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      • 2015 개정 초등영어 교육과정 언어기능별 핵심내용과 성취기준

        이재근 ( Jaekeun Lee ) 한국교원대학교 초등교육연구소 2015 초등교과교육연구 Vol.22 No.-

        This study is to analyze 2015 revised Elementary English Curriculum for more understanding the standards and minimal essentials of language function based on the conception of the key competence. The key competence based English curriculum requests students to have several abilities for tasks to achieve successively in the classroom. The 7th national curriculum has been changed as a form of renewal and there were three times(2007 & 2008, 2011) and 2015 brand new one will be administered in 2018. especially in elementary English curriculum. 2015 revised Elementary English curriculum minimized 2009 standards and tried to optimize students learning load of duty as a form of several key concepts. Each language function(listening, speaking, reading and writing) was subcategorized. In case of listening area, 5 types of conception were categorized; speaking area(3 types), reading area(6 types), and writing areas(4 types). Each area was classified in detail. In short, the old one was transformed into a new one.

      • 초등영어 비대면 자기주도 학습-평가 접근

        이재근(Lee, Jaekeun) 한국교원대학교 초등교육연구소 2021 초등교과교육연구 Vol.34 No.-

        This paper addresses one of the critical issues of how to improve self-directed learning and self-assessment in Non-face-to-face elementary English education under covid-19 pandemic. Several teachers’ viewpoints were suggested and discussed a model of self-evaluation related to Non-face-to-face self-directed learning. As pointed by 이재근(2020a), schools have been managed with various knids of classes of Non-face-to-face way or not, such as a form of video conferencing or distance learning based on online educational systems. As a result, the problem was revealed that students did’t get such their learning advantages as they achieved in an usual and normal learning classroom because they didn’t get closely instructed or managed by professional teachers in school. Half instruction, half learning. Without their teacher’s care, they did’t get not so much effective learning results. Consequently, they need a learning caretaker for their learning stages of checking out their performances in before class-during class-after class.

      • 코로나19 이후 한국교회의 정체성

        이재근(Jaekeun Lee) 전남대학교 종교문화연구소 2023 종교문화학보 Vol.20 No.1

        Since the 1960s, discourse surrounding the so-called “secularization thesis” has been intense in Western theological and historical circles, and in the societies of religious sociology. Secularization can be loosely defined as a phenomenon in which individuals and societies, once dominated by religious beliefs, values, and world-views, lose their religiosity and align their lives and minds with non-religious values. The secularization debate, led by theologians and sociologists, has been ongoing since the 1960s, producing variants such as neo-secularization and de-secularization theories, and continues to this day. In terms of the secularization debate, South Korea has been characterized as a neutral zone between religiosity and irreligiosity, and a borderland between de-secularization and secularization. South Korea stands in a liminal zone between Western Europe, a secularist country that seems to have virtually lost its religiosity, and many religious countries in the non-Western world where religious revivals are still going strong. Among the theological and sociological analyses and discussions of today's American society, which has been referred to as Post-Modern, Late-Modern, Post-Christian, Post-Christendom, Post-Covid-19, and Unaffiliated Christian, James Davidson Hunter's alternative model of “faithful presence” is not only relevant to American society but also to the Korean context. Hunter argues that Christians living in a post-Christian, post-modern, and post-Christian world dominated by pluralism and secularism need to demonstrate faithful presence. Gerald Sittser calls this way of life the “third way” of the early Christians. It's not the first way, which is to conform to secular values, nor is it the second way, which is to abandon the world, declare disconnection, and become isolated. The secularization of South Korean society intensified during the COVID-19 pandemic, as shown by a 2021 Gallup survey. The proportion of religious people, including Christianity, has decreased significantly, especially among the younger generation. Drawing a veil of separation and disconnection and hiding in the mountains and wildernesses, or, on the contrary, becoming one with the wave of secularization, are not Christian answers. The Christian identity is to live and exist faithfully as exiles and sojourners, living in this world but not of it. It is the call of the Korean church to be a hospitable community that heals the world's wounds and shares all good things together. 1960년대부터 서양 신학 및 역사학계, 그리고 종교사학회를 중심으로 소위 ‘세속화 논제’(secularization thesis)를 둘러싼 담론이 치열하게 전개되었다. 세속화는 종교적 신앙과 가치, 세계관에 지배받던 기존 개인과 사회가 시간이 지나면서 점점 더 비종교적이거나 세속적인 가치를 수용하면서, 종교성을 상실하고 삶과 정신을 비종교적이고 탈종교적인 가치에 맞추는 현상으로 대략 정의할 수 있다. 신학자들과 사회학자들을 중심으로 1960년대부터 진행된 세속화 논쟁은 신세속화론, 탈세속화론 등의 변형 이론들을 양산하며 오늘날까지 이어지고 있다. 세속화 논쟁의 관점에서, 한국은 종교성과 비종교성의 중립지대, 탈세속화와 세속화의 경계지대에서 양자를 아우르는 특징을 지녔다. 한국은 종교성이 사실상 상실된 것으로 보이는 세속주의 국가들인 서유럽과 종교 부흥이 여전히 뜨겁게 진행 중인 비서양의 여러 종교적 국가들 사이에서 경계 지대에 서 있다. 포스트모던(Post-Modern), 후기 근대(Late-Modern), 탈기독교(Post-Christian), 탈크리스텐덤(Post-Christendom), 코로나19 이후(Post-Covid-19), ‘가나안’ 신자(Unaffiliated Christian) 등으로 지칭되는 오늘날의 미국 사회에 대한 신학계와 종교사회학계의 분석과 논의 중, 제임스 데이빗슨 헌터(James Davidson Hunter)가 제시한 대안, 즉 ‘신실한 현존’(faithful presence) 모델이 미국 사회뿐만 아니라 한국 상황에도 적실한 대안이다. 헌터는 다원주의와 세속주의가 지배하는 탈기독교세계, 후기 현대, 기독교 이후 시대를 살아가는 기독교인은 ‘신실한 현존’을 보여주어야 한다고 주장한다. 제럴드 싯처(Gerald Sittser)는 같은 방식의 삶을 초대 기독교인의 ‘제3의 길’이라 부른다. 세속의 가치에 완전히 함몰되어 순응하는 제1의 길도 아니고, 세상을 완전히 버리고 단절을 선언하며 고립되는 제2의 길도 아니다. 2021년 갤럽조사에서 보듯, 코로나19가 창궐하던 어간에 한국 사회의 세속화도 강화되었다. 기독교를 포함한 종교인의 비율이 현격히 줄어들었다. 특히 젊은 세대의 이탈이 가속화되고 있다. 분리와 단절의 장막을 치고 산과 들로 숨어드는 것도, 반대로, 세속화의 물결에 몸을 완전히 맡기고 한 몸이 되는 것도 기독교적인 답은 아니다. 이 세상에 발을 딛고 살지만 이 땅에 속하지는 않은 유배자이자 거류민으로 신실하게 살고 존재하는 것이 기독교인의 정체성이다. 세상의 상처 입은 자들을 치유하며 모든 좋은 것을 함께 공유하는 환대공동체가 되는 것이 한국교회에 주어진 소명이다.

      • KCI등재

        Performance evaluation of nano-lubricants of fullerene nanoparticles in refrigeration mineral oil

        Kwangho Lee,Yujin Hwang,Seongir Cheong,Laeun Kwon,Sungchoon Kim,Jaekeun Lee 한국물리학회 2009 Current Applied Physics Vol.9 No.2

        It has been recognized that the friction coefficient decreases with decreasing viscosity of lubricant oil in lubrication. In general, as the viscosity of the lubricant decreases, the wear rate increases due to a decrease of load-carrying capacity of the lubricant. It has been proposed that nano particles in oil decrease the friction coefficient and wear rate. The purpose of this study is to apply oil, which has lower viscosity and is mixed with nano particles, to the compressor used in a refrigerator to decrease the friction coefficient with the same or superior load-carrying capacity. Mineral oil of 8 mm2/s was used and mixed with fullerene nanoparticles of 0.1 vol%. Friction coefficient was evaluated by a disk-on-disk tribotester. As a result, the friction coefficient of the nano-oil decreased by 90% in comparison with raw oil. These results lead us to the conclusion that nano-oil can contribute to improving the efficiency and reliability of the compressor. It has been recognized that the friction coefficient decreases with decreasing viscosity of lubricant oil in lubrication. In general, as the viscosity of the lubricant decreases, the wear rate increases due to a decrease of load-carrying capacity of the lubricant. It has been proposed that nano particles in oil decrease the friction coefficient and wear rate. The purpose of this study is to apply oil, which has lower viscosity and is mixed with nano particles, to the compressor used in a refrigerator to decrease the friction coefficient with the same or superior load-carrying capacity. Mineral oil of 8 mm2/s was used and mixed with fullerene nanoparticles of 0.1 vol%. Friction coefficient was evaluated by a disk-on-disk tribotester. As a result, the friction coefficient of the nano-oil decreased by 90% in comparison with raw oil. These results lead us to the conclusion that nano-oil can contribute to improving the efficiency and reliability of the compressor.

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