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      • QBCO and NSQBCO Based Multi-User Single-Relay Selection Scheme in Cooperative Relay Networks

        Jizheng Li,Ming Diao 보안공학연구지원센터 2016 International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Vol.9 No.7

        In cooperative relay networks with multiple users and multiple potential relays, which relay nodes are selected has great impact on the system performance. It is an optimization problem for selecting suitable relay nodes. The exhaustive search can solve this problem but the complexity will increase factorially with the network size, i.e., the number of users and the number of relays in the network. In this paper, we formulate both single-objective and multi-objective relay selection problems. For single-objective relay selection problem, only one system objective is considered. A novel quantum bee colony optimization (QBCO) based relay selection scheme is proposed. For multi-objective relay selection problem, two contradictive objectives are considered simultaneously. A novel non-dominated sorting quantum bee colony optimization (NSQBCO) based relay selection scheme is proposed. Simulation results show that the proposed relay selection schemes have the ability to find global optimal solution but have less computational complexity compared with exhaustive search scheme.

      • KCI등재

        中韓語言文化推廣機構對比硏究 - 孔子學院與世宗學堂發展的角度 -

        LI JIZHENG 영남대학교 중국연구센터 2023 중국과 중국학 Vol.- No.48

        많은 국가에서 자체 언어문화를 보급하기 위해 언어문화 보급기 구를 개설했다. 이러한 기구는 언어학습, 문화소개, 활동교류 및 기타 활동을 기반으로 국가의 이미지를 구현하고 국가 소프트 파워를 향상시키는 데 큰 역할을 하고 있다. 2004년 11월 대한민국 서울에 세계 최초의 공자학원이 설립되었으며 한국도 2007년 한국어, 한국 문화를 소개하는 기구인 ‘세종학당’을 열었다. 공자학원과 세종학당은같은 동아시아 지역에 설립되어서 국정⋅언어⋅문화적인 측면에서 공통점도 보이고 있지만 동시에 차이점도 드러내고 있다. 이글에서는 중국의 공자학원과 한국의 세종학당을 연구대상으로 하여 각각의 발전과정에서 나타나는 특성과 문제점을 비교 분석하고 이러한 문제점들에 대한 개선방안을 제시했다. 세종학당과 공자학원은 전략배치, 관리기구, 관리방식, 교육방식, 교육내용 등 면에서 서로 다른 점과 같은 점을 드러내기도 하며 각기 난항을 겪기도 하였다. 공자학원은 다소 일찍 시작되었고 국가적 지원이라는 장점이 있었으며 또 ‘대학교 협력 모델’로 인해 홍보 과정에 서도 양적 우세를 점하고 있어 인지도를 높이는 것은 비교적 쉬운 일이었다. 상대적으로 세종학당의 출발점은 다소 늦었지만 한류의 영향력에 힘입어 역시 눈에 띄게 발전하는 모습을 보였다. 세종학당은 초기에는 언어 위주로 보급돼 어느 정도 성과를 거뒀지만 문화적으로 다소 부족했다. 하지만 전 세계적으로 한류 바람이 거세게 불어 한국 관련 문화 전파는 점차 상승세를 보이고 있다. 세종학당은 한류자원의 통합, 브랜드화의 심도 있는 발굴에 힘입어 해마다 인지도가 높아지고 있다. 일반적으로 언어문화 진흥기구로서의 양자는 발전과정에서 많은 공통점을 보였다. 서로 다른 점이 드러나는 것은 두 나라의 국정, 정치 체제, 시스템 및 발전 우선순위가 다르기 때문이다. 그러나 향후 발전의 관점에서 두 기관 모두 문화 자원의 통합, 교육 모델의 혁신, 교사 인력 향상, 현지화 촉진, 교류 및 협력, 민간 자금 시도에 중점을 두고 기관의 작업을 심화할 것이다. 요컨대 질적인 면에서부터 시작하여 고품질의 언어문화 전파기구를 만들고자 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        韓國孔子學院漢字教學現狀淺析 ― 幾所孔子學院初級課程為中心

        LI JIZHENG 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2022 中國學論叢 Vol.- No.77

        As a non-profit educational institution for people from all over the world to learn Chinese and understand Chinese culture, the Confucius Institute has always played an important role. Since the world's first Confucius Institute was established in Seoul in November 2004, 24 Confucius Institutes have been opened in South Korea. These Confucius Institutes play an important role for Korean learners to learn Chinese language and culture. In international Chinese teaching, Chinese characters have always been a difficult point for non-native Chinese language learners to learn Chinese, and it is also one of the key points in international Chinese teaching. Based on the historical development of international Chinese character teaching, this paper analyzes the Chinese character curriculum of various Confucius Institutes in Korea (including online Confucius Institutes), based on the existing research. And through the questionnaire survey to investigate the Chinese character teaching situation of the teachers of the Confucius Institute. Through the investigation, it is found that the courses related to Chinese characters are relatively scarce, and the relevant teaching materials are also rare. The teacher group subjectively recognizes the importance of Chinese character teaching, but limited by the constraints of objective conditions, it is impossible to offer relevant courses. In the teaching implementation stage, most of the teaching will not be subdivided into details such as radicals and structures to carry out Chinese character teaching, which is often carried out at the same time as new word learning.

      • KCI등재

        중국 대학의 한국어 전공 발전 및 현황에 대하여

        LI JIZHENG,최연화 국제어문학회 2022 국제어문 Vol.- No.95

        한국과 중국은 지리적으로 가깝고 역사적으로도 왕래가 밀접하여 지금까지 언어, 문화의 교류가 활발히 이루어졌다. 자료에 따르면 중국에서 공식성격의 한국어(조선어) 관련 전문인력을 양성하는 기관은 회동사역관(會同四譯館)이고 1892년 원세개(袁世凱)1859년-1916년, 청말민초(淸末民初)의 정치가이자 군사가, 북양군벌(北洋軍閥)의 지도자이다. 통상대신기조선총독(通商大臣暨朝鮮總督)으로 조선(朝鮮)에 다녀온 후에 천진소참(天津小站)에서 신군(新軍)을 훈련시켰다. 중화민국(中華民國) 임시 대총통(大總統)이 되어서 1913년에 2차 혁명을 진압하고 중화민국 대총통에 당선되었다. 가 통상교섭사무공서(通商交涉事務公署)에 한어학당(韓語學堂)을 설치했음을 알 수 있다. 이러한 기록들은 국립기관에서 한국어 양성기관을 설립하였음을 말해준다. 비록 근현대 이래, 양국 간에 약간의 문제가 있었지만 국교 정상화 이후에는 급속한 발전 시기에 접어들었다. 1945년부터 한ㆍ중 수교 전까지 한국어학과를 개설한 대학교는 4개였으나, 수교 후에는 30여 개교로 늘어났고 양국 수교 30주년인 올해(2022년)에는 중국에서 한국어학과를 개설한 대학교가 100여 개에 이를 정도로 급격히 늘어났다. 이에 양국의 학술연구와 교류는 더욱 활발해졌고, 많은 우수한 학술성과를 거두었다. 한편 양국의 언어ㆍ문화ㆍ교육 관련 연구 중, 한국에서의 중국 언어ㆍ문화ㆍ교육 연구에 집중되어 있는 반면, 중국에서의 한국 언어ㆍ문화ㆍ교육에 대한 연구가 많지 않은 것으로 보인다. 따라서 본 논문은 주로 중국에서의 한국어 교육의 발전 과정을 정리한 후, 중국 대학교에서의 한국어 교육 현황을 조사하고 실제 사례를 결합하여 중국 대학교 교육 시스템의 한국어 교육 실태를 분석하고자 한다. 또한 이를 바탕으로 중국 대학교 교육에서 한국어 교육, 한국어 인재양성의 발전 방향을 모색하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재


        LI JIZHENG 한국중국언어학회 2024 중국언어연구 Vol.- No.110

        International Chinese education in the post-epidemic period has undergone tremendous changes, and teaching staff are faced with the problem of how to use the Internet and teaching reasonably. International Chinese teaching mostly follows the principle of "concise teaching and more practice", but it is generally difficult to achieve this ratio in comprehensive Chinese courses in Korean universities. This type of course focuses on learners' knowledge of Chinese vocabulary, grammar, discourse and other language knowledge as well as Chinese social and cultural knowledge, and exercises to test their language mastery in terms of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translation. Its purpose is to hope that learners can lay a foundation for the next stage of learning through systematic Chinese learning. In order to adapt to the changes in education in the post-epidemic era, and to improve and solve the problem of insufficient practice in comprehensive courses, the author tried to adopt a new hybrid "collaborative" teaching method based on the Internet for the elementary Chinese comprehensive courses he was in charge of. On the whole, this study is based on the existing research results and takes actual teaching interactive teaching cases as the object to analyze its feasibility, effects and existing problems. Ultimately, it is hoped that this research will explore Chinese teaching methods suitable for the post-epidemic era, improve classroom efficiency and professors' teaching capabilities, and provide some reference and help for existing teaching methods.

      • KCI등재

        飜轉課堂教學法應用分析研究 - 以水原大學CSL初級綜合課程教學為對象

        LI JIZHENG 한국중어중문학회 2022 中語中文學 Vol.- No.89


      • KCI등재


        LI JIZHENG 한국중문학회 2022 中國文學硏究 Vol.- No.87

        With the development of science & technology, VR(Virtual Reality) technology is becoming more mature. VR technology is more and more widely used in the field of language teaching. There are still many problems in the application of VR technology to Chinese language teaching, and it is necessary to discuss these problems and explore solutions. So far, it can be understood that most of the research on VR has been limited to the discussion of VR technology in the field of education. However, the research on the use of VR technology in the field of international Chinese education for Chinese learners is extremely insufficient. This research mainly takes the papers on the integration of Chinese education and VR technology in Korean and Chinese academic websites as the research object, and organizes and analyzes the related papers. Through the discussion of these studies, this paper attempts to analyze the actual situation of VR technology application in international Chinese education so far, examine the relevant theoretical background, research methods, research content, and how the relevant empirical research is carried out and what characteristics and What problems exist. And try to predict the development trend of VR technology in the field of Chinese education through these analyses, hoping to provide some new references for the methods of international Chinese education.

      • KCI등재

        中國職業敎育國際化芻議 -以“魯班工坊”為例-

        LI JIZHENG 중국학연구회 2023 중국학연구 Vol.- No.106

        ‘Luban Workshop', as an attempt to internationalize Chinese vocational education, is gradually developing into an image brand of Chinese vocational education. Regarding the nature of ‘Luban Workshop', Lü Jingquan(2018) pointed out that it is essentially a kind of ‘excellent vocational technology and teaching achievements, which are exported to the country and shared with the world in the form of academic education and vocational training, and build a platform for cooperation and exchanges between China's vocational education and the world Physical bridge.' In this article, the author sorts out the development process of ‘Luban Workshop', and briefly explains the reasons for the emergence of ‘Luban Workshop'. After analyzing the positioning of the ‘Luban workshop', the author inspected the characteristics of the spatial layout of the ‘Luban workshop' already opened in Asia, Africa, and Europe, as well as the characteristics of the majors and teaching characteristics. The author also sorts out the problems existing in the ‘Luban workshop' model, teaching, teachers, funds, etc., and puts forward some personal views on the solutions to these problems.

      • 汉语网络词语类型特征及文化意涵

        LI JIZHENG 한양대학교(ERICA캠퍼스) 한국미래문화연구소 2021 미래문화 Vol.0 No.2

        就漢語而言,隨著网络社交的成熟,伴随的是网络语言发生着巨大的变 化。语音层面,借助缩写、谐音、合音等方式创造出的新词汇越来越多地出 现在网络交際中。字形层面,旧字新用、离析构件方式产生的新造字也越来 越多地出现在屏幕上。词汇层面,网络新词语多從偶然事件中得到凸显并迅 速传播。尤其是缩写新造词语,往往吸取句子中个别汉字进行组合,分离语 素,并以最小单位排列来表达最大信息量。这些网络词汇的使用与传播是网 民交流时选择的结果,反映了网民的心理诉求。文化意涵层面,网民追求经 济性、新趣性、个性、文化多样性的文化理念在这些词语中得到了充分的反 映。 The globalization and instant interactivity of the Internet have resulted in the development of Internet language, and each individual on the Internet can choose their own way to express their views and opinions. The use and dissemination of online vocabulary is the result of choices made by netizens when they communicate, and they are constantly innovating and changing during the formation process, and it also reflects the psychological demands of netizens. At the cultural level, netizens’ cultural ideals of pursuing economy, new interest, individuality, and cultural diversity are fully reflected in these words. As an important impetus for the continuous development of these words, the culture behind the words plays a decisive role. On the one hand, the formation and development of culture restricts the creation and development of online words; on the other hand, the internal order of culture constantly adjusts the internal order of online words.

      • KCI등재

        當代中國 “國風” 文化現象略論

        이계정 ( Li Jizheng ) 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2024 中國硏究 Vol.98 No.-

        The “national style” phenomenon in Chinese society in the 21st century is all the rage and is very popular among the entire population, especially among young people. Different from the concepts of “Chinese culture” and “national style” in traditional literature, the “national style” culture in the new era, as a subculture, first appeared in minority groups, specific circles, and has specific audiences. Because most of its subjects are young people, it also shows similar characteristics to other youth group cultural types: such as Internet characteristics, circle aggregation characteristics, etc. Regarding “national style” culture, young people not only appreciate and spread this culture, consume and derive related products, but also use various technologies to create various types of creations on digital platforms, which greatly enriches the content of “national style” culture and creates popular A “national style” ecology that is loved by more people. If the early “national style” culture emphasized the return and reappearance of tradition, the current national style” skillfully integrates tradition and modernity, and its network attributes are more obvious. As this culture becomes more popular, its content and forms of expression have become increasingly rich, and the scope of the group has expanded from a certain type of young group to the entire social group, forming a phenomenal cultural trend. Therefore, this article takes this phenomenon as the research object. After briefly combing its origin and rise, through the investigation of its typical manifestations, such as TV programs, movies, clothing, theme products, etc., it attempts to clarify its development context. , discuss issues and future developments. At the same time, the author also hopes to provide some references for related research.

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