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      • KCI등재

        심폐소생술에 의한 손상

        이정빈 大韓法醫學會 1997 대한법의학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a routine procedure to survive the patient when abrupt cardiac failure develops. External cardiac compression with respiratory care is usually done, which produce much artifacts such as sternal or rib fracture, cardiac injuries, pulmonary injuries, fat embolism, liver injuries and so no. These lesions often resemble especially blunt force injury, and must be differentiated from the antemortem injury. Basic points about the CPR and some characteristics of the injuries by the CPR are described. And thorough history taking for the situation during the CPR is emphasized.

      • KCI등재

        서울지역 의과대학에서의 법의부검 : 서울의대에서 과거 5년동안 실시한 부검 경험 보고

        이숭덕,이정빈,이윤성 대한법의학회 2000 대한법의학회지 Vol.24 No.1

        This is the statistical analysis about the medicolegal autopsy cases performed by the Department of Forensic Medicine, Seoul National University Medical College during the last 5 years. 1.The total number of cases was 330, among which male took 256(77.5%) cases, female 74(22.5%) cases. The natural death took 134(40.6%) cases, unnatural death 177(53.6%) cases. For remaining 19(5.8%) cases the cause of death was known, although thorough analyses including microscopic examination, toxicology study were done. The thirties were most as 25.4% of the total cases and the forties followed the second. 2.The number of autopsy showed severe variation annually or monthly in a year. 3.Among unnatural death, death by violent injury took 87(49.2%) cases, asphyxia 48(27.1%) cases, intoxication 17(9.6%) cases and death by thermal injuries or electric injuries 25(14.1%) cases. 4.Among natural death the abnormality in cardiovascular system were the most as 73(54.5%) cases, gastrointestinal system 38(28.4%) cases and central nervous system 12(8.9%) cases. 5.There were some differences between these and the data from other institute in the ratio of male to female, ratio of natural death to unnatural death and the ratio of specific cause of death among natural and unnatural death. 6.During this work, there were some difficulties in the aspect the irregularity of the work, in requesting toxicology and in the expense needed for the process. Considering the educational aspect for the students and the residents in pathology, performing medicolegal autopsy in medical college should be encouraged. The small number of autopsy and the closeness of the scene made the scene investigation possible in several cases, which is the ideal form that we must consider when we set up our system for the postmortem investigation.

      • 대학생 성별에 따른 공간 양립성 차이 비교 : 가스레인지 사례를 중심으로

        이경태,임정빈 대불대학교 2004 大佛大學校大學院 硏究論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        This paper investigated sex difference of the spacial compatibility of the ordinary gas range with four burners and four control switches. Twenty young Koreans and twenty young Chinese participated in the experiment. The statistical difference on the physical arrangement of displays and controls showed betwee the young Koreans and the young Chinese, but no sex difference

      • 흰쥐피부에서 7, 12-Dimethylbenzanthracene의 발암효과에 관한 병리학적 연구

        이준우,김형춘,이정빈,박상철,송계용 중앙대학교 의과대학 의과학연구소 1988 中央醫大誌 Vol.13 No.1

        To observe the carcinogenic effects of 7, 12-dimethylbenzanthracene modulated by the application of phorbol ester and changes of administration route of DMBA, a pathological study was carried out on the female rates of 50 days-old by analyzing incidence, histopathological progession and relationship of administration route and/or the application in acute and chronic experimental groups. The results were as follows: 1. Tumor incidence was higher by the oral administration than topical application of DMBA and earlier tumefaction was noted by the application of the promotor. 2. Early histopathological changes were mild acanthosis and moderate inflammation by the promotor and more prominent acanthosis and papillomatosis by additional DMBA with repeated promotor application. 3. Most common tumor was adenocarcinoma even in topical application of DMBA, followed by fibroadenoma, fibroma and squamous cell carcinoma. Incidence of fibroma was increased by topical application of DMBA. 4. Histopathological patterns of the tumors were mixed, cribriform, microglandular, clear cell and solid types. Some of them showed background of adenomtous or fibroadenomatous tumors. 5. In oral administration group of DMBA, the increased tumor incidence was noted in topical applied area than non-applied area. Therefore, it was suggested that carcinogenicity of DMBA was promoted by phorbol ester, inducing adenocarcinoma of various hitopathological types. The change of administration route of the carcinogen could cause the histopathologic difference in tumor types.

      • KCI등재

        高果糖 誘導 고지혈증 흰쥐에 대한 薏苡仁의 효과

        이영종,손영종,임덕빈,이은섭,박중수,김성기 대한본초학회 2005 大韓本草學會誌 Vol.20 No.1

        Objective : In order to examine the effects of Coicis Semen on the hyperlipidemia, the extracts of Job's Tears were given to hyperlipidemic rats induced by fructose-rich chow. Method : The hyperlipidea was induced by fructose-rich chow during five weeks in rats. And the rats were administered with the extracts prepared from husk layer, bran layer, polished rice, unpolished rice or unhulled grain of Job's Tears each others during three weeks. And then, the effects of the extracts on body weight gain, total cholesterol, triglyceride and blood glucose were examined. Results and Conclusion : The extracts prepared from polished rice, unpolished rice or unhulled grain of Job's Tears had no effects on the body weight gains of the corpulent rats induced by a high fructose diet. Meanwhile, the extracts prepared from the unhulled grain (Coicis Semen), unpolished rice, and bran layer of Job's Tears decreased the levels of blood total cholesterol. and triglyceride, each others. And the effect of unhulled grain was more stronger than those of the others. The results suggested that unhulled grain had some materials useful for alleviating the hyperlipidemia, and the effective molecule is existed in the surface of unhulled grain.

      • KCI등재

        Cytochrome B 유전좌를 이용한 종 감별

        이숭덕,이윤성,이정빈 대한법의학회 2001 대한법의학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        The feasibility of species identification using sequence analysis of the cytochrome B (Cyt B) gene in mitochondrial DNA was investigated DNA was extracted from rune different animals that could be easily met in our surroundings and Cyt B gene was amplified. Direct sequencing results for the amplified PCR products were compared with each other. Human was also included Nucleotide sequence of the Cyt B gene for earth animals was also compared with the previously known ones registered in nucleotide databases, Genebank. The inter-species sequence variation was high as the percent similarity of each sequences ranged 64.6-83.5%. Compared to this the percent similarity of sequences obtained here were high when compared to the sequences of the same species registered in the database showing relatively low intra-species variation. This data shows that the nucleotide sequences of Cyt B gene in t certain biological materials can be identified at species level. The applicability of this method to the forensic field is also demonstrated by performing a casework, determination of the origin for the placentae which were commercial available as "invogorant". Points about the use of Cyt B gene in forensic field was also reviewed.

      • KCI등재

        비교언어학 및 유전학적 방법에 의한 한국어 기원의 탐구

        이상억,이정빈,김선영,천종식 서울大學校 人文學硏究所 2003 人文論叢 Vol.48 No.-

        In exploring the origins of the Korean language, there are three windows through which we may penetrate the mysteries of this difficult question: archaeological, genetic/ genomic, and linguistic. In this paper I will try to answer this question by looking mainly through the latter two windows. As many linguists have attempted to place the Korean language into the proper language family according to linguistic affinity, I also want to classify the Korean language with linguistically related languages, mainly the Altaic languages. The so-called Altaic linguistics is very unstable compared with the more rigorously documented Indo-European linguistics. The lack of sufficient evidence, such as a common indigenous lexicon, has made it difficult to ascertain the genetic relationships and origins of languages such as Korean, Japanese, Manchu-Tungusic (Man, Gold(i), Oroqen, Ewenke, Lamut, Nanay, etc.), Mongolian(Khalkha, Chakhar, Urat, Khorchin, Ordos, Buriat, Oirat, Kalmyt, Da(g)ur, Monguor, Yellow Uighur. etc.) and Turkish(Turkish, Turkmen(ian), Azerbaidjani, Uighur, Uzbek, Kumyk, Tatar, Kazakh, Kirg(h)iz, Yakut, Altai, and Chuvash, etc.), which are typically classified as Altaic. Recently Starostin(1991) claimed that Proto-Altaic had disappeared around the sixth century B.C. Other measures are needed to evaluate this hypothesis, though, since the intra-linguistic debate has not provided any clear evidence or breakthroughs. That is why we turn to genetics as an approach and incorporate the results to shed new light on the origins of the Korean language. It has been shown that analysis of mitochondrial DNA, transmitted through maternal lineage, can be used to test this kind of hypothesis. After collecting data from such ethnic groups as Korean, Japanese, Ewenke, Nanay, Khalkha, Buriat, and Turkish, we have investigated information on mtDNA(Mitochondrial DNA). While we do not use the popular STR markers on Y chromosomes, and other nuclear markers such as the gene encoding cytochrome B will b isolated by the polymerase chain reaction, as in the next study,. In reality, it was rather difficult to extract genes from hair-roots and saliva, especially when there were not many samples available for serious study. Yet, we could fill the void for Koreans in the map that shows the mitochondrial DNA types in Africans, Australian Aborigines, Caucasians, East Asians, Native Americans, and New Guineans. The nucleotide sequences were determined through phylogenetic analysis. If we can position the sequences from Koreans in the currently available genealogical tree based on mitochondrial DNA, we may be able to reassess the existing hypotheses on linguistic genealogy. However, because primordial remains or ancient fragment of linguistic evidence are not readily available in Korea due to special geo-political situations, the position of the Korean language has been left unattested in the genealogical tree based on languages. Nonetheless, there are some examples similar to the Altaic languages that are estimated to have been used in Korea, and using these we may draw the linguistic tree shown below. On the other hand, our investigation through which maternal lineage alone has well established a biological lineage can be reported as follows. Korean is not isolated from Japanese, and the sisterhood with Turkic is also strange because the similarity between Korean and Manchu-Tungusic is more convincing according to linguistic evidences. It looks to be difficult to conclude anything at this stage of research. However, we know the genetic methods are quite scientific, while the comparative linguistic study often relies on abstract reconstruction.

      • KCI등재

        Amelogenin 유전좌를 이용한 성별검색의 유용성에 관한 연구

        이숭덕,이정빈,이윤성 大韓法醫學會 2000 대한법의학회지 Vol.24 No.1

        The aim of this study was to validate the sex typing based on amplification of X-Y homologous Amelogenin locus in Korean including mutation rate in this locus. It was found that there was no case with reported mutation that may hinder the exact sex typing among 240 Koreans, and the sex typing was successful even with subnanogram quantities of male and female DNA. There was no difference in the sensitivity of reaction among male and female. Differential amplification between X and Y amelogenin bands in some samples was noted, and dilution study revealed that this phenomenon was more frequent when the quantity of sample was low, usually less than 10 ng. That phenomenon was variable between amplification reactions, and was also dependent on different Taq enzyme used for the amplification. When there was differential amplification, the intensity ratio (Y band/X band) ranged about 0.68-0.87.

      • KCI등재

        시간 경과에 따른 카르복시헤모글로빈 농도 변화에 관한 연구

        이윤성,김준호,이정빈 大韓法醫學會 1989 대한법의학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        The diagnosis of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning in clinics and forensic practice largely rests on the determination of carboxyhemoglobin (HbCO) in blood. It is generally known that HbCO remains unchanged gor a couple of days, and such a delay in determination of HbCO may be acceptable. However, there were some incidences of prolonged delay because of initial lack of concern to CO poisoning and other limitations on postmortem examination. The question may be raised on that the prolonged delay would be acceptable for the diagnosis of original CO poisoning. The study was preformed to obtain the changes of HbCO concentration in vitro. Fifteen rabbits were intoxicated with CO in the system which was made on purpose. Initial levels of hemoglobin (Hb) and HbCO were determined by CO-Oximeter (IL 182). And the samples were stored in the refrigerator and in room temperature for 1 and 2 months to check same parameters. The HbCO decreased 5.85±8.37% at one month in room temperature (p<0.01). Meanwhile, after 1 month storage, the HbCO levels of the bloods stored in room temperature were lower as much 4.37±8.24% than those in the refrigerator. The results indicates that the diagnosis of CO poisoning could be obtained after 2 months or later in refrigerated blood, and 1 month after storage in room temperature. It is presumed that the low levels of HbCO in stored blood are partly because of the decreased combining capacity of hemoglobin to CO, which is affected by temperature. And, if the blood is determined for toxic level of CO poisoning after some delay, it should be considered that there is a presumable decrease in HbCO concentration according to the storage temperature.

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