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      • KCI등재

        2010 파주, 안산지역 갈대, 억새 등 야초류의 이용실태와 사료가치 평가

        서성(Sung Seo),김원호(Won Ho Kim),정민웅(Min Woong Jung),박형수(Hyung Soo Park),심재진(Jae Jin Shim),박진길(Jin Gil Park),성하균(Ha Guyn Sung),김종덕(Jong Duk Kim),이종경(Joung Kyong Lee) 한국초지조사료학회 2011 한국초지조사료학회지 Vol.31 No.2

        본 연구는 부존 조사료자원의 이용을 활성화하여 수입사료를 줄이고 가축 사료비를 절감하고자 2010년도에 경기 파주 (민통선 지역)와 경기 안산 (시화지구)에서 갈대와 억새 등 야초자생지를 탐색하고, 수확?이용실태 조사와 함께 사료가치를 분석하였다. 파주 민통선 내억새 (Miscanthus sinensis)와 갈대 (Phragmites communis) 혼합 자생지는 90~100 ㏊ 규모로, 1차 곤포작업으로 사일리지 520톤 (㏊당 6톤), 2차로 380톤 (㏊당 4톤)을 조제하여, 연 사일리지 900톤 (㏊당 10톤)을 생산하였다. 곤포의 유통가격은 롤당 52~55천 원으로 ㎏당 130~137.5원이었다. 곤포는 자가소비 50~70%, 판매유통 30~50%로, 수익성은 인건비 정도로 추정되었다. 초장 70 ㎝의 재생 억새는 조단백질 9.6%, 상대사료가치 82.4 (건초 4등급), 건물 소화율 67.7%, 초장 70 ㎝의 재생 갈대는 각각 13.8%, 84.3 (4등급), 67.9%로 사료가치는 높았으며, 수확이 늦어짐에 따라 사료가치는 크게 낮아졌다. 안산 시화지구 (3공구)의 갈대 등 야초류자생지는 100 ㏊ 정도로 2009년도에는 50 ㏊에서 사일리지 550톤 (㏊당 11톤)을 생산하여 롤당 50천 원에 유통하였으며, 2010년도는 잦은 강우와 장마로 부분 이용에 그쳤다. 고초기의 갈대는 건물률 89.8%, 조단백질 2.2%, NDF 80.6%, ADF 55.4%, 상대사료가치 52.9 (5등급), 건물 소화율 36.4%로 볏짚에 비해서도 사료가치는 크게 낮았다. 초장 80 ㎝의 재생 갈대는 조단백질 12.9%, 상대사료가치 99.8 (3등급), 건물 소화율 66.6%로 사료가치는 양호하였으며, 개화기의 초장 150 ㎝ 갈대는 조단백질 4.5%, 상대사료가치 59.9 (5등급), 건물 소화율 42.2%로 볏짚의 사료가치와 비슷하였다. 이상의 결과를 종합하여볼 때, 갈대, 억새 등 야초류는 현 상태에서 최대한 수거?이용하되, 사료가치를 유지하고 가축 기호성을 고려한 시기에 수확하는 것이 중요하며, 최소한 볏짚과 비슷하거나 그 이상의 사료가치를 기대하기 위해서는 7월 중순 이전 (늦어도 7월까지)에 수확?이용하는 것이 권장된다. 본 연구에서 조사된 대부분의 야초류는 상대사료가치가 75 이하인 건초 5등급으로 사료가치는 매우 낮았으며, 키가 작은 영양생장기에 수확한 경우에만 4등급으로 나타났다. 부존 조사료자원의 이용은 양질의 사료작물 생산과 병행하여 추진하는 것이 바람직하였다. This study was carried out in 2010 to investigate the utilization and nutritive value of native grasses, such as Phragmites communis and Miscanthus sinensis which might reduce the cost of feeding domestic cattle. The regions within the Civilian Control Line in Paju and Sihwa region in Ansan were surveyed. In Paju, the yearly silage production was 900 MT harvested from 90 ha (10 MT/㏊). About 30~50% of these were sold out at the marketing price of 52,000~55,000 Won per roll (130~137.5 Won/㎏). Regrown Miscanthus sinensis of 70 ㎝ in length contained 9.6% of crude protein (CP), 82.4 of relative feed value (RFV), and 67.7% of in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD). Regrown Phragmites communis of 70 ㎝ in length contained 13.8% of CP, 84.3 of RFV, and 67.9% of IVDMD. As harvesting was delayed, the quality was decreased dramatically. In Ansan region, Phragmites communis plantation covers 100 ha. The silage production was 550 MT from the area of 50 ha (11 MT/㏊) in 2009. And the marketing price was 50,000 Won per roll. But in 2010 only a small amount of grasses could have been baled due to frequent and much rainfall from spring to summer season. However, the good forage quality was observed from regrown Phragmites communis of 80 ㎝ in length, 12.9% CP, 99.8 RFV and 66.6% IVDMD, while that of late matured grasses was very low, 2.2% CP, 52.9 RFV and 36.4% IVDMD, greatly lower than forage quality of rice straw. The quality of grasses at bloom stage of 150 ㎝ in length was similar to that of rice straw, showing 4.5% CP, 59.9 RFV and 42.2% IVDMD. In conclusion, the overall quality of most native grasses in this survey were very poor. Therefore, we recommend that Phragmites communis and Miscanthus sinensis should be harvested during June or July to obtain better forage quality which is richer in forage values than rice straw. Production of high quality forage crops was also desirable for self sufficiency of forage.

      • KCI등재

        림프종 환자에서의 갈륨, TI-201 그리고 Tc-99m MIBI 섭취의 비교

        천경아,조인호,원규장,이경희,이형우,현명수,이재태,이규보 영남대학교 의과대학 2002 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.19 No.2

        Purpose; Ga-67 scintigraphy has been used for the evaluation of tumors, especially lymphoma. Recently, Tl-201 and Tc-99m MIBI were also used to tumor imaging. Tl-201 and Tc-99m MIBI had better physiologic characteristics than Ga-67, so we studied 32 biopsy proven lymphoma patients (male 24, female 8, mean age 46 years) with Ga-67, Tl-201 or Tc-99m MIBI and compared the scan findings. Materials and Methods: Twenty-three of 32 patients were injected 74-111 MBq (2-3 mCi) of Tl-201, before chemotherapy and imaged with dual-headed SPECT (Prism 2000, Picker, USA) at 30 minutes after injection. Delayed images were obtained after 3 hr in 8 patients. Twenty seven of 32 patients were injected 740 MBq (20 mCi) of Tc-99m MIBI and imaged at 30 minutes after injection. 111-185 MBq (3-5 mCi) of Ga-67 was injected in 12 patients and imaged at 48 and 72 hours after injection. Twenty eight patients were diagnosed as non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and others were Hodgkin's lymphoma. Results: Twenty patients were positive on Tl-201 scan and 3 patients showed negative findings. One of these 3 patients, Tc-99m MIBI and Ga-67 scan were positive. Twenty two patients were positive on Tc-99m MIBI scan and 5 patients showed negative findings. One of these 5 patients, Tl-201 was positive and 2 were positive on Ga-67 scan. Ten of 12 patients showed positive findings on Ga-67 scan. The sensitivity of these agents were 83.3%, 87.0% and 81.5% for Ga-67, Tl-201 and Tc-99m MIBI, respectively. The sensitivity was highest in Tl-201 scan, but there were no significant differences among three tests. In this study, there was no significant difference of uptake ratios between early and delayed images of Tl-201. Conclusion: Scintigraphy with Tl-201 and Tc-99m MIBI in lymphoma patients have similar sensitivity with Ga-67.

      • 캔음료중 epichlorohydrin 의분석법에 관한 연구

        이광호,곽인신,최재천,전대훈,김형일,강경모,최병희,김귀정,이철원 식품의약품안전청 2001 식품의약품안전청 연보 Vol.5 No.-

        캔식품중에 잔류하는 epichlorohydrin을 분석하기 위한 pu링e & trap-Cc/uf통D 분석법을 확립하여 캔의 lacauer 코팅제에서 식품으로 이행되어 잔류하는 epichtorohydfn을 측정하고, 식품유사용매에 의한 용출시험을 통해 일일추정섭취량을 산출하였다. epichlorohydrin의 검량선은 y=0.0006x+0.OO6?(R큰0.9983)의 직선성·라 0.05#ga의 검출한계를 나타내었다. 각종 음료 및 식품유사용매에 일정량의 epichlorohydrin을 첨가한 후 분석하였을 때 회수을은 72~91%였으며, 실제 시판되는 f5건의 캔음료 중 잔류하는 epichlorohydrin을 측정한 결과 모든 캔음료에서 검출한계(0.1#94) 이하였다. 제관업체에서 구입한 modifed epoxy, epoxy phenolic, vinyl organosol, epoxy phenol ester 등의 BADGE(bisphenol A diglycidyt ether)형 에폭시수지로 lacquer 코팅된 식품용 캔에 식품윤사용매인 10% 또는 95% 에탄올을 층L진한 후 90~121'c의 드라이오븐에서 30분~2시간동안 용출시켰을 패 캔의 lacquer 코팅재에서 식품유사용매로 이행되는 epichBorollydirn은 코팅재질, 그리고 가열온도 및 시간에 문관하게 모든 캔에서 검출한계(0.4#ga)이하 였다. 위의 용출결과를 FD.f_의 "Recommendation for Chemistry Data for Indirect Food Additive Petition" 윽 일일추정섭취량 산출법에 적용하여 얻은 epichtorohydrin의 일딜추정 섭 취 량은 0.2r조persorday이하였다. A sensitive ana1?~7tical method based on gas cl)romatogFapy~mass spectrometry with a selected ion monitoring (GE/hfS-Slhf) and the purge-and-trap concentrator ))·asdeveloped for determining ot'epicillorohydrin in canr;ed be)#erages coated with eporl· resin. Thecalibration rurve in the ranre of 0.j ~50nr had'correlation coefficient of 0.9983 and detection limit of 0.Osrga. Recoveries of epichlorohydrin spiked to beverages were in the range of 72 ~91% with detection limits of 0.1 #ga. fn survey of epichlorohydff in twenty commercialcanned beverage samples, epichlorohydrin was not found in all the samples with the detectionlimit of 0.1 r9a. In migration test of various cans coated with BADGE-based coating cans;modifed epoxy, epoxy phenolic, vinyl organosol, epox?· phenol ester were exposed to the foodsimulants of 10% ethanol and 95% ethanol. flfo delectable epichlorohydrin migrated to foodsiHulants was found in aTl the cars with detection Jimit of 0.4 #9/L. Using the miEration data,along uTith the applicstion of food and beverage cans complied with FDA's "Recommendationfor Chemlstry Data f,3r Indirect Food Additive Petition" , the potential dietary exposure toepichlorohydrin was estlmated to be under 0.2rf/person/day.

      • KCI등재

        응급실로 내원한 장중첩증의증 환아의 진단방법에 대한 임상적 고찰

        원형섭,박정배,표창해,김형수,박철완,이근 대한응급의학회 1995 대한응급의학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to evaluate the appropriate diagnostic methods for the patients with suspected intussusception. Intrssusception is a state that a portion of alimentary tract is telescoped into a segment just caudad to it, and has a characteristic symptoms of cyclic irritability, vomiting, bloody stools and palpable mass, It is the most common cause of acute or acquired intestinal obstruction in infants and children, and needs early diagnosis and immediate treatment. Authors reviewed retrospectively medical records of 411 infants & children with suspected intussusception from January 1, 1992 to December 31, 1994 and report the results with literature reviews. The results were as followings; 1) 263 cases were definite intussusception(DI) out of 411 suspected intussusception(SI). 2) The male to female ratio was 2.3 : 1 in SI and 2.8 : 1 in DI. 3) The distribution of age revealed that 85% of SI and 84% of DI were under 24 months old, and the most common age was 8 months in SI and 10 months in DI. 4) There were upper respiratory infection in 84 cases(2)%), gastroenteritis in 32 cases(8%) and bronchiolitis in 8 cases(2%) as preceding diseases. 5) The simple X-ray showed gaseous bowel distension in 212 cases(52%). 6) The most common symptoms and signs were cyclic irritability and abdominal pain(94%), bloody stools(72%), palpable abdominal mass(47%), in order. 7) Of 411 patients, 252 cases(61%) were diagnosed and treated by air enema(228 cases) and/or exploration(24 cases). Among 296 cases(72%) who showed bloody stools in digital rectal examination and glycerin enema, 245 cases(83%) were confirmed as intussusception through air enema and/or operative intervention, and that corresponds to 93% of DI. 8) Intestinal perforation as complication occurred in 3 of 393 cases who underwent air and barium enema, but all of them recovered without any sequelae after operation. Conclusively, it is thought that air enema preceded by digital rectal examination and glycerin enema is safe and useful method in diagnosis and treatment of infants and children with SI.

      • KCI등재

        사지의 주요 동맥손상의 처치: 23증례에 대한 분석

        원형섭,김상은,배성만,박철완,이 근,조상훈,김상일,우병완 大韓應急醫學會 1996 대한응급의학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        Extremity vascular trauma is common in most emergency centers, and controversy remains about the optimal management of arterial injuries. Retrospectively we reviewed the records of 23 patients who had upper or lower extremity arterial trauma from July 1994 to December 1995. The purpose of this study was to evaluate our department`s management policy to major arterial injuries. The leading cause of major arterial injuries was penetrating trauma. We found that there were clinical findings such as absence of or decreased strength of pulsation(82.6%), cool ischemic extremity(69.6%), large expanding hematoma(43.5%), major bleeding(17.4%) and bruit or thill(8.7%). We gave the priority to management of life-threatening injuries and applied the pressure dressing to wounds as early as possible. There were 18 men(78.3%) and 5 women(21.7%); the mean age was 35(range 20-56 years old) years. There were 12 arterial injuries(52.2%) in the upper extremity and 11 arterial injuries(47.8%) in the lower exteremity. The most commonly injured artery was the brachial artery in the upper(34.8%) and the femoral artery in the lower(30.4%) extremity. The etiology included knife stabbing in 10 patients(43.5%), motor vehicle accidents in 6(26.1%), industrial accidents in 4(17.4%), falls in 2(8.7%) and a farm equipment accident in 1 patient(4.3%). The associated injuries were muscle injuries(78.3%), fracture(56.5%), nerve injuries(52.2%), vein injuries(43.5%), shock(17.4%) and dislocation(13.0%). All patients with arterial injuries were given a preoperative prophylactic antibiotic and TIG(tetanus immunoglobulin). We used Doppler technique as a means of detecting the blood flow. Fourteen patients(60.9%) underwent preoperative arteriography in the radiology department. We performed surgical exploration as soon as major arterial injuries were suspected. The most common methods of treating major arterial injuries were interposition vein graft(69.6%) and end to end anastomosis(21.7%). Systemic or locally infused heparin was used for all vascular repairs. In many of our patients(56.5%), fasciotomy was performed before the vascular repair, as a part of the exploration of the distal arteries. There were 2 amputations(8.7%) but no death. The reason for secondary amputation were wound infection in one and failure to achieve sufficient arterial flow to the involved extremity with resulting gangrene in the other. As the time factor is vitally important in the management of arterial injuries, we advocate prompt and early surgical treatment within 6 hours of the trauma. In conclusion, we believe that the crucial factorsin successful management of major arterial injuries of the extremities are early diagnosis, prompt treatment, complete debridement, fasciotomy when indicated, and simultaneous treatment of concomitant injuries.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 표시·광고법으로 본 인쇄광고 심의실태와 문제점에 관한 연구 : 부당광고 표현유형과 광고실증제를 중심으로

        이영애,김형석,지원배 청주대학교 사회과학연구소 2004 한국사회과학연구 Vol.26 No.1

        본 연구는 인쇄광고를 통해서 부당광고의 구체적인 유형과 내용적 특성을 분석하는 것이다. 연구결과 업종별 위반표현 특징에 있어서 허위 · 과장 광고가 가장 많이 나타나고 있다. 특히 인쇄광고에 있어서 불건전 광고와 위해 광고는 부당 비교 ·비방광고보다 더 많이 나타났으며 심의결정에 있어서도 무거운 처벌을 받고 있다. 그러므로 소비자를 보호할 수 있는 종합적인 부당광고의 개념 규정이 필요하다. 한편 우리나라에서는 제품과 관련된 중요한 정보를 사전에 규제하지 있지 않기 때문에 일부 광고주들은 언론보도자료를 통해 입증되지 않은 정보를 제공하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 업종별 실증요구 빈도를 분석해 본 결과 식품 ·음료 업종이 가장 많이 나타나고 있으며 특히 언론보도자료를 사용한 광고에 입증자료요구가 더 많은 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 미실증 광고에 대한 문제점을 해결할 수 있는 제도적 보완이 필요하다. The purpose of the study is to analysis specific type and characteristic of unfair advertising in print advertising. For this, 773 the Korea Advertising Review Board's judgemental cases were used in a content analysis. Overall the total of 5 major types were derived. The results of this study showed that the false or exaggerating advertising was most frequently happened. In particular, unwholesome and injury advertising presented more than unduly comparativeㆍslanderous advertising in print advertising. Second, because Fair Trade Commission has not censored critical information of product in advance, some advertisers have a tendency to provide non-proof information through publicity data.

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