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        Effects of Process Writing on University Students` Writing Abilities

        Jong Oh Ahn(안종오) 언어과학회 2002 언어과학연구 Vol.21 No.-

        Writing is not a linear, but recursive process. Writing processes do not have a complete model, and level differences are very big according to their training degree. So I present some process approach models and teaching guides. Process approach focuses more on the various classroom activities which are believed to promote the development of skilled language use. When students use these models, they can continue to use quick writing and speed writing. Quick writing aids invention by separating the process of creating from the process of editing. Using speed writing, they increase their speed in writing and decrease errors due to faulty translation. Thus speed writing helps them to write more fluently. The subjects in this experiment were 100 in Taegu University. Taegu University students were all freshmen. I have examined developmental experiment from March in 2001 to November in 2001. And then, I analyzed writing types(expository, descriptive, narrative, technical), and incorrect sentences in their writings. They are divided into 4 types, expository writing, descriptive writing, narrative writing, technical writing. Especially expository writing is used for improving students` writing abilities. So I analyzed expository writing according to four clauses, transitive, intransitive, equational, passive, and errors in students` writing types. The number of writings are 20 questions for each writing type. The results(%/N) are transitive (expository 50/10, descriptive 15/3, narrative 20/4, technical 10/2), intransitive(expository 25/5, descriptive 30/6, narrative 40/8, technical 5/1), equational(expository 15/3, descriptive 45/9, narrative 30/6, technical 20/4), passives (expository 10/2, descriptive 10/2, narrative 10/2, technical 65/13). In sum, EFL student`s creative writing can be explained as composition of various clauses. I want to emphasize expository writing to improve students` writing abilities. Then, teacher can use other writing types to compare to this type. Also he can analyze these writing types according to transitive, intransitive, equational, passive clauses in extended categories.

      • 배출권거래제도의 소송상 쟁점에 관한 연구

        안종오(Jong Oh Ahn) 서울대학교 법학평론 편집위원회 2015 법학평론 Vol.5 No.-

        온실가스를 줄여 지구를 살리기 위한 전세계적 흐름은 탄소배출권거래제를 만들어냈다. 인류입장에서는 다행인 일이나, 기업 입장에서는 새로운 제도에 대한 적응비용이 들 수밖에 없어 어느 정도 저항이 예상된다. EU에서도 시행초기에는 각종 헌법소송, 행정소송이 제기되어 유럽연합법원 및 각국의 법원에서 그에 대한 판단을 내놓았고, 우리나라 법조계, 기업도 그에 대한 사전 대비가 필요한 실정이다. 이 논문은 탄소배출권거래제에 대한 기초적인 내용을 다룬 후에 헌법소송상 쟁점, 행정소송상 쟁점, 형사법상 쟁점 순으로 검토하였다. 탄소배출권거래제는 헌법적인 관점에서 볼 때, 기업의 직업의 자유 내지 영업의 자유에 대한 제한을 필연적으로 수반하게 된다. 또한 탄소배출권거래제의 적용을 받는지 여부에 따라 평등의 원칙 위배 여부도 문제될 수 있다. 이 제도가 기업인의 직업의 자유를 제한하고 있으며, 평등의 원칙의 관점에서 볼 때 차별적 요소가 있음을 부인할 수 없을 것이다. 다만, 기본권 제한에 있어 가장 효율적 수단을 선택하여 그 제한으로 인한 침해를 최소화하고, 침해의 정도와 공익을 비교형량하였다면 합헌적으로 평가되어야 할 것이다. 가장 효율적이고 최소침해적인 수단인지 여부는 다른 제도와의 비교에서 도출될 수 있다. 그 판단을 위해서는 우리 입법부와 정부가 이 제도를 도입하고 시행하기 위하여 어떠한 사정을 고려하고 연구하였는지에 대한 평가가 선행되어야 한다. 행정법적 관점에서는 배출권거래법상 기본계획, 할당계획 등과 같은 계획의 처분성 여부, 각종 처분성 있는 행위의 취소여부 등에 대하여 검토하였다. 환경부의 할당처분에 재량의 일탈 · 남용이 있음을 이유로 한 취소소송이 제기되면, 법원에서 할당처분의 기준이 된 과거의 할당량 계산방식의 적합성, 각종 할당처분의 근거자료 등이 제시될 것이다. 또한, 기업에서는 행정청의 처분의 근거가 된 각종 자료에 대한 정보공개청구를 해 올 것이다. 정보공개여부 판단시 국민의 알권리 보장과 보호될 이익의 내용, 권리보호 필요성 등이 종합적으로 고려되어야 한다. 형사법적 관점에서는 배출권거래가 일반 주식거래와 같이 한국거래소에서 이루어지다보니 처벌조항 상당부분이 자본시장법상 처벌조항을 준용하고 있다. 자본시장법상 규정을 준용함에 있어서 배출권 거래의 특수성, 상쇄배출권 인정, 관련 복합금융상품의 등장 등에 유념하여야 한다. 아울러, 시장개설 초기에 각종 불법행위가 이루어질 수 있으므로 단속을 집중하여야 할 것이다. 끝으로, EU 사례에서도 볼 수 있듯이 해킹, 피싱 등 컴퓨터 사기범죄, 부가가치세 포탈범죄, 자금세탁범죄가 빈발할 수 있으므로 경찰, 검찰, 금융관련 기관 등이 단속 역량을 강화하여야 할 것이다. Carbon Emission Trading System was introduced amid the worldwide trend to avoid dangerous climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emission. Notwithstanding its original purpose, the application of new system would cost a fortune to companies and has brought resistances, and for example, the EU court and the courts in numerous European countries have ruled on various constitutional and administrative lawsuits since the system was enforced. While businesses as well as law field in Korea also need to be prepared for similar issues occurred in EU, this paper studies potential issues in constitutional law, administrative law, and criminal law related to Carbon Emission Trading System after briefly introducing the System at the beginning. In constitutional view, the System necessarily accompanies limitations of the freedom of occupation and the freedom of business of companies in Korea. In addition the discriminately selective application of the System may run counter to the principle of equality, as not only this system limits the occupational freedom of businessman but also other discriminative factors exist. Yet the limitation of fundamental rights can be considered constitutional if the invasion is minimized and the most effective means of invasion are chosen by fairly comparing the degree of private interest invaded and public interest achieved. Whether some means are the most effective and the least invasive can be determined by comparing them to other systems, and it starts with evaluating how the Korean legislative body and government have studied the introduction and enforcement of this system. In terms of administrative law, this paper mainly examined whether the plans such as general plan and allocation plan in Carbon Emission Trading Law can be considered as administrative disposals, and whether these administrative disposals can be cancelled accordingly. When a revocation litigation is filed for the abuse of discretion against an allocation plan by Ministry of Environment, the court will mainly consider the suitability of previous allotment calculation methods and various base data of allocation plans. Companies may also request the government to release various base information on the administrative disposals. When deciding whether to release the information, overall consideration is necessary regarding people’s right to know, the content of the protected interests and the necessity of protection. In terms of criminal law, as the emission trading will be done through Korea Exchange like ordinary stock trading, the most part of penalty clauses applies the existing penalty clauses in Capital Market Act. When applying these penalty clauses in Capital Market Act, it should note the specialty of emission trading, admission of offsetting emission, the appearance of combined financial products, etc. Moreover, various illegalities must be cracked down at the beginning of market opening. In conclusion, as in EU cases, computer fraud crime like hacking and phishing, VAT evasion crime, money laundering crime, etc., may frequently occur, so the police, the prosecution, financial agency, etc. must reinforce their capability of crackdown.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 유해폐기물법제의 개선방향

        안종오(Ahn, Jong-Oh) 경희법학연구소 2005 경희법학 Vol.40 No.2

        Hazardous waste can cause irreparable damage to human life and environment when they are ill managed. In Korea, hazardous waste are regulated by the Waste Management Act. Korean legislation on waste management and disposal has been largely changed reflecting the world-wide sustainable development slogan and the industry-wide resource recycling campaign. For example, European Union has put the limit on the kind and amount of polluted emissions of automobiles, and restricts the importation of the cars which could produce the emissions exceeding the limit. As a result, the management and disposal of hazardous waste have a great influence on the foreign trade. Generally, each country regulates the definition and management of hazardous waste in a different manner. In Korea, hazardous waste are listed in the Waste Management Act. When they are transported to other place, the transportation route shall be determined to avoid any probable incident which might cause damage to the public. At the same time, a comprehensive incident response system should be established to immediately deal with the incident related with waste under transportation. The administrative permission to build and operate hazardous waste facilities should be processed in a proper and streamlined manner when there is an urgent need for facilities at a certain location. If any resident or interested person raises an objection to the administrative permission in hearings to deal with hazardous waste issues, only he or she has standing to file a lawsuit with the court. If the hazardous waste facilities are transferred to a third party, the approval procedure of the competent authority should be arranged. And any affected person should be compensated from a liability reserve fund aside from ordinary civil damages. As mentioned above, the improvement of current legal regime on hazardous waste is necessary. But the more important thing is the enhanced public awareness of the environment and increased surveillance and administrative supervision on this matter.

      • KCI등재

        영어 학습자의 중간언어 형성과정과 학습전략

        안종오(Jong Oh Ahn) 언어과학회 2000 언어과학연구 Vol.18 No.-

        Foreign Learning learner`s interlanguage(IL) is changing gradually. This takes place by the introduction of a new rule, first in one context and then in another, and so on. Incomplete application of rules involves a failure to learn the more complex types of structure because the learner finds he can achieve effective communication by using relatively simple learning strategies. This study was conducted to analyze the IL Formative Processes and Learning Strategies of English students. In order to investigate what factors cause learners` IL variabilities and how learners` IL variabilities would differ according to the increase of English proficiency, the writer chose 200 subjects from among the college-level students based on their English proficiency. They are divided into 2 groups; G-A (Advanced group) and G-I (Group Intermediate). Out of 5590 deviants of 10,000 responses (55.9%) were classified as Language Transfer (29.98%), Overgeneralization (49.88%), and Combined (20.14%). In sum, English learner`s IL Variability can be explained as a result of constant IL changing process (learning strategy), this process of constant revision and extension of target language rules is a feature of the foreign language learning.

      • Learning Styles, Cognitive Styles and Strategies For the Learner-Centered Approach

        Ahn, Jong-oh 대구대학교 인문과학 예술문화연구소 2004 人文科學硏究 Vol.28 No.-

        L2 학습자의 학습유형은 개별학습자의 인성변수, 배경지식, 교육경험에 따른 것이며, 학습전략은 학습에 참여해서 목표어를 사용하는 정신적 과정에 의한 것이라 할 수 있다. 학습자언어는 이를 구성하고 있는 언어규칙이 어느 한 단계에서 고정되어 있는 것이 아니라 늘 수정, 보완이 가능하다는 점에서 그들의 언어능력에 상관없이 변화, 발전시켜 가는 과정에서 중간언어(IL) 변이가 발생하게 되고, 그들의 학습유형과 수준에 따라 다양한 학습전략을 사용함으로써 언어능력이 향상이 되고 목표어(TL) 자료에 대한 의존도가 높아 항목별 변이의 수가 줄어들게 되는 것으로 나타났다. L2 습득에서 IL 변이는 언어발달과정상 앞선 단계의 변이를 재조정하여 새로운 변이체계로 이동해 가는 것으로 구성이 되고, 이것은 IL 체계의 효과적인 의사소통을 위하여 유형-기능관계를 끊임없이 혼합함으로써 비체계적인 변이들이 서서히 자연스럽고 체계적인 변이로 변화해 가고 있음을 보여주고 있다.

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