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      • KCI등재

        간이동결법에 의한 운동성 불량정액과 정자감소증 정액의 정자냉동보존

        박찬무,박영하,박영선,박준숙,박준영,Kaneko, S,Iizuka, R 대한산부인과학회 1990 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.33 No.5

        배우자간인공수정(AIH)시의 정자동결과 냉동보존의 응용을 목적으로, 융해시의 정자소생율 향상과 동결법의 간편화를 시도했다. 정자운동율 50%이하의 정액은 Continuous-step density gradient centrifugation method를 이용해 세정 농축한 결과, 정자수와 운동율이 향상되어 정자소생율의 지표가 되는 Fertility Index{FI=정자수(/ml)X운동율(%)X10-8}가 5.6배 향상되었다. 또한, Oligozoospermia중에서도 정자수가 10X106/ml이하인 정액은 Cushion method를 이용해 농축한 결과, 정자수는 4.2 ± 2.1배, 운동율은 2.3 ± 1.9배 증가되었다. 세정과 농축시킨 정자의 간이동결법에 의한 냉동보존에 있어서, 간이동결기내에 액체질소(-196℃)를 넣고 수분간 방치시켜, 액체질소증기에 의해 동결기 내부가 온도평형(-150℃)에 도달되도록 했다. KS-II 보존액을 혼합한 0.5ml의 세정 농축정자를 냉동보존용 serum tube에 넣고, 액체질소 수면위 2cm에서 옆으로 뉘여 동결시킨 후, 액체질소저장용기(Liquid Nitrogen container)에 옮겨 보관했다. 인공 수정시에 30℃의 온수에 융해시킨 결과, 각각 70 ± 12%, 64 ± 11%의 정자소생율을 얻을 수가 있었다. 융해후에도(Continuous-step density gradient centrifugation method의 경우는 원래정자의 평균 2배 이상의 FI가 유지되었다. 이상의 결과에서 운동성 불량정액과 Oligozoospermia의 AIH에 있어서 정자의 세정 및 농축과, KS-II 냉동보존액을 혼합시킨 후 간이동결법을 이용한 냉동보존법으로 원래정액 이상의 정자수와 운동율을 얻을 수 있음이 확인되었다. It is well known that the cryopreservation of human semen plays an important role in the field of clinical Artificial Insemination by Husband semen (AIH) and Donor semen (AID). However, semen dilution with cryopreservation medium and decrease in sperm motility during freeze-thaw processes make lowering semen qualities and survival rate. The author undertook this experiments to pursue the higher survival rate of cryopreserved semen and more simple method of freezing technique. To improve the qualities of cryopreserved semen after thawing, it is effective to concentrate the sperm from whole ejaculate by two method, continuous-step density gradient centrifugation method and Cushion method, as well as to achieve higher survival rate. A : Prior to freezing, the continuous-step density gradient centrifugation method was undertaken for semen with poor motility (below 50 %) sperm. As a result of this, the semen was given 5.8 times improvement of Fertility Index (sperm density (106/ml) X motility (%) X 10-8) B : The concentration of severe oligozoospermic semen by the Cushion method was improved the sperm density 4 times than the original semen. A simple liquid nitrogen vapor freezing was employed in the present study : the concentrated sperm was mixed with KS-II cryopreservation medium and them placed at 2 cm up the surface of liquid nitrogen. After freezed by liquid nitrogen vapor at -150℃, the specimen was stored in liquid nitrogen container. At the time of AIH, thawed with shaker in 30℃ water, the sperm survival rate of A and B were found to be 7-±12 % and 64 ± 11 %, respectively. The post thaw Fertility Index was as twice as that of the original semen by the continuous-step density gradient centrifugation method, and the survival rate was also high. It is consequently suggested that simple liquid nitrogen vapor freezing method using KS-II cryopreservation medium, after sperm washing and concentration, is the very simple and convenient method with good results for cryopreservation of sperm.

      • KCI등재

        생물리학적 푸로필을 이용한 태아안녕의 평가

        박종영(JY Park),박용원(YW Park),서경(K Seo),박찬규(CK Park) 대한산부인과학회 1989 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.32 No.7

        1988년 3월1일부터 1988년 10월31일까지 만 8개월간 연세대학교 의과대학부속 세브란스병원 산부인과에서 진료받은 고위험임신군 114명을 대상으로 BPS를 시행하여 다음과 같은 결론 은 얻었다. 1. 대상으로한 고위험임신 114예중 40예에서 비수축성 자궁검사 결과가 무반응였으며 반응 성을 보인예는 74예이었다. NST에서 무반응성을 보인 40예에서 5분 Apgar치 <7, 태아곤란 증, 호흡곤란증후군발생 통계학적으로 의의있게 증가하였다. 2. NST와 BPS의 상관관계를 보면, 초음파를 이용한 4가지 변수의 결과가 정상인 69예중 20 예에서 NST가 무반응성이었으며 3가지 변수만 정상이었던 36예중에서는 14예서 2가지 변수 만 정상이었던 6예엇는 3예에서 1가지 변수만 정상이었던 경우는 무반응성 NST를 보여 BPS의 높은 신뢰도를 보여주고 있다. 3. BPS결과를 보면 6예에서 비정상 17예에서 equivocal (BPS=6), 91예에서 정상이었다. 비정 상 BPS결과를 보인 6예에서 정상 BPS를 보인 91예에서보다 신생아 이환율을 나타내는 지 표중, 태아곤란증, 5분 Apgar 치 <7, 호흡곤란증후군 발생빈도가 의의있는 증가를 보였는데 이중 5예(83%)에서 5분 Apgar치가 7미만으로 가장 높은 빈도수를 나타내었다. 4. 주산기이환율을 나타내는 지표중 태아곤란증, 5분 Apgar치, 호흡곤란증후군을 기준으로한 진단정확도를 조사하면, 1) NST의 특이도는 81%로 BPS의 특이도 98%보다 낮았으며, 민감도는 76%로서 BPS의 민 감도55%보다 높앗다. 2) BPS의 위양성율은 16%로서 NST위양성율 46%보다 통계학적으로 의의잇는 낮은 결과를 얻었다. 3) BPS의 양성에측율은 83%로서 NST의 53%보다 높았으며 음성예측율은 95%로서 NST의 음성예측율 92%보다 높은 결과를 얻었다. 1. In 40 cases of NST non-reactive high risk pregnancy, statistically significantly increase in the incindence of fetal distress 5 minute Apgar score <7 and the respiratory distress syndrome compared to the NST reactive group was observed. 2. Of 69 instances with four normal variables of BPS, 20(29%) instances had non-reactive NST. and there were 14(39%) instances of non-reactive NST among 36 instances associated with normal variables of three. Of 6 cases of two normal variables 3(50%) cases had non-reactive NST and in 3cases with one normal variable all showed non-reactive NST 3. All six cases with abnormal BPS group showed statistically significantly increase in the incindence of fetal distress, low 5-minute Apgar score, respiatory distress syndrome 4. Diagnostic accuracy of BPS in the prediction of perinatal morbidity based on fetal distress , 5minute Apgar score <7, respiratory distress syndrome were as following. Specificity = 98%, Sensitivity=55% False positive rate = 16%, False negateive rate =4.3%. positive predictive value = 83% negateive predictive value = 95% From this study , BPS test is currently useful in the prediction of perinatal morbidity in high risk pregnancy

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        임신말기 산모와 신생아의 Mycoplasma Hominis와 Ureaplasma Urealyticum 감염율에 대한 조사

        박지영(JY Park),김동오(DO Kim),허준용(JY Hur),서호석(HS Suh),박용균(YK Park),주갑순(KS Ju),조수용(SY hough),장명웅(MW Chang) 대한산부인과학회 1994 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.37 No.2

        In order to evaluate the effect of Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasma urealyticum infection on the outcome of pregnancy, 582 term pregnant women and 154 of their vaginally delivered newborns were investigated at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Korea University Guro Hospital from the period of May 1991 to Nov.1991. The endocervical culture of the 582 pregnant women and nasopharyngeal culture of the 154 neonates were performed, and the results were obtained as follows: 1. Among 582 term pregnant women, 153 cases (26.2%) were positive for only U.urealyticum, 11 cases (1.9%) were positive for only M.hominis, and 95 cases (16.3%) were positive for both U.urealyticum and M.hominis. So total 248 cases were positive for U.urealyticum (42.6%), and total 106 cases were positive for M.hominis(18.2%). 2. Among 154 neonates, 33 cases (21.4%) were positive for U.urealyticum, 5 cases (3.25%) were positive for M.hominis, and 22 cases (14.3%) were positive form both U.urealyticum and M.hominis. So total 58 cases were positive for U.urealyticum (35.7%), and total 27 cases were positive for M.hominis (17.5%). 3. Among 3 kinds of infection, only M.hominis positive pregnant mothers tended to have neonates with lower birth weights. These neonates had birth weights of 2960+-590 g, whereas control neonates had birth weights of 3250+-490 g. However, mothers infected with both U.urealyticum and M.hominis or only U.urealy-ticum, had neonates with no statistically significant birth weight difference with respect to the control neonates. 4. In this in vitro cuture study, U-urealyticum has been found to be susceptible to antibiotic Tetracycline, Doxycycline, Erythromycin, Spectinomycin, Gentamycin, kanamycin, Josamycin.


        Induction of apoptosis by the ginsenoside Rh2 by internalization of lipid rafts and caveolae and inactivation of Akt : Rh2 affects raft internalization and Akt

        Park, E-K,Lee, EJ,Lee, S-H,Koo, KH,Sung, JY,Hwang, EH,Park, JH,Kim, C-W,Jeong, K-C,Park, B-K,Kim, Y-N Wiley (Blackwell Publishing) 2010 British journal of pharmacology Vol.160 No.5

        <P>Background and purpose: Lipid rafts and caveolae are membrane microdomains with important roles in cell survival signalling involving the Akt pathway. Cholesterol is important for the structure and function of these microdomains. The ginsenoside Rh2 exhibits anti-tumour activity. Because Rh2 is structurally similar to cholesterol, we investigated the possibility that Rh2 exerted its anti-tumour effect by modulating rafts and caveolae. Experimental approach: A431 cells (human epidermoid carcinoma cell line) were treated with Rh2 and the effects on cell apoptosis, raft localization and Akt activation measured. We also examined the effects of over-expression of Akt and active-Akt on Rh2-induced cell death. Key results: Rh2 induced apoptosis concentration- and time-dependently. Rh2 reduced the levels of rafts and caveolae in the plasma membrane and increased their internalization. Furthermore, Akt activity was decreased and consequently, Akt-dependent phosphorylation of Bad, a pro-survival protein, was decreased whereas the pro-apoptotic proteins, Bim and Bax, were increased upon Rh2 treatment. Unlike microdomain internalization induce by cholesterol depletion, Rh2-mediated internalization of rafts and caveolae was not reversed by cholesterol addition. Also, cholesterol addition did not restore Akt activation or rescue cells from Rh2-induced cell death. Rh2-induced cell death was attenuated in MDA-MB-231 cells over-expressing either wild-type or dominant-active Akt. Conclusions and implications: Rh2 induced internalization of rafts and caveolae, leading to Akt inactivation, and ultimately apoptosis. Because elevated levels of membrane rafts and caveolae, and Akt activation have been correlated with cancer development, internalization of these microdomains by Rh2 could potentially be used as an anti-cancer therapy.</P>

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