번역 개시코돈으로부터 약 45bp upstream부위에 전사개시 부위가 있는 것으로 추정된다. catBC promoter의 작동에 의한 mRNA의 발현은 RT-PCR을 이용하여 간접적으로 조사한 결과, cis, cis-muconate로 유도한 경우 mRNA발현은 현저하게 높게 나타내었으며, P. putida cell에서의 발현이 E. coli cell내에서 보다 높게 나타났다. catBCA genes are encoded for the dissimilation of catechol to β-ketoadipate enol-lactone by ortho-pathway and are regulated under corrdinate transcription regulation. Promoter region of catBCA operon was inserted into a promoter probe vector, pRS415a with lacZ gene, constructing recombinant plasmid pRSB1 carrying pRS415a-catBCA promoter in order to analyze expression from the catBC promoter. The transcription level of pRSB1 was increased 10 fold higher than that of pRS415a. The in vivo transcription initiation site of the catBCA operon was determined by S1 nuclease protection analysis, indicating that it was located on about 45bp upstream from the initiation codon of the translation. Transcription level of the catBCA operon in Pseudomonas putida SM25 was analyzed by RT-PCR indirectly. mRNA of catBC genes was synthesized in both the cells of P.putida PPO200-2 and Escherichia coli NovaBlue under the control of the promoter with induction of cis, cis-muconate.

      • KCI등재후보

        기술 교과의 ICT 활용 교육을 위한 XML 교수문서시스템의 설계 및 구현

        정덕길,이종구,한순희 한국컴퓨터교육학회 2003 컴퓨터교육학회 논문지 Vol.6 No.4

        21세기의 교육은 교육 정보화를 기반으로 한 연계·통합 교육으로 발전되고 있으며, ICT 활용교육이 교수-학습 전략과 유형을 제시하며, 기술교과의 수업 지도안에 대한 효율적인 XML 문서 생성 및 저장 시스템에 대한 구현 방안을 제시한다. 그리고 이 논문에서 구현된 XML 교수 문서 시스템을 적용하여 교육 자료의 효율적인 관리과 저장성을 높이고, 동일 업무에 대한 교육 자료의 재편집 과정을 감소시킴으로써 교육 자료의 가치를 높일 수 있는 가능성을 확인하였다. The education of 21st century is developed to the closely connected and integrated education, and the ICT applied education is suggested as an approach to teaching-learning method. In this paper, we suggest an teaching-learning pattern and strategy of Technology course as an example of the ICT applied education, and provide an implementation for the efficient XML document creation and storage system of teacher’s subject data. And we have confirmed the utilization of this system which it improves the efficient management and preservation of educational data and also it raises the value of educational data by decreasing the burden of re-editing the educational documents for similar business.

      • 황국균과 백국균의 대두 코지제조중 키토산의 효과

        정순택,문길만,조건식,강성국,김설희 木浦大學校 工業技術硏究所 1998 工業技術硏究誌 Vol.8 No.-

        The effect of chitosan in soybean koji preparation and characteristics of chitosan-koji were investigated. Aspergillus oryzae KCTC 6096 and Aspergillus kawachii KCCM 11458 was used for koji preparation. a-Amylase activity of soybean koji prepared with 0.25% 10cp chitosan was excellent relative to 30 cp chitosan and 1.6 times higher than non-added soybean koji. Acid and neutral protease activities of soybean koji prepared with 0.25%, 10 cp chitosan were showed simillary higher value than non-chitosna added koji. The period of koji preperation was reduced 30% by adding chitosan.

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