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        한국 최초의 근대식 의사 김익남의 가문에 관한 연구

        이영아 ( Lee Young Ah ),황상익 ( Hwang Sang-ik ) 아시아문화학술원 2017 인문사회 21 Vol.8 No.4

        김익남은 한국 최초의 근대식 의사이자, 근대의학 교육의 선구자이다. 그는 과거시험 폐지 이전에 `가숙(家塾)`에서 3년 동안 한의학을 공부했고, 과거제도가 폐지되자 곧 관립일어학교에 들어갔으며, 뛰어난 일본어 능력과 근대교육에의 적응력으로 당시 파일(派日) 유학생들 중에서도 가장 두각을 나타내어 한국인으로는 최초로 근대의학을 정식으로 배운 의학자가 되었다. 그런데 그동안 전형적인 양반 가문인 청풍김씨 가문의 후손으로 알려져 왔던 김익남의 직계 조상을 조사해 본 결과 그는 기술직 중인 가문의 후예로 보는 것이 타당함을 알 수 있었다. 또한 잡과방목 등에는 그의 직계조상들의 본관이 해주김씨로 기록되어 있었다. 이러한 점에서 김익남은 의과, 역과, 운과(음양과) 등으로 세전되어 온 기술직 중인 가문인 해주김씨의 후손이라는 사실을 발견하게 되었다. 한국근대의학의 선구자인 김익남의 조상들은 지금까지 알려졌던 것과는 달리 약 300년 동안 전형적인 기술직 중인 가문으로 살아왔다. 그리고 김익남이 1890년대 당시로는 쉽지 않았을 일본유학을 결정하고 낯선 유학생활을 무사히 마치고 한국인으로서는 최초로 근대식 의사가 된 데에는 중인 가문 출신이라는 배경이 긍정적으로 작용했을 것이다. Unlike what has been known so far, the ancestors of Dr. Kim Ik-Nam, the most forerunning figure in the modern Korean medical history, had lived not as yangban class but as the typical jungin class for almost 300 years. It is thought that they could incorporate into Kim lineage of Chungpoong, the famous yangban family, through the achievements of successive generations as professional middle class, and their desire of status ascension based upon the achievements. Dr. Kim Ik-Nam`s jungin class background is considered to have positively influenced on the decision of studying abroad to Japan to be the first modern Korean medical doctor, which was very difficult in the 1890s. And it would be the same case to his cousin`s son Kim Kyu-Sik, the famous independence activist.

      • 신도시의 문화향유체계와 시민의 삶의 질 : 영국 밀튼킨즈 시의 사례연구 A Case Study of Milton Keynes, Great Britain

        황익주 서울대학교 비교문화연구소 2002 비교문화연구 Vol.8 No.1

        This article aims at probing, through the case study of Milton Keynes, which is often considered the most successful case of new town construction in Great Britain, the ways whereby a new town may overcome its innate disadvantages in terms of historically-given resources for culture-enjoyment and create a social environment conducive to active culture-enjoyment of the residents as well as promotion of the sense of belonging and local community identity amongst them. The case of Milton Keynes shows that there are certain pre-conditions to be met for a good culture-enjoyment system to develop, such as pleasant residential environment including ample park system and efficient traffic system, as well as some institutional devices for the promotion of social integration among the residents. Altogether, these factors contribute to make the life in the new town be felt basically comfortable both in its material and social senses thereby enhancing the quality of life. The case of Milton Keynes shows, furthermore, that a combination of the meticulous and considerate arts policy initiatives taken by the Milton Keynes local government on the one hand, and spontaneous practice of the residents on the other, which have resulted in extensive utilization of public art works as landmarks for the new town, emphasis and financial support laid upon local community arts movement, construction of large-scale arts facilities in conjunction with the growth of the new town population, and systematic PR of arts activities within the locality, is the key to the successful development of culture-enjoyment system in the new town of Milton Keynes. The article concludes with a discussion on the implications of the Milton Keynes case for Korean new town policy makers drawing upon the comparison with the failed case of the Sungnam City.

      • 동종 골수이식 후 만성 이식편대숙주질환과 동반된 그레이브스병

        황호인,이제중,조상희,김여경,이병환,정익주,김형준 대한조혈모세포이식학회 2002 대한조혈모세포이식학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        저자들은 중증 재생불량성빈혈로 동종 골수이식 및 추가적인 동종 말초혈액 조혈모세포이식을 시행 받은 후 만성 이식편대숙주질환이 발생하여 면역억제제로 조절되었으나 자가면역성 갑상선기능항진증이 병발한 1예를 경험하였기에 이를 보고하는 바이다. Chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), which is a frequent complication following bone marrow transplantation (BMT), is characterized by fibrosis of the skin, liver, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract, immunodeficiency, and the production of autoantibodies. Endocrine dysfunction, in particular thyroid disease, has been described following BMT, but this has previously meant hypothyroidism secondary to total body irradiation or transfer of autoimmune hyperthyroidism from a donor with Graves’ disease rather than in association with chronic GVHD. We report a case of a 26-year-old man who developed Graves’ disease eight years after BMT and who had remission of chronic GVHD. He received an allogeneic BMT for severe aplastic anemia. Eighteen months after BMT, diarrhea and chronic GVHD developed and were treated with cyclosporine and steroid. Four years after ceasing the cyclosporine, the patient developed weight loss, palpitations, fever, and anterior neck swelling, and was diagnosed with Graves’ disease based on typical thyroid function tests. The signs and symptoms in the patient improved with propylthiouracil and propranolol.

      • KCI등재

        아일랜드에서의 일상적 사교활동과 사회집단 분화: 인류학적 사례연구

        황익주 서울대학교 국제지역원 1994 국제지역연구 Vol.3 No.3

        이 논문은 아일랜드 사람들의 일상생활에서 사회집단의 분화가 어떻게 나타나는가에 대한 인류학적 사례연구이다. 조사지인 니나 지방에서의 지배적인 담론에 따르면, 오늘날의 일상적 사교활동은 개개인의 취향과 선택에 따라 이루어질 뿐이며, 과거와 같이 사회계층이나 종파 등의 구조적 요인에 따른 사회집단간의 분리는 존재하지 않는다고 한다. 그러나 이같은 인식은 제한적으로만 경험적 타당성을 지닐 뿐이며, 스포츠 활동 및 사교적 음주 활동의 양태에 대한 분석의 결과는 통계적으로 유의미한 정도의 사회계층과 종파에 따른 분리가 실재함을 보여준다. 사회적 차별의 제도화된 수단들이 사라지고 난 오늘날의 상황에서 이같은 분리를 재샌상시키는 주된 메카니즘은 사회집단에 따른 상이한 생활양식에의 취향들의 형성이다. This is an anthropological case study of the way social group differentiation manifests itself in everyday social mixing in Nenagh, Republic of Ireland. The dominant discourse in Nenagh area claims that social mixing is nowadays conducted simply according to personal tastes and choices and that there no longer exists social segregation by such structural variables as social class or religion, as was the case in the olden days. Such a view, however, corresponds with the empirical reality only in a limited sense, and there exists a statistically significant degree of social segregation by social class and/or religion, as this study shows in reference to patterns of participation in various sporting clubs and social drinking in pubs and private homes. The main mechanism involved in the reproduction of social group differentiation in everyday social mixing behaviour despite the disappearance of the institutionalized means of social segregation is, it is argued, the formation of different tastes for different life-styles between different social classes or between Catholics and Protestants.

      • KCI등재

        두부손상 환자에서 정신증상과 뇌 손상부위와의 관계 : 우울증상과 인지기능 장애를 중심으로 Focused on Depressive Symptoms and Cognitive Dysfunctions

        황익근,김종상,정상근 大韓神經精神醫學會 1991 신경정신의학 Vol.30 No.6

        To investigate the relationship between psychiatric symptoms and brain lesion site, thirty eight psychiatric inpatients with history of head trauma were selected. Patients were divided into three groups according to lesion sites ; patients with left hemispheric lesion (N=13), patients with right hemispheric lesion(N=11), and patients with ill defined lesion(N=14). Psychiatric symptoms were examined focused on depression and cognitive functions. Depressive symptoms were checked by Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression(HRSD), and cognitive functions were checked by Mini-Mental Status Examination(MMSE) and Korean Wechsler Intelligence Scale(KWIS). The results were as follows : 1) Patients with left hemispheric lesion, especially with left anterior lesion, showed significantly higher HRSD score than patients with another lesion sites(p<0.05). 2) Moderate to severe depression, whose HRSD score was higher than 18, was more common in patients with left hemispheric lesion than in patients with another lesion sites. 3) MMSE scores and KWIS scores of all three groups were not significantly different each other. 4) ‘Calculation’scores were lower in patients with left hemispheric lesion than in patients with another lesion sites. 5) ‘Language’scores were significantly lower in patients with left hemispheric lesion than in patients with another lesion sites(p<0.0.5).

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        소화성궤양 환자의 다면적 인성검사(MMPI)반응

        황익근,김미영 大韓神經精神醫學會 1987 신경정신의학 Vol.26 No.3

        A clinical study was done to investigate how the personality traits of peptic ulcer patient are reflected in the Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory (MMPI). This study was done on 41 peptic ulcer patients (19 gastric ulcer patients and 22 duodenal ulcer patients) who were confirmed by the fiberendoscopy. 41 healthy subjects were used as control group. All of the scales denoted mean T-score respectively. The results were as follows; 1) The mean T-scores on each scale were within normal range in both peptic ulcer group and normal control group. 2) Comparing peptic ulcer group with normal control group, scales of Hs, Pa, Sc, Ma (P<.01) and F, D, Pt (P<.05) were significantly higher in peptic ulcer group. 3) Peptic ulcer patients were divided into two subgroups, gastric ulcer group and duodenal ulcer group, to compare MMPI responses with normal control group. Then MMPI responses of the both subgrops were compared with each other. The results were as follows. First, comparing gastric ulcer group with normal control group, scales of Hs (P<.01) were significantly higher in the former. Second, comparing duodenal ulcer group with normal control group, scales of Hs, D, Hy, Pa, Pt, Sc, Ma (P<.01) and F (P<.05) were significantly higher in the former. Third, comparing gastric ulcer group with duodenal ulcer group, no significant difference was found except scale of Sc (P<.05), which was higher in the latter. 4) According to the results above mentioned, it is possible to postulate that significantly higher scales of peptic ulcer group compared with the control group were strongly influenced by the duodenal ulcer group rather than gastric ulcer group. 5) According to pattern analysis, neurotic trait was recognized in 31.8% of duodenal ulcer group, 15.7% of gastric ulcer group, and none of the control group. Psychotic trait was recognized in 9.0% of the duodenal ulcer group, 5.3% of the gastric ulcer group and none of the control group. This finding supports the existing hypothesis that duodenal ulcer patients are strongly related to emotional factors.

      • KCI등재

        긴장 및 이완상태가 뇌알파파에 미치는 영향

        황익근,정상근 大韓神經精神醫學會 1988 신경정신의학 Vol.27 No.4

        This study was performed to investigate the effects of tension and relaxation states on brain alpha activity. The subjects were composed of medical students, who were divided into two major groups. In the 1st group (34 subjects), percent alpha was measured under the tension state induced by Stroop test, and in the 2nd group (33 progressive relaxation subjects and 33 autogenic training subjects), percent alpha was measured before and after relaxation training. EMG level and state anxiety were also measured. The results were as follows : 1) In tension state, percent alpha was significantly reduced, and EMG level and state anxiety score were significantly increased (respectively, P<0.001). 2) After one week of progressive relaxation training, percent alpha was significantly enhanced, and state anxiety score was significantly decreased (respectively, p<0.001). EMG level was significantly decreased (p<0.05). 3) After one week of autogenic training, percent alpha was significantly enhanced (p<0.01), and state anxiety score was sigificantly decreased (p<0.001). 4) Analysis of variance showed that there was no significant difference between relaxation methods in terms of percent alpha, but significant enhancement of percent alpha after one week of relaxation training was observed compared with pretraining value. There was no significant interaction between methods and trials. In conclusion, this study confirms that alpha activity is reduced in tension state, and enhanced in relaxation state.

      • KCI등재

        의학교육에서의 행동과학

        황익근 大韓神經精神醫學會 1987 신경정신의학 Vol.26 No.2

        The behavioral sciences are now becoming an accepted part of the medical curricula of medical schools in this country. Opinions diverge not on whether the behavioral sciences should be taught, but what should be taught, by whom, how, when, and why. In this paper I reviewed briefly the diversity of practice and opinions surrounding each of these issues including historical development of behavioral science courses in medical school. My intention of introucing these issues primarily focuses on helping the medical educators who are responsible for teaching behavioral sciences design their educational plan of behavioral science courses.

      • KCI등재

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