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        Fine-scale Microbial Communities Associated with Manganese Nodules in Deep-sea Sediment of the Korea Deep Ocean Study Area in the Northeast Equatorial Pacific

        Cho, Hyeyoun,Kim, Kyeong-Hong,Son, Seung Kyu,Hyun, Jung-Ho The Korean Society of Oceanography 2018 OCEAN SCIENCE JOURNAL Vol.53 No.2

        Despite its potential significance for industrial utilization, any activities associated with the mining of manganese (Mn) nodules might have substantial impacts on benthic ecosystems. Because microorganisms respond quickly to changing environmental conditions, a study of microbial communities provides a relevant proxy to assess possible changes in benthic ecosystems associated with mining activities. We investigated fine-scale microbial community composition and diversity inside and on the surface of Mn nodules and in nearby deep-sea sediments in the Korea Deep Ocean Study (KODOS) area located in the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone (CCFZ) of the northeast equatorial Pacific. Although microbial cell density was lower within nodules (<TEX>$3.21{\times}10^6cells\;g^{-1}$</TEX>) than in sediment (<TEX>$2.14{\times}10^8cells\;g^{-1}$</TEX>), nodules provided a unique habitat for microorganisms. Manganese-oxidizing bacteria including Hyphomicrobium and Aurantimonas in Alphaproteobacteria and Marinobacter in Gammaproteobacteria were abundant in nodules, which implied that these bacteria play a significant role in nodule formation. In contrast, Idiomarina in Gammaproteobacteria and Erythrobacter and Sulfitobacter in Alphaproteobacteria were abundant in sediments. Meanwhile, Thaumarchaeota, a phylum that consists of ammonia-oxidizing chemolithoautotrophs, were the predominant archaeal group both in nodules and sediment. Overall, microbial communities in Mn nodules were unique compared to those observed in sediments. Furthermore, the phylogenetic composition of microorganisms in the KODOS area was distinguishable from that in the nodule provinces claimed by China and Germany in the CCFZ and nodule fields in the central South Pacific Gyre, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        Targeted thrombolysis by magnetoacoustic particles in photothrombotic stroke model

        최원석,Hyeyoun Cho,Gahee Kim,윤인찬,기재홍,한성민 한국생체재료학회 2022 생체재료학회지 Vol.26 No.4

        Background: Recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA) has a short half-life, and additional hemorrhagic transformation (HT) can occur when treatment is delayed. Here, we report the design and thrombolytic performance of 3 μ m discoidal polymeric particles loaded with rtPA and superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs), referred to as rmDPPs, to address the HT issues of rtPA. Methods: The rmDPPs consisted of a biodegradable polymeric matrix, rtPA, and SPIONs and were synthesized via a top-down fabrication. Results: The rmDPPs could be concentrated at the target site with magnetic attraction, and then the rtPA could be released under acoustic stimulus. Therefore, we named that the particles had magnetoacoustic properties. For the in vitro blood clot lysis, the rmDPPs with magnetoacoustic stimuli could not enhance the lytic potential compared to the rmDPPs without stimulation. Furthermore, although the reduction of the infarcts in vivo was observed along with the magnetoacoustic stimuli in the rmDPPs, more enhancement was not achieved in comparison with the rtPA. A notable advantage of rmDPPs was shown in delayed administration of rmDPPs at poststroke. The late treatment of rmDPPs with magnetoacoustic stimuli could reduce the infarcts and lead to no additional HT issues, while rtPA alone could not show any favorable prognosis. Conclusion: The rmDPPs may be advantageous in delayed treatment of thrombotic patients.

      • KCI등재

        소매틱(Somatics) 기반 움직임 교육원리 탐색 및 프로그램 개발

        박혜연 ( Park Hyeyoun ),조기숙 ( Cho Kisook ) 무용역사기록학회 2016 무용역사기록학 Vol.42 No.-

        인간은 몸(soma)으로 세상에 왔고, 몸을 통해 감각하고 사고하며 삶을 살아간다. 그러나 현대인들은 몸의 감각을 잃고 몸의 지성을 상실하며 병들어가고 있다. 본 연구에서는 몸의 생명력을 회복하기 위한 실천 방안으로, 소매틱스(Somatics)에 관한 이론적 업적 분석을 통해 움직임 교육원리를 탐색하고 프로그램을 개발하는데 궁극적인 목적이 있다. 본 연구에서는 프로그램 개발에 초점을 두었으며, 프로그램의 실행과 평가는 후속연구로 남긴다. 첫째, 소매틱 기반 움직임 교육원리는 다음과 같이 도출되었다. 교육목표는 `이완, 각성, 깨어있음, 풍성한 삶`으로 설정될 수 있다. 교육내용은 `몸` 그 자체와 몸이 시간, 공간, 관계의 요소로 어우러져 나타나는 `움직임`이 될 수 있다. 교육방법은 학습자의 직접체험에 근거한 일자 체험을 유도하기 위해 묘사, 비유, 설명, 질문 등의 `언어적 방법`이 활용될 수 있다. 또한 학습자가 스스로 체험할 수 없는 부분을 타인을 통해 경험하는 이자 체험을 인도하기 위해 접촉 등의 `비언어적 방법`이 동반될 수 있다. 둘째, 소매틱 기반 움직임 교육프로그램을 다음과 같이 개발하였다. 우선 위에서 도출된 움직임 교육 원리를 반영한 구체적인 교육프로그램인 `Soma 4A Program`을 개발하였다. 특히 몸의 총체성, 수직성과 전면성, 균형성과 수평성의 특성과 움직임을 중심으로 3가지 세부 프로그램을 구체화하였다. 마지막으로 향후 연구로 프로그램 실행 및 평가, 다양한 대상을 위한 프로그램 개발 연구를 제안한다. 또한 실천을 위해 사회적 인식의 확산 및 다양한 기관의 공조, 무용교육과의 연계 방안을 제안한다. 본 연구가 소매틱 기반 움직임 연구에 작은 디딤돌이 되고, 무용인과 일반인들이 자신의 몸을 알고 성장하는데 도움이 되는 귀중한 자료가 되길 바란다. Human beings think, study, and develop creativity and character somatically. However, at present, many people are pressured and stressed; as a result, they have lost this sense. The purpose of this study is to explore the principles and develop a program of movement education based on somatics through the analysis of literature on somatics as a practice plan for the recovery of the vitality of soma. First, the principles of movement education based on somatics are as follows: The goals of education are atony, awareness, awakeness, and abundance. The contents of education are soma and movement responding to temporal, spatial, and relational factors. The methods of education are composed of verbal methods leading to first-person experience, including description, comparison, explanation, and questions, and non-verbal methods leading to second-person experience, including touch. Second, the program of movement education based on somatics was as follows: The “Soma 4A program” was developed to reflect the principles described above. Specially, three programs were actualized with a focus on characteristics like totality, verticality and confrontation, balance and horizontality, and movement. Finally, we recommend implementing and evaluating this program, developing various programs, expanding movement education based on somatics, and connecting this to dance education. We hope that this study will represent a small steppingstone in movement research-based somatics, and that it will help dancers and ordinary person to understand the soma through the provision of valuable data.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        조선 왕실과 대한제국 황실 어보 보수(寶綬)의 재료학적 분석

        이혜연,김주영,조문경,김민지,박대우,이정민,Lee, Hyeyoun,Kim, Jooyoung,Cho, Mungyeong,Kim, Minji,Park, Daewoo,Lee, Jungmin 한국문화재보존과학회 2021 보존과학회지 Vol.37 No.2

        조선의 어보는 국가 왕실을 상징하는 인장이다. 보수(寶綬)는 어보에 달린 붉은 끈으로, 어보의 품격을 높여주는 장식의 목적과 취급의 편리를 위해 제작되었다. 보수는 끈목과 방울술로 이루어졌다. 본 연구는 1441년부터 1928년까지 제작된 조선 왕실 및 대한제국 황실 어보의 보수 총 318점을 대상으로 형태 조사, 색상, 재질, 성분 분석 등을 실시하였다. 연구 결과 끈목은 시기가 후반으로 갈수록 길어지고 얇아지는 양상을 보인다. 방울술은 1800년대 중후반부터 방울목이 대부분 사라지고 술 끝에 고리가 나타난다. 보수의 색상은 대부분 다홍색이지만 주황색과 자주색도 확인된다. 보수의 재질은 대부분 실크로 확인되지만 1900년대 제작된 어보의 보수 5점과 1740년대에 제작된 어보의 보수 1점은 레이온으로 추정된다. 1740년대에 제작된 어보의 보수는 1900년대에 교체된 것으로 보인다. 방울술을 장식하는 금지의 주요 성분은 시대에 따라 달라진다. 1800년대 중반까지는 술과 방울에 금(Au)이 주요 성분인 금지를 사용하지만 1800년대 중반 이후부터 술에는 금(Au), 방울에는 황동(Cu-Zn)이 주요 성분인 금지를 사용하다가, 후반 이후 술과 방울에 황동이 주요 성분인 금지를 사용하였다. 보수는 어보의 한 부속품이지만 본 연구를 통하여 시대에 따른 제작 기법과 재질의 변화를 확인할 수 있었다. The royal seal, in either gold or jade, is used to symbolize Joseon's royal family, and it is made up of a Bonu (a handle), Bosin (a body), Bomun (a letter inscribed on the seal), and Bosu (a string attached to the seal). The Bosu was designed to enhance the seal's dignity and facilitate convenient handling. Bosu consists of Kkeun-mog and Bangwool-sul (decorated with gilt paper), which are made of Bangwool, Bangwool-mog, and Sul. In this study, the form survey, color, material, and composition of 318 Bosu pieces from the Joseon Dynasty and Korean Empire produced from 1441 to 1928 were analyzed. As time passed, the strings on the seals became longer and thinner. Bangwool-mog disappeared from the mid-1800s, and a ring appeared at the end of the Sul. Most of the colors used were scarlet, but orange and purple were also identified. Although most of the Bosu are silk, five Bosu from the 1900s and one Bosu from the 1740s (likely replaced in the 1900s) are estimated to be rayon. The gilt paper's main chemical components used to decorate the Bangwool-sul vary according to age. Until the mid-1800s, gold (Au) was used for the Sul and Bangwool, but since the mid-1800s, gold (Au) and brass (Cu-Zn) were used for Sul and Bangwool, respectively, and then brass (Cu-Zn) was used for Sul and Bangwool. While the Bosu was a seal accessory, it can be used to identify changes in the manufacturing techniques and materials of the period.

      • KCI등재

        Synthesis of Size Controllable Silk Fibroin Microparticles and Their Stability on Different Solutions

        수스미타 아리알,Chan Yeong Yu,Hyeyoun Cho,최승호,기재홍 대한의용생체공학회 2022 의공학회지 Vol.43 No.4

        Silk fibroin microparticles were fabricated using a phase separation technique between silk fibroin solution and polyvinyl alcohol. We found that the concentration of polyvinyl alcohol determines the size of microparticles. The mean diameter of the silk fibroin microparticles varied from 3.48 µm to 4.05 µm. The silk fibroin microparticle size increased as a function of the concentration of PVA in aqueous silk solution. The resulting silk fibroin microparticles have narrow size distribution (i.e. monodisperse) and smooth/spherical surface. Also, we studied the effects of mouse serum, sodium phosphate buffer (PBS), and pH on the stability of the silk fibroin microparticles. Overall, we demon- strated the simple method to fabricate and to control the silk fibroin microparticles that makes our silk microparticles to be usable for a potential drug delivery carrier.

      • KCI등재

        동해 울릉분지 가스 하이드레이트 매장 지역의 메탄산화 미생물 군집 조성 및 분포

        조혜연,김성한,신경훈,박장준,현정호,Cho, Hyeyoun,Kim, Sung-Han,Shin, Kyung-Hoon,Bahk, Jang-Jun,Hyun, Jung-Ho 한국해양학회 2015 바다 Vol.20 No.1

        동해 울릉 분지 내 메탄 하이드레이트가 매장된 지역에서 혐기적 메탄 산화와 연관된 미생물 군집 특성을 이해하기 위해 메탄 누출이 있는 대륙사면 정점(UBGH2-3)과 메탄 누출이 없는 분지 정점(UBGH2-10)에서, (1) 퇴적물의 지화학적 성분 및 황산염 환원율을 측정하였으며, (2) 기능성 유전자 분석을 통해 혐기적 메탄 산화 미생물 및 황산염 환원 미생물 군집의 정량 및 다양성 분석을 수행하여 그 결과를 비교하였다. 황산염-메탄 전이지대(sulfate and methane transition zone, SMTZ)는 UBGH2-3에서 0.5~1.5 mbsf (meters below seafloor), 그리고 UBGH2-10에서는 6~7 mbsf에 분포하는 것으로 나타났다. 두 지역의 SMTZ에서 측정된 황산염 환원율은 UBGH2-3의 1.15 mbsf에서 $1.82nmol\;cm^{-3}d^{-1}$으로 나타났고, UBGH2-10의 SMTZ에서 황산염 환원율은 $4.29nmol\;cm^{-3}d^{-1}$으로 높은 값을 보였다. 총 미생물 16S rRNA gene과 기능성 유전자인 mcrA (methyl coenzyme M reductase subunit A) 및 dsrA (dissimilatory sulfite reductase subunit A)의 정량 PCR 결과 두 정점의 SMTZ 부근에서 상대적으로 높게 검출되었다. 그러나 UBGH2-10지역에서 mcrA 유전자는 SMTZ 아래인 9.8 bmsf에서 가장 높게 검출되었다. mcrA 유전자의 다양성 분석 결과 두 지역의 SMTZ와 그 아래 퇴적층에서 혐기성 메탄산화 고세균(ANME: Anaerobic MEthanothoph) 군집인 ANME-1이 우점하였다. 한편, ANME-2 군집은 메탄 누출이 발생하는 UBGH2-3지역의 2.2 mbsf 층에서만 관찰되었고, 더불어 dsr 유전자 다양성 분석 결과 ANME-2와 컨소시엄을 이루는 Desulfosarcina-Desulfococcus (DSS) 이 나타났다. 본 연구 결과, ANME-1과 ANME-2은 동해 심부 퇴적 환경에서 혐기적 메탄 산화 및 생성 과정에 관여하는 중요한 고세균 군집으로 사료되며, 또한 ANME-2/DSS 컨소시엄은 메탄이 누출되는 지역인 UBGH2-3과 같이 혐기적 메탄 산화가 활발한 곳에서 메탄 거동을 조절하는 중요한 미생물 그룹으로 인식된다. To elucidate the microbial consortia responsible for the anaerobic methane oxidation in the methane hydrate bearing sediments, we compared the geochemical constituents of the sediment, the rate of sulfate reduction, and microbial biomass and diversity using an analysis of functional genes associated with the anaerobic methane oxidation and sulfate reduction between chimney site (UBGH2-3) on the continental slope and non-chimney site (UBGH2-10) on the basin of the Ulleung Basin. From the vertical profiles of geochemical constituents, sulfate and methane transition zone (SMTZ) was clearly defined between 0.5 and 1.5 mbsf (meters below seafloor) in the UBGH2-3, and between 6 and 7 mbsf at the UBGH2-10. At the UBGH2-3, the sulfate reduction rate (SRR) in the SMTZ exhibited was appeared to be $1.82nmol\;cm^{-3}d^{-1}$ at the depth of 1.15 mbsf. The SRR in the UBHG2-10 showed a highest value ($4.29nmol\;cm^{-3}d^{-1}$) at the SMTZ. The 16S rRNA gene copy numbers of total Prokaryotes, mcrA, (methyl coenzyme M reductase subunit A), and dsrA (dissimilatory sulfite reductase subunit A) showed the peaks in the SMTZ at both sites, but the maximum mcrA gene copy number of the UBGH2-10 appeared below the SMTZ (9.8 mbsf). ANME-1 was a predominant ANME (Anaerobic MEthanotroph) group in both SMTZs of the UBGH2-3 and -10. However, The sequences of ANME-2 were detected only at 2.2 mbsf of the UBGH2-3 where high methane flux was observed because of massive amount of gas hydrate at shallow depth. And Desulfosarcina-Desulfococcus (DSS) that is associated with ANME-2 was detected in 2.2 mbsf of the UBHG2-3. Overall results demonstrate that ANME-1 and ANME-2 are considered as significant archaeal groups related to methane cycle in the subsurface sediment of the East Sea, and ANME-2/DSS consortia might be more responsible for methane oxidation in the methane seeping region than in non-seeping region.

      • KCI등재

        플라즈마-초음파 자극에 의한 화장품의 피부 침투 증진 연구

        황윤호,조혜연,박유진,장휘진,박상효,기재홍,Yoonho Hwang,Hyeyoun Cho,Yujin Park,Hwijin Jang,Sanghyo Park,Jaehong Key 대한의용생체공학회 2023 의공학회지 Vol.44 No.4

        The demand for skincare has increased due to the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to a focus on skincare devices and technologies designed to improve the delivery of cosmetics. Among these technologies, skincare medical devices that utilize plasma therapy (Plasma) and sonophoresis (Sono) are commonly used in dermatology clinics. However, there is still a lack of quantitative analysis for transdermal absorption effects of Plasma and Sono skincare medical devices. In this study, we quantified enhanced transdermal absorption effects of Plasma and Sono devices through in-silico and ex-vivo studies. The Sono treatment demonstrated an increased transdermal absorption effect, showing a 10~13% difference in penetration compared to the control group in the in-silico experiment, and 159% and 184% increase in the ex-vivo experiment. The Plasma treatment revealed increased transdermal absorption effects, with a 1.0~2.5% penetration difference in the in-silico experiment, and a 124% increase in the ex-vivo experiment compared to the control group. We also observed a synergistic effect from the combined treatment of Plasma and Sono, as indicated by the highest increases of 197% and 242% in penetration. Furthermore, we have determined the optimal device settings and treatment conditions for Plasma-Sono skincare medical devices. Notably, higher on/off durations (Intensity levels) and longer Sono treatments resulted in greater transdermal absorption effects.

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