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      • KCI등재

        SiC Substrate Effects on Electron Transport in the Epitaxial Graphene Layer

        Engin Arslan,Semih Çakmakyapan,Özgür Kazar,Serkan Bütün,Sefer Bora Li esivdin,Neval A. Cinel,Gülay Ertas,Sükrü Ardal,Engin T ras,Jawad-ul-Hassan,E. Janzén,Ekmel Özbay 대한금속·재료학회 2014 ELECTRONIC MATERIALS LETTERS Vol.10 No.2

        Hall effect measurements on epitaxial graphene (EG) on SiC substrate have been carried out as a function of temperature. The mobility and concentration of electrons within the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at the EG layers and within the underlying SiC substrate are readily separated and characterized by the simple parallel conduction extraction method (SPCEM). Two electron carriers are identified in the EG/SiC sample: one highmobility carrier (3493 cm2/Vs at 300 K) and one low-mobility carrier (1115 cm2/Vs at 300 K). The high mobility carrier can be assigned to the graphene layers. The second carrier has been assigned to the SiC substrate.

      • Critical Measurement and Evaluation Issues in Physical Activity and Bone Health of Youth

        ( Kathleen F. Janz ) 한국체육학회 2015 국제스포츠과학 학술대회 Vol.2015 No.1

        Purpose: The influence of healthy bone development in youth is likely to be as important to preventing fragility fractures as slowing late adulthood bone loss via pharmaceuticals. In fact, 40% of bone mass is achieved during the 4 years surrounding adolescent peak growth. This is more bone mass gained than lost during late adulthood. By the end of adolescence, for most youth, 95% of total adult bone mass has been achieved. Physical activity is causally associated with bone mass gains during childhood and adolescence. The school setting, particularly physical education, has a central role in assessing and promoting bone-enhancing physical activity. Method: This presentation will review the literature and present original research that addresses how best to measure bone-related physical fitness and prescribe bone-enhancing exercise to ensure healthy bone development in youth. Result: Bone is most responsive to physical activities that are dynamic, moderate-to-high in load magnitude, short in load duration, non-repetitive in load direction, and applied quickly. The load magnitude is produced by impact with the ground (tumbling, jumping), impact with an object (racquet sports), or muscle power moves such as the lift phase in jumping and vaulting. On the other hand, due to desensitization of the bone cells (osteocytes), static loads and repetitive low-magnitude loads are not osteogenic. The best type of exercise for bone health appears to be jumping, a gross motor skill that mechanically loads the clinically important site of the hip via muscle loading during takeoff and via impact loading during landing. Intervention studies suggest 100 loads (jumps) per session and 3 d/wk are reasonable for a bone-enhancing effect. In general about 7 months of intervention (one school year) are needed to detect change in bone mass and structure. Conclusion: Optimal bone health is a key reason for promoting physical activity. Since bone mass and structure track through childhood, adolescence, and (at least) young adulthood, improving bone strength early in life may have sustained effects on bone health. Physical education for bone health should begin during childhood when bone appears most sensitive to the effects of physical activity and provide skills and supportive environments to ensure continued physical activity with age.

      • KCI등재

        낭만적이고 추하다는 것은?

        ( Rolf-peter Janz ) 연세대학교 유럽사회문화연구소 2010 유럽사회문화 Vol.5 No.-

        예술사나 미학에서는 전통적으로 미와 추가 대립되어 있었으며 특히 추는 미의 부정으로서 배제되거나 혹은 예술 현상이 아닌 것으로 부정적으로 인식되었다. 그러나 미와 추의 대립은 사실 역사적, 문화적 변천 과정 속에서 파악되어야만 한다. 즉 어떤 것이 미고 어떤 것이 추인지는 결코 불변할 수가 없다. 가령 이전에 아름다웠던 것은 오늘날에는 더 이상아름답지 않은 것이거나 혹은 추한 것으로 받아들여질 수 있으며, 역으로도 마찬가지다. 추의 미학과 관련해서는 두 가지 측면에서 고찰될 수 있는데, 그 하나는 추의 현상학(즉 추한 대상)이며, 다른 하나는 형식이나 대상이 불러일으키는 추한 영향력이다. 추에 관해서는 많은 철학가들이 거론될 수 있지만 동시에 문학 영역에서도 작가들 또한 그에 대해 지대한 관심을 갖고 있었다. 우선 계몽주의 작가인 레씽(Lessing)은 <라오콘>에서 문학과 회화의 차이를 거론하는 가운데 문학에서는 추한 것이 용납될 수 있다고 분석하고 있다. 문학에서 추한 것은 기분 좋은 느낌을 불러일으키지는 않지만 독자에게 웃음이나 전율을 야기할 수 있다고 레씽은 말한다. 이는 곧 추의 두 가지 하부 장르를 인식한 것이기도 한데, 즉 추가 희극과 비극으로 각기 통합될 수 있는 웃음과 전율과 관계되어 있다는 단초를 제시한 것이다. 또 다른 이는 프리드리히 슐레겔(F. Schlegel)이다. 그는 현대 문학의 특성으로 "흥미로움"이라는 범주를 내세우면서 이 흥미로움의 두 가지 특성으로 자극적인 것(das Pikante)와 놀라운 것(das Frappante)에 대해 언급하고 있다. 슐레겔의 시각에서 가장 의미심장한 점은, 미와 추가 더 이상 대립을 형성하는 것이 아니라 "서로 분리될 수 없는 상관관계"를 형성한다는 것이다. 이론적 시각은 아닐지라도 문학적 형상화 차원엣 다양한 추한 현상을 적극 제시한 두 명의 대표적인 작가로는 하인리히 폰 클라이스트(H. v.Kleist)와 에.테.아 호프만(E.T.A. Hoffmann)을 들 수 있다. 그들의 작품에서는 더 이상 아름다움의 범주에 의해서 분석될 수 없는, 글자 그대로 추악한 현상이 동시대의 도덕적, 계몽적 경향에 대항하여 적나라하게 그려지고 있다. 이로써 추는 현대 예술 및 미학에서 중요한 범주로 작용하게 된다.


        Alteration of the Fatty Acid Profile of Pork by Dietary Manipulation

        Morel, P.C.H.,McIntosh, J.C.,Janz, J.A.M. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2006 Animal Bioscience Vol.19 No.3

        This work was undertaken to study the effect of dietary fat source on the fatty acid profile of pork, and to evaluate the effect of inclusion of vitamin E in pig diets on lipid oxidation of pork tissue and processed pork products. Fifty-six pigs were allocated to four treatments, that included two dietary fat sources and two levels of vitamin E inclusion. Dietary fat was derived from either tallow, a source of saturated fatty acids (SFA), or from a mixture of soybean and linseed oils, which contain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Vitamin E was included at either 0% or 0.011% of the diet. Growth and carcass characteristics were not affected by the dietary treatments. Dietary fat source affected the fatty acid profile of the longissimus muscle and subcutaneous fat tissue, with the PUFA diet resulting in significantly more polyunsaturated fatty acids in the tissues, and more favourable ratios of SFA to PUFA and C18:2 to C18:3 in terms of human health considerations. Lipid oxidation was significantly greater in tissues and processed products from PUFA-fed pigs. Inclusion of vitamin E in the diets, however, reduced the extent of lipid oxidation in the meat and meat products. Dietary manipulation of the fatty acid profile of pigs is an effective means of altering the fat composition of pork in order to provide human consumers with a healthy product. Vitamin E is effective as an antioxidant agent, particularly where processed products are concerned.

      • KCI등재

        Progress and Challenges in Objectively Measuring Bone-Strengthening Physical Activity

        Shelby L. Francis, M.A.,Kathleen F. Janz, Ed.D. 국민체육진흥공단 한국스포츠정책과학원 2016 International Journal of Applied Sports Sciences Vol.28 No.2

        Osteoporosis is characterized by a loss of bone density and strength resulting in increased risk of fracture. One promising method for preventing fractures is participation in bone-strengthening physical activity. While the importance of mechanical loading for bone health is understood, assessment strategies are limited. Most researchers measure metabolic loads rather than mechanical loads, but not all activities that improve metabolic health increase bone strength. The osteogenic properties of physical activity (e.g., magnitude of the load, rate at which the load is applied, dynamic and odd nature of the load, duration of loading session, and breaks between sessions) have not traditionally been directly measured in health outcomes and surveillance research. The lack of research in this area has slowed our understanding of exactly what dose of bone-strengthening physical activity to recommend to the public as well as how to prescribe exercise to reduce the risk of fractures. To understand the influence of mechanical loading on bone adaptation, measurement methods must capture multiple physical activity dimensions (intensity, frequency, and time). Advancements in accelerometer technology now allow for the measurement of these dimensions. It is time that the lessons learned from using accelerometers in cardiometabolic health outcomes research be applied to musculoskeletal health.

      • KCI등재

        Progress and Challenges in Objectively Measuring Bone-Strengthening Physical Activity

        ( Shelby L. Francis ),( Kathleen F. Janz ) 한국스포츠정책과학원(구 한국스포츠개발원) 2016 International Journal of Applied Sports Sciences Vol.28 No.2

        Osteoporosis is characterized by a loss of bone density and strength resulting in increased risk of fracture. One promising method for preventing fractures is participation in bone-strengthening physical activity. While the importance of mechanical loading for bone health is understood, assessment strategies are limited. Most researchers measure metabolic loads rather than mechanical loads, but not all activities that improve metabolic health increase bone strength. The osteogenic properties of physical activity (e.g., magnitude of the load, rate at which the load is applied, dynamic and odd nature of the load, duration of loading session, and breaks between sessions) have not traditionally been directly measured in health outcomes and surveillance research. The lack of research in this area has slowed our understanding of exactly what dose of bone-strengthening physical activity to recommend to the public as well as how to prescribe exercise to reduce the risk of fractures. To understand the influence of mechanical loading on bone adaptation, measurement methods must capture multiple physical activity dimensions (intensity, frequency, and time). Advancements in accelerometer technology now allow for the measurement of these dimensions. It is time that the lessons learned from using accelerometers in cardiometabolic health outcomes research be applied to musculoskeletal health.

      • KCI등재

        A comparison of DAE integrators in the context of benchmark problems for flexible multibody dynamics

        Peter Betsch,Christian Becker,Marlon Franke,Yinping Yang,Alexander Janz 대한기계학회 2015 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.29 No.7

        In the present work a uniform framework for general flexible multibody dynamics is used to compare state-of-the-art DAE integratorsin the context of benchmark problems. The multibody systems considered herein are comprised of rigid bodies, nonlinear beams andshells. The constitutive laws applied in the benchmark problems belong to the class of hyperelastic materials. To numerically integratethe uniform set of DAEs three alternative time-stepping schemes are applied: (i) an energy-momentum consistent method, (ii) a specificvariational integrator and (iii) a generalized-α scheme.

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