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      • KCI등재

        가열 조건을 달리한 단호박 페이스트와 검 종류별 단호박 라떼의 품질특성

        박보람,김나정,유선미,한귀정,김하윤,한혜민,신동선,신말식,Park, Bo-ram,Kim, Na-Jung,Yoo, Seon-Mi,Han, Gwi Jung,Kim, Ha Yoon,Han, Hye-min,Shin, Dong-Sun,Shin, Malshick 한국식품조리과학회 2015 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.31 No.3

        가열 조건에 따른 단호박 페이스트를 제조하기 위해, 단호박을 15분 간 초벌 증숙한 뒤, 고압가열 처리 0분(A), 10분(B), 20분(C), 40분(D) 실시하여 실험군의 품질특성 을 조사하였다. 그 결과 일반성분의 경우, 대체적으로 고 압가열 처리 유무에 따른 유의적 차이가 관찰되었으며, 고압가열 처리한 B, C, D 실험군의 수분함량, 조단백질, 조섬유가 고압가열 무처리군 A에 비해 감소하였고, 가용성 무질소물은 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 가열 조건별 단호박 페이스트의 수용성식이섬유는 고압가열 20분 처리군인 C의 측정치가 2.02로 가장 높았으며 무처리군인 A의 1.60 보다 증가하였고, 고압가열 처리 40분의 경우 오히려 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 색도의 L 값은 고압가열 무처리군인 A가 52.20에서 고압가열 처리 10분, 20분, 40분으로 시간이 증가함에 따라 각각 50.33, 49.46, 48.06으로 감소하였고, a 값과 b 값 또한 유의적인 차이를 보이며 감소하였다. 현미경을 통한 단호박 페이스트의 현탁액 입자를 관찰한 결과 카로티노이드를 포함하는 유세포가 관찰되었으며 고압가열 처리와 그 시간이 증가함에 따라 단호박 유세포의 변형이 뚜렷하게 관찰되었으나, 부유안정성 실험 결과 실험군 A, B, C, D 간 차이가 없었다. 이때, 가열조건의 선택은 수용성 식이섬유의 증가, 환원당 증가, 단맛의 관능특성이 유의적으로 높고, 전반적 기호도가 가장 우수한 것으로 나타난 고압가열 처리 20분인 C 실험군으로 결정하였다. 선택된 조건의 단호박 페이스트에 식품가공 시 널리 사용되는 검류인 xanthan gum, locust bean gum, guar gum을 단호박 페이스트에 종류별로 첨가하여 부유안정성을 확인하였는데, 이 결과 guar gum, locust bean gum, xanthan gum 순으로 부유안정성 효과를 나타냈으며 locust bean gum과 xanathan gum은 비슷한 정도의 효과를 보였다. 또한 관능검사를 통한 기호도 확인 결과 텍스쳐와, 전반적인 기호도가 가장 우수했으므로 locust bean gum(0.2%) 첨가 단호박 라떼의 품질이 가장 적절할 것으로 판단된다. For the production of pumpkin paste with respect to heating conditions, we steamed the pumpkin for roughly 15 min, heated it with high pressure treatment for 0 min (A), 10 min (B), 20 min (C), 40 min (D), and subsequently investigated the quality characteristics. Generally a significant difference was observed between the pumpkin paste treated with and without high-pressure heat. The values of water content, crude protein and crude fiber of the high-pressure heat-treated groups B, C, D were decreased compared with untreated group A. The soluble fiber in experimental group B sweet-pumpkin paste treated with high-pressure heat for 20 min was higher than the control, and the highest value at 2.02. Experimental group D sweet-pumpkin paste treated with high-pressure heat for 40 min was found to have a decreased soluble fiber content relative to the control. The L value for the color of the group A untreated control sweet-pumpkin paste (no high-pressure heating) decreased as the time increased from 10 min to 40 min, with L values of 50.33, 49.46, and 48.06, respectively. The b value for the color of the sweet-pumpkin paste also decreased, showing a significant difference. Taking into account all the results, we chose experimental group B in order to prepare sweet-pumpkin latte. We used 0.2% gum (xanthan gum, locust bean gum, guar gum) as a stabilizer. Sweet-pumpkin latte with xanthan and locust bean gum has a suspension stability effect that lasts 90 min. The L and b values of sweet-pumpkin latte with gums increase and a value decrease compared with the control. In terms of the overall acceptance of the sweet-pumpkin latte, the experimental group with xanthan gum scored the best.

      • P278 : Nonablative fractional laser as a tool to facilitate skin penetration of 5-aminolevulinic acid with minimal skin disruption

        ( In Jung Kang ),( Jeong Hwee Choi ),( Min Jae Gwak ),( Hee Kyeong Lim ),( Mu Hyoung Lee ),( Min Kyung Shin ) 대한피부과학회 2013 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.65 No.2

        Background: Effective penetration of photosensitizer is an essential step in photodynamic therapy (PDT). There have been trials of several methods, including laser treatment, to facilitate prompt and sufficiently deep transdermal drug delivery. Objectives: This study was performed to evaluate the effects of nonablative fractional laser pretreatment on aminolevulinic acid (ALA) penetration of the skin. Methods: Twelve identical treatment areas of 1 × 1 cm2 on the backs of 10 healthy male subjects were mapped. Each area received laser treatment with a different energy and incubation with ALA for different times. Laser treatment was performed with a 1550 nm fractional erbium glass laser, and the laser energy was set to 20 and 50 mJ with a spot density of 50/cm2. ALA incubation time was set to 30, 60, or 180 min. Porphyrin fluorescence was measured. Results: Nonablative fractional laser-pretreated areas showed significantly increased porphyrin fluorescence compared to non-pretreated areas. Laser energy strength and ALA incubation time were positively correlated with ALA absorption. Conclusion: Nonablative fractional laser treatment effectively enhanced ALA skin penetration. Pretreatment with a nonablative fractional laser can be used for ALA-PDT to achieve higher therapeutic efficacy and shortened ALA incubation times with minimal skin barrier disruption compared to ablative laser.

      • KCI등재

        신홍균(申洪均:改名申屹,申矻)한의사의 생애와 독립운동

        정상규(Jung Sang Gyu),신민식(Shin Min Shik) 한국의사학회 2021 한국의사학회지 Vol.34 No.1

        ShinHong-GyunandhisfamilyhavebeeninmedicineformanygenerationsasKoreanMedicalDoctors(KMDs).In1919whenShin Hong-GyunwasparticipatinginanindependencemovementinJang-Baek-Hyun,hisyoungerbrotherShinDong-Gyunwaskilledby Japanesemilitarypoliceforces.ThistragicincidenttriggeredShinHong-Gyuntoestablishanarmyfornationalindependencecalled <Dae-JinDan>,holding200youngmen,toserveinarmedstruggleagainsttheJapaneseGovernmentwithKim Jung-GeoninMay,1920. InMarch1933,ShinHong-Gyun,asamilitarysurgeon,ledhismentotheKoreanIndependenceArmytofightabattle.Oncehebecame amemberoftheKoreanIndependenceArmy,he,infact,participatedinfewbattles:Sadohaja,Dong-Kyung-Sung,Deajeonjayeong. DaejeonjayeongwasawaypointthattheJapanesemilitaryneededtopassthroughinordertoreachtheWangcheongarea.Shin Hong-Gyun’sindependenceforceshadtoendurepainfulstarvationandheavyrainwhilehidinginambushforlongperiodsoftimeuntil theJapanesemilitarywouldappear.Duetoitssummerrainyseason,rainwateroverflowedintotheirtrenchesandwasfilleduptothe waist.Evenworse,foodstockpileswerelow andtheJapanesearmydidnotappearforlongertime.ShinHong-Gyun’sentireteam sufferedseverehungerandextremecold. Atthiscriticalmoment,Shin Hong-Gyun used hisexpertiseasa KMD tofind edibleblackmushroomsthatgrow wild in the mountainsandusethem tofeedhismen.ThiseventledtothevictoryoftheindependencearmyatthebattleofDaejeonjayeong. Thepurposeofthepaperistoinform andhighlighttheforgottenhistoryofShinHong-Gyunwhowas,both,aKoreanMedical Doctorandamilitarysurgeon.

      • KCI등재

        An automated quality assurance system with deep learning for small cube-ball phantom localization in noisy megavoltage images

        Park Min-Jae,Lee Gyemin,Kwak Jungwon,Jeong Chiyoung,Goh YoungMoon,Kim Sung-woo,Cho Byungchul,Song Si Yeol,Kim Jong Hoon,Jung Jinhong,Shin Young Seob,Oh Jungsu 한국물리학회 2024 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.84 No.9

        To enhance effi ciency and minimize errors, we automated the quality assurance (QA) process in radiation oncology, specifi - cally laser localization. Additionally, we explored the use of a convolutional neural network (CNN) to enhance the detection of small cube-ball phantoms in noisy images. Laser localizations were measured manually on the acquired images. To automate the QA workfl ow, we developed a Linux server equipped with database and web servers. Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) fi les were retrieved 40 times for 10 linear accelerators (LINACs). The center of the cube-ball phantoms was estimated through Gaussian fi tting. We applied CNN using 6,968 stored results to improve the estimation performance in noisy megavoltage (MV) images. Subsequently, both analysis time and accuracy were compared. Our hospital has been employing the automated QA system since 2018, notably reducing the time for laser localization from 30 min to just 1 min. The average and standard deviation (SD) of inter-observer variability in the X- and Y-axes were 0.06 ± 0.01 mm and 0.05 ± 0.01 mm, respectively. Absolute diff erences between manual assessment and Gaussian fi tting presented average and SD values of 0.40 ± 0.51 mm and 0.23 ± 0.24 mm, respectively. In contrast, absolute diff erences between manual assessment and CNN presented average and SD values of 0.12 ± 0.10 mm and 0.11 ± 0.09 mm, respectively. Overall, the automated QA system signifi cantly hastened procedures in our large hospital and improved the estimation of the cube-ball phantom’s position in noisy images through deep learning.

      • 청소년의 스마트폰 중독과 우울 및 불안과의 관계

        김경은,김필송,민주연,박수경,신서인,이지은,정해인,조호정,최정원,최정인 이화여자대학교 간호과학대학 2013 이화간호학회지 Vol.- No.47

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between the degree of smart phone addiction among adolescents and their depression and anxiety levels. Method: In this study, 379 high school students were selected using the convenient sampling method. The instruments used for this study were smart phone addiction measure, the CES-D (Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale), and the STAI (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory). Data were analyzed using the SPSS 20.0 program with descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA with Scheffe test, and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Result: The mean score for smart phone addiction was 40.45±17.27, depression was 36.56±9.58, state anxiety was 44.00±9.61, and trait anxiety was 45.70±9.75. There were significant differences between the degree of smart phone addiction and the following variables: gender (t=-4.953, p<.001), hours of smart phone use per day (F=12.259, p<.001), types of frequently used features (F=3.485, p=.008), and satisfaction level for smart phone (F=5.18, p<.001). There were statistically significant relationships (p<.001) among degree of smart phone addiction, depression level, and state and trait anxiety levels. Conclusion: The results of this study suggested that there was a significant relationship between smart phone addiction and mental health, specifically, depression and anxiety among adolescents. Further research is needed to develop nursing strategies to provide care for adolescents who frequently utilize smart phones.

      • Involvement of calcium-mediated apoptotic signals in H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>-induced MIN6N8a cell death

        Choi, Sung-E,Min, Se-Hee,Shin, Ha-Chul,Kim, Hyo-Eun,Jung, Min Whan,Kang, Yup Elsevier 2006 european journal of pharmacology Vol.547 No.1

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>Reactive oxygen species are believed to be the central mediators of beta-cell destruction that leads to type 1 and 2 diabetes, and calcium has been reported to be an important mediator of beta cell death. In the present study, the authors investigated whether Ca<SUP>2+</SUP> plays a role in hydrogen peroxide (H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB>)-induced MIN6N8a mouse beta cell death. Treatment with low concentration H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB> (50?μM) was found to be sufficient to reduce MIN6N8a cell viability by 55%, largely via apoptosis. However, this H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB>-induced cell death was near completely blocked by pretreatment with BAPTA/AM (5?μM), a chelator of intracellular Ca<SUP>2+</SUP>. Moreover, the intracellular calcium store channel blockers, such as, xestospongin c and ryanodine, significant protected cells from 50?μM H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB>-induced cell death and under extracellular Ca<SUP>2+</SUP>-free conditions, 50?μM H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB> elicited transient [Ca<SUP>2+</SUP>]<SUB>i</SUB> increases. In addition, pharmacologic inhibitors of calpain, calcineurin, and calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II were found to have a protective effect on H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB>-induced death. Moreover, H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB>-induced apoptotic signals, such as c-JUN N-terminal kinase activation, cytochrome <I>c</I> release, caspase 3 activation, and poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase cleavage were all down-regulated by the intracellular Ca<SUP>2+</SUP> chelation. These findings show that [Ca<SUP>2+</SUP>]<SUB>i</SUB> elevation, possibly due to release from intracellular calcium stores and the subsequent activation of Ca<SUP>2+</SUP>-mediated apoptotic signals, critically mediates low concentration H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB>-induced MIN6N8a cell death. These findings suggest that a breakdown of calcium homeostasis by low level of reactive oxygen species may be involved in beta cell destruction during diabetes development.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Simple scalable approach to advanced membrane module design and hydrogen separation performance using twelve replaceable palladium-coated Al2O3 hollow fibre membranes

        Soomin Lim,Edoardo Magnone,Min Chang Shin,강정원,이관영,Chang-Hun Jeong,Jung Hoon Park 한국공업화학회 2022 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.114 No.-

        A phase-inversion approach was used to manufacture Al2O3 hollow fibre supports, which were then sinteredat 1723 K. The electroless plating technique is developed to prepare palladium-coated Al2O3 hollowfibre membranes for hydrogen separation. Three different scaling-up configurations were produced andtested: single membrane, membrane unit obtained by assembling three membranes, and advanced membranemodule obtained by assembling twelve replaceable membranes. The hydrogen flux was investigatedunder vacuum and without vacuum using a feed gas of pure H2 (100%) and a binary feed gasmixture of H2 (80%) and CO2 (20%) at different feed gas pressures (100–800 kPa), feed gas rate (0.2–6. 0 L min1), and temperature (673–723 K). The hydrogen flux increases from 0.2162 mol m2 s1 (feedgas pressure = 600 kPa, feed gas rate = 0.2 L min1) to 0.4487 mol m2 s1 (feed gas pressure = 800 kPa, feed gas rate = 6.0 L min1) under the binary gas mixture at 723 K by switching from a single to theadvanced membrane module, while the hydrogen purity remains above 97.5% throughout the experiment. Some aspects about the scalability of palladium-coated Al2O3 hollow fibre membranes for hydrogenseparation are discussed.

      • Chlorpropamide 2-hydroxylation is catalysed by CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 <i>in vitro</i>: chlorpropamide disposition is influenced by CYP2C9, but not by CYP2C19 genetic polymorphism

        Shon, Ji-Hong,Yoon, Young-Ran,Kim, Min-Jung,Kim, Kyoung-Ah,Lim, Young-Chae,Liu, Kwang-Hyeon,Shin, Dong-Hoon,Lee, Chung Han,Cha, In-June,Shin, Jae-Gook Blackwell Science Ltd 2005 British journal of clinical pharmacology Vol.59 No.5

        <P>Aims</P><P>We evaluated the involvement of cytochrome P450 (CYP) isoforms 2C9 and 2C19 in chlorpropamide 2-hydroxylation <I>in vitro</I> and in chlorpropamide disposition <I>in vivo</I>.</P><P>Methods</P><P>To identify CYP isoforms(s) that catalyse 2-hydroxylation of chlorpropamide, the incubation studies were conducted using human liver microsomes and recombinant CYP isoforms. To evaluate whether genetic polymorphisms of CYP2C9 and/or CYP2C19 influence the disposition of chlorpropamide, a single oral dose of 250 mg chlorpropamide was administered to 21 healthy subjects pregenotyped for CYP2C9 and CYP2C19.</P><P>Results</P><P>In human liver microsomal incubation studies, the formation of 2-hydroxychlorpropamide (2-OH-chlorpropamide), a major chlorpropamide metabolite in human, has been best described by a one-enzyme model with estimated <I>K</I><SUB><I>m</I></SUB> and <I>V</I><SUB>max</SUB> of 121.7 ± 19.9 µ<SMALL>M</SMALL> and 16.1 ± 5.0 pmol min<SUP>−1</SUP> mg<SUP>−1</SUP> protein, respectively. In incubation studies using human recombinant CYP isoforms, however, 2-OH-chlorpropamide was formed by both CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 with similar intrinsic clearances (CYP2C9 <I>vs.</I> CYP2C19: 0.26 <I>vs.</I> 0.22 µl min<SUP>−1</SUP> nmol<SUP>−1</SUP> protein). Formation of 2-OH-chlorpropamide in human liver microsomes was significantly inhibited by sulfaphenazole, but not by <I>S</I>-mephenytoin, ketoconazole, quinidine, or furafylline. In <I>in vivo</I> clinical trials, eight subjects with the <I>CYP2C9</I>*<I>1/</I>*<I>3</I> genotype exhibited significantly lower nonrenal clearance [*<I>1/</I>*<I>3 vs.</I>*<I>1/</I>*<I>1</I>: 1.8 ± 0.2 <I>vs.</I> 2.4 ± 0.1 ml h<SUP>−1</SUP> kg<SUP>−1</SUP>, <I>P</I> < 0.05; 95% confidence interval (CI) on the difference 0.2, 1.0] and higher metabolic ratios (of chlorpropamide/2-OH-chlorpropamide in urine: *<I>1/</I>*<I>3 vs.</I>*<I>1/</I>*<I>1</I>: 1.01 ± 0.19 <I>vs.</I> 0.56 ± 0.08, <I>P</I> < 0.05; 95% CI on the difference − 0.9, − 0.1) than did 13 subjects with <I>CYP2C9</I>*<I>1/</I>*<I>1</I> genotype. In contrast, no differences in chlorpropamide pharmacokinetics were observed for subjects with the <I>CYP2C19</I> extensive metabolizer <I>vs.</I> poor metabolizer genotypes.</P><P>Conclusions</P><P>These results suggest that chlorpropamide disposition is principally determined by CYP2C9 activity <I>in vivo</I>, although both CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 have a catalysing activity of chlorpropamide 2-hydroxylation pathway.</P>

      • 뇌성마비 환자의 전신마취 하 치과치료

        정준민,서광석,이영은,한희정,한진희,김혜정,신터전,김현정,염광원,장주혜,Chung, Jun-Min,Seo, Kwang-Suk,Yi, Young-Eun,Han, Hee-Jung,Han, Jin-Hee,Kim, Hye-Jung,Shin, Teo-Jeon,Kim, Hyun-Jeong,Yum, Kwang-Won,Chang, Ju-He 대한치과마취과학회 2008 Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Vol.8 No.1

        Background: Cerebral palsy (CP) is non-progressive disorder of motion and posture. In CP patient, there are difficulties in dental treatment because of uncontrolled movement of limb and head, and conjoined disabilities such as cognitive impairment, sensory loss, seizures, communication and behavioral disturbances. It is reported that CP patients have high incidence in caries and a higher prevalence of periodontal disease. But, despite the need for oro-dental care, these patients often are unlikely to receive adequate treatment without sedation or general anesthesia because of uncontrolled movements of the trunk or head. Methods: We reviewed the 58 cases of 56 patients with CP who underwent outpatient general anesthesia for dental treatment at the clinic for the disabled in Seoul National University Dental Hospital. Results: The mean age was 19 (2-54) years. The number of male patient was 40 and that of female was 18. They all had severe spastic cerebral palsy and 22 had sever mental retardation, 15 epilepsy, 8 organic brain disorder, 1 blindness, 2 deafness and cleft palate. For anesthesia induction, 14 cases was needed physical restriction who had sever mental retardation and cooperation difficulty, but 44 cases showed good or moderate cooperation. Drugs used for anesthesia induction were thiopental (37 cases), sevoflurane (14 cases), ketamine (3 cases ) and propofol (4 cases). All patients except one were done nasotracheal intubation for airway management and 4 cases were needed difficult airway management and 1 patient already had tracheostomy tube. Mean total anesthetic time was $174{\pm}56$ min and staying time at PACU was $88{\pm}39$ min. There was no death or long term hospitalization because of severe complications. Conclusion: If general anesthesia is needed, pertinent diagnostic tests and workup about anomaly, and appropriate anesthetic planning are essential for safety.

      • KCI등재

        한국 전통 한과류에 대한 대학생들의 인지도 및 기호도에 관한 연구

        정효선,신민자 한국조리과학회 2003 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.19 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptions and preferences of college students to Korean traditional cookies. Self administered questionnaires were collected from 512 college students in the Seoul, Kyunggi, Chungchung, Kyungsane, Junla and Gangwondo areas. The data were statistically analysed using t-tests, one-way ANOVA and their correlation. The recognition of Korean traditional cookie was generally low with the exception of these items as either a seasonable or festive food. There were significant differences in the mean recognition and preference values for each kind of Korean traditional cookie between the major subject studied, gender and subject grade. (Eds note: how were the mean values different for the 3 specified variables?) The preference of tome Korean cookies was relatively higher than estimated, (Eds note: how was the original estimate arrived at?) such as Yugwa, Gangjeong, Han-gwa. Hobak-yeot, Ddangkong-yeot-eanaieong and Ssal-yeot-gangieong. However, it is impossible to discriminate low preference, as over 80% of the low preference values had not been completed on the questionnaires.

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