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        황시(黃時)간 시(詩) 연구(硏究)

        황만기 ( Man Ki Hwang ) 우리한문학회 2011 漢文學報 Vol.25 No.-

        황시간에 대한 연구는 아직 학계에 소개된 바 없다. 따라서 본고에서의 그의 생애와 교유관계, 그리고 시에 대한 일부분을 소개하고자 한다. 황시간은 상주(현 문경) 출신의 인물로, 방村 黃喜의 7세손이다. 장수황씨가 상주 대도리에 정착한 이후 황시간에 이르러 굳건한 자리매김을 한다. 특히 그는 시에 일장을 보였는데, 당시 사람들은 우복 정경세의 부와 함께 ``黃詩鄭賦``라 병칭되었다. 또한 그는 蒼石 李埈, 愚伏 鄭經世, 沙西 全湜과 함께 商山四老로 일컬어졌다. 이 외에 교유한 인물로는 月澗 李□, 月峯 高仁繼, 泰村 高尙顔 등이 있다. 황시간은 전원적, 은일적 삶을 추구한 인물이다. 비록 67세의 만년에 벼슬길에 올라 형조정랑의 벼슬을 지내기도 하였으나, 이는 선비라면 누구나 한번 쯤 조정에 나아가 자신의 정치적 이상을 펼쳐보려는 욕구에서 비롯된 것이지, 삶의 궁극적 목표는 아니었다. 그래서 그는 삼가현감을 마지막으로 5년간의 벼슬살이를 마감하고 결국 전원의 보금자리를 찾게 된다. 이런 그의 족적을 바탕으로 본고에서는 그의 시를 크게 네 가지로 분류하여 고찰하였다. 첫째, 부귀명예를 추구하지 않고 가난을 편안히 여기면서 만족할 줄 아는 安貧守道의 삶을 추적해 보았다. 둘째, 그는 역사의 최대 혼란기였던 壬亂과 丙亂을 모두 체험하였다. 이때의 애한을 사실적이며 생동감 있게 그리고 있다. 셋째, 황시간은 벼슬에 대한 갈망이 내재된 그였기에 추천의 의한 벼슬을 마다하지 않고 벼슬길에 올랐다. 그러나 5년간의 관직생활에서의 지향점이자 목표는 고향으로의 회귀였다. 이때의 심정을 노래한 작품을 중심으로 규명해 보았다. 마지막으로 그가 전원으로 돌아온 이후에 새롭게 맛보는 흥취를 추적해 보았다. The study on Hwang Si-gan has not been reported to the academia yet. Thus, this paper introduces his life, and companionship, also a part of his poems. Hwang Si-gan was from Sangju (present Mungyeong), and was the seventh generation of Hwang Hui(黃喜), whose honored name is Bang Chon (방村). Since after Jangsu Hwang`s clan settled down in Daedor-ri, Sangju, the clan members firmly positioned at the town by the time of Hwang Si-gan. In particular, he showed his talent in writing poems, and the people in those days classed him with Jeong Gyeong-se, also known as his pen name, Ubok, as two greatest poets: Hwang had a distinguished talent in writing poems and Jeong in writing rhythm prose(黃詩鄭賦, pronounced "Hwangsi, Jeongbu"). Also, Hwang Si-gan was called a member of ``Sangsan Sano`` (商山四老, Four sages in the Mountain, Sangsan) together with Lee Jun(李埈), also known as pen name, Changseok(蒼石); Jeong Gyeong-se (鄭經世), aka Ubok(愚伏); and Jeon Sik (全湜), aka Saseo (沙西). In addition to them, he used to associate with Lee Jeon (李□), aka Wolgan(月澗); Go In-gye (高仁繼), aka Wolbong (月峯), and Go Sang-an(高尙顔), aka Taechon (泰村). Hwang Si-gan was a person who pursued pastoral and secluded life. Even though he entered the government service in his later years, at the age of 67, and promoted to Hyeongjo Jeongnang (刑曹 正郞, a section chief of the Ministry of Punishments), his career in the government post merely resulted from a scholar`s desire to join the conference in the royal court to follow his political ideals, which was usually grown from the classical scholars in those days, his government position was not the ultimate goal of his life. So, he ended his career as government official for five years by quitting the magistrate post of Samga county in the last place, and, eventually, he returned to his home where he could enjoy his pastoral life. Based on his traces as such, this paper investigated his poems by dividing it largely into four categories. First, the paper traced such lifestyle as; not seeking the wealth and honors, but live at your ease even under the state of being poor knowing how to satisfy yourself, in short, Anbinsudo(安貧守道, in literal sense, satisfying with what you have and keeping focused on the righteous path) Second, he had experienced both Japanese invasion of 1592 and the Manchu war of 1636, so then he depicted such hard life in his poems, joy and sorrow, during the years of war in a realistic and vivid manner. Third, Hwang Si-gan had a desire to serve as a government official, so that he entered the government service following the recommendation. Meanwhile, however, the point of his public service career for five years and the goal thereof was returning home. This paper studied his works with a focus on the poems that expressed his feeling and heart in those moments. Lastly, the paper analyzed his life after returning hometown, which he was yearning for even in his dreams, through his poetic pieces

      • 국가대표 400 m 허들선수의 기능에 관한 역학적 비교분석

        황홍철 한국운동역학회 2001 한국운동역학회지 Vol.11 No.3

        The angle of hurdling An angle At the begining part of the game, (take off), Shan has got lower points due to not enough angle of his hip (160.8, 163.3 : 176.3, 175.1) and knee (51.8, 87.8 : 80.4, 79.4) even though he has taller height Shon has bent his body position too much, which reduced his speed of hurdling when attacking, both of two player, Hwang and Shon hadn't made a big difference and had showed pretty much stable body position Hwang hadn't utilized his angle of knee at the fifth hurdle, However Shon had represented a nice angle of hurdling. At the 'Dip Part' Shon had higher angle, which is 13.1. This had connected to the jump movement. It'd be more effective if you bent you waist and decreased dip angle and hip angle to increase the inertia speed. At the part of Touch Down which is the last part of the hurdling process to be combined with the speedy running. The angle of hip and knee is very important. As far as an hip angle, both of the player, Hwang. The body balance As a result of research through two player's the forth and fifth average body center position, compared to Hwang, Shon performed 5.6 degree of an angle at the take off part, attack part 4.7 degree of an angle. and had showed 2 degree lower at the touch down part. At the dip part had recorded higher by 3.1 degree when taking off and attacking that require you to increase you speed, Shon had the lower body center, the reason is Shon had a hard time combining his speed with hurdling and he has a tendency to make a short pause right in front of each hurdle in order to move on to the next jump. At the dip part Shon needed to bend his waist more to decrease the stay in the air time when hurdling, At the touch down part Shon's knee angle has been bent that caused a trouble to move onto the next speedy running position after hurdling part. Shon is required to make up for the week points. The body balance and speed As a result of both players, Hwang and Shon, the average declination result of hurding body center speed, at the take-off part (499.2), attack (422.2) Dip 384.6, touch down 313.4 Shon had showed lower points. Hwang had showed the fastest center speed during take-off part and when attacking, meanwhile Shon did during touch-down part and dip part Hwang has a great ability to combine the fastes speed with hurdling, however Shon has a trouble with connecting speedy running to hurdling and taking advantage of inertia speed. This explains why Hwang has performed a faster hurdling at the beginning part, meanwhile Shon is fater at the last part of the hurdling. Hwnag has a tendency to utilize his speedy running at the beginning part of 400M hurdle (from the first hurdle to the fifth hurdle), but Shon had a habit of not making a difference between the beginning part and the ending part of hurdling, that's why Shon had recorded slower body center speed than that of Hwang. (reference the picture 7.8) Shon needs to increase the speed at the beginning and to train to be strong with staying power at the ending part of the hurdling. As a whole, based on the research on the angle and the speed of Hwang and Shan, Shon didn't apply an angle to the hurdling, meanwhile Hwang takes advantage of inertia speed combined an angle with the speed. Suggestion Based on the research materials of the degreee of an angle of hurdling, the movement from up and down of the body balance and body center speed. These theories should be applied to Shon for him to contribute Korea track field of sports by complementing his good points and week points.

      • 국가대표 400m 허들선수의 기능에 관한 역학적 비교분석

        황홍철 公州大學校스포츠科學硏究所 2001 스포츠科學硏究所論文集 Vol.- No.15

        Conclusion The angle of hurdling An angle At the begining part of the game, (take off), Shan has got lower points due to not enough angle of his hip (160.8, 163.3 : 176.3, 175.1) and knee (51.8, 87.8 : 80.4, 79.4) even though he has taller height Shon has bent his body position too much, which reduced his speed of hurdling when attacking, both of two player, Hwang and Shon hadn't made a big difference and had showed pretty much stable body position Hwang hadn't utilized his angle of knee at the fifth hurdle, However Shon had represented a nice angle of hurdling. At the 'Dip Part' Shon had higher angle, which is 13.1. This had connected to the jump movement. It'd be more effective if you bent you waist and decreased dip angle and hip angle to increase the inertia speed. At the part of Touch Down which is the last part of the hurdling process to be combined with the speedy running. The angle of hip and knee is very important. As far as an hip angle, both of the player, Hwang and The body balance As a result of research through two player's the forth and fifth average body center position, compared to Hwang, Shon performed 5.6 degree of an angle at the take off part, attack part 4.7 degree of an angle. and had showed 2 degree lower at the touch down part. At the dip part had recorded higher by 3.1 degree when taking off and attacking that require you to increase you speed, Shon had the lower body center, the reason is Shon had a hard time combining his speed with hurdling and he has a tendency to make a short pause right in front of each hurdle in order to move on to the next jump. At the dip part Shon needed to bend his waist more to decrease the stay in the air time when hurdling, At the touch down part Shon's knee angle has been bent that caused a trouble to move onto the next speedy running position after hurdling part. Shon is required to make up for the week points. The body balance and speed As a result of both players, Hwang and Shon, the average declination result of hurding body center speed, at the take-off part (499.2), attack (422.2) Dip 384.6, touch down 313.4 Shon had showed lower points. Hwang had showed the fastest center speed during take-off part and when attacking, meanwhile Shon did during touch-down part and dip part Hwang has a great ability to combine the fastes speed with hurdling, however Shon has a trouble with connecting speedy running to hurdling and taking advantage of inertia speed. This explains why Hwang has performed a faster hurdling at the beginning part, meanwhile Shon is fater at the last part of the hurdling. Hwnag has a tendency to utilize his speedy running at the beginning part of 400M hurdle (from the first hurdle to the fifth hurdle), but Shon had a habit of not making a difference between the beginning part and the ending part of hurdling, that's why Shon had recorded slower body center speed than that of Hwang. (reference the picture 7.8) Shon needs to increase the speed at the beginning and to train to be strong with staying power at the ending part of the hurdling. As a whole, based on the research on the angle and the speed of Hwang and Shon, Shon didn't apply an angle to the hurdling, meanwhile Hwang takes advantage of inertia speed combined an angle with the speed. Suggestion Based on the research materials of the degreee of an angle of hurdling, the movement from up and down of the body balance and body center speed. These theories should be applied to Shon for him to contribute Korea track field of sports by complementing his good points and week points.

      • KCI등재

        ‘황희 정승 납거미 유언’ 설화 고찰

        황인덕 ( In-deok Hwang ) 충남대학교 인문과학연구소 2018 인문학연구 Vol.57 No.1

        알려져 있듯 황희는 정승을 지낸 조선 초기 명인의 한 사람이다. 다수일반인들에게 그는 주로 ‘황희 황정승’으로 이름과 직위가 병칭되어 불리어오곤 했는데, 이는 그의 이름이 오래 전에 이미 애칭화되어 후대까지 널리 불려왔다는 뜻이다. 우리나라 역대 정승을 거친 수많은 훌륭한 인물가운데, 그 직위에 요구되는 역할을 가장 충실하게 실현함으로써 그 존재가 거의 ‘정승’의 대명사처럼 기억되어온 결과라 하겠다. 황정승이 조선조전 시대를 대표하는 명 정승으로 알려져온 것에 부합하여, 그에 대하여 구전되어온 설화 또한 그 폭과 깊이가 넓고 깊게 실현되고 있다. 한 인물이 남긴 설화가 대략 주인공이 지닌 인품, 생애, 시대, 업적 등의 조건에 비례한다면, 황정승이 남긴 설화의 다양성도 대략 그러한 조건들이 예사인물과는 다른 결과라고 할 수 있다. 이 글은 위 인물에 대하여 <공작이도 납거미를 먹고 살랴>라는 하나의 유형을 집중적으로 고찰하였다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 위 설화의 유형은 크게는 하나, 작게는 세개의 유형으로 나뉘고 있다. 둘째, 위 설화가 형성된 화소의 원천은 ‘고려장 설화’와 ‘공작이도 납거미를 먹고 살랴’라는 전래 속담이며, 이 두 가지 요소가 하필 황정승을 대상 인물로 하여 새로운 설화를 이룬 것은 나말여초 중국과 조선의 국제관계와 그 속에서 황정승이 수행한 역할과 위상이 반영된 결과이다. 셋째, 설화를 통한 인물 형상의 특징은 청렴상을 통한 민담성의 강화에 있으며, 특히 비범한 능력을 발휘하여 청렴을 실천하는 인물상의 구현은 황정승의 투철한 애민정신을 반영한 결과라 할 수 있다. 넷째, 황정승 설화는 여말 선초를 지나 조선 초기 국운 상승기의 인물담을 대표적으로 보여주며, 그로 인하여 설화 속의 인물상이 한결같이 긍정적인 모습으로만 나타난다. As we all know, Hwang Hee was a renowned minister in the early period of Joseon dynasty. The fact that he has been mainly called both by name and position as ‘the minister Hwang’ means he was already given a nickname a long time ago. He has been remembered as a representative of ministers existed in the history as he carried out his duties the most faithfully among the numbers of past outstanding ministers in the country. In accordance with his reputation as a devoted minister throughout the whole dynasty of Joseon, his fictional image was embodied with great wide and depth. If the tales Hwang Hee left behind depended on the conditions such as his personality, his life, the period and his achievement, a variety of his tales would seem to approximately result from those different conditions from those of others. This paper concentrates on his tale < Apeacocklivesonflatspiders > only. The contents are as below. First, the above-mentioned tale might be broadly divided into a type, or into three types in detail. Second, a subject matter of this tale is derived from folk tales about ‘Goryeojang’ and ‘A peacock lives on flat spiders’. A new tale about Hwang Hee which has been invented reflects on the international relationship of Joseon with China, and the role and position he played in the late period of Goryeo dynasty and the early period of Joseon dynasty. Third, a characteristic of the hero in the tale depends on the strengthening his integrity, which displays Hwang Hee’s strong love for the people by showing his exceptional ability to perform for them. Fourth, the tale of Hwang Hee represents a tale of the great man in the history when the country was in the ascendant in the early period of Joseon from the late Goryeo and the early Joseon. Therefore, he was displayed as a positive character in the tales.

      • KCI등재

        기대승(奇大升)의 리기심성론(理氣心性論)과 사칠론(四七論)

        황지원(Hwang, Jee Won) 동아인문학회 2017 동아인문학 Vol.38 No.-

        사단칠정논쟁은 조선성리학의 특성을 명확하게 드러냄과 동시에 이후의 학술적 흐름을 결정한 일대 사건으로 많은 학자들의 관심을 받았다. 이 논문은 사칠논쟁 자체에 의미를 두기 보다는 기대승의 사칠론이 가지는 연원과 특성, 그리고 그 의미에 대해 분명한 이해를 하는 것을 목표로 한다. 즉 기대승의 사칠론이 어디에 근거하고 있고, 어떤 과정으로 도출되어 나왔으며, 다른 학자들과의 차별적 특성이 무엇인지에 대해 검토해 보려는 것이다. 기대승은 이념적 차원에서는 리기를 분별함이 마땅하지만 현실의 차원에서는 리기가 따로 떨어질 수 없다는 원칙을 철저히 유지함으로써 이황의 성리설과도 다르고 이이의 성리설과도 다른, 하지만 동시에 이황과도 일정 부분 공통성을 지니고, 반대로 이이와도 연결되는 자신만의 독자적 체계를 형성하고 있다. 이것은 리기론과 심성론뿐만 아니라 공부론과 경세관을 비롯한 전체 사유체계와 연결되어 있는 것으로 보인다. 즉 하나의 극단에 치우치지 않고 조화와 균형을 유지하면서 근원적 측면에서 점진적으로 도덕적 이상을 추구하려는 그의 태도가리기를 혼융하여 통일체로 보려는 관점이나, 이와 반대로 엄격히 구분하여 별개의 사물로 보려는 관점 모두를 그대로 수용하기 어렵게 한 것이다. 기대승이 말하는 리의 운동성과 이황의 리의 운동성은 동일한 의미로 이해할 수는 없다. 즉 기대승이 인정하는 것은 분수 이전 태극의 단계에서 리의 동정이며, 분수된 후 현실세계에서 리의 동정, 혹은 ‘발(發)’은 이황이 말하는 ‘발’의 의미와는 다른 것이다. 결국 기대승은리의 운동성을 인정하여 인간의 내면에서 강력한 도덕 근원을 확보하려는 이황의 시도를 어느 정도 수용하면서도 원리적 측면과 현상적 측면이라는 두 가지 기준을 적용함으로써 실제적으로는 유보적 태도를 취하고 있는 것이다. 기대승은 이황과 사칠논쟁을 진행하면서 마지막에는 실천적인 관점에서 이황의 주장을 수용하려고 노력하였으나 근본적인 입장의 차이는 여전히 좁혀지지 않고 있는데, 사실 이러한 차이는 리와 기, 본연지성과 기질지성, 사단과 칠정에 대한 이해의 차이에서 기인한 것이기 보다는 이들 개념이 근거하는 관계의 기본 구조에 대한 입장의 차이에 따른 것이다. 즉 이황은 이 개념들을 대립적 관계로 이해하여 이원적인 구조로 이해했다면 기대승은 통합적 관계로 이해하여 일원적인 구조로 이해하고 있는 것이다. 그러므로 시종일관 두 사람의 논변은 평행선을 달릴 수밖에 없었다고 보아야 한다. 이러한 이해구조의 차이는 ‘대설(對說)’과 ‘인설(因說)’로 표현되기도 한다. Four-Seven debates has attracted the attention of many scholars as it was a major event that clarified characteristics of the Joseon neoconfucianism and determined the subsequent academic flow. The purpose of this paper is to give a clear understanding of the origin, the characteristics, what it means, instead of making a sense of the Four-Seven debates. In other words, it is to examine where Gi Daeseung’s Four-Seven debates theory is based, what process has it derived from, what distiguishes Gi Daeseung’s theory from other scholars. Gi Daeseung forms its own independent system unlike Yi Hwang’s theory and it of Yi Yi, which holds partial commonness with Yi Hwang, which is connected with Yi Yi, by maintaining strictly to the principle that it is necessary to discriminate LiGi in the ideological dimension but LiGi can not fall apart from the level of reality. This seems to be connected not only with LiGi theory and Simseong theory, but also with all reason system including theory of self-cultivation and thought of governance. In other words, his attitude to pursue moral ideals from the fundamental aspect step by step, while maintaining harmony and balance at one extreme, is difficult to accept both viewpoint to point out the entire which is mixed as Li and Gi, on the other hand, and viewpoints which are strictly classified and displayed on different ones. Gi Daeseung’s movement of Li and Yi Hwang’s it can not be understood in the same meaning. In other words, that Gi Daeseung is recognized as dongjing(動靜) of Li at the stage of Tai-JI(太極, Great Ultimate) before fen shu(分殊), and dongjing of Li or “bal(發)” in actual world after fen shu and Yi Hwang’s “bal” is different. After all, Gi Daeseung, by admitting Li"s motility and applying two criteria of principle aspect and phenomenological aspect, while accepting Yi Hwang’s effort to try to secure a strong source of morality from the inside of human beings, is taking a reserved attitude in fact. Gi Daeseung tried to accept Yi Hwang’s argument in the end while advancing Four-Seven debates with him, but the difference in the fundamental position is not narrowed down yet, these differences are not caused by understanding differernce of Li and Gi, Bonyeonjiseong (Original nature) and Kijiljiseong(Physical nature), Four clues and Seven emotion, comes from difference of fundamental system of relation on which these notions is based. In other words, Yi Hwang understands these notions as confrontational relationship and then do as dualistic structure, Ge Daeseung understands them as integrated relationship and then do as a unified structure. Therefore, debates of both Yi Hwang and Gi Daeseung have to run parallel lines. Differences in these understanding structures are sometimes expressed as “Daeseol(對說)” and “Inseol(因說)”.

      • KCI등재

        섬유보강 다공성 옥상녹화 황토콘크리트의 물리·역학적 및 온도변화 특성 평가

        오리온,김춘수,김황희,전지홍,권완식,박찬기,Oh, Ri On,Kim, Chun Soo,Kim, Hwang Hee,Jeon, Ji Hong,Kwon, Wan Sig,Park, Chan Gi 한국농공학회 2013 한국농공학회논문집 Vol.55 No.4

        The physical, mechanical, water purification and temperature properties of fiber reinforced porous hwang-toh green roof concrete have been evaluated in this study. The effect of the depending on replacement ratio of blast furnace slag to cement was investigated such that the replacement ratio is varied to 0 % and 30 %. Also, the replacement ratios of hwang-toh were 0, 20 and 30 %. The polyvinyl alcohol fiber was used for the reinforcing fiber. A series of pH test, unit weight, void ratio, compressive strength, after purification and variation of temperature test have been performed to evaluate the performance, water purification effect and temperature properties of the fiber reinforced porous hwang-toh green roof concrete. The test results indicate that the physical and mechanical properties of fiber reinforced porous hwang-toh green roof concrete is affected by the replacement ratio of the blast furnace slag and hwang-toh contents. Results of purifying water showed that the water purification effect of porous hwang-toh green roof concrete is about 40 %. Also, the temperature properties test results indicate the green roof blocks using fiber reinforced porous hwang-toh green roof concrete have insulation and temperature reduction effect.

      • KCI등재

        황구침법(黃丘鍼法)을 이용한 고혈압 환자의 혈압강하 효과에 대한 증례보고

        한창현 ( Chang Hyun Han ),황치원 ( Chi Won Hwang ),신미숙 ( Min Suk Shin ),신선화 ( Seon Hwa Shin ),최선미 ( Sun Mi Choi ) 대한경락경혈학회 2006 Korean Journal of Acupuncture Vol.23 No.3

        Objectives: The aim of the study was to investigate the antihypertensive effect of Hwang-gu Acupuncture in hypertensive patients. Methods: We measured the blood pressure of the patients who were admitted in the Oriental Medical Clinic of Brother from 25th November 2005 to 27th March 2006. We included the patients only in case of the systolic blood pressure was over 140mmHg or diastolic blood pressure was over 90mmHg, Twenty two patients were treated by Hwang-gu Acupuncture. In order to evaluate the effect of the Hwang-gu Acupuncture, the blood pressure was measured before and after Acupuncture procedure total 4 times, 10times. Results: There were a significant decrease in the systolic blood pressure and significant decrease in the diastolic blood pressure by Hwang-gu Acupuncture 4 times. The effect of Hwang-gu Acupuncture by measurement time on blood pressure were follows: In a systolic blood pressure was gradually deceased significantly from 1st to 4th but diastolic blood pressure was significantly decreased after 2nd and 4th only. Conclusions: These results suggest that Hwang-gu Acupuncture is effective in decreasing the systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

      • KCI등재

        고로슬래그시멘트를 사용한 다공성 황토콘크리트의 성능 평가

        김황희,강수만,박종식,박상우,전지홍,이진형,차상선,박찬기,Kim, Hwang-Hee,Kang, Su-Man,Park, Jong-Sik,Park, Sang-Woo,Jeon, Ji-Hong,Lee, Jin-Hyung,Cha, Sang-Sun,Park, Chan-Gi 한국농공학회 2010 한국농공학회논문집 Vol.52 No.3

        This study aims to evaluate a porous concrete using hwang-toh, blast furnace slag and blast furnace slag (BFS) cement instead of type I cement. The tests that were carried out to analysis the properties of porous hwang-toh BFS cement concrete included compressive strength, continuous void ratio, absorption rate, and pH value, repeated freezing and thawing test were conducted. Test results indicated that the performance in porous hwang-toh concrete are effective on the kaoline based binder materials. The pH value were shown in about 9.5 ~ 8.5. The compressive strength was increased and void ratio was decreased with increasing the kaoline based binder materials, respectively. The void ratio and compressive strength were in the range of about 21 ~ 30 %, 8 ~ 13 MPa, respectively. The increased in void ratio of more than 25 % is showed to reduce the resistance of repeated freezing and thawing. Also, the resistance of repeated freezing of thawing and the compressive strength of porous hwang-toh BFS cement concrete are independent with hwang-toh content and BFS cement amount. But, the void ratio was decreased with increasing the high volume hwang-toh contents (more than 15 %).

      • 황토골재를 사용한 콘크리트의 제특성에 관한 실험적 연구

        황준필 ( Hwang Jun Pil ),김기범 ( Kim Ki Beom ),안기용 ( Ann Ki Yong ) 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 2009 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.13 No.2

        For the characteristics of the concrete using Hwang-Toh aggregate, thermal Insulation capacity test, absorption capacity of heavy metals several test were performed. The study found that the Hwang-Toh concrete could improved the characteristics of conventional normal concrete. The Hwang-Toh concrete shows 67.7% lower thermal conductivity than normal concrete, so it shows good thermal insulation capacity. And the leaching test results showed that 96% of heavy metals such as Pb, Zn, Mn were absorbed by the Hwang-Toh concrete.

      • 황토골재를 사용한 콘크리트의 제특성에 관한 실험적 연구

        황준필(Hwang, Jun Pil),김기범(Kim, Ki Beom),안기용(Ann, Ki Yong) 한국구조물진단유지관리학회 2009 한국구조물진단학회 학술발표회논문집 Vol.2009 No.2

        For the characteristics of the concrete using Hwang-Toh aggregate, thermal Insulation capacity test, absorption capacity of heavy metals several test were performed. The study found that the Hwang-Toh concrete could improved the characteristics of conventional normal concrete. The Hwang-Toh concrete shows 67.7% lower thermal conductivity than normal concrete, so it shows good thermal insulation capacity. And the leaching test results showed that 96% of heavy metals such as Pb, Zn, Mn were absorbed by the Hwang-Toh concrete.

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