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      • 유해성물질의 인터넷 정보제공 시스템 구축에 관한 연구

        우세홍,이익형 서울保健大學 1998 論文集 Vol.18 No.1

        The World-Wide Web is a large scale Internet-based hypermedia information service system. The technology has been growing very rapidly in the Internet community, and now extensively being used in information delivery services. Database service systems can be best implemented by integrating the service capability of the Web and the data management facility of database systems in a complimentary fashion. On the basis of this integrated system, we have constructed network connections and installed essential software-DBMS, internet database access server, and browser, In DBMS all data are stored and manipulated by SQL program. We adopted the IDS middleware server to connect between server and client and to achieve higher performance and security, The databank for hazardous materials was designed and constructed by using SQL Server 6.5. To specify query forms we developed data entry programs which require flexible user interface and interactive function, The users in client used the Web browser to issue a request and entered inputs for querying a database. The search results by means of key word or key physical properites viewed good performance and information delivery. As a result of this study, we constructed internet information delivrly system and databank for hazardous materials.

      • 구강 편평세포암종에서 E-cadherin 및 β-catenin 발현의 변화 : Correlation with Histologic Features and p53 Expression

        서진건,권창석,박진배,윤혜경,김우형,이희철 인제대학교 백병원 2002 仁濟醫學 Vol.23 No.4

        Objective : Altered expression of cell adheion molecules is associated with biologic behavior of tumor. The aim of this study is to evaluate the expression pattern of E-cadherin, β-catenin and p53 protein according to histologic grade and invasion pattern of squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity and the relationship between E-cadherin, β-catenin and p53 protein expression. Methods and Material : The materials were fifty seven cses of squamous cell carcinoma, and clinicl parameers such as age, sex, tumor location, stage and recurrence were recorded. Histologic review was done based on histologic grade and invasion pattern(nodular vs infiltrative). Immunohistochemical stains for E-cadherin and β-ca tenin were interpreted based on staining pattern as los of membranous expression and cytoplasmic expression and p53 protein expression was defined as positive if more than 10% of nuclei were reactive. Statistical analysis between E-cadherin, β-catenin and p53 protein expressions and histologic grade and invasion pattern and the relationship between E-cdherin, β-catenin and p53 protein expressions were perfomed. Results : There wa positive correlation between higher histologic grade and infiltrative pattern. Loss of membranous expression and cytoplasmic expression of E-cadherin were noted in 33.3% and 57.9%, respectively, and loss of membranous expression of E-cadherin showed increaing tendency in poorly differentiated carcinomas, however, there was no significant difference of cytoplasmic expression rate of E-cadherin according to histoogic grade. Altered expression of E-cadherin was more frequent in poorly differentiated carcinomas. Loss of membranous expression and cytoplasmic expression of E-cadherin were more frequent in carinomas with infiltrative pattern than in carcinomas with nodular pattern, but their diferences were not significant, Loss of membranous expression and cytoplasmic expression of β-catenin were observed in 19.3% and 80.7%, respectively. Loss of membranous expression of β-catenin howed no positive correlation according to histologic grade and invasion pattern, but cytoplasmic expression rate of β-catenin was higher in poorly differentiated carcinomas and in carcinomas with infiltrative pettern. p53 protein expression rate was 45.6%, and showed invreasing tendency in poorly differentiated carcinomas, but no significant relationship with invasion pattern. There was an inverse relationship of loss of membranous expression and cytoplasmic expression of E-cadherin and β-catenin. Altered expression of E-cadherin was related to cytoplasmic expression of β-catenin, however, there were no significant relationship between altered expressions of E-cadherin and β-catenin and p53 protein expression. Conclusion : In squamous cell carcinomas of the oral cavity, altered expression of E-cadherin and β-catenin was more frequent in poorly differentiated carcinomas and in carcinomas with infiltrative pattern and there was positive correlation betwween altered expression of E-cadherin and β-catenin. These findings suggest that altered expressions of E-cadherin and β-catenin may have a role in the development of squamous cell carcinomas with aggressive biologic behavior. but altered explosions of E-cadherin and β-catenin. These findings suggest that altered expressions of E-cdherin and β-catenin my have a role in the development of squmaous cell carcinomas with aggressive biologic behavior. But altered expression of E-cadherin and β-catenin might not be related to p53 protein expression. Further study on genetic mutation related to altered expression of E-cadherin and β-catenin will be needed

      • 이행성 협심증 환자에서 운동부하 심전도 검사

        이정우,박형서,박용규,노상필,이유선,정승현,김보영,이재환,최시완,정진옥,성인환 충남대학교 의과대학 의학연구소 2003 충남의대잡지 Vol.30 No.1

        목적 : 관상동맥의 경련에 의한 이형성 협심증환자에 있어서 운동부하 심전도 검사의 결과는 매우 다양하다. 이에 저자들은 충남대학교병원 순환기내과에서 관상동맥조영술상 이형성 협심증으로 확진된 환자를 대상으로 운동부하 심전도 검사를 시행하여 이에 대한 결과를 연구하였다. 방법 : 1995년 1월부터 2002년 3월까지 흉통을 주소로 충남대학교병원 순환기 내과에 입원하여 관상동맥조영술을 시행하여 관상동맥의 내경이 50% 미만의 협착이 있고, 에르고노빈(ergonovine) 유발검사도 이형성 협심증으로 진단을 받은 233명중 운동부하 심전도 검사를 시행 받은 183명의 환자를 연구 대상으로 하였다. 운동부하 심전도 검사 결과의 판독시 발생할 수 있는 오류를 줄이기 위해서 운동부하 심전도 검사를 시행하기전 심전도상 ST분절의 상승(5예)이나 하강(8예)이 있는 경우 EH한 T파의 역위(19예)가 있는 32명의 환자를 제외한 총 151명의 환자를 대상으로 하였다. 운동부하는 Marquette사의 case 15 답차를 이용하였고, Bruce protocol에 따라 증상이 나타날 때까지 최대로 실시하였으며 각 stage 및 운동후의 혈압을 측정하고 12 유도 심전도를 기록하였다. 결과 : 1) 임상적 특성 - 내원시 임상 상은 안정형 협심증이 39예(25.8%), 불안정형 협심증이 103예(68.2%), 심근경색증이 9예(6.0%)이었다. 운동부하 심전도 검사 결과 양성 군과 음성군간에 있어서 당뇨병, 고혈압, 비만도, 총 혈청콜레스테롤치, 현재의 흡연 여부, 병력상 운동시 흉통의 유무, 내원시 임상적 진단, 협착의 정도, 연축의 수 등을 조사하였는 바 어떠한 인자들도 유의한 차이를 발견할 수 없었다. 2) 운동부하 심전도 검사 - 운동부하 심전도 검사를 시행 받은 151명의 환자중 음성인 경우는 134예(88.8%)이었고, 양성인 경우는 17예(11.2%)이었다. 양성 소견을 보인 환자들중 ST 분절의 상승이 4예(2.6%), ST 분절의 하강이 13예(8.6%)이었다. 3) 관상동맥조영술 - 관상동맥조영술상에서 혈관 경력 위치는 우관상동맥이 70예(46.1%), 좌전하동맥이 44예(28.9%), 좌회선동맥이 17예(11.2%)의 순으로 나타났다. 운동부하 심전도 검사상 ST 분절의 상승이 있었던 예중 Ⅱ, Ⅲ, aVF에서 ST 분절의 상승이 있었던 1예는 관상 동맥조영술상 우관상동맥에서 경련이 발생하였고, V2-V4에서 ST 분절의 상승이 있었던 2예중 관상동맥조영술상에도 좌전하행동맥에서 경련이 나타난 예는 1예이었으며 다른 1예는 좌회선동맥에서 경련이 나타났고, V5-V6에서 ST 분절의 상승이 있었던 1예는 관상동맥조영술상에도 좌회선동맥에서 경련이 나타났다. 운동부하 심전도 검사상 V5 또는 V6에서 ST 분절의 하강이 있엇던 13예중 6예(46.1%)는 관상동맥조영술상 우관상동맥에서 경련이 발생하였고, 3예(23.1%)는 좌전하행동맥에서, 1예(7.7%)는 좌회선동맥에서, 나머지 3예(23.1%)는 2개의 혈관이나 기타 분지에서 경련이 발생하였다. 결론 : 1) 이형성 협심증 환자는 운동부하 심전도 검사에서 11.2%의 양성소견을 보였다. 이중 ST 분절의 상승은 2.6%이었고, ST 분절의 하강은 8.6%이었다. 2) 이형성 환자중 운동부하 심전도 검사를 실시하여 음성을 보이는 경우 다혈관 관상동맥질환이기 보다는 이형성 협심증일 가능성이 더 높다고 예측할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. 3) 이형성 협심증 환자중 운동부하 심전도 검사를 실시하여 ST 분절의 상승을 보이는 경우 다혈관 관상동맥질환이기 보다는 이형성 협심증일 가능성이 더 높다고 예측할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. 4) 운동부하 심전도 검사 결과에 대한 당뇨병, 고혈압, 비만도, 총 혈청콜레스테롤치, 현재의 흡연여부, 병력상 운동시 흉통의 유무, 내원시 임상적 진단, 협착의 정도 등 어떠한 인자들도 3그룹(ST 분절의 상승, ST 분절의 하강, 음성)간에 유의한 차이를 발견할 수 없었다. 5) ST 분절의 상승 부위와 관상동맥조영술상 관상동맥의 연축이 일어나는 혈관과의 상관관계는 매우 높았다. No reports in the literature describe the results of exercise testings in a large number of patients with pure variant angina(coronary stenosis <50%) in Korea. In this report, We present the results of treadmil exercise testing in 151 patients with variant angina. 151 patients with angiographically proven coronary artery spasm underwent a treadmil exercise test. The clinical characteristics of variant angina patients classified according to ST-segment response to exercise were analyzed. Of 151 patients underwent a treadmil exercise test, negative result was seen in 134 patients(88.8%) and positive result was in 17 patients(11.2%). Of 17 patients saw positive result, exercise-induced ST segment elevation was present in 4 patients(2.6%) and ST segment depression was seen in 13 patients(8.6%). There was not a significant relationship between the ST segment response to exercise and the clinical variables(diabetes, hypertension, obesity, total cholesterol, current smoking, effort angina, clinical diagnosis, and degree of stenosis) assessed. Of 4 patients with ST segment elevation in treadmil exercise test, 1 patient with ST segment elevation in Ⅰ,Ⅲ,aVF had spasm in right coronary artery(100%) on coronary angiography, of 2 patients in V2-V4 had spasm in left anterior descending coronary artery in 1 patient(50%) and 1 patient in V5-V6 had spasm in left circumflex artery(100%). Positive treadmil exercise test was present in 11.2% of variant angina patient. If we have negative treadmil exercise result in patients with clinical manifestation of unstable angina at admission, we may have a suspicion of variant angina rather than multi-vessel disease. If we have exercise-induced ST segment elevation in patients with clinical manifestation of unstable angina at admission, we have a suspicion of variant angina rather than multi-vessel disease. Our result suggests that the correlation between the site of the ST segment elevation and the artery involved is quite good.

      • 구강 편평세포암종의 Matrix Metalloproteinase(MMP)-1, 2, 3, 9와 Tissue Inhibitors of MMP(TIMP)-1, 2의 발현 양상의 비교 및 상호 연관성

        노영서,한지용,김용환,윤혜경,김우형,이희철 인제대학교 백병원 2002 仁濟醫學 Vol.23 No.4

        Objective : nvasiveness of squamous cell carcinoma in oral cavity is associated with poor prognosis, and MMPs have an important role in degradation of extracellular matrix and bawement membrane of vessil walls. Increased expressions of MMPs is related to infiltrative growth and lymph node metastases in human cancers. In normal tissue, there is balanced secretions of MMPs and TIMPs, but impaired balance of MMPs and TIMPs was noted in cancer tissue. The aim of this study is to evaluate the expression rates of MMP-1, 2, 3 and TIMP 1 and 2 in squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity, and relationship between MMPs and TIMPs expression and histologic grade and invasion pattern. Methods and Material : Pathologic review of fifty cases of squamous cell carcinoma during a period of Mar. 1994 to Feb. 2000 based on histologic grade and invasion pattim and immunohistochemical stains for MMP-1, 2, 3 and 9 and TIMP-1, 2 were done. Statistical analysis between MMPs and TIMP s expression rate and pathologic parameters and relationship between MMPs and TIMPs were performed. Results : Expression rates of MMP-1, 2, 3 and 9were 32.0%, 38.0%, 22.0% and 20.0%, respectively. MMP-2 expression rate was higher in well differentiated carcinomas and in cases with less-infiltrative pattern. Other MMPs show slightly higher expression rate in well differentiated carcinomas, but there were no statistical significances. There were no significant differences of MMP-1, 2, 3 and 9 expression rates according to invasion pattern. Expression rates of TIMP-1 and TIM-2 were 22.2% and 48.0%, respectively, and there were no significant differences according to histologic grade and invasion pattern. Significant correlations of MMP-1, 2, 3 and 9 expressions except between MMP-2 and MMP-3 were noted, but there were no significant correlations between MMPs and TIMPs expression. Conclusion : Conclusions: In well differentiated and less infiltrative squamous cell carcinomas of the oral cavity, expression rates of MMPs, especially MMP-2, were high. And there were positive correlation between MMPs, but no correlation between MMPs and TIMPs. These findings suggest that MMPs may have a role in tumor developent of a subset of squamous cell carcinoma with less aggressive behavior and MMPs may involve in early stage of tumor progression.

      • KCI등재

        대학생의 학업성취 수준 실태 분석 연구

        김형관,신현석,서민원,황기우 고려대학교 교육문제연구소 2001 敎育問題硏究 Vol.15 No.-

        본 연구는 대학생의 학업성취 수준을 사전에 선정된 사회 문화적 배경요인에 따라 실증적으로 분석하여 그 실태를 알아보는데 목적이 있다. 본 연구는 연구주제와 관련된 선행 문헌고찰을 바탕으로 대학생의 학업성취를 인지적 측면에서 ① 실제 학점 평균과 ② 지각된 성취수준(전공지식 습득, 교양지식 습득, 논리·분석적 사고력, 창의력) 등 두 가지로 개념화하였다. 그리고 학업성취와 관련된 사회 문화적 배경요인은 크게 대학생의 ① 개인적 배경요인, ② 가정배경요인, ③ 대학배경요인 등 세 가지로 구별하였다. 본 연구의 대상은 전국에서 표집된 6개 종합대학 1,781명의 대학생들이다. 이들을 대상으로 학업성취요인과 사회 문화적 배경요인들을 설문화하여 수집된 자료를 분석한 결과, 개인적 배경변인에서는 계열별, 거주형태, 일일 평균 공부시간 등의 변인은 학업성취에 차이를 가져오는 것으로 나타났다. 가정 배경변인에서는 출신지역과 부모의 학력 정도에 따라 학업성취 수준이 다르게 나타났다. 한편, 대학 배경변인 별로는 대학설립 유형, 학교 소재지, 입학전형 방식 등의 변인들이 학업성취 수준의 차이를 가져오는 것으로 밝혀졌다.

      • 유산양 유방염에 대한 Chitosan 약침의 치료 효과

        황수현,서진석,김덕환,김명철,신상태,전무형,南三郞,김영찬,이우근,표수일 충남대학교 수의과대학 동물의과학연구소 1999 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.7 No.-

        To improve the therapeutic method for mastitis, treatment effect of chitosan pharmacopuncture was examined in three milking goats(A,B and C). Mastitis was artificially induced in two milking goats(A and B) and one goat(C) was naturally infected case with mastitis. The acupoint used was Yang-Ming and chitosan suspensions(provided from Tottory University, Japan: 30㎎ of chitosan/㎖)were injected to the acupoint with 5㎖/time for 3 days, respectively. As for the change of somatic cells in milk along with chitosan pharmacopuncture, they showed a decreasing tendency after increase on the 3rd day in all udders of B. In addition, as for the change of total leukocyte counts of peripheral blood with chitosan pharmacopuncture, they showed a decreasing tendency after increase on the 3rd day in B and C except A which showed a increasing tendency until on the 7th day. In the change of neutrophil/lymphocyte(N/L) ratio, increasing tendency was seen in A and C but increasing tendency after slight decrease was observed in B. Further, in the change of serum total protein and A/G ratio, serum total protein content was decreased after slightly increase on the 3rd day in A, and they were decreased after increase until on the 7th day in B and C, respectively. As for the change of A/G ratio, different pattern increasing tendency was shown in A, B and C.

      • 관상동맥 질환에서 SDF-1α의 농도

        김보영,박용규,박형서,노상필,정승현,이유선,이정우,이재환,최시완,정진옥,성인환 충남대학교 의과대학 의학연구소 2003 충남의대잡지 Vol.30 No.1

        Atherosclerosis is now viewed as an inflammatory disease of the vascular system. Expression of several chemokines, including monocyte chemoattractant protein(MCP)-1, MCP-4, RANTES(regulated on activation normal T-cell expressed and secreted), and interleukin-8(IL-8) are increased in human atherosclerotic plaques compared with normal vessels. They are involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and plaque rupture by activating and directing leukocytes into the atherosclerotic lesions. However, some are involved in homeostatic functions such as normal leukocyte traffic and growth regulation. SDF-la is a multi-functional cytokine that is involved in myelogenesis, hematopoiesis, angiogenesis and injured gastric mucosal regeneration in the gastric ulcer patient. SDF-la is recently shown to be highly expressed in atherosclerotic plaques and a potent platelet agonist. At least in high concentrations, SDF-la may mediate antiinflammatory and matrix stabilizing effects in unstable angina. Many studies are going on to know the function of SDF-la in coronary artery diseases. I investigated the difference of the plasma level of SDF-la between control group and coronary artery disease group. Total 75 subjects were enrolled. The diagnosis of coronary artery disease was confirmed in all patients by coronary angiography. Control subjects in this study were confirmed normal by coronary angiography. Clinical profile and risk factors were also reviewed. Control subjects in this study were 27 (M=10, F=17). Plasma for the study was collected before the angiography and centrifuged. SDF-la analysis was performed by ELISA. Plasma level of SDF-la is significantly increased in patients with stable angina(n=20) and unstable angina group(n=28) compared with healthy control group(n=27). the risk factors do not influence the plasma level of SDF-la in coronary artery diseases. In this study, plasma level of SDF-la is increased in patients with stable angina and unstable angina groups compared with healthy control group(P<0.05). the risk factors do not influence the plasma level of SDF-la in coronary artery diseases.

      • 백혈병 마우스 모델의 동종골수이식에서 활성화된 자연살해세포들의 보충이 이식편대백혈병효과와 이식편대숙주반응에 미치는 영향

        엄현석,한치화,박수정,김소연,정낙균,정대철,진종률,최일봉,양형모,서영훈,송현근,최인표,민우성,김춘추 대한조혈모세포이식학회 2001 대한조혈모세포이식학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        배경: 백혈병에서 동종골수이식 (allogeneic bone marrow transplantation)의 성공적 치료 효과를 얻기 위해서는 이식편대숙주반응 (graft-versus-host disease, GVHD) 발생의 극복과 재발의 방지가 중요한 과제이다. 골수를 역류원심성 세포분리 (counterflow centrifugal elutriation, CCE) 방법으로 분리하여 얻은 rotor off (R/O) 세포분획은 T 세포의 수는 적지만 조혈모세포들을 다량 포함하고 있어 동종골수이식에서 주조직적합복합체 (major histocompatibility complex, MHC) 차이를 극복할 수 있고, 이식편의 생착 성공과 GVHD 발생 예방에 효과적이다. 그러나 골수로부터 T 세포를 제거하면 백혈병세포를 공격하는 이식편대백혈병 (graft-versus-leukemia, GVL) 효과가 감소되기 때문에 백혈병 재발의 빈도가 높다. 자연살해세포 (natural killer cell, NK cell)의 보충 첨가는 동종골수이식 후 GVHD 발생을 줄이면서 충분한 GVL 효과를 얻을 수가 있다. 따라서 저자는 분리 후 IL-2로 활성화시킨 NK 세포들을 골수 R/O 세포분획과 함께 백혈병 마우스 모델에 동종이식함으로써 GVHD와 GVL에 미치는 효과를 관찰하였다. 방법: Balb/c (H-2^(d)) 마우스에서 유래된 A20 (murine B-lymphoma/leukemia cell line, H-2^(d)) 백혈병 세포를 이식 2 일 전에 Balb/c 마우스에 주입하고, 치사량의 전신 방사선을 조사한 직후에 Balb/c 또는 C57BL/6 (H-2^(b)) 마우스의 골수 R/O 세포분획을 꼬리정맥을 통하여 주입하였다. 이들은 모두 이식 후 6-8 주 이내에 사망하였다. 동종이식의 대조군 (n=9)에는 1 × 10^(7)의 R/O 세포분획만을 주입하였고, 실험군 (n=9)에는 C57BL/6 마우스의 비장세포들로부터 단클론항체들을 이용한 negative selection방법으로 분리한 후 IL-2로 활성화된 5 × 10^(5)의 NK 세포분획을 1 × 10^(7)의 R/O 세포분획과 함께 주입하였다. GVL 효과의 판정은 이식 후 14 일과 28 일 째 되는 날 마우스에서 골수, 비장, 간 등을 얻어 백혈병 세포들의 침윤을 조직학적으로 관찰하였으며, GVHD의 정도는 육안적 관찰법으로 평가하였다. 결과: R/O 세포분획만을 이식한 대조군의 골수, 비장, 그리고 간 조직에서는 A20 백혈병 세포의 침윤이 각각 89% (8/9), 78% (7/9)와 22% (2/9)에서 관찰되었고, R/O 세포분획과 NK 세포분획을 함께 이식한 실험군에서는 비장과 간을 제외한 골수에서만 89% (8/9)에서 A20 백혈병 세포의 침윤이 관찰되어 두 군 사이에 장기별 분포의 차이를 볼 수 있었다 (P= 0.0001). 한편 GVHD는 두 군 모두에서 경하게 나타나서 유의한 차이는 없었다. 또한 생착 부전으로 사망한 마우스는 없었다. 결론: CCE를 이용하여 T 세포를 제거한 동종골수이식에서 NK 세포의 보충은 GVHD의 악화는 일으키지 않으면서, 백혈병의 진행을 억제하는 GVL 효과를 얻을 수 있었다. Background: Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) with T cell-depleted marrow accompanies engraftment failure and relapse of leukemia by a loss of the graft-versus-leukemia (GVL) effect frequently, while it can prevent GVHD. Supplement of NK cells could prevent GVHD and enhance GVL effect in several murine allogeneis BMT models Roter off (R/O) cell fraction obtained by counterflow centriation elutriatio (CCO) contains small number of T cells and many hematopoietic stem cells. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of R/O cell fraction supplemented with IL-2 activated NK cells on GVL and GVHD within the leukemic mouse BMT model. Methods: Inoculation of A20 (H-2d, murine B-lymphoma/leukemia, Balb/c origin) cells into Balb/c mice via the tail vein 2 days prior to lethal total body irradiation (TBI) and infusion of the Balb/c BM or C57BL/6 (H-2b) R/O fraction were performed. It resulted in 100% mortality within 6 to 8 weeks. The irradiated mice in the control group were injected with 1 × 107 R/O cell fraction alone (n=9) and in the experimental group mice were injected with 1 × 107 R/O cell fraction plus 5 × 105 negatively selected IL-2 activated NK cell fractions of the spleens via the tail vein (n=9). On day 14 and 28 after BMT, the bone marrows, spleens, and livers of mice were harvested for histopathologic analysis of the infiltrations of leukemic cells. We then evaluated the GVHD within the mice. Results: A histopathologic study of the recipients receiving R/O fraction alone showed infiltration of leukemic cells, 89% (8/9) in bone marrows, 78% (7/8) in spleens, and 22% (2/9) in livers. The experimental group of mice showed only the infiltration of leukemic cells 89% (8/9) in bone marrows, not in spleens and livers. There were the organ differences of the leukemic cells infiltrations between the two groups (P=0.0001). There were no obvious differences in the GVHD scores between these two groups, and severe GVHD was not observed. There was no engraftment failure among groups. Conclusion: Thus, our findings suggest that R/O cell fraction obtained by CCE and supplemented with NK cells can promote GVL effect without mediating clinically overt GVHD in allogeneic BMT of mouse leukemia.

      • Review

        Hyung-Woo Seo,Hye-Jin Jung,Young-Il Na 한국방사성폐기물학회 2023 한국방사성폐기물학회 학술논문요약집 Vol.21 No.1

        In nuclear decommissioning projects, past and present projects in the world, an important area to be managed is waste management. The management of waste should be done with various aspects of consideration in mind from the moment it occurs from the cutting and dismantling of Systems, Structures, and Components (SSCs). Therefore, this study aims to discuss the disposition considerations for the efficient management of low and very low level waste that is expected to be generated in large quantities and to examine its applicability to domestic nuclear facilities. As for waste management, radioactive wastes begin to be generated when SSCs are dismantled, so waste management should be carried out as a result of dismantling activities. In addition, the waste is stored in the final disposal container and transferred to the storage or disposable facilities. In order to store in the final disposal container or transfer container, it will have to be classified by radioactive level. From the perspective of waste classification, wastes below the low level can be divided into low levels, very low levels, and clearance in Korea. Therefore, as an important point of waste management, when SSCs are dismantled, the work process must be carried out until the final disposal in accordance with the disposition strategy based on the waste classification. As a disposition strategy, the process presented by the IAEA can be referred. The materials to be dismantled for the first time are largely divided into radioactive and suspected radioactive materials. After going through the dismantling process, three criteria are considered to satisfy the disposition option: unconditional release criterion, conditional criterion, and radioactive waste. The types of waste below the final low level are classified into two types as unconditional, two types as conditional, and low and very low levels. In this study, six disposition options are reviewed, including unconditioned reuse and disposal, conditional reuse and disposal, and disposal of VLLW and VLW. Options for radioactive waste may be subject to operational criteria and may need to be supplemented in terms of the acceptance criteria in the repository. In the case of the conditional option, the clearance criterion can be applied, but considering the decommissioning characteristics, it is an option that can be used for nuclear industry, and specific reuse scenarios should be supplemented through discussions with the regulatory agency. In addition, it seems that the unconditional option needs to establish a corresponding criterion.

      • Considerations for Tracking and Management of Radioactive Waste From the Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Plants

        Hyung-Woo Seo,Suk-Won Jung 한국방사성폐기물학회 2023 한국방사성폐기물학회 학술논문요약집 Vol.21 No.1

        Korea currently has two permanent shutdown Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs), and the decommissioning project is expected to begin soon, starting with the first commercial NPP. The decommissioning project will eventually be the disposal of radioactive waste in the final stage of the work, and in that respect, proper tracking and history management should be well established in the management of waste. This is in line with the guidelines that regulatory agencies should also properly manage radioactive waste. Therefore, this study intends to examine the factors that should be considered in terms of tracking and management of radioactive waste in decommissioning nuclear facilities. The starting and final point of tracking radioactive waste generated during decommissioning is the physical inventory of the current as-is state and the final container. In this respect, the tracking of waste starts from the beginning of the dismantling operation. Thus, at the stage of approval of the decommissioning work, it may begin with an ID scheme, such as the functional location in operation for the target System, Structure, and Components (SSCs). As the dismantling work progresses, SSCs will be classified by nature and radiological level, which will be placed in containers in small packaging units. At this time, the small package should be given an ID. After that, the dismantling work leads to the treatment of waste, which involves a series of operations such as cutting, decomposition, melting, and decontamination. Each step in which these tasks are performed will be placed in a container, and ID assignment is also required. Until now, the small packaging container is for transfer after each treatment, and it is placed in the storage container in the final stage, at which time the storage container also gives a unique ID. Considerations for follow-up management were reviewed assuming solid waste, which is the majority of dismantled radioactive waste considered in this study. The ID system should be prepared from the start of the dismantling work, ID generation of the small transporting container and ID generation of the final disposal container during the intermediate waste treatment process, and each ID generation of the previous stage should be linked to each generation stage. In addition, each ID must be generated, and the definition of the grant scheme and attributes is required.

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