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        AMPK Promotes Aberrant PGC1β Expression To Support Human Colon Tumor Cell Survival

        Fisher, Kurt W.,Das, Binita,Kim, Hyun Seok,Clymer, Beth K.,Gehring, Drew,Smith, Deandra R.,Costanzo-Garvey, Diane L.,Fernandez, Mario R.,Brattain, Michael G.,Kelly, David L.,MacMillan, John,White, Mic American Society for Microbiology 2015 Molecular and cellular biology Vol.35 No.22

        <P>A major goal of cancer research is the identification of tumor-specific vulnerabilities that can be exploited for the development of therapies that are selectively toxic to the tumor. We show here that the transcriptional coactivators peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1β (PGC1β) and estrogen-related receptor α (ERRα) are aberrantly expressed in human colon cell lines and tumors. With kinase suppressor of Ras 1 (KSR1) depletion as a reference standard, we used <U>fu</U>nctional <U>si</U>gnature <U>on</U>tology (FUSION) analysis to identify the γ1 subunit of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) as an essential contributor to PGC1β expression and colon tumor cell survival. Subsequent analysis revealed that a subunit composition of AMPK (α2β2γ1) is preferred for colorectal cancer cell survival, at least in part, by stabilizing the tumor-specific expression of PGC1β. In contrast, PGC1β and ERRα are not detectable in nontransformed human colon epithelial cells, and depletion of the AMPKγ1 subunit has no effect on their viability. These data indicate that Ras oncogenesis relies on the aberrant activation of a PGC1β-dependent transcriptional pathway via a specific AMPK isoform.</P>

      • KCI등재후보

        Enhancing Fatigue Strength by Ultrasonic Impact Treatment

        Sougata Roy,John W. Fisher 한국강구조학회 2005 International Journal of Steel Structures Vol.5 No.3

        Enhancement in fatigue performance of welded joints by Ultrasonic Impact Treatment (UIT) was evaluated in large-scaleplates and transverse stifeners and eight built-up specimens having only transverse stifener details were fatigue tested aftertreating them by UIT. A partial factorial experiment was conducted at various levels of stress range between 52 and 201 MPa,and at various levels of minimum stress, resulting in stress ratios not exceeding 0.6. Test results indicated that UIT enhancedthe fatigue performance of all treated details by improving the weld toe profile, changing microstructure, and introducingbeneficial compressive residual stresses at the treated region. The treatment efectively elevated the fatigue limit withoutCategory C' details were proposed and fatigue strength of a treated detail for infinite life was estimated by a simplified stress-life approach using Finite Element Analysis.

      • KCI등재후보

        Fatigue Strength of Stainless Steel Weldments

        Brian Metrovich,John W. Fisher 한국강구조학회 2005 International Journal of Steel Structures Vol.5 No.3

        Fatigue crack propagation in stiffened box-sections and stiffened single panels was studied through experimental andanalytical means. Large scale testing was conducted by subjecting the specimens to cyclic fatigue loading. The cracks weresimilar to what was measured in the specimens. Using superposition, linear elastic fracture mechanics was employed throughfinite element analysis and simplistic analytical models to determine the range in stress intensity factor (K). Crack propagationrate as a function of K was estimated using the Paris law with uper-bound coefficients. The predicted growth rate was mostin the redundant box-sections and the single non-redundant panels. The models developed in these projects can be easilyreproduced and used to asses the remaing life of ships with large cracks.

      • KCI등재후보

        Field Testing of Orthotropic Bridge Decks

        Robert J. Connor,John W. Fisher 한국강구조학회 2005 International Journal of Steel Structures Vol.5 No.3

        Flange and web plate panels of steel box girders are subjected to cyclic loads. For relatively slender flange plate panels withinitial out-of-flatness, cyclic loading produces repeated out-of-plane deflection of the plate and leads to “panting fatigue”,inducing fatigue cracking along the plate panel boundaries. There is no existing procedure to predict the effects of out-of-planedeflection and the asociated plate bending stresses. A finite element package was used to provide a simplified model forwere tested in a laboratory under repeated reversal bending. This paper presents the results of the experimental and finiteelement work to examine the phenomenon of panting fatigue in steel plate panels. Recomendations are provided for thedesign and analysis of flange plate panels of box girders when subjected to repeated out-of-plane displacements.

      • KCI등재후보

        Constraint Induced Fracture in Steel Bridges-Cass Studies

        E. J. Kaufmann,John W. Fisher 한국강구조학회 2005 International Journal of Steel Structures Vol.5 No.3

        A post-tensioned friction damped connection (PFDC) for the seismic retrofit of stel moment resisting frames (MRFs) ispresented. The connection features post-tensioned (PT) high strength strands running paralel to the beam with friction devicescolumns, and panel zones, and requires minimal fillet field welding. Results from nonlinear time history analysis show that anMRF retrofitted with PFDCs has improved performance compared to an as-built MRF with conventional welded momentconections. The MRF retrofit enables damage to be controlled and provide a self-centering capability, resulting in minimalresidual drift to the building following an earthquake.

      • KCI등재후보

        Fatigue Performance and Design Refinements of Steel Orthotropic Deck Panels Based on Full-Scale Laboratory Tests

        Paul A. Tsakopoulos,John W. Fisher 한국강구조학회 2005 International Journal of Steel Structures Vol.5 No.3

        AL-6XN superaustenitic stainless stel. Three weld details: longitudinal fillet welds, transverse groove welds, and simulatedbulkhead attachments, were tested under constant amplitude loading. Fabrication was of shipyard quality using the GMAWweld proces. A total of 66 large-scale I-beams were tested, resulting in over 186 observed fatigue cracks, 82 of whichpropagated through the flange thicknes, in adition to many uncracked details related to the constant amplitude fatigue limitthwas evaluated analytically using fracture mechanics concepts. Based on the experimental and analytical results, the folowingdesign recomendations were made: (1) use AASHTO Category B for standard double sided longitudinal fillet welds with aCAFL of 100 Mpa, (2) use AASHTO Category C for transverse groove welds subjected to non-destructive evaluation to avoidlarge internal defects with a CAFL of 83 Mpa, (3) use AASHTO Category E for 200 m long attachments with a CAFL ofyet tested on AL-6XN stainless steel.

      • KCI등재후보

        Fatigue Induced by Repeated Out-of-Plane Deflection of Welded Plates

        Duncan Paterson,Ben T. Yen,John W. Fisher 한국강구조학회 2005 International Journal of Steel Structures Vol.5 No.3

        strength, corosion resistance, fracture toughness, and weldability of HPS. Under certain conditions, however, HPS bridgegirder designs are controlled by design limits that are not influenced by steel strength and the use of HPS may not beeconomical. To overcome some of these design limits, I-shaped girders with tubular flanges have been proposed. This paperfocuses on concrete-filled tubular flange girders (CFTFGs). Design criteria for these girders are proposed and an initial designresults using the FE models are used to develop design flexural strength criteria for construction and service conditions. Anexperimental study showing advantages of CFTFGs and their ability to cary factored design loads under construction andservice conditions are presented.

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