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      • KCI등재

        언어 정책 및 교육 관점에서 본 한국어의 변이와 변화

        이정복(Lee, Jeongbok) 한국사회언어학회 2019 사회언어학 Vol.27 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to point out the problems of Korean language policy and education through some phenomena of variation and change in Korean language, and to show how they should go in the future. Since language policy and education are directly related to the status of language, in Chapter 2 we outline the current status and situation of Korean. In Chapter 3, we examine some of the variations and changes in Korean language, which are highly interesting from a social perspective. Based on these results, in Chapter 4, we present the direction of Korean policy and education as ‘rich and just Korean’. So far, the key direction of policy and education for the Korean language has been ‘window-dressing language policy’ and ‘window-dressing language education’. They have attempted to refine Korean by simplifying and abstracting the various language facts and disregarding of the elements that seemed not to be beautiful. The language policy and education caught up in the ‘beautiful Korean’ obsession have lasted for decades in Korean. Now Korean speakers should be liberated from ‘beautiful and pure Korean’ ideology. We should pay more attention to local dialects, North Korean words, slang and buzzwords, and net languages. We need to accept new concepts through contact with other languages. With its diversity, richness, and political correctness, Korean will be able to keep its place firmly in the strong waves of English and grow into an important language of the world.

      • KCI등재

        남북 정상에 대한 언론 보도문의 호칭어와 경어법 : 2018년 남북정상회담을 중심으로

        이정복(Lee, Jeongbok) 한국사회언어학회 2020 사회언어학 Vol.28 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to compare how the South and North Korean press used the terms of address and honorifics for the leaders of the two Koreas. We analyze the press reports related to the three inter-Korean summits in 2018 and the Panmunjeom meeting among the leaders of two Koreas and USA in 2019. We focused on the data of address terms and honorifics for President Moon Jae-in and Kim Jong-un used by the South Korean and North Korean newspapers. Specifically, we looked at the difference in usages between the South Korean newspapers and North Korea s newspaper Rodong Sinmun, the difference in usages between the Hankyoreh and Chosun Ilbo in South Korea, and the difference in usages between the 2000 and 2018 inter-Korean summits. Through this analysis and discussion, we can clearly see that many factors affect the use of language in the media, such as the political system of the two Koreas, the political attitude of the two South Korean media toward North Korea, and the age of the top leaders of North Korea.

      • 내가 이렇게 빠르다고? 진동 피드백을 통한 전동킥보드 속도 지각 보조

        이정복(Jeongbok Lee),이중식(Joong-Seek Lee) 한국HCI학회 2019 한국HCI학회 학술대회 Vol.2019 No.2

        최근 퍼스널 모빌리티를 이용하는 사람들이 많아지고 있다. 그 중에서 전동킥보드는 학습이 쉽고 휴대가 간편하여 큰 인기를 끌고 있다. 하지만 전동킥보드는 급가속능력과 작은 회전각에 비해 취약한 제동장치를 갖고 있으며, 사고 시 안전장치가 부족해 운전자가 큰 피해를 당할 수 있다. 따라서 전동킥보드의 주행 속도인지는 사고를 피할 수 있는 좋은 정보가 된다. 그러나 전동킥보드의 속도계는 운전자의 시야각 밖에 존재해 인지하기 어렵고, 이로 인해 운전자가 자신의 주관적 속도감에 의존하여 주행할 가능성이 커진다는 문제가 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 주행속도 지각을 돕기 위한 진동 피드백을 고안하고, 진동 피드백이 운전자의 주행속도 지각에 영향이 있는지 연구하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 12 명의 참가자를 대상으로 평평한 직선도로에서 주행 실험을 진행하였으며, 실험 결과 속도유지 상황에서 진동 피드백이 속도 지각을 보조하는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 본 연구는 객관적 속도와 지각된 속도의 차이를 살펴보고 운전자의 주행을 보조하는 피드백 정보의 필요성을 제기한다는 점에서 의의를 가진다.

      • KCI등재

        노인교육의 학제 간 연구의 필요성

        이정복(Lee, Jeongbok) 한국지역사회복지학회 2015 한국지역사회복지학 Vol.0 No.53

        노인교육이 평생교육의 한 분야이면서도 외연이 커져 독자적 학문체계를 갖춰가기 위해서는 관련 학문분과들과의 학제 간 연구가 필요하다. 이 논문에서는 행정학과 정치-정책학 중 주민 자치활동과 연계될 수 있는 노인교육과 그 밖에 법학, 경제학, 사회복지학, 평생교육학, 문화예술, 체육학 등 노인 내지 노년 교육과 직접적인 관련이 있는 분야들과의 학제 간 연구의 필요성을 살펴보았다. 연구를 해본 결과 학문들 간 연결점들이 많았다. 그럼에도 아직 주민 자치와 마을 만들기와 같은 공동체 지향 운동에서 노년교육을 제대로 활용하지 못하는 아쉬움이 무엇보다 크다. 행정-정치-정책학에서는 노년교육을 통한 민주주의, 지방자치, 공동체 살리기 등을 비롯해 사회 전체의 조화와 역량강화 추진 방안을 고민해야 한다. 더욱이 장기적으로는 노년교육이 단순한 복지 차원이 아니라 복지를 포함하여 평생교육학의 테두리 안에서 지역사회 및 공동체의 발달은 물론 전체 사회의 조화에 기여하고 길을 제시할 수 있어야 한다. 평생교육에서도 문화예술, 체육, 복지 등의 분야와 서로 연계하여 노인 특성에 맞는 교수방법이 강구되어야 노년교육의 교육적 차원과 복지 차원의 조화를 모색할 수 있다. 경제학에서는 노년교육을 통해 노인인구의 생산성을 높여 한편으로는 노인들의 노후생활안정을 기하고, 다른 한편으로는 사회적 생산력을 유지할 수 있는 방안을 강구해야 한다. 법학-행정학 분야에서는 먼저 노년교육이 복지부 관할인지 아니면 교육부 관할인지 또 그도 아니면 서로 연계되어야 하는지 업무 분장과 담당 및 연계 방안을 제도적으로 개선해야 한다. 물론 지방자치와 관련한 지방분권 차원도 적극 정비해야 한다. With elderly education being part of a lifelong education and becoming an independent academic system by a growing extension, there is a need for an interdisciplinary research on the related branches for it to establish a proper system. In this paper, the need for an interdisciplinary research between elderly education that could be linked to community center activities between public administration and political science and others such as law, economics, social welfare, lifelong education, cultural arts, physical education, and other branches related to elderly and older adult education have been observed. There are many factors connecting these studies. Despite of this, it leaves a lot to be desired as they do not make good use of elderly education in community orientation such as citizen autonomy and community building. In public administration-political-policy studies, balance of the whole society and strengthening of capability including democracy through elderly education, local government, and community revival need to be considered. In the long term, elderly education is not just in welfare level but also contributes to harmony of the whole community and suggests a road map as well as development of local community within the boundary of lifelong education including welfare. In lifelong education, too, various fields such as cultural arts, physical education, social welfare, etc. need to be connected for a teaching method that meets the elderlies" traits needs to be devised in order to maintain a balance between the education level and welfare level of the elderly education. In economics, stabilization of elderlies" lives by increasing productivity of aged population through elderly education will be pursued while a method on how to maintain social productivity needs to be devised. In law-public administration field, segregation and assignment of duties, and cooperation method need to be institutionally improved such as whether elderly education should be under the control of Ministry of Health and Welfare or the Ministry of Education, or if not, there is a need for cooperation between the two. Of course, decentralization of power level related to local government needs to be actively organized.

      • KCI등재

        인터넷 통신 공간의 여성 비하적 지시 표현

        이정복(Lee, Jeongbok) 한국사회언어학회 2010 사회언어학 Vol.18 No.2

        The purposes of this study are to describe the usages and meanings of insulting expressions for women used in Korean cyber space, and to analyze the attitudes of netizens about those expressions. In section 2, we make a list of the insulting expressions and classify their types. The insulting expressions identified in this study are fifteen neologisms such as ‘Kim-yeosa’ (김여사, female bad driver), ‘Orc-nyeo’ (오크녀, ugly girl), ‘Doenjang-nyeo’ (된장녀, a woman full of vanity) etc. They are classified into four categories in terms of their referent, duration, presence of male counterpart, and the focus of insulting. In section 3, we explain the usages and meanings of some representative insulting expressions. ‘Kim-yeosa’, ‘Orc-nyeo’, ‘Gaettong-nyeo’ (개똥녀, a girl with no etiquette), and ‘Doenjang-nyeo’ are analyzed closely by focusing on their basic meaning, expanded meaning, and the usages of derivatives or related forms. In section 4, with a statistical method, we compare the attitudes of netizens about ‘Kim-yeosa’ and ‘Doenjang-nyeo’ which are frequently used for all women. In the process of this analysis, we can figure out the fact that many insulting expressions are used actively for women in Korean cyber space. In addition, it will be proved that the male and the female are quite different in their attitudes about ‘Doenjang-nyeo’.

      • KCI등재

        네이버 뉴스 댓글의 욕설에 대한 사회언어학적 연구

        이정복(Lee, Jeongbok),박은하(Park, Eunha) 한국사회언어학회 2019 사회언어학 Vol.27 No.1

        This study aims to examine the sociolinguistics of the abusive language used by NAVER news commentators. The results are as follows. First, it can be seen that there are many comments on political articles, and criticizing the government s policies or accusing the former and present presidents. Those who wrote those comments were usually in their forties, and the commentators who add profane comments were in their fifties. Moreover, the percentage of males who comment using profanity is quite high. In the case of commentaries on political articles, the ratio of male authorship was overwhelmingly high, however, in the case of social/cultural articles, the proportion of women who wrote commentaries was higher. The most frequent type of profanity was of the “mental deficiency type”, followed by the “sexual phenotype.” People commenting on news articles used abusive words, but they change their forms in various ways, this tactic is derived from the response to blocking profanity. Second, according to the analysis of the survey results, the respondents stated that they occasionally wrote comments on internet news but did not use profanity in the internet space. The most common reason for using profanity on the internet was “habitual”, followed by “trying to relieve stress”. The reaction to such profanity was intensive and ambivalent at the same time.The reason for using profanity was mainly attributed to positive and insensitive reactions. However, the result of a regarding how to cope with the abusive use language in internet comments showed that the respondents should mostly refrain from using it or should not use it. Also, the respondents thought that it was necessary for the manager to adopt measures to change the forced conversation on the internet site. Due to the high rate of responses to “striking out”, “strong regulation”, and “abusive deletion programs” in an effort to prevent the abusive language use in the internet space, the respondents generally did not seem to have any objection to these regulations.

      • KCI등재

        소셜 미디어에 대한 텍스트언어학적 접근

        이정복 ( Lee Jeongbok ) 한국텍스트언어학회 2018 텍스트언어학 Vol.44 No.-

        Social Network Service (SNS) such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Kakao Story, and Naver Band is one of the representative social media. SNS makes the use of netlanguage more diverse and active. In this study, we examine the concepts and domains of social media that provide various environments for the use of texts, and examine existing research on internet text, netlanguage, and social media from a textlinguistic perspectives. We will also present the subjects and prospects for the activation of textlinguistic research related with social media. The task of textlinguistic study in the SNS ages is as follows. First, basically, there is the need of more efforts for textlinguistic attention to the internet text and netlanguage. Second, we need to expand the study of textlinguistics through the discovery of new internet texts. Third, there is a need for interest and full-scale research on multimodal texts in internet. Fourth, there is a need for interest and real research on the big data of the internet. Fifth, the study on the social meaning of texts can broaden the boundary of textlinguistics.

      • KCI등재

        외래 고유명사 줄임말의 유형과 사용 효과

        이정복(Jeongbok Lee) 한국사회언어학회 2023 사회언어학 Vol.31 No.1

        This study examines the types and usage of abbreviations of foreign proper nouns used in media articles based on a basic understanding of Korean abbreviations, and seeks to identify the effects of their use. Abbreviations of foreign proper nouns are widely used for reasons of economy, ease of identification, and to facilitate the provision of information. There are two types of abbreviations. Romanized abbreviations are characterized by strong economy and identifiability but have difficulty conveying meaning, and they also distinguish the social classes of speakers by their knowledge of loan words or understanding of foreign languages, thereby threatening to undermine social integration. In contrast, abbreviations translated into Korean have the advantage of easily conveying meaning and not hindering language accessibility, but they are weak in identifiability and their number remains exceedingly small. The reason for the excessive use of Romanized abbreviations by the government and media seems to be that no provision for Korean translation abbreviations was made earlier. It is necessary to create and publicize Korean abbreviations widely, as well as create good Korean translation terms with the introduction of foreign proper nouns into Korean.

      • KCI등재

        2017년 한국 대선 기간의 유명 정치인들에 대한 트위터 누리꾼들의 호칭어 및 경어법 사용

        이정복 ( Lee Jeongbok ) 서강대학교 언어정보연구소 2017 언어와 정보 사회 Vol.31 No.-

        Language & Information Society 31. Twitter is widely used by netizens highly political interests, and is regarded as a representative SNS (Social Network Service) optimized for politics. In this study, we want to analyze how Twitter users are linguistically treating the famous politicians in the 2017 presidential election of Korea. We focus on the usages for the former president of Korea Park Geun-hye, Moon Jae-in, the presidential candidate of Democratic Party, and Ahn Cheolsoo, the presidential candidate of People`s Party. We analyze the use of terms of address and honorific for these politicians and interpret what their background is. According to the analysis of the data, Twitter netizens, in contrast to the general expectation, used only names as forms of address for the famous politicians, and rarely used respectable forms. The attitude toward politicians has changed from `respecting authority` to `showing friendliness`.

      • KCI등재

        호칭의 사회언어학적 연구 검토

        이정복(Lee, Jeongbok) 한국사회언어학회 2020 사회언어학 Vol.28 No.3

        Terms of address and honorifics have been dealt with importantly in the sociolinguistic studies in Korea. The purpose of this paper is to examine the results of sociolinguistic research focusing on the Korean address forms. We look at the main flows and characteristics of the studies, and then review the representative research dividing them into several subtypes. Based on these discussions, we present the direction for the sociolinguistic study of address forms. The sociolinguistic study of address forms in Korea has been in full swing since the 1990s. Recently, there have been increasing attempts to study the use of address form independently from honorifics, and the social awareness of the importance of address forms in Korean use has increased. While early sociolinguistic studies of address forms focused on family titles, there have been many studies on status titles, address forms in internet space, and comparisons between Korean and other languages’ address forms. By studying the address forms from a sociolinguistic point of view and method, we could achieve the qualitative development more clearly than the previous studies that were carried out by identifying and structuring the list of titles. This article reveals the various usages of titles in the social context, and grasp the speaker s intentions, strategies, and conflicts related to the use of them. However, there have been some issues that need to be paid attention to or resolved in future research.

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