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      • Bupivacaine과 ropivacaine이 Xenopus oocyte에 발현된 HERG 전류에 미치는 영향

        김국성,이규승,김효신,손숙진,이상도,김광진,전병화,김윤희,박진봉 충남대학교 의과대학 의학연구소 2003 충남의대잡지 Vol.30 No.1

        Bupivacaine is an amide-type local anesthetic widely used for regional anesthesia. Ropivacaine is developed as a less cardiotoxic alternatives to bupivacaine. In the present study, we have analyzed the effects of bupivacaine and ropivacaine on HERG currents expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Bupivacaine and ropivacaine(3∼1,000μM) blocked HERG currents in a concentration dependent manner. EC_(50) was 26.1±3.1μM(n_(R) 0.65±0.04) and 43.5±7.9μM(n_(H) 0.99±0.13) in bupivacaine and ropivacaine, respectively. Bupivacaine and ropivacaine did not affect the activation and deactivation kinetics of HERG channels. However, the drugs decreased the slope conductance measured from fully activated current-voltage relationship curves. These results suggest that bupivacaine and ropivacaine have a similarinhibitory effect on HERG channels, which could be a possible cellular mechanism of LQT or ventricular arrythmia by the drugs.

      • 김소월과 레오파르디의 낭만적 염세주의 비교연구

        김효신 한국이어이문학회 2002 이탈리아어문학 Vol.10 No.-

        Questo saggio si tratta di un approccio sperimentale verso una nuova direzione futura delle letterature comparative mondiali a base delle recenti teorie americane dell'eta` di multiculturalismo, in cui si possono rispettare le proprie culture di ciascun paese. Quindi oggigiorno non e` tanto importante chiarificare le relazioni di ricezione o d'influenza tra le letterature mondiali. Nella letteratura coreana, Kim So-Wol e` stato uno dei poeti piu` rappresentavi del romanticismo coreano nella prima meta` del '900 ed e` famoso per il suo lirismo particolarmente tragico, basato sui metri dei canti popolari. Allora, la penisola coreana venne sofferta dal colonialismo giapponese, in cui So-Wol subi` una vita infelice e tormentata, perche' non accetto` la politica colonialistica e cerco` di trovare l'identita` nazionale. E infine si suicido` tragicamente nel 1934, quando ne aveva 32 anni. Mentre, Giacomo Leopardi si e` considerato come un grande poeta italiano della prima meta` dell'800 ed e` famoso anche lui per le liriche assai ragico-scettiche nell'ambito del romanticismo italiano. Allora, la coscienza degli italiani da secoli avevano sofferto le dominazioni straniere, sia dell'Austria, sia della Francia, ed avevano perduto il senso della loro dignita` nazionale. Percio, in questa situazione socio-politica mostro Leopardi una specie di tendenziosita` storicamente pessimista. Anche Giacomo visse una vita infelice e tormentata e mori giovane malato nel 1837, quando ne aveva 39 anni. Per l'isolamento sociale e la sua malattia, intorno a se' Giacomo non trovava che il vuoto: vuoto di sentimenti familiari, vuoto d'amicizie, vuoto d'amore e tutto cio lo indusse sulla via del piu` disperato pessimismo. Alle radici della speculazione leopardiana c'e` dunque questo profondo disagio esistenziale che fece di lui una delle anime piu` romanticamente solitarie e tormentate che solo nella poesia trovo` un sfogo e forse un conforto. E pure So-Wol subi le difficolta` familiari e sociali e pote` trovare l'unico sfogo di conforto nella composizione poetica. Kim So-Wol e Leopardi cantarono le proprie angoscie e tristezze personali con un tono tragico e lirico. In particolare, So-Wol le nego` apparentemente in modo sereno e pacifico come nelle poesie 「L'Azalea」 e 「I fiori del monte」. Si dicono che So-Wol e` un poeta lirico, percio` non esprime direttamente i temi patriottici e dei motivi storici. Ma in realta` come nella poesia 「l'evocazione」 si puo` trovare i motivi tragico-patriottici, in quanto il poeta chiama il suo amore con tanto ardore e con tanta tristezza e questo amore puo` essere considerato non solo come quello personale, ma anche come quello comune e nazionale. Infatti, anche Leopardi generalmente viene considerato come un poeta lirico, ma tanto e` vero che egli scrisse anche le canzoni patriottiche, e quelle filosofiche tra il 1818 e il 1823. Ma i canti degli anni 1823-1831 - 「l'infinito」,「I l passero solitario」 , 「A Silvia」 「I l sabato del villaggio」 , 「A se stesso」 , 「Canto notturno di un pastore errante dell´Asia」 , 「La ginestra o il fiore del deserto」 - alla piena maturita` espressiva sono legati ai temi tragico-scettici. I due grandi poeti congeniti, So-Wol e Leopardi mostrano molti aspetti simili paragonabili non solo per i temi ed i motivi poetici ma anche per l'ambiente familiare e nazionale. Per quanto riguarda l'attuale comparazione letteraria fra due poeti, non si puo` confrontare le relazioni d'influenza o quelle di ricezione. Ma, d'ora in poi sara` piu` necessario fare un altro tentativo d'approccio che continuare a ripetere dei metodi passati delle letterature comparative d'europa.

      • KCI등재

        아버지의 역할수행과 아동의 성취동기에 관한 연구

        김진,이신숙,신효식 한국 가정과 교육 학회 1995 한국가정과교육학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        The purpose of this study were to identify the importance of fathers'roles on children. A survey was carreid out on 458 (227 boys and 231 girls) 6th-graders at randomly chosen 4 elementary schools in Kwangju. Frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation and pearson's coefficient were checked and one-way ANOVA, Duncan's multiple range test and multiple regression analysis were also carried out on the collected data. The results were as follows: 1. Evaluation of fathers' role performance depending on background variables ranged from 46.17 to 58.51 points(equivalent to 61.56~78.01 points in the 100-point scale). Background variables that caused statistically significant difference were children's sex, fathers' religion (whether they had one or not), fathers' education, monthly family income and decision-makers at home. The degrees of fathers' role performance were higher when the answerers were girls, when fathers had religions, when fathers educational level was higher, when the family income was higher, and when all family members participated in the decisioin-making. 2. Evaluation of children's achievement motivation depending on background variables ranged from 77.17 to 84.34 points(equivalent to 68.90~75.35 points in the 100-point scale). Background variables that caused statistically significant differences were children's sex and decision-makers at home. Children's achievement motivation were higher in the case of girls and when all family members participated in the decisioin-making. 3. When it comes to the children's achievement motivation in relatio to fathers' role performance. 1) The overall aspect of fathers' role performance caused significant differences in children's achievement motivation. 2) The influence of fathers' role performance of children's achievement motivation was highest in the investigation-faciliator role ( =.25) and then the economic role ( =.14) and the valuetransmitter role ( =.14). The explanative power of these variables was 22%.

      • KCI등재후보

        Gianni Rodari의 Filastrocche 연구 : Filastrocche in cielo e in terra에 나타난 이데올로기 시들을 중심으로

        김효신 한국이어이문학회 2003 이탈리아어문학 Vol.12 No.-

        In questi ultimi anni, in Italia, gli ampi ed articolati interventi dedicati alla produzione di Gianni Rodari pongono qualche problema a chi voglia delineare il profilo di questo autore come comunista. Fra le filastrocche, If uecchia murutore, triste e tragico documento dell'emarginazione del vecchio lavoratore sfruttato viene considerato come modello tipico ideologico prima dell'edizione principale delle filastrocche cosiddette Filastrocche in cielo e in terra. Gli esempi potrebbero continuare e risulterebbero assai interessanti visto che lo scrittore nell'edizione einaudiana di Filastrocche in cielo e in terra elimina proprio i testi caratterizzati dall'impegno politico e da temi comuni a certa produzione emotiva. In ogni caso Rodari proprio intorno agli anni Cinquanta, contribuisce a introdurre nuovi temi nella letteratura italiana per I'infanzia: le differenze sociali, lo sfruttamento nel lavoro, l'antimilitarismo, la so1idariet.A tra oppressi. I1 libro delle filastrocche e Il treno delle filastrocche sono due esempi intorno agli anni Cinquanta. Filastrmche in cielo e in terra(1960) si tratta della prima edizione einaudiana delle filastrocche di Rodari; il volume contiene una scelta - dei 71 testi complessivi delle due precedenti solo 29 sono ripresi nei 101 dell'edizione Einaudi - da Il libro delle filastrocche e Il treno delle filastrocche e risulta diviso nelle seguenti sezioni: La famiglia hnto-e-virgola; La luna al guinzaglio; I1 vestito di Arlecchino; I colori dei mestieri; I1 mago di Natale; Un treno carico di filastrocche; Le favole a rovescio. Il volume Einaudi apre la strada alla notoneta` nazionale di Rodari. Le 7 sezioni comprendono le 101 filastrocche, di cui una ventina hanno una etichetta ideologica, cioe` "impura": L'accento sull'A, Lu scuola dei grandi, La luna bambina, Dopo la pioggia, Il girotondo di tutto il mondo, Il gregario, Il pane, Speranza, Il giornalista, Stracci! Stracci!, Lo zampognaro, Terza, seconda, prima, Le belle fate Teledramma etc. Pero` malgrado tale etichetta impura ed ideologica, caratterizzata con delle parole rivoluzionarie - per esempio liberta`, dittatore, pace etc. - la maggior parte delle filastrocche ideologiche mostra la tendenza verso l'umanesimo comune e l'utopismo generale.

      • N,N-Dimethylaniline의 아조커플링 반응에 關한 硏究

        金容仁,明孝信 弘益大學校 1982 弘大論叢 Vol.14 No.2

        The coupling reaction of N, N-dimethylaniline with several monosubstituted benzenediazonium salts has been studied kinetically in aqueous buffered solution. The activation evergies measured in the coupling reaction of N, N-dimethylaniliine with diazotized p-nitroaniline, m-nitroaniline, sulfanilic acid, m-anisidine,p-anisidine, p-bromoaniline, p-chloroaniline, m-toluidine, p-toluidine are 8.46, 8.05, 9.20, 12.32, 15.91, 10.86, 11.54, 13.80, 14.35, 15.47Kcal/mole, respectively. The coupling reactionis more favorable in the presence of an electron-withdrawing group in active components than in the presence of electron-donating group. It has been observed that the coupling reaction with diazotized p-nitroaniline proceeds 1000 times more rapidly than that with the benzenediazonium salt, which is coupled 40 times faster than diazotized p-anisidine. In our experiments, the formation of triazene, the diazoamino compound has not been observed, and the experimental result that the ionic strength of the medium didn't give any influence on the coupling reaction rate leads to the confirmation of the neutral free amine being one of the reasonable reactive species in the coupling reaction. A linear free energy relationship has been essentially observed except for three para substituted active components, for which the extended Hammett plot treated by Yukawa-Tsuno permits a good log k/k??=ρ(σ+ rㆍ????) linear relationship when considering the mesomeric effect. The calculated reaction constant of these azocoupling reaction is ρ=3.92, and the reaction constant of resonance contribution is calculated as r=0.32 at 20 ℃.

      • 압출용 다이스의 Melt-고분자 열유동 기초연구

        정효희,김재열,최진호,유신,윤성운,홍철,김종문 한국공작기계학회 2008 한국공작기계학회 춘계학술대회논문집 Vol.2008 No.-

        As importance part of extruder, hopper(Hopper) been raw material supply wealth, main frame that screw and barrel that transformation of supply raw material attains are because deformed raw material is fearful finally extrusion to done dies attain. Extruder is divided by greatly above 3 but hopper has assembled in dehumidification of raw material and supply of smooth raw material, and make in Melt state as raw material is stabilized because main frame consists of screw and barrel and Melt does anaphora as done material is stabilized. And dies that is last part between barrel with screw anaphora done Melt material as is stabilized without causing change that is much depending on anaphora of screw from dies way out as correct product produce make to. In this treatise, make anaphora can present ideal dies basis design using CFdesign that is heat & flow analysis programs so that can produce detailed product through pipe channel flow analysis of stable dies applying anaphora value of do polymer raw material in Screw.

      • KCI등재후보

        Corneal Asphericity Variations in Korean Myopic Children

        Hyo Sin Kim,Sun-Kyung Park,Woong-Joo Whang,Ho Sik Hwangm,Kyung-Sun Na 대한검안학회 2022 Annals of optometry and contact lens Vol.21 No.1

        Purpose: Corneal asphericity (Q-value) represents the difference in curvature from center to periphery of the cornea. This study evaluated horizontal and vertical asymmetry in corneal asphericity in myopic children and its relationship with various ocular parameters. Methods: This retrospective study included 47 eyes in 24 myopic Korean children. Corneal parameters, such as corneal asphericity and thickness, apical radius of curvature, and high order aberrations including total root mean square (RMS), spherical aberration, coma, and trefoil were analyzed by Pentacam. Axial lengths (ALs) and anterior chamber depths (ACDs) were measured by IOL master. From these values, characteristics of corneal asphericity differences between nasal-temporal and superior- inferior quadrants in myopic children and their relationship with other ocular parameters were evaluated. Results: The mean Q-value (8 mm) was -0.34 ± 0.10, representing a prolate corneal shape. The mean superior-inferior Q-value differences (8 mm) was 0.23 ± 0.17, which was greater than the mean nasal-temporal Q-value differences (8 mm) measured as 0.15 ± 0.13. The mean Q-value (8 mm) was not significantly related to AL or ACD, and Q-values in each quadrant (8 mm) also showed no significant relationship with corneal thickness in each corresponding quadrant. The nasal-temporal Q-value differences (8 mm) had a positive relationship with total RMS (p = 0.001) and a negative relationship with oblique trefoil (p = 0.045) and spherical aberration (p = 0.007). The superior-inferior Q-value differences (8 mm) showed a negative relationship with vertical trefoil (p = 0.003). Conclusions: The results of the study showed a variation of nasal-temporal and superior-inferior Q-value differences, and the relationship between corneal shape and other ocular dimensions in myopic Korean children. Further study with large data set is merited to ascertain the epidemiologic data of Asian ethnicity.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        The Usefulness of Nasal Packing with Vaseline Gauze and Airway Silicone Splint after Closed Reduction of Nasal Bone Fracture

        Kim, Hyo Young,Kim, Sin Rak,Park, Jin Hyung,Han, Yea Sik Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surge 2012 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.39 No.6

        Background Packing after closed reduction of a nasal bone fracture causes inconvenient nasal obstruction in patients. We packed the superior meatus with Vaseline gauze to support the nasal bone, and packed the middle nasal meatus with a Doyle Combo Splint consisting of an airway tube, a silastic sheet, and an expandable sponge to reduce the inconvenience. In addition, we aimed to objectively identify whether this method not only enables nasal respiration but also sufficiently supports the reduced nasal bone. Methods Nasal ventilation was measured via spirometry 1 day before surgery and compared to 1 day after surgery. To compare support of the reduced nasal bone by the 2 methods, 2 plastic surgeons assessed the displacementon X-rays taken after the surgery and after removing the packing. The extent of nasal obstruction, dry mouth, sleep disturbance, headache, and swallowing difficulty were compared with visual analog scales (VAS) on a pre-discharge survey. Results In the experimental group, the nasal respiration volume 1 day after surgery remained at $71.3%{\pm}6.84%$ on average compared to 1 day prior to surgery. Support of the reduced bone in the experimental group ($2.80{\pm}0.4$) was not significantly different from the control group ($2.88{\pm}0.33$). The VAS scores for all survey items were lower in the experimental group than in the control group, where a lower score indicated a lower level of inconvenience. Conclusions The nasal cavity packing described here maintained objective measures of nasal respiration and supported the reduced bone similar to conventional methods. Maintaining nasal respiration reduced the inconvenience to patients, which demonstrates that this packing method is useful.

      • Analysis of Results after Liver Resection for Metastasis from Non-Colorectal and Non- Endocrine Tumors

        ( Hyo-sin Kim ) 대한간학회 2018 춘·추계 학술대회 (KASL) Vol.2018 No.1

        Aims: Liver metastasis from colorecal cancer and endocrine organs relatively well researched and reported. However, there have been few reports on outcome of liver metastasis from noncolorectal and non endocrinee organs. In this study, we evaluate the prgosnostic factor among the patient who underwent hepatic resection with noncolorectal nonendocrine liver metastasis. Methods: The overall study period was September 2005-July 2015. A total of 23 patients were selected from the two different hospital database and included in the analysis Patients and tumors characteristics were reported. Overall survival and subgroup analyses based on different characteristics were performed. Results: Them Mean age of the patients was 57.9 ± 11.5 years. Male was 15 (65.2%) and female 8 (34.8%). Primary malignancies distribution resulted as follows: Genitourinary 7 (30.4%) Gastrointestinal 6 (26.1%) Pancreatic cancer 3 (13.0%) Lung cance 2 (8.7%) Breast cancer 2 (8.7%) CBD cancer 1 (4.3%) Melanoma 1 (4.3%) and Nasopharyngeal cancer 1 (4.3%) The overall survival rates at 1, 3, 5 years, were 68.5%, 38.0% and 19.0% respectively .Presence of Neoajuvant treatment and recurrence after hepatic resection were significant different between Death and Survival groups (21.4% vs 77.8%, P<0.05) ,(78.6% vs 22.2%, P<0.05) and Overal survival rate was high in the patients with Neoajuvant treatemnt (1 ,3 and 5yr: 88.9%, 77.8% and 51.9% vs 53.8%, 23.1% and 0 % P<0.05). Conclusions: Neoajuvant treatemnt could have survival benefit in the patient of noncolorectal nonendocrine liver metastasis.

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