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      • KCI등재후보

        부산시 일개구 지역주민의 위암선별검사 수검 및 반복수검 실태 및 관련요인조사

        정인숙,배은숙,천동환,전진호,이화자,박남희 韓國保健敎育.健康增進學會 2003 보건교육건강증진학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        The importance of repeat screening for stomach cancer is well known to decrease deaths from stomach cancer. This study was aimed at assessing practice behaviors and to identify related factors in the aspects of demographic factors, health status and cancer risk recognition, attitude to cancer screening, health behaviors, and inhibiting or facilitating factors to stomach cancer screening in an urban area. Data was collected through self-administered questionnaires from 403 people aged 40 to 69 years from April 23th to May 15th, 2002. Practice behaviors were classified as :"ver"r "ver"and "peat"r "t repeat"rouped based on a recent 5 year screening history. The results were as follows: 1. Among the 403 subjects: "e ever group"as 23.8% and "e repeat group"as 4.0%. The rates of screening were 20.5% for men, 27.8% for those women, and 27.3% for aged 40-49, 24.5% for those aged 50-59, 19.0% for those aged 60-69. The rates of repeat screening were 4.0% for men, 4.1% for women, and 2.9% for those aged 40-49, 6.3% for aged 50-59, 2.5% for those aged 60-69. 2. The main factors associated with adherence to gastric cancer screening were education(post high school vs below : OR=2.44), previous cancer screening(yes vs no : OR=2.61), belief in personal health(no vs yes : OR=2.72), health status(unhealthy vs healthy : OR=3.40), possibility of cancer compared to others(low vs not low : OR=2.56), and regular exercise(yes vs no : OR=2.94). The main factor associated with adherence to gastric cancer repeat screening was other cancer screening (yes vs no : OR=6.33). Consequently, there is a need to change the recognition of the importance and necessity of stomach cancer screening in healthy conditions through health education, and to perform multiple screening tests each visit.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • 리튬이 도핑된 막을 이용한 실리콘-실리콘 접합

        정지원,주병권,최우범,정성재,이남양,최두진,오명환 경북대학교 센서기술연구소 1997 센서技術學術大會論文集 Vol.8 No.1

        Silicon-to-silicon anodic bonding was accomplished using lithium doped interlayer. Lithium doped interlayers were deposited on silicon substrates by electron beam evaporation, which has a fast deposition rate compared with sputtering method. Silicon-to-silicon bonding occurs in the range of temperatures from 250℃ to 300℃ with the applied voltages from 70V_(DC) to 100V_(DC). The bonding strength obtained from tensile test was about 5MPa under the condition of 80V_(DC) in 300℃. The surface morphology of lithium doped interlayer was studied with the atomic force microscopy (AFM). Finally, secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) analysis was carried out in order to investigate the role of the lithium ions in bonding mechanism.

      • 마우스 종양발생에서 Nitric Oxide의 역할에 관한 연구 Ⅲ : Helicobacter pylori에 의해 유발된 마우스 위암에서 염증매개인자의 역할 The role of inducible nitric oxide synthase and cyclooxygenase-2 in H. Pylori-associated gastric carcinogenesis

        남기택,오상연,조현무,이국경,강진석,제정환,최미나,한상욱,김대용,장동덕,양기화,안병우 식품의약품안전청 2001 식품의약품안전청 연보 Vol.5 No.-

        feficotorfer fyf☞ri(Hp)가 위암파 관련이 있다는 역학적인 증거는 많이 있지만 이에 대한 정확한 기전에 대해선 밝혀져 있지 않고 있으며 실험동물 모델도 적절하지 못한 것으로 알려져있다. 본 실험에서는 위암의 원인으로 알려져 있는 f, fyforf'(Hp)를 이용하여 마우스에서 위암 모델을 확립하고 만성염증과정 중에 생성되는 리0와 COX-2 등의 발현이 위암발생에 미치는 명향을 통하여 예방과 치료를 위한 점근을 시도하고자 하였다. 마우스를 7군으로 나누어서 1, 2, 3, 4군의 등물은 MNU를 증류수에 200ppm 농도로 음수병득 이용하띤 10주간 격주로 투여하였으며 MHU 음술 투여 1주 휴씩 후 배양한 f. fyrofi 를 약 109cru/rfll 로 맞춰 한 마리당 0.1ml 씩 이틀 간격으로 세 번에 걸쳐 하룻방 금식시킨 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7군기 마우스의 위장에 투입하떴다. 균 투입을 마친 후 다응 날부터 2군쏙 6군은 iNOS 억제제인 aminoguanidine(AG)을 음수병으로 툰여하였으며 3군과 7군은 COX-2 척제제인 nimesulide(NSD)를 투여하였다. 위의 종양발생양상을 샅최보면 bfNU와 Hp만을 투여한 1 관 ; (hfNU +Hp), 2군 : iNO을 inhibitor 투여군(MNU+HP+AG'1. 3군 ;CO딘-2 Inilibitor 투여군(MNU누Hp누 NSD), 4군 ,MNlf 단독투여군, 5군 ;Hp 단독투여춘, 6군 ; 러p 단독에 AG투여군, 7군 , Hp 단독에 NSD투여군의 종양발샐을은 각각 쁜.Bff(l1/16), 70.6%f12/ti), 했.9ff(7/18), 10%(1/10), Off(O/IS)0%(O/S), 0%(O/5)의 발쟁율을 보여 iNOS 억제제인 AC은 좁양발생을 억계하지 못하였으며, COX-2억제제인 NSD 는 종양발생을 유의적으로 감소시켰다. 콩양발생개수에서는 2.62±0.36, 1.41츠0.14, 0.44 르0.12, 0.10±0.10을 보여 AC와 NSD에서 유의성 있게 발생개수를 줄였다. Hp 단독투여에 의해즌는 종양발생이 나타나지 않았으며 HP+AG, Hp+ IfSD 추여군에콕 시험증료 시점에 약물에 의해 Hp의 제균효과가 있는지의 여부를 확인끓기 위하여 PCR을 이용하여 확인한 결과 모두 양성인 것으로 나타나 Hp의 제균효과에 의한 촐양발생 억제가 일어나지는 않았다. 위의 결과로 볼 때 Hp는 위암발생을 촉진하는 것으로 나타났고 딘p 감염시 매개되는 염증인자를 억제하였을 때 종양발생을 억제하는 것으로 위암 발생에서 염증매개인자는 종양을 촉진하는 것으로 나타났으며 it,705 억제제쓱 COX-』 억제제의 위알 예밭효과fl는 효과적일 것으로 사료된다 In spite of a large volume of epidemiological evidence indicating significant relationship between H. pylori infection and gastric adenocarcinoma, a doubt still exists on an elevated risk of stomach cancer by H. pylori infection due to lack of direct evidence of their exact mechanistic link. It is, therefore, essential to have an appropriate animal model for detailed analysis of the role of H. pylori played in gastric carcinogenesis. There is a wealth of evidence to support that over production of inducible nitric oxide synthase(iNOS) and cyclooxygenase-2(COX-2) is involved in the pathogensis of various cancer in both rodents and humans. The aim of this study was to establish a mouse model for H. pylori-associated gastric carcinogenesis and to identify the role of inducible nitric oxide synthase(iNOS) and cyclooxygenase-2(COX-2) played during the gastric carcinogenesis in mice. Eighty-three specific pathogen free, six-week-old male C57BL/6 mice were randomly divided into seven groups. Animals of the group 1, 2, 3, 4 were given MNU in their drinking water at the concentration of 200 p.p.m. for total five cycles of one-week regimen with one-week pause. After completion of MNU administration, they were given autoclaved distilled water for one weeks, and groups 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 were inoculated with H. pylori. After completion of H. pylori. inoculation, groups 2 and 6 were given aminoguanidine in their drinking water at concentration of 1000p.p.m. and animals of group 3 and 7 were given the diet containing 200 ppm nimesulide at 12 weeks of age. All animals were killed at 50 weeks of age. The incidences of the glandular stomach tumors in the group 1, 2, 3 and 4 were 87.5%(14/16), 76.4%(13/17), 44.4(8/18), 10.0%(1/10), respectively and the tumor incidence of group 3(MNU→Hp+nimesulide) was significantly lower than those of group 1(MNU→Hp) at the value of P<0.01. The average numbers of tumors of group 2(MNU→Hp+AG : 1.41±0.24) and group 3(MNU→Hp+nimesulide : 0.44±0.12) were significantly lower than those of group 1(MNU→Hp : 2.62±0.36) at the value of P<0.05. Therefore, overproduced iNOS and COX-2 plays an important role in mice gastric carcinogenesis. We concluded iNOS and COX-2 inhibitor have good effects on gastric carcinogenesis.

      • 형질전환 제초제저항성 벼 밀양 204호의 농업적 특성

        정응기,이기환,원용재,박향미,전남수,최준호,구연충,한창덕,은무영,김태산,남민희 Plant molecular biology and biotechnology research 2005 Plant molecular biology and biotechnology research Vol.2005 No.

        This study was conducted to investigated the major characteristics of genetically modified rice of "Milyang 204" originated from Dongjinbyeo compared to a non-transgenic rice varieties Dongjinbyeo and Junambyeo. Basta resistant transgenic rice lines carrying bar gene produced by the Yeongnam Agricultural Research Institute were evaluated for their agronomic characters. The transgenic Japonica rice of "Milyang 204" showed inferior phenotypic traits compared to a non-transgenic rice variety Dongjinbyeo and Junambyeo. On the basis of UPOV (Union Internationale Pour la Protaection des Obtentions Vegetables) and NSMO(National Seed Management Office) the transgenic "Milyang 204" showed difference in some traits out of some agronomic traits, such as leaf color, angle of flag leaf, number of spikelets, culm length, white core and white belly compared to the nontransgenic varieties rice.

      • KCI등재

        배드민턴 드롭샷 동작의 운동학적 분석

        오정환,최수남,정익수 한국운동역학회 2005 한국운동역학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        C. H. OH, S. N. CHOI, I. S. JEONG. Kinematic Analysis of the Badminton Drop-shot Motion. Korean Journal of Sport Biomechartics, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 221-235, 2005. The purpose of this study was to analyse badminton players' drop-shots, in order to make players understand the principles of drop-shot motion in badminton. Three dimensional analysis was used to measure movements such as the time required per section, the change of center of gravity, joint angle and speed, and joint speed. The results of this study revealed as follows: (1) top players are faster than amateurs in the total time required per section; (2) top players moved more in the x-axis and z-axis, while amateurs moved more in the y-axis; (3) the inclination of amateurs was greater than that of top players in all phases; (4) amateurs showed larger angle on the shoulder joints than top players in the first phase, while top players showed larger angle on the shoulder joint than amateurs in the second and third phase. Amateurs' angle was larger on angle joint in the first phase than top players' ones, while top players' angle was larger in the third phase than amateurs; (5) the speed of racket head of top players was faster than that of amateurs; and the velocity of the center of gravity of amateurs was greater than that of the top players. The findings of this study were that gravity decreases during impact and then the velocity increases to perform the follow-through and making the swing fast by increasing the speed of the racket head is most important.

      • KCI등재

        흉ㆍ쇄관절 후방탈구 : A Case Report

        오정환,오창남,정도혁 대한스포츠의학회 1994 대한스포츠의학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        Injuries to the sternoclavicular joint are not frequent, and the posterior dislocation of the sternoclavicular joint is much more rare. As the diagnosis is not easy with simple radiographic technique, special techniques are required. A case of the traumatic posterior dislocation of the sternoclavicular joint had been reported in our literature up to now. We also experienced a case of the retrosternal dislocation of the clavicle which had been caused by a ski injury and had a satisfactory clinical result with a closed reduction in a long-term follow-up. So we are reporting this case with a review of the literatures along with the injury mechanism.

      • 자궁선근증의 고찰

        조환성,이해혁,정성윤,김성욱,이순곤,남계현,이임순,이권해 순천향의학연구소;Soonchunhyang Medical Research Institute 2000 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.6 No.1

        Objective: This study was designed to estimate the frequency and risk factor for edenomyosis Methods: The clinical records of 623 women undergoing hysterectomy were retrieved in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Soonchunhyang University Hospital, during 5 years, from Jan. 1995 to Dec. 1999. Results: The following result were obtained. 1. Adenomyosis was found in 247 of 623 patients(39.6%) 2. The highest incidence was 40-49 years of age group, an incidence of 46.6% and mean age was 44.7 years. 3. Adenomyosis was more frequently observed in parous women than non-parous women, such as 93.1% and 6.9%, respectively. 4. Dysmenorrhea, metrorrhagia, pelvic pain and vaginal bleeding were common symptom of adenomyosis, an incidence of 28.7%, 19.0%, 18.2% and 16.2%, respectively. 5. Myoma was the most combined disease in adenomyosis, showing the incidence of 54.7%. 6. Grossly, the size of uterus was enlarged more than 10 weeks gestational size in adenomyosis, an incidence of 61.9%. 7. Preoperative diagnostic accuracy of adenomyosis was 6.9%. Conclusion: The results show that deeply understanding of the common symptoms and epidemiology of adenomyosis improve the preoperative diagnostic accuracy.

      • 이종마찰압접재 계면의 기계·금속조직학적 거동 및 파면특성 : STS304와 SM15C재를 중심으로 For STS304 and SM15C

        오환섭,박경식,박준건,오정국,백영남 慶熙大學校 材料科學技術硏究所 1998 材料科學技術硏究論集 Vol.11 No.-

        In this study is behavior of crack propagation and fracture under static tensile load, shear load, rotary bending fatigue load in friction welded dissimilar materials. Crack was observed in fine ferrite zone of SM15C and heat affected zone of STS304. Plastic flow was occured by friction welding process, so direction of crack is inclined with welded surface. Fatigue fracture most occurred in SM15C heat affected zone around interface. Fibrous zone with the view of macroscope and dimple pattern with the view of microscope were observed at fracture surface. Result is more metal micrstructure dependence than stress dependence by mechanical and metallic mechanics.

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