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      • 고추 근권에서 분리한 Bacillus subtilis J-24의 검은 곰팡이병원균 Alternaria alternata에 대한 길항력 및 고추의 초기 생육에 미치는 영향

        주길재,김학윤,허상선,우철주,이인구 경북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 1999 慶北大農學誌 Vol.17 No.-

        Thirty bacteria were isolated from the red pepper rhizosphere. The isolates were screened for antagonism to Alternaria alteranta causing red pepper black rot. Antagonistic bacterium No. J-24 was selected among the isolated bacteria and was identified as Bacillus subtilis based on morphological and physiological characterisitics and MIDI system. B. subtilis J-24 showed antifungal activities against A.alternata(inhibition percentage, 99%), Botrytis cinerea, Phytophthora capsici, Pythium ultimum, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Stemphylium botrysum. The growth of red pepper seedling was promoted as compared to control when the microbial inoculants was mixed in bed soil. In the mixed microbial inoculants bed soil, the leaf area of red pepper was increased of 15 percent, the hypocotyl weight 12 percent, the root length 12 percent, total dry weight 13 percent as compared to those grown in the genenal bed soil.

      • 3on3 길거리 농구대회에 나타난 기업의 스폰서십 효과 연구

        김주학,정연성 명지대학교 예체능연구소 2003 藝體能論集 Vol.14 No.-

        According to the result of the sponsorship measurement, men show more fnendly feeling than women. This is because men are more Interested in sports than women. Therefore, the enterprise planning sports sponsorship participation will get greater effects in the male-aimed market. Lastly, through this study, the sports sponsorship is the means of advertisements and public relations, improves the enterprise image, and promotes the recognition of products. Considering the preceding research is deficient at present, the study on the sports sponsorship effects is necessary.

      • 남자 중ㆍ고등학생의 체력 발달에 관한 경향분석

        김주학 서울대학교 체육연구소 2000 서울大學校 體育硏究所論集 Vol.21 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the trend of physical fitness development of male students from the first grade of the middle school through the 3rd grade of the high school. The subjects of the study were 166,525 male students who were served as the subjects for the research, the Development the Norm of Korean Youth Physical Fitness Test conducted by the Ministry of Education in 1999. 50m dash, sit-ups, standing long jump, sit-and-reach, distance run, and push-ups were tested as physical fitness factors. The data were analyzed by using POLYNOMINAL which are the subprograms of SPSS/PC+. The results of the study were as the following; 1) Linear, quadratic and quartic trend were statistically significant in 50m dash. 2) Linear, quadratic cubic quartic and quintic trend were statistically significant in push-ups. 3) Linear, quadratic quartic and quintic trend were statistically significant in sit-ups. 4) Linear, quadratic quartic and quintic trend were statistically significant in standing long jump. 5) Linear, quadratic cubic quartic and quintic trend were statistically significant in sit-and-reach. 6) Linear, quadratic and trend were statistically significant in distance run.

      • 약물 수송 및 분자 영상기법을 위한 나노 기술적 접근

        박학수,황성주,박정숙 충남대학교 약학대학 의약품개발연구소 2007 藥學論文集 Vol.22 No.-

        Nanotechnology, a multidisciplinary scientific undertaking, involves creation and utilization of materials, devices or systems on the nanometer scale. The field of nanotechnology is currently undergoing explosive development on many fronts. The technology is expected to create innovations and play a critical role in various biomedical applications, not only in drug delivery, but also in molecular imaging, biomarkers and biosensors. Target-specific drug therapy and methods for early diagnosis of pathologies are the priority research areas where nanotechnology would play a vital role. This review considers different nano-technology-based drug delivery and imaging approaches, and their economic impact on pharmaceutical and biomedical industries.

      • KCI등재

        미국 연방관재관 제도의 도입논의에 대한 실무적 검토

        김주학 법무부 2010 선진상사법률연구 Vol.- No.50

        The most criticized feature of the US Bankruptcy Act of 1898 was the dual responsibilities of the bankruptcy judge, and the judicial judgment was inconsistent with the administrative supervision. Administrative functions usually involved contact with trustees, which was unavoidable by the administrative duties imposed upon the bankruptcy judge. Even if no impropriety existed, the administrative duties performed by the bankruptcy judge created the appearance of a bias in favor of the estate because private trustees had frequent contact with the judge. Besides, some kind of supervision over trustees in the private trustee system was felt to be needed. The United States Trustee Pilot Program began on October 1, 1979. Currently, the Program operates in 21 regions. The duties of the US Trustee include the establishment, maintenance, and supervision of a panel of private trustees to serve in Chapter 7 cases. The US Trustee monitors applications for compensation and reimbursement and files comments to the court regarding these applications. Plans filed in Chapters 11,12 and 13 cases are monitored as are disclosure statements in Chapter 11 cases. Creditors' committees in Chapter 11 cases are appointed and supervised by the US Trutee. The US Trustee prevents undesired delays in bankruptcy cases by monitoring the progress of cases and taking action whenever necessary. The US Trustee can also object to the confirmation of a plan in Chapter 11 cases. Korean Bankruptcy Law has begun to be affected by US law since 1998. DIP system in Chapter 11 was imported in 2005. Now the import of the US Trustee Program is under discussion. Its main function is to separate the administrative supervision from the judicial judgment in bankruptcy cases, and to give the administrative duties to the US Trustee. But there are alternative methods to solve the problem, which includes separating the genuine judicial judgment from the semi- judicial one and to forward it to a civil court. If the rule of business judgment is accepted, DIP will not undergo big hardships in managing bankrupt business even though the bankruptcy judge performs the administrative supervision. In addition, Korea does not have a large stock of bankruptcy professionals to administer a National Bankruptcy Trustee Program. Currently, Korea does not have the capacity of undertaking a National Trustee similar to the US. 미국에서는 도산절차에 관여하는 공권력을 사법과 행정으로 구분하여 사법적 역할은 법원에, 행정적 역할은 법무부장관이 임명하는 연방관재관(the US Trustee)에 나누어 맡긴다. 그 취지는 법관을 사법적 역할에 전념시켜 업무 부담을 덜어 주고, 법관이 사법적·행정적 역할을 동시에 담당함으로 말미암은 이해관계의 대립을 없애려는 데 있다. 최근 연방관재관 제도를 우리나라에 도입하자는 주장이 제기되고 있는데 이 제도를 도입할 필요가 있는지는 다음의 세 가지 측면에서 살펴볼 필요가 있다. 첫째, 헌법상 권력분립 원칙과의 관계이다. 이는 도산법원이 사법적․행정적 역할을 동시에 담당하면 이해관계의 대립을 가져오므로 행정적 역할은 독립한 행정조직에 맡겨야 한다는 논의이다. 우리 도산법 체계하에서도 사법적 판단과 행정적 감독이 충돌하는 면이 있는 것은 사실이다. 그러나 실체적 법률문제에 관한 분쟁은 일반법원에 그 판단을 맡기면 도산법원의 이중적 지위로 말미암은 문제점을 해결할 수 있으므로, 권력분립 원칙 때문에 굳이 연방관재관 제도를 도입할 필요는 없을 것이다. 둘째, 법원은 재판을 담당하는 기관이라는 점이다. 다시 말하면 도산절차는 거래실정에 맞게 역동적으로 진행하여야 하는데 법원이 행정적 감독을 맡으면 업무처리에 지장을 가져온다는 측면이다. 그렇지만, 절차가 원활하게 진행되느냐는 회생채무자(또는 관재인)가 도산기업을 경영하는 과정에서 내리는 경영판단(business judgment)이 존중되느냐에 달렸지 절차감독자가 누구이냐(법원이냐 연방관재관이냐)에 달린 문제는 아니다. 셋째, 연방관재관 제도를 운용할 전문인력의 부족이다. 미국에는 도산과 관련된 전문인력이 약 4만 명에 이르고, 일본도 사법시험 시절부터 도산법이 선택과목으로 채택되어 법조인력 가운데 도산법 이론과 실무에 정통한 인력이 적지 않다. 그러나 우리나라에는 도산법이나 도산실무를 전공한 인력이 매우 드물어 관재관 제도를 창설할 경우, 현실적으로 이 직책을 담당할 마땅한 인력을 구하기 어려울 것이다. 미국식 연방관재관 제도가 이론적으로 또 제도적으로 더욱 잘 정비된 제도임은 틀림없으나, 우리나라 실정에 그 도입은 시기상조인 면이 있다.

      • Lintel Beam(중방)의 강성이 전단벽에 미치는 영향

        황학주,변근주,송재호 연세대학교 산업기술연구소 1980 논문집 Vol.12 No.2

        Shear wall plays an important role in securing lateral stability for a structure that is influenced by lateral forces. It is considered that the theoretical equations which have been used in the stress analysis of shear wall involve so many assumptions and much complexity an exact solution is very hard to be obtained. Stresses of shear walls are obtained by making a series of photo-elastic experiment on 10 different shear wall models and compared with the theoretical ones based on the concept of coupled shear wall, and the effect of stiffness on the behavior of shear wall is studied on both wall elements and lintel beams. As a result, it is found that the experimental values are almost the same as the theoretical ones on lintel beams, so it is justifiable to use the theoretical equations in lintel beams. However there exists such a large discrepancy between the experimental values and the theoretical equations to the analysis of stresses on wall elements . And also it is found that the stiffness of lintel beams has little effect on the behavior of shear wall, while those of wall elements have great effect on the behavior of both wall elements and lintel beams.

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