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      • Why could we rely on the reviewer’s online review? : Review rating scheme, reviewer reputation scheme and navigation support

        Un-Kon Lee,Kil-Soo Suh,Jai-Yeol Son 한국경영정보학회 2010 한국경영정보학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2010 No.1

        Online feedback mechanism, also known as reputation systems (Resnick et al. 2000), refers to the IT systems that enable the collection and dissemination of information about past transaction of traders (Dellarocas 2003, Resnick 2000, Pavlou & Dimoka 2006) As the word-of-mouth, they have referred to the online feedback to make their shopping decision, because they have trust in the online feedbacks and their reviewers. But in fact, some researchers have insisted that current online feedback mechanism was vulnerable to express the real value of shopping experience and this has resulted in distorting effect on customers’ purchase decision making (Dellarocas 2005, Resnick & Zeckhauser 2002, Duan & Whinston, 2005, Li & Hitt, 2008). For this remedy, current online feedback literature has mainly focused on the conceptual implication or structural assurance such as the seal of approval, and policy etc.. But, these are not enough to solve the above problem, because mechanism design modification and legal mechanism are usually more expensive to institute and people continue to seek to loophole (Bakos and Dellarocas 2002). In this research, we will propose another solution, the market driven mechanism consisted of review rating scheme, reviewer reputation scheme, and review navigation support by the peer customer community. By introducing the peer rating mechanism we could make feedback mechanism more cheap, sound and sustainable. Also, it could make them purchase decision via the more high qualified feedbacks, more credible reviewer and more effectively search and evaluate mechanism.

      • KCI등재

        실업계 고등학교 교육체제 개편에 따른 교원 인력구조의 개선 방안

        정철영(Chyul Young Jyung),김재식(Jai Sik Kim),서우석(Woo Seok Seo),나승일(Seung Il Na),박동열(Dong Yeol Park),최동선(Dong Son Choi) 한국직업교육학회 2000 職業 敎育 硏究 Vol.19 No.1

        The objectives of this study was to analyze the problems of teacher manpower structure and to suggest countermeasures against teacher problems due to restructuring the educational system of vocational high schools. Various research methods were used for accomplishing this study. Extensive literature and statistical data were collected and reviewed. A panel of expert committee was held several times in order to discuss and search the directions of reconstructing manpower structure of vocational high school teachers. The panel consisted of members in the Ministry of Education and the Offices of Education, vocational high school teachers, professors, and researchers. Survey with the questionnaires were conducted, which subjects were members in the Offices of Education, the principals and teachers in the vocational high schools. The results of this study indicated that the alternatives through the reducing the student number a class, the in-service training, the generating of the new demands, the flexible managing of curriculum, and the interchange of personnel should be considered for the surplus teachers. However, when these alternatives are considered, it is essential to reflect independency, flexibility, the improvement of the vocational education s conditions into positively coping with the problems of the surplus teachers. Based upon the results of this study, the researchers make some recommendations for policy execution and further research.

      • KCI등재

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