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      • Konkrete Poesie und expressionistische. Kunst. (Post)Modernistische Aspekte zur Medienverflechtung

        Koh, Wee-Kong 弘益大學校 人文科學硏究所 2005 人文科學 Vol.13 No.-

        구체시와 표현주의 예술은 서로다른 시대의 예술장르이면서도 비교연구의 가치를 지닌다. 이는 양자가 매체융합의 표현양식 실현으로 모더니즘과 포스트모더니즘 예술형성에 지대한 영향력을 행사하였기 때문이다. 그러나 상세히 관찰해보면 양자사이에는 예술이념, 재료사용, 미학적 효능 등의 면에서 상당한 거리가 있다. 이는 무엇보다 구체성과 추상성이라는 대표개념에서 나타난다. 유사한 시기에 생성되어 발전된 두 양식수법은 „대상성으로부터의 이탈" 이라는 시학원리에서 공통되나 그 구체적 실현방법은 같지않다. 후자가 매체사용의 추상화를 통해 주관적 내면심층의 환상이나 어떤 다른 감추어진 대상성을 표현하려 한다면, 전자는 언어기호의 질료화로 스스로의 대상세계를 창출한다. 따라서 양자에서 추출되는 텍스트의미성은 동일하지않다. Kandinsky의 대표적 추상화 „구성 7(Komposition VII)" 과 Gomringer의 텍스트 „침묵(Schweigen)"을 대비해보자. 기하학적, 구성적 수법을 활용한 전자에서는 대상적 지시성이 완전히 배제되지않는다. 그 표현세계는 생성과 종말의 차원에서 „우주창조의 은유"로 해석된다. 이러한 굴절된 형상조음은 후자의 기호시각화에서는 찾아보기 어렵다. 동일단어의 반복배열과 그로인한 서정시의 도식화는 청각적 침묵의 이미지를 „도상화" 시킴으로써 새로운 지각작용에 호소한다. 여기에서의 침묵은 상징적 의미가 아니라 다원적 기능을 발휘한다. 이러한 현상은 오늘날의 다매체예술에서 발견된다. 구체시와 표현주의 넓게보아 현대예술의 모더니티를 생성, 발전시킨 두 축이다. 양자는 추상화와 구체화라는 양식혁신을 통해 „재현"과 „모방"이라는 종전의 표현법칙으로는 도달할 수 없는 새로운 표현가능성을 개진하였다. 특히 서로다른 개별매체의 통합과 교체를 통해 생산과 수용의 유희공간을 넓히고 독자와 관찰자의 지각행위를 포괄하는 매체미학의 지평을 열어주었다. 이로인해 현대예술은 „언어갱신"이라는 세기적 목표를 구현하며 신매체의 등장으로 인한 예술의 매체화작업에 대처할 통로를 마련하게된다. 개별장르 해체로 인한 이러한 예술의 보편화작업은 그러나 아방가르드와 포스트모더니즘의 전유물이 아니라 르네상스, 바로크, 그리고 낭만주의 시대에 개화한 바 있다. 나아가 모든 예술을 하나로 보는 예술생성의 원천에 닿아있다. 혼합장르나 매체교체 현상은 인류의 장구한 예술, 특히 작품발달사를 관류해온 기본적 „표현의지" 이다. 이런 점에서 상호매체성미학은 전통과 현대의 아우름에서 합당하게 파악 될 수 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        요대의 발해유민 연구

        김위현(KIM Wee-hoyun) 고구려발해학회 2007 고구려발해연구 Vol.29 No.-

        I am trying to point out the contents and errors of Some scholars of the peoples Republic of china from araund of 2000. First of all, I want to indicate the thesis framing. First, even though it was supposed to use the historical materials widely, they didn't use other Ones except their own materials. Even they sometimes did not use their own Ones either. Second, the results of predecessors should be exalted nevertheless what country they were belonged to. However they often ignored even their own ancestors' research results. Even though it is hard to collect various data, they shouldn't have given up easily. Third, considering illogical contents as the logics is absolutely discord. What are the troubles then? 1. The point of view for Dongran (東丹)'s characteristic. Whether it was country or administrative region. Dongran named theirselves as One administrative region and they also had own economical and political systems. If Dongran was One of the administrative regions, it would not be allowed to do above things. Furthermore, they are looking me negotiation with Late Tang as a diplomacy, but it is error from ignoring the existence of Late Palhae. 2. Existence of Late Palhae? It already had been proved by Japanese Watasei(和田淸) in 1916. Furthermore, Japanese Hino Kaijabro(日野開三郞)(in 1941), Korean Lee Yong-Bum(1981), Kim Wee-Hoyun(l981), and Han Gyu-Chul(l995) had reinforced it. 3. Is culture of Palhae from only T ang culture(唐文化) and contact with Han people(漢人)? Of course there are some cultures that are from contact of Tang cultures and Han people. However the root things are from Koguryo. Most residents of Palhae were from Koguryo, therefore it is really illogical that Palhae residents threw away their own cultures, the cultures of Koguryo, and accepted Tang's cultre. 4. Are Palhae and Jurchen the same race(同族)? Jurchen is the name of whole sundry races that lived around Manmong liver(滿蒙). Palhae displaced person(渤海遺民) were also called as Jurchen after Chitan Middle age. Also Wan-yen Bu(完顔部) that built chin(金) is the remaining of Silla(新羅). Therefore, Palhae and Jurchen are not the same races. 5. They presented population of Palhae as about 7~800,000. However Shin Hyung-Sik in Republic of Korea saw that it was 1,300,000, and Jang Jong-Gook in The Democratic peoples Republic of Korea calculated it 5,000,000~6,000,000. The differences are too big. They need even more accurate data providing. 6. We are disagree to the opinion that after ruins of Palhae, the Palhae people had been joined to One of 8 races of Hanjok Then, they should prove how they got new name after 700 years. Palhae people took the big role in founding Chin(金) and Chin's politics. Not only that, the existence also remains in Yan(元) country. We want to know why they had been not united during Chin(Jurchen), Yuan(Mongol), and Ching(Man-Chu) age, but the had been to only Hanjok. As you see there are so many problems that makes hard to agree. If we and they researched and investigated the exact same data that from exactly same literature, the results must be same. If not, it is considered as non-scientific and not object research. Current Chinese scholars' assertion that past four countries' history is China's history because current China territory is covering those four past countries territory is absolutely not acceptable.

      • KCI등재

        Changing epidemiological trends of inflammatory bowel disease in Asia

        ( Wee Khoon Ng ),( Sunny H. Wong ),( Siew C. Ng ) 대한장연구학회 2016 Intestinal Research Vol.14 No.2

        Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) has become more common in Asia over the past few decades. The rate of increase in prevalence of the disease varies greatly in Asia, with several countries in East Asia experiencing a more than doubled increase in IBD prevalence over the past decade. Historically, ulcerative colitis (UC) is more common than Crohn`s disease (CD) in Asia. However, a reverse trend is beginning to appear in more developed countries in Asia such as Japan, Korea, and Hong Kong. While Asian IBD patients share many similarities with their Western counterparts, there are important differences with significant clinical implications. In Asia, there are more men with CD, more ileo-colonic involvement in CD, less familial aggregation, fewer extra-intestinal manifestations and worse clinical outcomes for older-onset patients with UC. These differences are likely related to the different genetic makeup and environmental exposures in different regions. Evaluation of the differences and rates in epidemiologic trends may help researchers and clinicians estimate disease burden and understand the reasons behind these differences, which may hold the key to unravel the etiology of IBD. (Intest Res 2016;14:111-119)

      • KCI등재

        Focus, Contrastive Topic and Theories of Focus

        Wee, Hae-Kyung Korean Society for Language and Information 2001 언어와 정보 Vol.5 No.1

        This paper categorizes currently available theories of focus into two major types a 'discourse structure approach'(DSA) and a 'sentence structure approach'(SSA) The former DSA is intended to refer to a type of approach that analyzes focus only in terms of the discourse structure in which a focused sentence occurs. The alternative semantics approach which is the most widely available theory of focus belongs to this The latter SSA is meant to refer to a type of theory that analyzes focus in terms of sentence-internal structure, This study supports the SSA be revealing some empirical problems of the DSA that arise is analyzing two different kinds of focus, the A-accented focus and the B-accented focus (contrastive topic), and provides a brief sketch of a comprehensive analysis of focus and contrastive topic.


        Processing of Microcellular Nanocomposite Foams by Using a Supercritical Fluid

        Wee, Dongho,Seong, Dong Gi,Youn, Jae Ryoun The Korean Fiber Society 2004 Fibers and polymers Vol.5 No.2

        Polystyrene/layered silicate nanocomposites were prepared by melt intercalation. To examine the distribution of the clay in polymer matrix, small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used. Intercalated nanocomposites were obtained and their rheological properties were investigated. Microcellular nanocomposite foams were produced by using a supercritical fluid. As clay contents increased, the cell size decreased and the cell density increased. It was found that layered silicates could operate as heterogeneous nucleation sites. As the saturation pressure increased and the saturation temperature decreased, the cell size decreased and the cell density increased. Microcellular foams have different morphology depending upon the dispersion state of nanoclays.

      • Poly(imide-benzoxazole) gate insulators with high thermal resistance for solution-processed flexible indium-zinc oxide thin-film transistors

        Wee, Duyoung,Yoo, Sungmi,Kang, Young Hun,Kim, Yun Ho,Ka, Jae-Won,Cho, Song Yun,Lee, Changjin,Ryu, Juwhan,Yi, Mi Hye,Jang, Kwang-Suk The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 Journal of Materials Chemistry C Vol.2 No.31

        <▼1><P>We have developed poly(imide-benzoxazole) gate insulators with high thermal resistance. The 350 °C-annealed indium-zinc oxide/poly(imide-benzoxazole) thin-film transistors showed excellent performance.</P></▼1><▼2><P>We prepared a poly(imide-benzoxazole) gate insulator for solution-processed flexible metal oxide thin-film transistors (TFTs). The electrical insulating property of the poly(imide-benzoxazole) gate insulator is maintained up to at least 350 °C. The 350 °C-annealed indium-zinc oxide (IZO) TFT with the poly(imide-bezoxazole) gate insulator showed excellent TFT performance with the field-effect mobility of 9.2 cm<SUP>2</SUP> V<SUP>−1</SUP> s<SUP>−1</SUP> and the on/off current ratio of 1.5 × 10<SUP>6</SUP>. A flexible IZO TFT with the poly(imide-bezoxazole) gate insulator was also fabricated directly on a flexible Kapton substrate. The flexible IZO TFT with the poly(imide-bezoxazole) gate insulator could be operated during bending. Before bending, the mobility and on/off current ratio were 4.1 cm<SUP>2</SUP> V<SUP>−1</SUP> s<SUP>−1</SUP> and 4.7 × 10<SUP>5</SUP>, respectively. During bending with a radius of 10 mm, the mobility was maintained and the on/off current ratio was slightly decreased to 3.2 × 10<SUP>5</SUP>.</P></▼2>

      • Optimization of chitosanase production from Bacillus sp. RKY3 using statistical experimental designs

        Wee, Young-Jung,Reddy, L. V. A.,Chung, Ki-Chul,Ryu, Hwa-Won John Wiley Sons, Ltd. 2009 Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology Vol.84 No.9

        <P>BACKGROUND: The culture medium and fermentation conditions for the production of constitutive chitosanase from a newly isolated Bacillus sp. RKY3 were optimized statistically.</P><P>RESULTS: The variables significantly influencing both chitosanase production and cell growth were screened through the Plackett–Burman design, by which maltose, beef extract, MgSO<SUB>4</SUB>, and incubation time were identified as the most significant variables. The optimum values of the selected variables and their mutual interactions were determined through the steepest ascent method and Box–Behnken experimental design. The results demonstrated that 62.30 U mL<SUP>−1</SUP> chitosanase activity was predicted with optimum conditions of maltose (30.18 g L<SUP>−1</SUP>), beef extract (15.25 g L<SUP>−1</SUP>), MgSO<SUB>4</SUB> (0.26 g L<SUP>−1</SUP>), and incubation time (50.02 h). The predicted response was verified by the validation experiments, and the optimum conditions resulted in a maximum chitosanase activity of 63.53 ± 1.22 U mL<SUP>−1</SUP>.</P><P>CONCLUSION: The optimization of fermentation variables resulted in an approximately 11.3-fold increase in chitosanase activity compared with that observed under unoptimized conditions (from 5.63 U mL<SUP>−1</SUP> to 63.53 U mL<SUP>−1</SUP>). Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry</P>

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Collaboration Inventory System with Limited Resources and Weibull Distribution Deterioration

        Wee, Hui-Ming,Law, Sh-Tyan,Yu, Jonas Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers 2007 Industrial Engineeering & Management Systems Vol.6 No.1

        The objective of this study is to develop an optimal joint cost from the perspectives of both the manufacturer and the retailer. The integrated production-inventory model with Weibull distribution deteriorating items is assumed to have a constant demand rate. A limited retailer storage space and multiple delivery per order are considered in this model. A numerical example including the sensitivity analysis is given to validate the results of the production-inventory model.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        Case Reports : A Case of Severe Protein-losing Enteropathy as a Late Complication of Pelvic Irradiation

        Wee Sik Sohn,Duck Ryung Kim,Jong Sin Lee,Gi Jeong Cheon,Byung Hee Lee,Seung Sook Lee,Sook Hyang Jeong 대한내과학회 2004 The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine Vol.19 No.4

        Protein-losing enteropathy is the manifestation of a diverse set of disorders, and it is characterized by the excessive loss of plasma proteins into the affected portions of the gastrointestinal tract, and this results in hypoalbuminemia. We report here o


        Cell Surface Modification by Activated Polyethylene Glycol Prevents Allosensitization after Islet Transplantation

        Wee, Yu-Mee,Lim, Dong-Gyun,Kim, Yang-Hee,Kim, Jin-Hee,Kim, Song-Cheol,Yu, Eunsil,Park, Myung-Ok,Choi, Monica Young,Park, Youn-Hee,Jang, Hyuk-Jai,Cho, Eun-Young,Cho, Myung-Hwan,Han, Duck-Jong SAGE Publications 2008 CELL TRANSPLANTATION Vol.17 No.10

        <P>The necessity to transplant islet tissue without the need for immunosuppressant therapy has led to the development of materials for immune modulation. Pegylation makes islets antigenically silent, protecting them from the adsorption of foreign protein and thus avoiding immune injury. The aim of this study is to determine whether pegylation of islets prolongs islet survival and function both during tissue culture and posttransplantation. We used cyanuric chloride-activated methoxy-polyethylene glycol for cell surface modification. To detect the pegylation effect on splenocytes, we measured antibody binding inhibition and abrogation of lymphocyte proliferation. To detect the pegylation effect on islet grafts, we performed rodent islet transplantation. Islet viability and function were maintained after pegylation. Pegylated islets showed a 90% decrease in antibody binding and decreased lymphocyte proliferation in a mixed lymphocyte culture. However, when pegylated islets were transplanted, no prolongation of graft survival was observed. When a subtherapeutic dose of immunosuppressant was given at the time of transplantation of pegylated islets, islet graft survival was significantly prolonged. In addition, when rats were sensitized with donor splenocytes, graft survival was prolonged by pegylation. We observed that pegylation of islets, combined with a subtherapeutic dose of immunosuppressant, protects the graft from rejection. Prolonged graft survival in sensitized recipients showed that pegylation of islets shifted the pattern of rejection from an acute humoral response to a less aggressive cellular alloresponse.</P>

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