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        복지근피판 거상후 공여부의 재건술

        윤정섭,이상헌,신극선,이훈범 대한성형외과학회 1992 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.19 No.3

        Post radical mastectomy reconstruction using a transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap involves certain problems at the donor site as the difficulty in closure secondary to excessive tension and the development of a postsurgical abdominal hernia. The usage of alloplastic materials such as Marlex may also cause eventual weakness as well as a foreign body reaction. While autogenous tissues may be used for a remote myocutaneous flap transposition or a free-tissue transfer, the problems such as a donor site defect, atrophy secondary to denervation, etc. exist. To avert these problems, we propose to use the autogenous tissue in a manner that provides a dynamic support in addition to the functional reconstruction. The components separation method decribed here separates the muscle groups of the abdominal wall, and allows several advantages over treating the abdominal wall as a single unit. One of the advantages is the increased mobility of individual muscles. The allows transferance of the flap over a greater distance which in turn reduces excessive tension and makes closure of the donor site defect easier. Thus, this procedure provides a dynamic support and reduces the incidence of hernia. We experienced 3 cases of abdominal wall reconstruction after TRAM flap transfer(one case after bilateral TRAM flap, two cases after contralateral unilateral TRAM flap) using external oblique muscle sharing or rectus sharing. So we present clinical cases of the abdominal wall reconstruction after TRAM flap transfer with a review of the literature.

      • Carbamoylethyl Starch의 製造와 종이 製造時 添加效果에 관한 硏究

        尹世永,崔正箕,鄭文箕,趙炳默,吳正壽 동국대학교 생명자원과학대학 연습림 1995 연습림논문집 Vol.- No.4

        Recently, paper strength properties come up to be lowered by increasing ratio of utilization of recycling paper. In order to overcome these problems, strengthening agents which may cause enviromental problems have been used. Therefore, acrylamide was added to starch which is a cheap natural polymer, carbamoylethyl starch(CES) with high activity was prepared, and so the applicability as a paper additive was examined. The results are following; FT-IR spectra of CES of which degree of substitution was 0.25 showed strong C=O band at 1680㎝^-1 which corresponds the carbonyl group n amides(amide Ⅰ). Analysis of bravender viscosity showed that cooking start point of CES is 60℃ and instant viscosity is 830 B.U.(bravender unit). Effect of carbamoylethl DS on strength properties was resulted that CES of DS 0.20 appeared to be the best choice for making handsheets from KOCC with good overall strength properties, and it was selected as standard sample. Effect of pH on strength properties was obvious for their increasing values as decreasing pH. Also, a 5-fold increase in size rate as well as significant increase in wet-tensile strength were obtained in handsheets from KOCC by 3% wet-end addition of CES.

      • 김천대학 사회교육 활성화 방안에 관한 연구

        고정환 ; 윤옥현 ; 박홍기 ; 전기환 ; 김상민 ; 김학민 ; 박희룡 김천대학교 1999 김천대학교 논문집 Vol.20 No.-

        The social education that is provided for the people will be an important part of the national growth in the 21 century. This study was taken to present the desirable direction that Kimcheon College Continuing Education has to make progress as a central organization with perceiving the importance of continuing education for the Kimcheon citizen. To achieve the objective of the study, examined a sample of 592 citizen and students from Kimcheon City and Kimcheon College. The survey revealed the following results : 1. Offer the effective operation of education policies and curriculums. 2. Perform the role of foreign language education center. 3. Introduce the saving credit system. 4. Operate the special lectures for the students of the high school graduating class after the national scholastic achievement test for university and college entrance. 5. Suppert the special skills education for high school students after-school hours. 6. Administer the new employment program. These results showed the desirable direction that the Kimcheon College Continuing Education has to take some actions for the Kimcheon citizen.

      • 보존적 치료로 회복된 망경색에 의한 급성복증 1예

        김정념,이숭환,김정식,김진호,배윤오,박성규,윤상정,한현영,이헌영 충남대학교 의과대학 의학연구소 2003 충남의대잡지 Vol.30 No.1

        Omental infarction, the end result of impaired perfusion to the greater omentum, is a rare benign self-limiting clinical entity. The main clinical symptom is non-specific localized abdominal pain with a moderately raised white blood cell and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. These findings often mimic an abdominal surgical emergency. This condition is often misdiagnosed as acute appendicitis or cholecystitis. The characteristic feature of CT scan and ultrasonography provide non-invasive diagnosis in most patients with omental infarction. We report a case of patient whose CT scan showed the characteristic finding of omental infarction. The patient was improved spontaneously only with conservative care.

      • 한약에 의해 유발된 급성 간질성 신염 2례

        김덕윤,박동건,김응석,강영모,양창헌,이정호,이동철,이영현,김정란 동국대학교 경주대학 1996 東國論集 Vol.15 No.-

        간질성 신염은 신장의 간질을 선택적으로 침범하는 염증성 질환으로 여러가지 원인에 의해 유발되며, 이 중 약물에 의한 경우는 각종 항생제, 비스테로이드성 진통제, 항경련제, 이뇨제, 면역억제제등에 의한 증례들이 보고되고 있다. 현재 각종 질환-특히 만성질환-의 치료에서 한약이 차지하는 비중이 적지 않으나, 그 각각의 성분들이 유발할 수 있는 부작용들에 대한 연구는 거의 없는 실정이다. 저자들은 관절염 치료를 위해 중국산 한약을 복용한 후 복통, 피로감 및 육안적 혈뇨를 주소로 내원한 두 환자에서, 단백뇨와 신기능 장애를 보여 시행한 신조직 생검상 급성 간질성 신염에 합당한 병리학적 소견을 보이고, 한약 복용 중지 후 급속한 회복을 보여, 한약에 의해 유발된 것으로 사료되는 급성 간질성 신염 2예를 경험하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Acute interstitial nephritis is a disease characterized by renal interstitial inflammatory cell infiltration and acute renal functional deterioration. This is caused mainly by antibiotics, NSAID and diuretics such as thiazide, but cases induced by herb medication are rare. We experienced two cases of acute interstitial nephritis after treatment with herb medication. One 71-year-old female patient and the other 60-year-old female were admitted to the hospital because of general weakness and gross hematuria. Microscopic hematuria, pyuria, and proteinuria were presented. After definitive diagnosis with a renal biopsy, we noted rapid recovery of renal function by drug withdrawal and steroid therapy. We report these cases with a review of the referenced literatures. Key Words : Herb medication, Acute Interstitial nephritis.

      • 154kV 지중 OF 케이블 단말 처리용 콘덴서 콘의 개발 설계및 특성 연구

        구자윤,이정헌,이기봉 한양대학교 공학기술연구소 1994 공학기술논문집 Vol.3 No.1

        It is absolutely required to develop a sealing-end for the connection between OF power cable and GIS or overheadline. For this purpose, among the three different existing techniques for sealing-end, the condenser cone inserting technique is employed for our prototype sealing-end through the technique which permits to have smooth electric field distribution. In order to characterize its electrical behavior, a certain number of tests have been carried out at the test laboratory as follows ; AC voltage test, Lightning impulse test. Throughout these works, the results are found to be well satisfied with technical requirements, specified by IEC 141 as well as KEPCO with suitable longterm reliability.

      • 한국인에서 도파민 D4 수용체 다형성과 Novelty Seeking 성격 특성의 연관성

        이헌정,이홍석,강화연,김린,이민수,서광윤,변영찬 大韓神經精神醫學會 2002 신경정신의학 Vol.41 No.4

        연구목적 : 저자들은 한국인에서 도파민 D4 수용체(DRD4) 유전자의 다형성과 성격의 관련성을 알아보고자 본 연구를 시행하였다. 방 법 : 173명의 건강한 한국인 여자 청소년(13.88±0.29세)을 대상으로 하여 성격 기질 설문지(Temperament and Character Inventory : TCI)를 작성하도록 하였으며, 이들에서 DRD4 exon Ⅲ 48-bp VNTR(variable numbers of tandem repeats) 다형성을 분석하였다. 결 과 : DRD4 exon Ⅲ Vntr에서 긴 대립유전자(≥5 repeats)를 가진 군이 긴 대립유전자를 가지지 않은군에 비하여 Novelty Seeking 척도 점수가 유의하게 높았다(t=2.11,p=0.037). 결 론 : 본 연구 결과는 DRD4-exon Ⅲ의 긴 대립유전자가 Novelty Seeking 성격과 관련이 있다는 기존의 외국에서의 연구결과를 다시금 확인해주는 것이다. Objectives : We investigated the relationship of personality traits with dopamine D4 receptor(DRD4) exon Ⅲ polymorphism in a Korean population. Methods : We analysed DRD4 exon Ⅲ 48-bp repeats polymorphism in 173 Korean heakthy female adolescents(age=13.88±0.29years) who also completed Temperament and Charater Inventory(TCI). Results : Novelty seeking score of the TCI was significantly higher in the subjects with DRD4 long alleles(≥5 repeats) compares with the subjects without these (t=2.11, p=0.037). Conclusion : The present study supports the previous reports that long repeats of the DRD4-exon Ⅲ polymorphism are relatedwith Novelty Seeking personality.

      • KCI등재

        전수면박탈이 정상인의 신경인지기능에 미치는 영향

        이헌정,김인,서광윤 大韓神經精神醫學會 1999 신경정신의학 Vol.38 No.3

        연구목적 : 본 연구는 전산화 신경인지기능 검사인 Vienna Test System과 사건관련유발전위인 P300을 이용하여 수면박탈이 인간의 신경인지 및 정신생리적 기능에 미치는 효과를 알아보고자 하였으며, 또한 수면박탈 후에 P300의 변화가 인지 과정의 어떤 면과 관련되는 지를 살펴보고자 시도되었다. 방 법 : 고려대학교 의과대학 재학생 중 건강한 자원자 30명을 대상으로 하여 총 38시간의 수면박탈을 시행하였고 2일간 아침, 저녁으로 총 네차례 Vienna Test System와 P300을 실시하였다. 결 과 : Vienna Test System의 소검사 중 Vigilance의 대부분의 소검사에서 수면박탈후 수행능력이 유의하게 감소하였으며(p<.001). Reaction Unit에서도 반응시간이 유의하게 증가하였다(p.<01). 그러나 Cognitrone은 대부분의 소검사 항목에서 수행 기능이 오히려 향상되는 소견을 보였다. 수면박탈의 경과에 따라 P300의 잠복기가 유의하게 길어졌으며(p<.001), P300의 진폭도 수면박탈의 시간이 증가함에 따라서 감소하였다(p<.01). 아침, 저녁 시간대에 따른 비교를 보면, Vigilance에서는 이러한 수행의 저하가 아침시간에 더 뚜렷하게 나타났으며, Reaction Unit에서는 아침시간에만 유의한 반응시간의 연장이 나타났다. Cognitrone에서는 아침시간 보다 저녁시간에 유의한 수행의 향상이 나타났다. 결 론 : 수면박탈이 인지기능에 미치는 영향은 경계력의 저하와 반응시간의 지연에서 두드러지게 나타나며, 상대적으로 고차원적인 인지기능인 시지각 분석능력, 단기 기억력, 인지적 유연성 등에는 큰 영향을 미치지 못한다고 해석할 수 있겠다. 이러한 소견과 함께 수면박탈에 의하여 P300의 잠복기가 매우 유의하게 증가하였다는 점을 같이 고려하면, P300 잠복기의 연장과 진폭의 감소는 수면박탈에 따른 각성도의 저하와 이에 따른 반응시간의 연장과 관련된 것으로 추정을 할 수 있겠다. 또한 이러한 수면박탈에 따른 인지수행의 저하가 일주기 리듬에 대한 영향에 의하여 아침시간에 더욱 두드러지게 나타나는 것으로 보여진다. Objective : The purpose of this study was to investigate the neurocognitive and psycho-physiological effects of total sleep deprivation by using the objective and quantifiable methods of Vienna Test System(Reaction Unit, Cognitrone, Vigilance) and P300 event-related potential. Methods : Thirty healthy medical students(22 men, 8 women) participated in this study. Subjects remained awake for 38 hours under continuous surveillance. In the morning and the evening of two consecutive study days, the Vienna tests and P300 were performed. Results : In Vigilance test of the Vienna Test System, a significant functional impairment occurred as a result of total sleep deprivation(p<.001). In Reaction unit, reaction time significantly increased(p<.01). However, in Cognitrone, a functional improvement was revealed. The P300 latency was significantly prolonged(p<.001) and amplitudes decreased(p<.01) as a consequence of total sleep deprivation. Comparing the results of Vigilance and Reaction unit each taken in the morning and evening, the performance decrements were prominent in morning sessions. In Cognitrone, evening session result showed the improved performance. Conclusions : The cognitive impairment resulting from 38 hours of sleep deprivation are considerable in alertness and reaction time tests, but not in higher complex cognitive functions such as fine perceptual analyses, visual discrimination, and short term memory. Considering the results with P300 latency and amplitudes, it may be concluded that the P300 changes as a result of total sleep deprivation are due to the decrement in the alertness which prolongs reaction time. More deterioration of cognitive performance shown in the morning, could be explained by considering circadian rhythm.

      • 위암 환자에서 세포성 면역 기능에 관한 연구

        이재익,윤일국,이종선,김종완,장준,안정기,송민호,정현용,이헌영,김삼용,김영건 충남대학교 암연구소 1991 癌共同硏究所 硏究誌 Vol.1 No.1

        We performed a variety of lymphocyte stimulation tests, delayed hypersensitivity skin tests, and enumeration of several lymphocyte subpopulations in 21 patients with gastric cancer who did not receive any form of anticancer therapy, and in 20 healthy controls. The gastric cancer patients had significantly decreased number and total score of positive reactions in delayed hypersensitivity skin tests compared with the healthy controls. The percent of CD_(4) positive lymphocytes in the gastric cancer patients was significantly decreased compared to the normal control subjects, but it had no correlation with the total score of delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity reactions. The ratio of helper to suppressor cells was lower in the cancer group. The uptake of 3H-thymidine was markedly depressed in cancer patients when stimulated with various mitogens. There was little correlation between any of the stimulation tests and any of the lymphocyte subpopulation proportions to delayed hypersensitivity cutaneous reactions. Optimal proliferative response was found in lymphocytes stimulated with 10 micrograms of concanavalin-A and 10 microgram of phytohemagglutinin. Advanced stage patients had greatly depressed delayed hypersensitivity skin reactions and proliferative responses to mitogens compared with localized diseases. These results suggest that gastric cancer patients have depressed cellular immune functions, which mainly result from the decreased helper cells and defects in functional proliferative response to mitogens. Interleukin-2 and interferon-gamma restored the in vitro proliferative response of lymphocyte in patients with gastric cancer.

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