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        Pteridophyte species richness along elevation gradients in Kolli Hills of the Eastern Ghats, India

        Jeyalatchagan Sureshkumar,Muniappan Ayyanar,Rajendran Silambarasan 국립중앙과학관 2020 Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity Vol.13 No.1

        Species richness is an important measure of community and regional diversity, and studying speciesdiversity along elevation gradients is vital to understand population ecology and environment. Pteridophytesare unique groups of vascular plants and are not given much attention toward their diversityalong elevation gradients. Hence, we made an effort to study the species richness of pteridophytes alongelevation gradients in Kolli Hills, one of the underexplored forests of the Eastern Ghats in India. Elevationgradients were divided into 13 elevation zones, and relationship between species richness and elevationwere summarized to linear regression as indicated by correlation coefficients and significance. A total of98 species of pteridophytes belonging to 58 genera and 32 families were recorded in our study with amaximum number of 29 species in the 1301-m to 1400-m elevation. Correlation between the family, thegenus, and species richness with elevation was positively significant. The majority of the recordedspecies showed terrestrial habitats, and patterns of species richness with life forms exhibited a humpeddistribution. Species richness on scrub and semievergreen forests with elevation showed humped distribution,whereas deciduous and evergreen forests showed monotonic distribution. Correlation betweenspecies richness and elevation was positively significant in scrub forests and nonsignificant in othervegetation types. The correlation of species richness with temperature was monotonic, with rainfall andrelative humidity showing a humped pattern of distribution. The high diversity of pteridophyte speciesin Kolli Hills is due to its richness in various habitats resulting from an extended altitudinal range and ahealthy evergreen forest with a constant increase in rainfall in higher elevations. Apart from climate,vegetation, and life form analysis attempted in our study for species richness along theelevation gradients, much attention should be given toward the role of other environmental gradients,which can help us address various ecological questions.

      • KCI등재

        Reproductive biology of East Indian satinwood (Chloroxylon swietenia DC., Rutaceae: Sapindales), a threatened timber-yielding tree

        Muniappan Ayyanar,Rajendran Silambarasan,Jeyalatchagan Sureshkumar,Shailendra S. Gurav 국립중앙과학관 2021 Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity Vol.14 No.2

        Chloroxylon swietenia DC. (Rutaceae) is widely used in folk medicine and provides a commercial timber. In the present study, phenological events such as flowering and fruiting phenology, pollinator visitation,anthesis, pollen viability, and pollen tube germination tests were analyzed in 11 populations, in TamilNadu, India. The number of flowers was recorded as 82.6 1.4 to 162.2 4.2 during flower bud formationand reduced to 25.4 0.5 to 61.8 1.0 at maturity. The number of fruits per twig was 21.0 0.8to 47.2 0.7 in initial stages and slightly reduced to 16.2 1.8 to 34.6 1.4 at maturation. Sixty-twospecies of insects were visiting the flowers with bees/ants as effective pollinators. The 2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay revealed more viable pollen grains in five populations, and fluorescencedye assay revealed maximum viable pollen grains in six populations. In the pollen tubegermination test, the 60% sucrose concentration provides significant results, with a high number ofgerminated pollen grains. Principal component analysis of flowering and fruiting phenology, floral visitors,and pollen viability showed 79.5%, 79.3%, 56.7%, and 41.7% for the first factor, respectively. Ourresults indicated that C. swietenia depends heavily on pollinators for its reproduction. Hence, there is aneed to expand this study to related species which are having agronomic, pharmacological, and economicpotential.

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