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      • Building Solidarity and Cooperation to Stop Sexual Violence in Universities

        Ika Ayu KRISTIANINGRUM 이화여자대학교 아시아여성학센터 2018 이화여자대학교 아시아여성학센터 학술대회자료집 Vol.2018 No.1

        Discussing about violence against women, especially sexual violence that happens in Indonesia, leads us to a stack of tangled thread that seems to be difficult to find a way out. That condition leads to a more serious threat nowadays as the rising number of sexual violence cases that are reported happen in many schools in all levels. Related to the issues of sexual violence, schools or campuses as the primary institutions where most people spend their time everyday are considered to be the institutions that produce the violence. Since the minimum knowledge about body autonomy and comprehensive sexual education given by these institutions are considered as one factor that causes the rise of the sexual violence cases. This article attempts to elaborate the work of campus activism responding to sexual violence cases. This attempt aims to find a possibility of cooperative work to advocate for sexual violence cases in campuses, including the building of solidarity and support to the Draft of Anti-Sexual Violence Bill in the national level that is now still on hold.

      • Young, Different, Dangerous

        Ika Ayu KRISTIANINGRUM 이화여자대학교 아시아여성학센터 2012 이화여자대학교 아시아여성학센터 학술대회자료집 Vol.2012 No.10

        Young, different and dangerous are popular quotations from Indonesian rock band named Superman Is Dead. The quotes seems precise on describing the situation of Indonesias youth today; passionate, dares to be different and challenging hazards. Historically, Indonesian history is driven by youth engagement. The fall of the New Order regime had became the political momentum for Indonesias reform. And it resurrection is driven by youth. Until today, youth are the hope for the idea of the new Indonesia. Youth involvement in social movements is actually a common phenomenon. However, the typical notion of reproducing the social movement ideas had coloured the recent era. The diverse issues in social movements such as the environment, human rights, against corruption, and interfaith been very dynamic in the presence of youth. Also in the field of womens struggle movement. In the womens movement, the youths presence gave a new color. Colors that can be read as a critique of the stagnation womens movement in Yogyakarta. Seniority and the shadows of the past glory of the movement had being reconstructed through more contemporary issues. The extent of the issue brings an implication both for models and strategies in the womens movement. Even hirakrial dialectic does not run as it seems, but the existence of youth represent an idea that against the mainstream which is commonly known in the womens movement. Youth efforts as the agency who are trying to negotiate their own definition, action and strategic issues of womens movement will be the focus in this paper. Some of the youth who involved in the womens movement in Yogyakarta will be the agencies representation who narrates the spirit of youth; theyre still young, theyre different and theyre endanger the established situation.

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