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      • KCI등재

        실용적인 외국어 교육의 수업평가 모형 개발 연구

        채희락,윤정미,최인철 서울대학교 어학연구소 1995 語學硏究 Vol.31 No.3

        This is a report on the research project "Evaluating Practical Foreign Language Teaching Programs", which was done in 1993 at the Language Research Institute (LRI) of Seoul National University(SNU). There had been some criticism against the effectiveness of the foreign language teaching (FLT)programs at SNU and other institutions. First, we focused on providing a methodology for evaluating the LRI language teaching program at that time. We used three different types of questionnaires to get information from students: two for needs ananlysis and one for teaching evaluation. Second, we repeated the process of evaluating and improving the program on the basis of the survey done in each quarter. The analyses of the questionnaires allowed us to identify what the students want to obtain from the program. The findings of the present research strongly suggest that the students (and the teachers) be given appropriate academic incentives in order to maximize the effectiveness of the FLT program. We hope that the program evaluation model provided in this report sheds some light on how to improve existing programs and develop effective new programs.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        On the nature of the restrictions for Multiple Subject Constructions in Korean

        Jeong-Me Yoon 경희대학교 언어정보연구소 2018 언어연구 Vol.35 No.3

        1. Introduction 2. The CPC as the ultimate restriction 3. Two different approaches to the CPC 4. Arguments for the processing approach 5. Implications for the syntax of MSCs and nature of Island Constraints 6. Conclusion

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        Optional Pied-Piping in the Minimalist Program

        Yoon, Jeong-Me 명지대학교 인문과학연구소 2000 인문과학연구논총 Vol.22 No.-

        In this paper, 1 have shown how optional pied-piping observed in languages like Basque and Imbabura Quechua and also in English, although in a very restricted scale, can be properly dealt with in the Minimalist Program without facing a problem with the Principle of Economy. I have claimed that pied-piping is the result of intermediate stages of WH-movement to Spec of XP and the subsequent WH-feature percolation to the XP. I have shown that if we take this analysis of pied-piping and understand economy as a local condition, optional pied-piping should be possible and what has to be explained is not why there is optional pied-piping but why it is quite constrained in certain languages such as English. As an answer to the cross-linguistic variation, I have proposed that the possibility of pied-piping an XP in a language is determined by the conspiracy of various universal and language-specific syntactic constraints and properties. Crucially, I have claimed that the overt/covert nature of indirect feature checking movement could vary independently of that of the final (direct) feature checking movement. This means that in terms of pied-piping there can be four different types of languages depending on the overt/covert nature of indirect and direct feature movement In a language. I have claimed that Basque and Imbabura Quechua are languages where both the direct and indirect feature-checking movement are overt while languages like Sinhala and Korean are those where both the direct and indirect feature checking movement are covert. As for the languages where the indirect feature checking movement is covert while the direct feature checking movement, I have claimed that English is such a language and shown how various facts of pied-piping in English can be explained in a principled manner if we assume this. Finally, as for the languages where indirect feature checking movement is overt while the direct feature checking movement is covert, I have suggested that a potential candidate for this type of language is Slave, where partial WH-movement is possible without an overt scope marker.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI우수등재

        Wh-island Effects in Korean Wh-in-Situ Questions

        Jeong-Me Yoon 한국언어학회 2012 언어 Vol.37 No.2

        This paper addresses a question arising from the unexpected results of a judgment study of wh-island effects of wh-in-situ questions in Korean reported in Yoon (2010). In the study, two groups of speakers were found: the speakers who mistakenly interpreted wh-in-situ questions with a non-local wh-Q association as Y/N-questions and judged them to be cceptable and those who judged them to be acceptable under the correct wh-question interpretation. A natural question arising from such a result is why neither judgments are identical to the standard wh-island effect judgment in the syntactic literature. As an explanation, I hypothesize that the standard wh-island effect judgment corresponds to the misinterpretation judgment and argue for it by showing that there is a strong correlation between the wh-island effects reported in the syntactic literature and the possibility that wh-in-situ questions with a non-local wh-Q association will be misinterpreted as Y/N-questions but (ii) that no correlation is observed between the wh-island effects and the acceptability scores obtained from the study of average native speakers. Ultimately, the validity of this hypothesis suggests that the genuine nature of wh-island effects of wh-in-situ questions is misinterpretation, not degradedness.

      • KCI등재

        A-Movement and the Binding Theory

        Yoon, Jeong-Me 서울대학교 어학연구소 1994 語學硏究 Vol.30 No.1

        In current GB theory, traces of movement, both A- and A′-movement, are assumed to be regulated by the binding theory as well as the ECP. However, in recent years it has been noted that the effects of the binding theory for traces of movement overlap with those of the ECP to a great extent and therefore, no harm is done even if traces are exempt from the binding theory. Specifically, my main concern in this paper is the validity of the binding theory for A-movement. In addition to data of the aforementioned kind, which merely suggests the redundancy of binding theory for movement, I present data which, crucially disconfirms the validity of the binding theory as a regulating principle for A-movement, namely, long-distance A-movement involved in ECM (raising)-constructions in some languages. Based on this data, I claim that traces of A-movement are not subject to binding theory, and thus the binding theory should be reserved only for the referential dependencies of lexical anaphors.

      • KCI우수등재

        Variations in the Wh-island Effects of Wh-in-Situ in Korean - A Garden Path Approach

        Jeong-Me Yoon 한국언어학회 2014 언어 Vol.39 No.3

        Although wh-in-situ in Korean are known to show wh-island effects, there exist various environments where they show no wh-island effects. No satisfactory accounts are available for all the cases, and the goal of this paper is to show that there is a way to explain them once we recognize that wh-in-situ questions with a non-local wh-Q association, under the processing approach to island effects, are garden path sentences and that what is called the wh-island effects of wh-in-situ in Korean is not the ungrammaticality of wh-in-situ questions with a non-local wh-Q association but the high likelihood of misinterpreting such questions as having the local scope. Once we do so, explaining the variations in wh-island effects can be recast as explaining the variations in misinterpretation rates, and I explain them by first identifying various factors contributing to the (un)likelihood of misinterpretation and then showing that all the observed variations can be explained in terms of them.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI우수등재

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