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        Iwata,Yusaku,Koseki,Hiroshi,Kon,Fumio 한국화재소방학회 1997 한국화재소방학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.1997 No.-

        A large scale fire experiment was conducted through the collaboration between the Tokyo Fire Department and the National Research Institute of Fire and Disaster (NRIFD) for the purpose of studying the effectiveness of aerial fro fighting against urban fire. Ten model houses and ten collapsed model houses were arranged in an area of about <TEX>$2,000\;m^2$</TEX>. Water was dropped totally fourteen times by helicopters onto the model houses. In order to know influence of water drop, radiation was measured by four radiometers and four IR (Infrared) cameras, which were set around the burning area. In this report, the influence of aerial Ore fighting on fire was discussed in terms of irradiance and IR images. Data of irradiance, flame temperature and flame area showed that influence of each water drop continued only at most a minute.

      • KCI등재후보


        Iwata Atako 사단법인 한국브랜드디자인학회 2009 브랜드디자인학연구 Vol.7 No.1

        The history of modern industrial design in Japan started in the postwar period, i.e. since 1945. People in those days expected that industrial design should play an important role in the reconstruction process. The new era was launched by learning advanced technology and thoughts from the western world. The Government implemented many measures including provision of scholarships to foreign countries and invitation of foreign engineers to Japan. As a result, not only advanced western technology related to industrial design but also the culture elements have been transferred to Japan. Among others, those from the United States ‐ an advanced country in industrial design had made the most significant impact. For instance, the organization of Society of Industrial Designers (SID) of the United States was referred to by Japan Industrial Designers’ Association (JIDA) for its establishment. It was not easy for the Japanese people to understand accurately and to accept industrial design that was foreign culture at that time. There was different understanding on industrial design between Japanese designers and ordinary people and most of the designers hardly could practice it. This basic problem had not been solved in 1950s. However, various measures were applied for solving it, which later led to the clear recognition of industrial design and the creation of richer and more serviceable cultural life in Japan. 近代日本のインダストリアルデザインは戦後の1945年ごろから本格的に始まったと考えられる。戦後の復興にインダストリアルデザインは大きな役割を果たすものと期待されていた。しかしこの時代近代的なインダストリアルデザインはまだ日本に確立しておらず、まずは先進的な技術や思想を学ぶことから始まった。デザイン留学や技術者の招聘など様々な施策[注1]が行われ、欧米の先進的なデザインに関する技術や知識だけではなくその国の文化なども日本に伝えられたが、その中でも特に、アメリカの文化が日本に最も大きな影響を及ぼしたと考えられる。インダストリアルデザインの生まれた地であるアメリカの文化は様々な面から戦後日本に影響を及ぼした。JIDA[注2]もその組織を発足させる際に、アメリカのインダストリアルデザイナー協会(SID)[注3]を参考にした。 当時の日本にとっては異文化であったといえるインダストリアルデザインを正確に理解し受け入れることは、簡単なことではなかった。デザイナーと一般の間でインダストリアルデザインに対する認識に相違があったのはもちろん、デザイナー自身もそれを正しく理解し、実践することは容易なことではなかった。これらの問題は1950年代には解決しなかったが、それらの問題解決のために様々な施策で対処したことにより、その後の日本におけるインダストリアルデザインの定着とより豊かで便利な生活文化の構築へとつながったのである。

      • KCI등재

        인격신의 형성 -야스쿠니 문제의 기층-

        ( Iwata Shigenori ) 한국일어일문학회 2014 日語日文學硏究 Vol.88 No.1

        일본에는 죽은 자를 제신으로 모시는 신사가 존재한다. 텐만궁(스가와라노미치자네), 도요쿠니신사(도요토미 히데요시), 도쇼궁(도쿠가와 이에야스), 쇼인신사(요시다 쇼인), 노기 신사(노기 마레스케), 도고 신사(도고 헤이하치로), 메이지 신궁(메이지 천황) · 헤이안 신궁(간무 천황), 그리고 야스쿠니 신사(전사자) 등이 이에 해당한다. 이들 중 텐만궁을 제외하면 도요쿠니신사 · 도쇼궁은 근세 초기, 쇼인 신사 · 노기 신사 · 도고 신사 · 메이지 신궁 · 헤이안 신궁은 근대 이후에 창건되었으므로 그 창건시기가 그다지 오래된 것은 아니다. 텐만궁을 제외하고 이러한 죽은 자를 인격신으로 모시는 신사의 특징을 살펴보면, 첫째로 그 시신에 대하여 절을 하게 하는 신사도 있다(도요쿠니 신사 ·닛코도쇼궁 · 쇼인 신사). 보통 민간신앙에서는 시신과 접촉을 금기시하고 기피하는 것이 일반적임에도 불구하고 여기에서는 접촉(부정함)을 기피하지 않는다. 즉 시신에 대한 부정이 아닌 접촉을 용인한 새로운 신사의 형성이라고 할 수 있다. 두 번째 특징은 이곳들의 인격신은 그 죽은 자 측 사람들에 의해 모셔져 있다는 점이다. 고대 말 10세기에 창건된 텐만궁은 교토에서 일어난 천재지변 · 전염병 등이 규슈 다자이후에서 죽은 스가와라노 미치자네의 저주에 의한 것으로 여긴 그의 정적(政敵) 후지와라씨와 당시 조정에 의해 모셔진 것이다. 원래 일본의 인격신은 이러한 어령신앙(御靈信仰)적인 성격을 지닌다. 그러나 도요쿠니신사 이후 일본의 인격신은 어령신앙을 기반으로 하지 않고 정치적 권력자가 그 권위의 창출을 위해 죽은 자를 제신으로 모시고 있는 것이다. 세 번째 특징은 이들 인격신은 보통 의례가 내포하는 시간제한적인 형태를 취하지 않고, 설치된 신전에 상주하고 있다는 것이다. 예컨대 일본의 대표적연중행사인 오봉과 정월에는 특정 기간만 영혼 · 신이 맞이되었다가 보내어진다. 그런데 이들 인격신은 이러한 제사 형태를 취하지 않는다. 이렇듯 죽은 자를 제신으로 모시는 신사 및 새로운 인격신의 형성은 일본의 민간신앙 관점에서 보면 통상적인 형태에서 변형 · 왜곡된 것이다. 이것은 특히 두 번째 특징으로 지적한 정치적 의도 하에서 실현되고 있었다. 그리고 이러한 새로운 인격신 중 하나인 야스쿠니 신사도 인격신의 계보라는 관점에서 보면, 그 정치성은 도요쿠니신사(도요토미 히데요시) · 도쇼궁(도쿠가와 이에야스)의 연장선상에 성립된 것이라고 할 수 있다. In Japan, there are shrines where the dead are enshrined as gods. They are Tenman Palace(Sgawarano Michijane), Toyokuni Shrine(Toyotomi Hideyoshi), Tosho Palace (Tokugawa Ieyasu), Shoine Shrine(Yoshida Shoine), Nogui Shrine(Nogui Maresuke), Togo Shrine(Togo Heyhachiro), Meiji Shrine(Meiji Japanese Emperor) · Heyan Shrine(Kanmu Japanese Emperor), and Yasukuni Shrine(killed in war), etc. Among them, except Tenman Palace, they were built not long ago, since they were build since the Modern Age. To see the characteristics of these shrines, first, a new formation of shrine which does not deny the corpses, but admit contact. Second characteristic is, the gods of these shrines were enshrined by the people of their side. Originally, Japanese gods have the characteristic of this Blocking Spirit Faith(御靈信仰). However, since Toyokuni Shrines, Japanese gods are not based on Blocking Spirit Faith, but enshrined as gods by political power who wants to create his authority. Third characteristic is, these gods do not have the shape of time limit as usual ceremony connotes, but reside in the installed shrines. Like this, the formation of shrines, which enshrine the dead as gods,and new gods are transformed · distorted forms of normal forms from the viewpoint of Japanese folk religion. Particularly, this was realized under the political intention which was pointed out as the second characteristic. From the viewpoint of theistic pedigree, Yasukuni Shrine also can be said that its political nature was established in an extension of Toyokuni Shrine · Tosho Palace.

      • Enzymatic characterization of <i>in vitro</i>-expressed Baikal seal cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A1, 1A2, and 1B1: Implication of low metabolic potential of CYP1A2 uniquely evolved in aquatic mammals

        Iwata, Hisato,Yamaguchi, Keisuke,Takeshita, Yoko,Kubota, Akira,Hirakawa, Shusaku,Isobe, Tomohiko,Hirano, Masashi,Kim, Eun-Young Elsevier 2015 Aquatic toxicology Vol.162 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>This study aimed to elucidate the catalytic function of cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1 enzymes in aquatic mammals. Alkoxyresorufin <I>O</I>-dealkylation (AROD) activities including methoxy- (MROD), ethoxy- (EROD), pentoxy- (PROD), and benzyloxyresorufin <I>O</I>-dealkylation (BROD), and 2- and 4-hydroxylation activities of 17β-estradiol (E<SUB>2</SUB>) were measured by using yeast-expressed Baikal seal (<I>Pusa sibirica</I>) CYP1A1, 1A2, and 1B1 proteins. Heterologous protein expression of the Baikal seal CYP1s (bsCYP1s) in yeast microsomes was confirmed by reduced CO-difference spectra and immunoblotting. Heterologously expressed human CYP1 enzyme (hCYP1) activities were simultaneously measured and compared with those of bsCYP1 isozymes. Recombinant bsCYP1A1 protein showed the highest <I>V</I> <SUB>max</SUB> of EROD, followed by MROD, PROD, and BROD, similar to that of hCYP1A1. <I>V</I> <SUB>max</SUB>/<I>K</I> <SUB>m</SUB> ratios of all AROD activities catalyzed by bsCYP1A1 were lower than those catalyzed by hCYP1A1, suggesting less potential for AROD by bsCYP1A1. Enzymatic assays for bsCYP1A2 showed no or minimal AROD activities, while hCYP1A2 displayed MROD and EROD activities. bsCYP1B1 showed an AROD profile (EROD>BROD>MROD>>PROD) similar to that of hCYP1B1; however, <I>V</I> <SUB>max</SUB>/<I>K</I> <SUB>m</SUB> ratios of all AROD activities by bsCYP1B1 were higher. Yeast microsomes containing bsCYP1A1 and 1B1 and hCYP1A1, 1A2, and 1B1 metabolized E<SUB>2</SUB> to 2-OHE<SUB>2</SUB> and 4-OHE<SUB>2</SUB>, whereas bsCYP1A2 showed no such activity. Comparison of 4- and 2-hydroxylations of E<SUB>2</SUB> by CYP1As suggests that bsCYP1A1, hCYP1A1, and 1A2 preferentially catalyze 2- rather than 4-hydroxylation. As for CYP1B1, the <I>V</I> <SUB>max</SUB>/<I>K</I> <SUB>m</SUB> ratios suggest that both Baikal seal and human CYPs catalyze 4- rather than 2-hydroxylation. Interspecies comparison showed that bsCYP1B1 has higher metabolic potencies for both E<SUB>2</SUB> hydroxylations than does hCYP1B1, whereas the activity of bsCYP1A1 was lower than that of hCYP1A1. Messenger RNA expression levels of bsCYP1s in the liver of Baikal seals indicated that bsCYP1A1 and 1A2 enzymes contributed to 16.2% and 83.7% of total CYP1s, respectively; bsCYP1B1 accounted for only 0.06%. Addition of anti-human CYP1A1 antibody in seal liver microsomes suppressed EROD activity more than did anti-human CYP1A2 antibody. Therefore, EROD may be catalyzed by hepatic bsCYP1A1 but not bsCYP1A2, consistent with the results of yeast-expressed bsCYP1A1 and 1A2. <I>In silico</I> substrate-docking models of bsCYP1s suggested that the defect in bsCYP1A2 enzymatic activities may be accounted for by the Pro substitution of highly conserved Thr in the I-helix, which is involved in formation of a hydrogen bond with the hydroperoxy intermediate on the heme. This Thr-Pro substitution is evolutionarily conserved across aquatic mammals and could explain their lower metabolic potential for persistent organic pollutants.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Catalytic activities of Baikal seal CYP1A1 were lower than those of human CYP1A1. </LI> <LI> Baikal seal CYP1B1 showed higher catalytic activities than human CYP1B1. </LI> <LI> Catalytic activities by Baikal seal CYP1A2 showed no or a minimal detectable value. </LI> <LI> Pro317 substitution appears to render seal CYP1A2 incapable of its catalytic function. </LI> <LI> This substitution is evolutionarily conserved in aquatic mammals. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • KCI등재

        Role of neuron and non-neuronal cell communication in persistent orofacial pain

        Iwata, Koichi,Shinoda, Masamichi The Korean Dental Society of Anesthsiology 2019 Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Vol.19 No.2

        It is well known that trigeminal nerve injury causes hyperexcitability in trigeminal ganglion neurons, which become sensitized. Long after trigeminal nerve damage, trigeminal spinal subnucleus caudalis and upper cervical spinal cord (C1/C2) nociceptive neurons become hyperactive and are sensitized, resulting in persistent orofacial pain. Communication between neurons and non-neuronal cells is believed to be involved in these mechanisms. In this article, the authors highlight several lines of evidence that neuron-glial cell and neuron macrophage communication have essential roles in persistent orofacial pain mechanisms associated with trigeminal nerve injury and/or orofacial inflammation.


        Removal of Colloidal Particles Utilizing Gelation Reaction of Sodium Alginate

        Iwata, Masashi 한국화학공학회 2000 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol.17 No.5

        A novel technique utilizing the gelation reaction of natural polymers has been proposed for the separation of solid from liquid in difficult-to-filter colloidal suspensions. This technique is especially effective in the treatment of colloidal muddy water of high solid concentration, which is often produced as a byproduct of certain construction processes. Colloidal suspensions are mixed with a sodium alginate solution, and this mixture is added to a calcium chloride solution, resulting in the entrapping of colloidal particles by the calcium alginate gel. Gel suspensions are then drained gravitationally, followed by mechanical expression of gel particles. Fundamental aspects of this process are investigated by using sodium bentonite as an experimental material. The alginate-bentonite mixture is added dropwise to the calcium solution. Decreasing the droplet size of the mixture expedites gelation since the diffusion of calcium ions into droplets detemunes the rate of gelation reactions. Reducing the alginate content expedites expression of the gel since alginate content is inversely proportional to the rate of expression.


        A Case Study on Urban Ant Fauna of Southern Kyusyu, Japan, with Notes on a New Monitoring Protocol (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Formicidae)

        Iwata, Kouki,Eguchi, Katsuyuki,Yamane, Seiki Korean Society of Applied Entomology 2005 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.8 No.3

        Ant fauna of a green buffer belt adjacent to an industrial zone in Kagoshima City, southern Kyushu, Japan was elucidated using a standardized protocol. A total of 39 species belonging to 24 genera in five subfamilies were recorded from this park. Most speciose genera are Camponotus and Tetramorium having four species. The number of species per genus is 1.56 on average. Pheidole noda F. Smith, Monomorium chinense Santschi, Solenopsis japonica Wheeler, Tetramorium bicarinatum (Nylander) and Technomyrmex albipes (F. Smith) were most frequently encountered. Excepting Pheidole noda they are open-land and/or forest-edge inhabitants. Furthermore, Tetramorium bicarinatum and Technomyrmex albipes are tramp species. Thus, ant fauna there strongly reflects environmental conditions derived from urbanization/industrialization. Based on the present results, we propose here a new protocol monitoring ants in urban/industrial zones consisting of baiting and time unit sampling.

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