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      • Large Scale Bending Properties of CR and TMCP Steel Plates for Wind Tower Safety

        Kihyuk Kim(김기혁),Seung Hwan Lee(이승환),Donghyun Van(반동현),Hyunsoo, Park(박현수),Kwangsuk Lee(이광석),Byunggue Park(박병규),Jitack Kim(김지탁) 대한용접·접합학회 2021 대한용접학회 특별강연 및 학술발표대회 개요집 Vol.2021 No.11

        In this study, the large scale weld bead bending test properties of five different alloying constituent EN10025 S355 grade high-strength low-alloy weldable structural steel plates were examined via control rolling and thermo-mechanically controlled processes. The contribution of chemical compositions in terms of carbon equivalent value on impending crack propagation during weld bead bend tests was studied through metallurgical consideration. The results revealed that TMCP steel plates with CEV of 0.33 exhibited higher toughness and better crack arrestability than that of CR steel plates with CEV of over 0.40. Also, the CR, and TMCP steel plates exhibited different microstructures in the base metal as well as, their maximum hardness and microstructures in the CGHAZ (by DIN EN 499-RR MMAW consumables approximately 20kJ/cm Heat input). The WBBT showed that crack initiation at the weld metal, easily propagated through the coarse-grain heataffected zone, and finally were arrested within the heat-affected zone (TMCP) or base metal (CR). An apparent decrease in the average crack length, which consequently indicated improvement in crack arrestability, was found with decreasing CEV. In addition, the relatively fine microstructure in the HAZ of low-CEV steel plates helped in preventing the crack from further propagation. Special emphasis was placed on the empirical expectation [Prediction equation for crack length=0.025exp(1,497CEV)] of critical CEV above which WBBT might fail.

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