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      • KCI등재

        Creativity among R&D Professional: Supervisory Support and Personality Traits

        Yann-Jy Yang,Chih-Chien Wang 기술경영경제학회 2010 ASIAN JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION Vol.18 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to examine how supervisory support moderates the relationship between personality and creativity among R&D professional teams. A survey was conducted among 191 participants from 12 departments in the Industrial Technology Research Institute in Taiwan. Results show that supervisory support has various influences on the creativity of professionals with different personality traits. R&D professionals with openness to experience are likely to exhibit creativity only when they perceive high supervisory support. Conscientious professionals are likely to exhibit creativity when supervisors provide less support. Neuroticism was negatively related to creativity only when supervisors provide middle support. This study offers potentially invaluable referral for leaders to stimulate the creativity of subordinates.

      • KCI등재

        Electric Scooter Purchase Intentions: The Influence of Environmental Concern, Price Consciousness, and Social Norms

        Yann-Jy Yang,Chih-Chien Wang 한국데이터전략학회 2023 Journal of information technology applications & m Vol.30 No.5

        Scooters are a popular way to get around on your own in many places, such as Taiwan, India, Thailand, etc., because they are easy to move around in, small, and cheaper to buy than cars. On the other hand, traditional scooters that run on fossil fuels put some pollution into the air and add to problems like global warming and air pollution. Switching from scooters that run on fossil fuels to electric scooters can help clean up the air in cities with much pollution. To promote the use of electric scooters, it’s important to know how consumers feel about them. The current study investigates consumers’ purchase intentions for electric scooters. Based on the questionnaire survey results (n = 567), we found that consumers’ environmental concerns, price consciousness, and perceived subjective norms are associated with electric scooter purchase intention. Consumers with price consciousness may choose fossil-fuel-powered scooters because they consider electric-powered scooters more costly, although environmentally friendly. The study gives researchers and practitioners a glimpse into consumers’ environmental concerns and subjective norms for a sustainable product.

      • KCI등재

        임신기간에 따른 혈청 Protein-bound Carbohydrate량과 α1 Glycoprotein의 분획 백분률에관한 고찰

        양행식(HS Yang),양준영(JY Yang),김세덕(SD Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1980 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.23 No.9

        임신 기간에 따른 PBC량 및 1-GP분획 백분율의 변동을 밝히기 위하여 1973년 11월 1일부터 1978년 9월 30일까지 중앙대학교 의과대학 부속 성심병원 산부인과에서 임신 반응검사와 내진 등으로 임신임이 확진된 299명에 대하여 phenol-sulfuric method로 PBC량을 정량하고 전기영동을 하여 periodi-acid-Schiff염색을 한 후 1-GP분획 백분율을 얻어 그 무월경 주수 별로 관찰한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 임신시 PBC량은 증가는 되었으나 임신 기간과는 특이한 상관관계가 없었다(r=0.0003, F<0.5). 2. 1-GP의 분획 백분율은 임신시 증가는 되었으나 임신기간과는 특이한 상관관계가 없었다(r=0.002a, F<0.5). It was already confirmed that there was some biochemical and immunologic changes in the pregnancy and was also reported that the serum level of pregnancy-associated plasma protein, which is a kind of protein-carbohydrate complexes, were increased in the pregnancy and disappeared from the serum 6 weeks after delivery. Also, it was reported that the serum levels of the protein-bound-carbohydrate were increased in the patients with diabetes mellitus, myocardial infraction and pregnancy, and some components, which were isolated by electrophoresis, were increased in the patients with diabetes mellitus, pregnancy and malignancies. In order to observe the correlative changes of serum levels of protein-bound-carbohydrate and percentage of alpha-1 glycoprotein in the pregnancy, the author collected sera from 299 pregnant women, who were confirmed with pelvic examination and planosec test in the Dept. of OB & GY, Medical School, Chung Ang University from Nov., 1977 to Sept., 1978. And calculated the serum levels of protein-bound-carbohydrate by phenolsulfuric method, and percentage of alpha-1 glycoprotein by electrophoresis with zip zone electrophoresis kit(Helena Co., USA), periodic-acid-Schiff`s staining and densitometer(Quick scan Jr., Helena Co., USA) and observed the correlation between the data and duration of pregnancy. The following results were obtained; 1. The serum levels of the protein-bound-carbohydrate were not correlated with duration of pregnancy(r=0.0003, F<0.5). 2. The percentage of serum alpha-1 glycoprotein were not correlated with duration of pregnancy(r=0.0022, F<0.5).

      • KCI등재

        분만 2 기의 태아심음 점수제와 제대 동맥혈 pH와의 관계

        안재영,신수재,김종민,양성우,윤형근 대한산부인과학회 1990 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.33 No.10

        서울 고려병원 산부인과에서는 1987년 4월부터 1988년 4월까지 입원분만한 환자중 분만 2기에 직접 태아감시장치를 시행한 71명을 대상으로하여 점수제와 1분치 Apgar점수 및 제대동맥혈 pH를 비교분석하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 총 71명의 분만 2기에서의 평균점수는 7.6이었으며, 평균 pH는 7.271, 평균 1분치 Apgar점수는 7.4이었다. 2. 점수제와 pH, 1분치 Apgar점수 사이에는 직선적인 상관관계가 있었다. 3. 점수가 6점이상인 군에서 pH 7.2이하가 3명(5.7%)에 비해, 점수가 5점이하인 군에서는 8명(44.4$)으로 높게 나타났다. 4. 초산부와 경산부의 비교에서는 경산부가 점수 0∼4인 경우가 1명(11.1%)인 반면, 초산부는 10명(16.4%)로 많이 나타났으며, 평균점수도 경산부가 7.6인데 비해 초산부는 6.8로 낮게 나타났다. 5. 점수 5점과 pH 7.2를 기준으로한 sensitivity는 72.7%였으며, specificity는 83.3%이었다. We performed the study on 71 patients to evaluate the significance of various fetal heart rate patterns encountered during second stage of labor and to determine whether there is any correlation between fetal heart rate scoring system, umbilical artery PH and Apgar score at one minute. The results were as follows. 1. The mean score at second stage of labor was 7.6 and the mean umbilical artery PH was 7.271 and mean 1 minute Apgar score was 7.4. 2. There was a definite relationship showing linear appearence between fetal heart rate scoring system, umbilical artery PH and 1 minute Apgar score. 3. In the group of patients whose fetal heart rate scoring was above 6.0, only 5.7% of patients belonged to below 7.2 of umbilical artery PH, whereas in the group of scoring systems below 5, 44.4% of patients belonged to PH below 7.2. 4. The mean score was significantly higher in multipara than those of primipara. 5. The sensitivity was 72.9% and specificity was 83.3%

      • KCI등재

        정상 만삭분만에서의 황체홀몬값의 측정

        안재영,이숙환,김종민,양성우,정수영 대한산부인과학회 1990 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.33 No.11

        1988년 7월과 8월사이에 서울고려병원 산부인과에서 임신주수 38주에서 42주사이에 정상분만한 산모와 태아를 대상으로 혈장에서 황체홀몬의 농도를 측정, 비교 검토해서 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 남아(8명)을 분만한 예에서 모체 말초혈관, 제대동맥 그리고 제대정맥의 황체홀몬 값은 각각 192.31±73.12ng/ml, 301.04±179.62ng/ml, 443.91±194.03ng/ml이고, 여아(9명)에서는 각각, 206.23±52.65ng/ml, 447.11±115.25ng/ml, 738.76±113.04ng/ml이었다. 2. 모체 말초혈관, 제대동맥 그리고 제대정맥에서의 황체홀몬값은 태아의 성별에 관계없이 제대정맥에서 가장높고 모체 말초혈관에서 가장 낮은치를 보였다. 3. 모체 말초혈관과 제대정맥에서의 황체홀몬값의 비교는 제대정맥이 모체 말초혈관보다 여아에서 3.5배(p$lt;0.01), 남아에서 2.3배(p$lt;0.01)이 높았다. 4. 모체 말초혈관과 제대동맥의 황체홀몬의 값의 비교는 데재동맥이 모체 말초혈관보다 여아에서 2.1배(p$lt;0.05), 남아에서 1.5배(p$lt;0.01) 높은값을 보였다. 5. 제대정맥에서의 황체홀몬값은 여아가 남아보다 1.6배(p$lt;0.01)높았고, 제대동맥에서도 여아가 남아보다 1.5배(p$lt;0.05) 높은값을 보였다. 6. 제대동맥과 제대정맥의 황체홀몬값의 차이는 여아(291.65ng/ml)가 남아(142.87ng/ml)보다 의의있게 높게 나타났다. We performed the study on selected 17 patients who had normal pergnancies and delivered spontaneously at term, at Seoul Koryo General Hospital from July 1988 to August 1988. The plasma concentration of progesterone was measured in maternal peripheral vein, umbilical artery and umbilical vein at the time of delivery of full term pregnancy. The results obtained were as follows: 1. In 8 cases of male delivery, the mean progesterone concentration were 1921.31±73.12ng/ml in maternal peripheral blood, 301.04±179.62ng/ml in umbilical artery and 443.91±194.03ng/ml in umbilical vein, whereas in 9 cases of female delivery, the mean progesterone concentration of 206.23±52.62ng/ml in maternal peripheral blood, 447.11±115.25ng/ml of umbilical artery and 738.76±133.04ng/ml in umbilical vein were detected respectively. 2. At term pregnancy, plasma progesterone concentration of umbilical vein was higher than that of umbilical artery. Also, plasma progesterone concentration was higher in umbilical artery than in the maternal peripheral blood. 3. The mean progesterone concentration in umbilical vein of both female and male fetuses were 3.5 times and 2.3 times higher than those in maternal peripheral blood, respectively. 4. The mean progesterone concentration in umbilical artery of both female and male fetuses were 2.1 times and 1.5 times higher than those in maternal peripheral blood, respectively. 5. The mean progesterone concentration in umbilical vein of female fetuses was 1.6 times higher than that of male fetus, and in umbilical artery of female fetuses, the mean progesterone concentration was 1.5 times higher than that of male fetuses. 6. The umbilical venous-arterial difference of progesterone concentration was significantly higher in female than in male fetuses.

      • 해마 절편에서 저산소증에 의한 5-Hydroxytryptamine 유리변동에 미치는 Glucose의 역할

        박지영,오재인,김지현,양문희,김성은 이화여자대학교 의과대학 1995 梨花醫學誌 Vol.- No.24

        During cerebral ischemia two factors, hypoxia and reduction of glucose concentration can act a modulating stressor affecting the release of amine neurotransmitters including 5-hydroxytryptamine(5-HT). This study performed to investigate the relationship between the effects of glucose deprivation and the hypoxia on the spontaneous ^3H-5-HT release from the rat hippocampal slices. Environmental group were divided into 4 groups for this study : normoxic. Normoglycemic (10mM) group ; hypoxic group ; glucose deprivated group(10mM) ; and hypoxic, glucose deprived group. The hippocampus was obtained from the rat brain and sliced 400㎛ thickness with manual chopper. After 30min:s preincubation in the normal buffer, the slices were incubated for 20min in a buffer containing ^3H-5-HT(0.1μM, 74μCi) for uptake and washed. To measure the release of ^3H-5-HT into the buffer, the incubation medium was brained off and refilled every ten minutes through a sequence of 14 tubes. Induction of hypoxia (gassing it with 95% N_2/5% CO_2) and/or glucose deprivation was done in the 6th and 7th tube. The radioactivities in each buffer and the tissue were counted using scintillation counter and t도 results were expressed as a percentage of the total radioactivity. When slices were exposed to hypoxia for 20min, ^3H-5-HT release was decreased and a rebound release of ^3H-5-HT was observed on the post-hypoxic peroid. In hypoxic glucose deprived group. the release of ^3H-5-HT was markedly increased. So the pattern of ^3H-5-HT release was opposite to the hypoxic group. These results suggested that hypoxic insult itself causes inhibitory neuronal response during hypoxic perioid, but additional glucose deprivation converts the inhibitory hypoxic response to neuronal excitation.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        임신성고혈압 환자 태반에서의 Adhesion Molecule 표현

        김진영(JY Kim),최형민(HM Choi),조재성(JS Cho),박용원(YW Park),송찬호(CH Song),양우익(WI Yang) 대한산부인과학회 1996 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.39 No.10

        Pregnancy induced hypertension(PIH) is a disease which may be hazardous to both maternal and fetal health and is characterized by abnormally shallow placental cytotrophoblast invasion to uterine wall and vessels. In PIH, physiologic change, a term used for spiral artery dilatation during cytotrophoblast invasion, is restricted to decidua and results in hypertension, decreases utero-placental perfusion, promotes endothelial injury and activates coagulation cascae. The invasion process in PIH is related to the abnormal expression of integrin, a major adhesion molecule in cytotrophoblast invasion. Therefore, faulty placental invasion, in PIH may be associated with abnormal expression of integrin. Placentas from 33 cases of severe preeclampsia patients were investigated by immunohistochemical stain with anti-integrin antibody. The expression of integrin a1, b2, b4, aVb3 subunits was evaluated by observing the intensity of cytoplasmic and mambrane stain of cytotrophoblasts in floating villi and placental bed, decidual cells and blood vessels. Cytoplasmic staining of villi and placental bed cytotrophoblast for the a1 subunit in PIH specimen was weaker than those in the normal controls. The expression of b1 subunit was negative for both controls and PIH groups. b4 subunit in PIH showed weak cytoplasmic stain with strong basement membrane stain in 24.2% of cases, whereas no b4 subunit expression was detected in the normal controls. There was no significant difference between PIH and normal controls in vascular expression aVb3. In conclusion, these results confirmed the possible role of abnormal integrin subunit expression in invasion of cytotrophoblast and suggested that abnormal regulation of adhesion molecule expression may be related to the pathogenesis of PIH. Further studies are indicated in determining the functional role of changes in adhesion molecule expression in PIH and other complicated pregnancies.

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