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        에코뮤지엄으로서의 미당시문학관의 발전 가능성에 대한 고찰

        윤재웅 동국대학교 한국문학연구소 2009 한국문학연구 Vol.0 No.36

        미당시문학관을 일종의 에코뮤지엄으로 바라보자는 것이 이 글의 기본 성격이다. 에코뮤지엄이란 자연생태박물관이며, ‘지역’, ‘주민’, ‘자연환경’을 핵심 개념으로 가지고 있는 새로운 개념의 텍스트이다. 이 텍스트를 문학관과 관련시켜 이해하는 데에는 문화 변동에 따르는 인식의 전환이 필요하다. 문학관이라는 공간 텍스트의 성격이 ‘읽기 리터러시에서 보기 리터러시로’, ‘지각의 대상에서 감각의 대상으로’, ‘문자 텍스트에서 다양한 컨버전스의 복합 텍스트로’ 바뀌어 가고 있다는 진단이 그것이다. 그러므로 공간 텍스트로서의 문학관의 주요한 기능은 다양한 감각의 체험이다. 에코뮤지엄은 여기에 ‘친환경’의 개념이 추가된다. 친환경의 측면에서 볼 때, 미당시문학관은 최적의 조건을 갖추고 있다. 게다가 그의 고향마을을 주요 소재로 다루고 있는 『질마재신화』(1975)는 공간 텍스트 향유자들이 직접 체험할 수 있는 생태문화 텍스트로서 월등한 경쟁력을 가지고 있다. 지역사회에서는 문화관광자원개발을 통한 소득증대사업으로 연결할 수 있고, 일반인들에게는 예술과 현실 삶의 관계를 확인해보는 새로운 경험을 제공하게 될 것이다. 이 모든 사업을 관장할 수 있는 중심 공간은 미당시문학관이다. 그러므로 미당시문학관을 활성화시킬 수 있는 핵심적인 방안은 지리적 공간으로서의 ‘지역’을 단순한 볼거리 제공지의 차원에서 지적, 감성적 욕구를 충족시켜주는 공간으로 재탄생시키는 것이다. 이 개념이 바로 ‘마을 만들기’이다. 마을 만들기는 주민 자치에 의한 문화 민주주의의 생성과 그 확장의 성격을 가지며 지역의 생태환경 요소를 최대한 존중해야 한다. 미당시문학관이 중심이 되는 마을 만들기의 경우, 여기에 『질마재신화』의 문화콘텐츠를 결합시키는 일이 과제로 남아 있다. The fundamental concept of the treatise is to consider the Mi Dang Literature Museum as an Eco-Museum. Eco-museum is a natural ecological museum with ‘region’, ‘inhabitants’, and its ‘surrounding nature’ as its core text. A thorough comprehension of the central notion and the Mi Dang Literature Museum requires a transformation in assimilation in regards to cultural fluctuation. The characteristic of a literature museum, a spatial text, is altering ‘from reading literacy to viewing literacy’, ‘from perceptual subject to sensual subject’, and ‘from figurative texts to various compound texts’. Therefore, the major function of the literature museum for a spatial text is the multi-sensory experience. Eco-museum adds the concept of environmental friendliness. In the environmental friendly point of view, the Mi Dang Literature Museum has ideal conditions. For example, The Myth of Jil Ma Jae(1975) that deals with Mi Dang’s hometown has exceptional competitive power as an ecologically cultural text because it allows the visitors to directly experience it. The new concept of the museum will lead to the development in culture and tourism aspect of the local community, and provide a total new experience where the visitors can understand the relation of the literary art and the reality. The center place to manage the above business concept is the Mi Dang Literature Museum. Therefore, the most important way to revitalize the Mi Dang Literature Museum is to reborn it as a place where fulfills the emotional desires, not as a place where it only provides simple visual features. The whole notion is to ‘Town Making’, and this will not only respect the ecological aspect of the town but also develop and expand the cultural democracy within in the town. The hard task of this whole notion is to combine the cultural contents of The Myth of Jil Ma Jae and the idea of the Eco-museum.

      • 어머니의 사회적 유능성, 자녀 또래관계 개입행동과 유아의 또래 유능성과의 관계

        정재윤,김광웅 숙명여자대학교 아동연구센터 2002 兒童硏究 Vol.15 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the relations among the maternal social competence, involvement behaviors on the children's peer relations and the children's peer competence and to find out the path of the maternal social competence and involvement behaviors on the children's peer competence affect the children's peer competence and the relative influence. The subjects of this study were 219 children of two kindergartens and three children's houses located in Seoul and Kyoungki-province and their mothers. To make things clear, three kinds of questionnaires were applied. Interpersonnal Competence Questionnaire(ICQ), developed by Buhrmester etc, was used to measure mother's social competence. Parental Involvement Checklist(PIC) was used to measure mother's involvement behaviors on children's peer relation. And Children's Peer Competence Scale, developed by Ju Hee Park etc, was used to measure childrens' peer competence. To analyze the data, the prequency and percentage were produced through the statistics package SAS. The data were analyzed by means, standard deviation, and correlation analysis. And path analysis is also undertaken to find out the path which affects children's peer competence and the relative influence. The results obtained from this study are as follows. Firstly, positive variables affecting the son's peer competence are maternal social competence, involvement behaviors on children's peer relations(supervision, advice and support, adjustment and mediation, the total score of involvement behaviors on children's peer relations). Positive variables affecting the daughter's peer competence is the maternal involvement behaviors on the children's peer relations(monitoring, consultation and support, arrangement and mediation, the total score of the maternal involvement behaviors on children's peer relations). Secondly, the maternal social competence hadn’t an influence on the children's peer competence directly, but it had an influence through the involvement behaviors on children's peer relations indirectly. That is, the maternal involvement behaviors on children's peer relations mediates between the children's peer competence and the maternal social competence. There was mediator function in the maternal involvement behaviors on the son's peer relations(monitoring, consultation and support, arrangement and mediation, the total score of the maternal involvement behaviors on children's peer relations). The other side, there was mediator function in consultation and support, the total score of the maternal involvement behaviors on children's peer relations of the maternal involvement behaviors on the daughter's peer relations.

      • 보육시설 교사를 대상으로 하는 환경교육 프로그램의 개발

        안지연,윤재웅,안옥희 영남대학교 지역발전연구소 1999 새마을지역개발연구 Vol.25 No.-

        It is very important for preschool child to environment education in child care and education institution. However only few studies concerned to concrete education program. Therefore this study was environment education program for teacher in child care and education institution. Environment education program were consist of four steps; general idea of environment education, component abstract of environment education program for child, give motivation with development to environment education program, application of environment education program.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS
      • CNC LATHE 성능개선을 위한 검사방법에 대한 연구

        김봉훈,윤재웅 대구대학교 산업기술연구소 2009 産業技術硏究 Vol.20 No.1

        An experimental investigation was conducted to analyze the effect of geometric structure of CNC lathe on the accuracy of machined work pieces. First, a detailed data base for summarizing inspection methods and items was made through literature reviews on the related standards and inspection guide lines. Secondly, performance tests were performed using a test equipment corrected according to the inspection guide lines. Results showed that accuracy of the work pieces was well controlled and satisfied geometric tolerances of the inspection guide lines proposed in this paper.

      • KCI등재

        『화사집』의 짐승 표상 : ‘병든 숫개’, ‘배암’, ‘숫사슴’을 중심으로

        이원영,윤재웅 이화어문학회 2021 이화어문논집 Vol.54 No.-

        본고는 『화사집』의 주요한 짐승 표상으로 ‘병든 숫개’, ‘배암’, ‘숫사슴’을 지목하고, 이러한 짐승 표상들을 통해 직조되는 『화사집』의 원초적 생명성의 세계를 살피려는 시도다. 짐승 표상들은 󰡔화사집󰡕의 세계를 구성하는 주요한 요인이다. 그러나 짐승 표상들의 구체적 의미와 관계, 맥락을 통해 『화사집』의 세계를 체계적으로 이해하려는 시도는 부재한 상황이다. 이에 본고는 ‘병든 숫개’와 ‘배암’, ‘숫사슴’을 중심으로 짐승 표상들이 지니는 의미와 맥락을 추적하고, 이러한 짐승 표상들을 통해 직조되는 󰡔화사집󰡕의 세계를 탐색하였다. ‘병든 숫개’는 밑바닥의 세계로 육박하여 고투하는 육체의 몸부림으로 찬란함을 간취하려는 역설적 시선을 보여준다. ‘병든 숫개’의 시선은 󰡔화사집󰡕 전체를 통관하는 시선이기도 하다. ‘배암’은 여성의 육감으로 나타나는 원초적 관능의 표상으로, 수컷들을 매혹하여 원초적 욕망의 몸부림을 만들어내는 생명성의 기제다. ‘숫사슴’은 건강한 육체의 화신으로서, 근원적 생명성과 합일을 이뤄 충만해진 이상적 수컷의 표상이다. ‘숫사슴-되기’는 병든 육체의 회복 열망을 보여준다. 시인은 이러한 짐승 표상들이 보여주는 육체의 몸부림들을 밑바닥 세계에서 찬란함을 간취하게 하는 생명성의 구현 원리로 받아들이고 짐승적 본능과 육체성 회복의 서사를 써내려간다. This study points out “Sick Male Dog”, “Snake”, and “Stag” as the main representation of the beast in 『Hwasajip』. And it attempts to examine the world of life of 『Hwasajip』 created through such representation of beasts. The representation of beasts is the main factor that makes up the world of Hwasajip. However, there have been no attempts to systematically understand the world of Hwasajip through the specific meaning, relationship, and context of the representation of beasts. In this regard, this paper traces the meaning and context of representation of beasts focusing on “Sick Male Dog”, “Snake”, and “Stag”, and explores the world of Hwasajip created though these representation of beasts. “Sick Male Dog” shows a paradoxical gaze of entering the world of the bottom and trying to acquire splendor through bodily struggle. The gaze of “Sick Male Dog” is also the gaze that passes through the whole of Hwasajip. “Snake” is a representation of primordial sensuality that appears in a woman’s physical beauty. “Snake” is the mechanism of life that makes males struggle bodily with their primal desires. The “Stag” is the incarnation of a healthy body, and the representation of an ideal male who has been fulfilled through unity with the fundamental life. “Becoming a stag” shows the desire for recovery of the sick body. The poet accepts the struggles of the body shown by these representations of beasts as the principle of realization of life that acquire the splendor of the world of the bottom, and writes the narrative of the restoration of the beast's instinct and physicality.

      • 국내 검정콩 육성품종의 종자특성

        주용하,박재훈,윤승길,김영호,김성민,정길웅 한국국제농업개발학회 2002 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.14 No.4

        1. 수분흡수율이 가장 높은 시간은 다원콩(침지 후 4시간)을 제외한 모든 품종이 침지후 2시간이었으며, 둔화되기 시작한 시간은 침지후 약 10시간이었고, 평형에 도달한 시간은 침지후 약 16시간이었다. 2. 수분흡수율은 품종간에 차이가 있었는데 가장 높은 수분흡수율을 보인 품종은 검정콩2호이었으며, 가장 낮은 품종은 다원콩이었다. 3. 발아율의 범위는 28이었으며, 평균발아율은 93.9%이었고, 가장 높은 품종은 청자콩과 흑청콩이었다. 4. 발아세의 범위는 52이었으며, 평균발아세는 81.9%이었고, 가장 높은 품종은 흑청콩이었다. 5. 평균발아일수와 T_50의 범위는 모두 2이었으며, 평균은 각각 2.6과 2.3이었고, 품종간에는 선흑콩이 가장 길었다. 6. 발아균일도의 범위는 3.1이었으며, 평균은 1.3이었고, 높은 그룹(흑청콩·청자콩·검정콩2호·다원콩·검정올콩)과 낮은 그룹(검정콩1호·일품검정콩·선흑콩)으로 분류되었다. 7. 알칼리붕괴도는 공시품종의 평균이 4.65이었으며 등급은 4∼5등급을 나타내었다. 붕괴도가 가장 높고 우수한 품종은 검정콩1호였으며 가장 낮은 품종은 선흑콩이었다. The water absorption rate after soaking of seeds was the highest at 2 hours in all varieties except Dawonkong(4 hours after soaking), and became slowed down at 10 hours, and reached moisture equilibrium in stopping almost at 16 hours. The water absorption rate was different among varieties, the highest variety was Geomjeongkong #2 whereas the lowest variety was Dawonkong. The range of germination percentage was 28, and average value 93.9%, and the highest varieties were Cheongjakong and Heukcheongkong. The range of germination speed was 52. average value 81.9%, and the highest variety was Heukcheongkong. The range of average days to germination and T_50 were all two days and these average was 2.6 and 2.3, respectively. Seonheukkong among varieties was very long in average days to germination and T_50. The range of germination uniformity was 3.1 and average was 1.3 and divide into two groups such as high group(Heukcheongkong, Cheongjakong, Gemjeongkong #2, Dawonkong, Geomjeongolkong) and low group(Geomjeongkong #1, llpumgeomjeongkong, Seonheukkong). Varietal mean of alkali digestibility value was 4.65 belong to 4∼5 class, the highest variety was Geomjeongkong #1 whereas Seonheukkong was very low among varieties.

      • KCI등재
      • The General Outlook of Peruvian Agriculture and Its Implications for Korean Agribusiness

        Jae Woong Yun,Carmen E. Velezmoro Sanchez,Young Chan Choe 한국농식품정보과학회 2011 Agribusiness and Information Management Vol.3 No.2

        Peru is South America’s third largest country and enjoys an enormous amount of natural resources. However, However, very few business studies on Peruvian agriculture have been presented. The objectives of this study are to introduce the general status of Peruvian agriculture to Korean business circles and to promote agricultural business opportunities in Korea and Peru. Secondary data related to Peruvian agriculture are collected and analyzed to understand the current situation of Peruvian agriculture and to suggest an outlook for business opportunities. Findings show that Peru will be a lucrative market for Korean agri-business to target in the near future and it is time for a proactive advance in agriculture by Korean business.

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