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      • Chlorella의 生長에 미치는 카드뮴 및 아연의 影響

        裵啓宣,崔震浹,孫賢秀 東亞大學校 大學院 1984 大學院論文集 Vol.8 No.2

        The study was carried out to examine effect of cadmium and zinc on the growth of Chlorella. The results obtained were as follows. 1. The chlorella cells damaged by heavy metals showed yellowish to milk-white symptoms at initial stage and died at later stage. 2. The cadmium has more inhibitory effect than on the turbidity cell number, chlorophyll contents and protein contents. 3. The chlorella cells were damaged more remarkably by the higher concentration of cadmium and zinc. 4. In conclusion, the minimum concentration of heavy metals to effect on the growth rate of chlorella cells were 2 ppm cadmium and 30 ppm of zinc.

      • 대장직장암 환자의 술전 및 술후 혈청 CEA측정의 의의

        손기섭,배진선,김인구,장일성,윤완희 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1988 충남의대잡지 Vol.15 No.2

        This report is a clinical study of the significance of preoperative and postoperative serial check of plasma CEA levels in 36 cases of colorectal cancer who were admitted and treated at the Chungnam National University Hospital from Mar. 1987 to Oct. 1988 and the results were as follows: 1. The positive rate of preoperative CEA level(over 5ng/ml) in colorectal cancer was 58.3% In resection group, positive rate and mean CEA level were 53.6% and 7.6ng/ml respective and in unresection group they were 75% and 36.7ng/ml respectively (p<0.05). 2. The proportion of patients with abnormal CEA level(over 5ng/ml)was 33.3% in Dukes B, 46.2% in Dukes' C and 69.2% in Dukes'D. 3. The proportion of patients with abnormal CEA level(over 5ng/ml) was 25% in wel1.diffe rentiated type, 60.9%in moderately differentiated type and 37.5 % in poorly differentiated type. 4. The recurrence rate after curative resection in preoperative normal CEA(0~2.5ng/ml) group was presumed 0% in borderline(2.6~ 5ng/ml) group was 33.3%, in high(over 5ng/ml) group was 16.7% 5. In 3 patients with postoperative liver metastasis had the highest frequency of elevated level(over 60ng/ml), whereas those with local recurrence had a lower frequency of elevated level. 6, A patient had second look procedure include segmental resection of local recurrence, buthe was dead of peritoneal caricinomatosis several months later.

      • 製絲時(韓國,中國産고치)의 界面活性劑(Monopol LX, Emulon DO#113) 處理가 製絲成績에 미치는 影響

        최진섭,裵啓宣,鄭元福,金東建 東亞大學校生命資源科學大學附設 農業資源硏究所 1992 農業生命資援硏究 Vol.1 No.1

        본 實驗은 界面活性劑인 Monopol LX와 Emulon DO #113을 0.04%, 0.07%, 0.1%로 稀釋하여 煮菌時의 低溫渗透部 단독 處理區와 低溫渗透部 및 繰絲湯의 동시 處理區로 하여 中國産고치와 韓國産고치의 繰絲成績 및 絲質을 調査 分析한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 解舒率은 韓國産, 中國産 모두 無處理區에 비해 Monopol LX 와 Emulon DO #113을 處理時에 增加하였으며 0.1% 濃度에서 그 경향이 높았다. 2. 解舒絲長은 解舒率과 같은 傾向으로 無處理區보다 Monpol LX와 Emulon DO #113 處理區에서 전반적으로 길어졌는데 특히 中國産고치에서 Monopol LX 0.1% 處理時 高度의 有意差를 보였다. 3. 菌絲長은 處理別로 다소의 增感은 있었으나 無處理區와 거의 비슷한 傾向을 나타내었다. 4. 菌絲量은 Monopol LX와 Emulon DO #113약제 처리시에 감소하는 경향을 나타내었다. 5. 生絲量比率은 無處理區에 비해 減少하는 경향을 나타내었다. 6. 副蠶絲量은 界面活性劑 處理의 結果 그 양이 減少되었으며 특히 韓國産 누에고치에서 0.07%, 0.1%의 Emulon do#113 渗透部 및 繰絲湯 處理區에서 5%의 有意差를 보였다. 7. 解舒率이 높을수록 無處理區에서는 强力은 負의 相關을 解舒絲長, 繭絲長, 繭絲量, 生絲量比率, 伸度등에서는 正의 상관을 나타내었고, Monopol LX 0.1% 處理區는 副蠶絲量에서, 그리고 Emulon Do#113 0.1% 處理區에서는 副蠶絲量, 繭絲織度, 伸度 등에서 負의 相關을 나타내었다. 8. 한국산 고치에 비해 중국산 고치는 고치의 크기가 작고, 解舒率, 解舒絲長, 繭絲長, 繭絲量, 生絲量比率, 伸度등의 成績이 떨어졌으며, 副蠶絲量이 많은 편이었다. This experiment was carried out to investigate the reeling silk results and silk quality of Korean cocoon and Chinese cocoon which were experimented on the following condition that Monopol LX & Emulon DO #113(penetrating agents) were 0.04%, 0.07%, 0.1% under only low temperature osmose treatment and simultaneous treatment of low temperature osomose & reeling bath in cocoon cooking, and the results obtained were as follows; 1. The percentage of reliability increased in the treatment of Monopol LX, Emulon DO #113 as compared with control in both Korean cocoon & Chinese cocoon exhibited a high tendency in 0.1% concentration to the extent to show a significant difference. 2. The nonbreaking length of a bave was totally longer in the treatment of Monopol LX, Emulon DO #113 than control as in the percentage of rawsilk, especially, showed a highly significance in the treatment of Monopol LX 0.1% of Chinese cocoon. 3. The length of a bave showed almost similar tendency to control with more or less increase and decrease according to the treatments. 4. Decreasing tendency was revealed in treating Monopol LX and Emulon DO #113 on the terms of the bave weight. 5. On the terms of the percentage of rawsilk, decreasing tendency was appeared in treating plots as compared with control. 6. The weight of byproduct was decreased by treating the penetrating agents especially on Korean cocoon, the statistically significant differences of 5% were revealed in treating the osomose and reeling both of Emulon DO #113 concentrated with 0.07% and 0.1%. 7. Negative correlation in tenacity was appeared in control as increasing the percentage of rawsilk, and positive correlation in the nonbreaking length, length of a bave weight, percentage of reliability, and elongation was convinced and also negative correlation was revealed in weight of byproduct treated with Monopol LX(0.1%) and in weight of by product, size of bave, and elongation treated with Emulon DO #113(0.1%), 8. The percentage of rawsilk, nonbreaking length of a bave, percentage of reliability, weight of a bave, size of a bave and elongation of Chinese cocoon were all lower than those of Korean cocoon, and on the hand, the weight of byproduct was more.

      • 위장관 수술후 소화 불량증상을 호소하는 환자에 종합소화효소제 베아제정의 임상효과

        손기섭,배진선,장일성,윤완희,김영일 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1990 충남의대잡지 Vol.17 No.2

        The Clinical effect of Bearse Tab. was observed in 58 cases with postoperative indigestion. The results were as follows : 1. Overall evaluation of treatment revealed effective in 80.9% (34/42) after the GI surgery, improvement rate were 77.8%(23/31). 2. At the postoperative abdominal distention, improvement rate were high rate (92%). 3. There was no side effect of Bearse Tab. In Conclusion, Bearse Tab was safe and effective for management of postoperative indigestion state.

      • 영양 장애 환자에 대한 지질 영양 수액제 "Trive-1000^(R)"의 효과에 대한 연구

        손기섭,배진선,장일성,노승무,박인근,김지연 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1992 충남의대잡지 Vol.19 No.2

        The association between malnutrition and poor hospital course in surgical patients is well recognized, although it may not involve the causation. When the period of NPO is needed more than several weeks, adequate caloric intake is difficult to maintain, and nutritional status often worsens especially after the operation. Trive-1000^(R) is a ready to use industrial ternary mixture. It fulfills standard requirements for TPN and has a advantage to decrease the cost because of time saving in preparation by the pharmacist and cost saving in disposables(transter sets, bags, filters). It improves safety by less risk of contamination and of error from handling and labelling. A prospective study was undertaken to evaluate the efficacy of Trive-1000^(R) in 34 malnourished patients after the major operation and the results were summarized as follows ; 1) The hemoglobin was not changed and AST, ALT, and bilirubin were increased and BUN and alkaline phosphatase were slightly increased without significance. 2) Mild to moderate toxicities including fever and chill, hepatopathy, thrombophlebitis and hyperglycemia. The infusion was discontinued in one of thrombophlebitis and one of hepatopathy. There results suggest that Trive-1000^(R) is relatively effective and safe TPN agents but requires the large scaled prospective randomized study.

      • 蠶兒의 部位別 神經球摘出이 絹絲 腺發育 및 絲質에 미치는 影響

        李鍾哲,裵啓宣,崔雲浹,孫興大 東亞大學校 1977 東亞論叢 Vol.14 No.-

        家蠶을 5齡起蠶과 熟蠶때에 腹部 第 2,4,6 神經球를 摘出하여 絹絲線發育, 吐絲量, Fibroin 含量比, 營繭形態 및 ??體色의 變化에 대해 試驗하였던 바 그 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 絹絲線의 發育은 腹部 第 4,6 神經球 摘出보다 腹部 第 2 神經球 摘出이 더 크다. 2. 各 神經球 摘出은 絹絲線의 屈曲現像을 보였다. 3. 吐絲量은 腹部 第 4,6 神經球 摘出보다 腹部 第 2 神經球 摘出이 적었다. 4. 絹絲線의 發育정도와 吐絲量은 같은 傾向을 보였다. 5. 繭絲의 Fibroin 含量比는 腹部 第 6 神經球 影響이 腹部 第 2,4 神經球보다 큰 것 같다. 6. 神經球 摘出의 경우 表面의 營繭形態는 薄皮營繭이었고 腹部 第 4 神經球 摘出의 裏面의 營繭形態는 대부분 ??體半露出繭을 나타내었다. 7. 腹部 第 2,4,6 神經球는 化?? 및 ??體色의 變化에 關與할 可能性이 예상되며 앞으로 硏究할 必要가 있다고 본다. 8. 腹部 第 6 神經球는 排糞機能에 影響을 미친다. This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of Silkgland growth, Spinning quantity, Fibroin Component ratio, Cocooning shape and changing the pupa coloration by resecting abdominal 2nd, 4th and 6th ganglia at both the time of 5 instar awakened larva and matured larva in silkworm. The results were summarized as follows: 1. Silkland growth was showed that resecting abdominal 2nd ganglion was more effective than those of abdominal 4th and 6th ganglia. 2. The shape of silkland was appeared as serpentining by resecting ganglia. 3. Spinning quantity was revealed that resecting abdominal 2nd ganglion was less than those of abdominal 4th and 6th ganglia. 4. Silkland growth and spinning quantity were revealed the same tendency in degree of increase. 5. Fibroin Component ratio of brave was seemed that abdominal 6th ganglion was moe effective than abdominal 2nd and 4th ganglia. 6. In the case of resecting ganglia, flimsy cocoon was formed at upper parts of cocoon and half of pupa body was mostly observed staying outside of cocoon in the cocoon shape at lower part of abdominal 4th ganglia. 7. Abdominal 2nd, 4th and 6th ganglia were expected to have a close connection with pupation and changing the pupa coloration. 8. Furction of evacuation was seemed to be controlled by abdominal 6th ganglia.

      • 교통사고환자 1046예에 대한 분석 및 Modified CRAMS Scale

        윤완희,장일성,배진선,손기섭 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1989 충남의대잡지 Vol.16 No.2

        We retrospectively evaluated the nature, distribution, and pattern of the traffic accidents in 1046 cases of traffic accidents transported to chungnam National University Hospital from Jan. 1987 Dec. 1988. We also evaluated the ability of the CRAMS Scale to predict injury severity and mortality, and the results were as follows: 1. The age distribution was most prevalent between 25-44 years(44.6%), the ratio of male to female was 2.9:1, and the ratio of male of female of the children and old age group was 1.6:1. 2. There was no significant difference in seasonal distribution. 3. Of 1046 cases, 39.8% was associated with Orthopedic Surgery, Neurosurgery, Plastic Surgery, and Genera Surgery were 38.8%, 20.3%, and 10.0% respectively. 4. In injury mechanism, motor vehicle accident was highest in incidence(50.7%), pedestrian accident, motorcycle accident, and bicycle accident were 23.4%, 18.6%, and 7.3% respectively. 5. The most frequently injured body region was head and neck(65.6%), and then extremity and pelvis was 37.3%, and abdomen was 10.9%. 6. Traffic accident developed in urban area was 1.4 times more frequent than rural area. 7. In elapsed time from arrival to death, 77.6% was died within first 24 hours and 33.6% was died at scene or less than 1 hour. 8. The overall mortality rate was 11.9% and in mortality rate according to department, Neurosurgery was 52.8%, Chest Surgery was 20.8%, and General Surgery was 13.6%. 9. Using a cuttoff score 7 or less, the Modified CRAMS scale identified the 16.6% of the traffic accident population which were critically ill as demonstrated by a 67.2% mortality rte compared to a 0.9% mortality of those with score of 8 or greater.

      • 大氣公害가 養蠶에 미치는 影響에 관한 硏究 : 人工 飼料中의 카드미움 濃度와 家蠶形質과의 關係 Relation between Silkworm larval characters and the levels of cadmium density in diets

        李鍾哲,崔震浹,裵啓宣,孫興大,鄭元福 東亞大學校 大學院 1980 大學院論文集 Vol.4 No.2

        Performed to study on effect of economic characters and quantity of Cd in silkworm body by feeding artificial diet which aded Cd per density to all age silkworms. The results were as follows: 1. Each treated parts was a little longer than control on silkworm larval duration. 2. Growing condition of 40 ppm on the 7th day after commencement incubation was uneven and found out around 80% of 1st instar-silkworm larvae which almost didn't grow at ones of 80 ppm. 3. Maximum weight of the 5th instar, pupation ratio, weight of cocoon, weight of cocoon layer and cocoon layer ratio of parts of 1,10, and 20 ppm was a lettle higher than control, but only ones of 40 ppm was lower than those. And found out it ws chronic toxicity. 4. Each treated parts on eclosion period was longer than control. Expecially non-eclosion ratio of 40 ppm was 30%. 5. The safe level density of Cd in diet was 20 ppm. 6. Toxicity will be occurred when Cd contents in is more than 5 PPM in silkworm body.

      • 외과 영역에 있어서 Venoplant^(R)의 임상적 고찰

        김재호,노승무,장일성,배진선,손기섭 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1991 충남의대잡지 Vol.18 No.2

        The clinical effects of Venoplant^(R) was observed in 30 cases with conditions that a surgical management has been taken. Venoplant^(R) was administered via intravenous root with 2 to 5 ml, 2 to 4 times per one day for postoperatively 3 to 7 days. An overall effectiveness rate was 66.6% and mild nausea was observed in one case. In conclusion, Venoplant^(R) was effective in the edema, pain, and redness on the wound.

      • 종양치료시 항종양제에 의한 조혈기 장애에 대한 Cephalanthin^(R)의 임상적 평가

        김영일,노승무,장일성,배진선,손기섭 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1991 충남의대잡지 Vol.18 No.2

        The clinical effect of Cephalathin Tab^(R). was observed in 33 cases with chemotheraphy in the cancer patients. Cephalathin Tab^(R). was administered per oral 3-6mg daily in three divided for an average of 58 days. The overall effectiveness was 87% and there was no side effect of Cephalathin Tab^(R). In conclusion, Cephalatin Tab^(R). was safe and effective drug for management of hematologic disorder by the anticancer agent.

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