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        16세기 조선 사상계의 동향과 노수신(盧守愼)

        이동환 ( Lee Dong Hwan ) 한국사상사학회 2015 韓國思想史學 Vol.0 No.51

        17세기 주자학 교조주의의 억압체제가 16세기 조광조의 도학 근본주의, 이황의 주자학 절대주의의 추동으로 사상의 일원화, 단일화가 진행된 결과라는 가설을 가지고, 이러한 대국(大局)의 전개에 사상의 일정한다원성을 추구하여 특히 이황에 저항한 노수신의 사상사적인 위상을 드러내고자 하였다. 조광조의 소격서 혁파는 이단사상에 대한 숙정(肅正)을 실질적으로 한 것이지만, 그래도 그는 정주학(程朱學)을 중심으로 그 외곽의 기학(氣學), 상산학을 도학으로 포괄하여 그 범위 안에서는 사상적 자유 재량(裁量)이 가능했다. 그러나 이황의 주자학 절대주의에 이르면 주자 이외의 여타 사상에 대한 통제는 한층 가열(苛烈)하였다. 그는 위정척사적인 위도의식(衛道意識)으로 주자학 이외에는 모두 좌도(左道) 이단시하여 노장은 말할 것도 없고, 조광조 시대에 허용되었던 기학상산학, 그리고 새로이 전파되는 나정암(羅整庵) 왕양명 등의 학설을 전방위적으로 비판 통제하였다. 이것은 주자학을 위시한 도학 일반에 대한 그 누구도 추종을 불허하는 역량과, ‘위도’라는, 유교국가에서 누구도 거역하지 못할 명분을 떠매고 있었기에 가능하였다. 사대부 사회는 그의 이러한 도학에 대한 역량과 위도의 명분 앞에 거개가 순복(順服)하였다. 그런데 노수신은 이황의 권위에 저항해 사상의 일정한 다원화를 추구하였다. 그는 정주학(程朱學)을 거점으로 상산학, 나정암의 학설, 그리고 양명학을 수용하여 이황의 집요한 비판 통제에도 굽히지 않았다. 결과적으로 그는 이황의 다음으로 우리나라의 도통을 계승할 기대마저 거부한셈이 되었다. 그는 정주학에서 출발해, 한 때 그 스스로 비판한 상산학을 겸수(兼修)하다가 을사사화로 조정에서 쫓겨나자 그 충격으로 그 동안 독실히 믿었던 주자의 격물궁리의 도문학을 부정하고 상산의 존덕성으로 기울어졌으나 특히 정주계열의 경(敬) 수련에는 독실하였다. 이를 바탕으로 귀양지에서 .숙흥야매잠해.를 찬술하여 이황 김인후와 토론을 벌리기도 하여 호평을 받았다. 그러나 뒤이어 인심도심변 을 지어 주자의설에 반하자 사방에서 공격이 들어왔다. 특히 이황은 15 6년간에 걸쳐비판의 자세를 거두지 않았다. 확실하지는 않으나 그는 양명학도 30대전후에 접한 듯, 노년으로 올수록 더욱 기울어져 마침내 확신에 차기에 이르렀다. 노수신의 이러한 다양성, 비록 도학 성리학에 한정되기는 했지만 이러한 사상적 다양성의 추구는 그 시대 여건으로는 일종의 사상적자유주의자라고 할 수 있다. 그리고 이황의 주자학 절대주주의 추동에 대한 하나의 안티테제로서의 의의를 부여할 수 있다. This paper is to examine the place of Noh Susin in the history of thought who pursued ideological diversity and opposed to a prominent Neo-Confucianism scholar Lee Hwang. In this dicourse I premised that the repressive authoritarian regime of Neo-Confucianism in the 17<sup>th</sup> century was the result of the unification of thought driven by Confucian fundamentalism introduced by Jo Gwangjo in the 16<sup>th</sup> century and absolutism of the study of Zhu Xi proclaimed by Lee Hwang. Jo Gwangjo, though he rejected heresy rigorously, regarded the study of Qi and the study of Lu Jiuyuan as a part of Neo-Confucianism. It was rigorous Confucianism of Lee Hwang in the 16<sup>th</sup> century by which censorship over ideas except Confucianism was strengthened. He treated every idea except the study of Zhu Xi as heresy and criticized them severely including the study of Qi and the study of Lu Jiuyuan that had been allowed in former period, and the theory of Luo Qinshun and Wang Yangming as well that introduced newly from Ming dynasty. It was possible as he had great capabilities as a Confucianism scholar and at the same time he was responsible for what is called defending Tao, the first principle of Confucianism nation. Almost all of gentry society obeyed his academic capability and his moral justification. However, Noh Susin opposed to the authority of Lee Hwang and pursued ideological diversity. Based on the study Zhengzhu, he accepted the theory of Lu Jiuyuan, Luo Qinshun and Wang Yangming to stuck firmly to his contention despite of Lee Hwang’s criticism. As a result he was contrary to Lee’s expectation of succeeding the orthodox line of transmission of the Way, so-called Tao-tung, after him. He started his learning from the study of Zhengzhu and expended it to the study of Lu Jiuyuan. But as he was expelled from the Court after Eulsa Sahwa, the 1545 literati purge, he denied the theory of ‘maintaining constant inquiry and study’ emphasized by Zhu Xi and inclined toward the theory of ‘honoring virtuous nature’ emphasized by Lu Jiuyuan. Expecially he devoted himself to training ‘attentiveness’, a translation of the Chinese word ching emphasized by the school of Zhengzhu. Based on this view, he compiled Sukheung yamaejamhae(the Annotation to Admonition on Rising Early and Retiring Late) with which he had a discussion with Lee Hwang and Kim Inhu. But it was after his writing of Arguments against the ‘human mind’ and the ‘Tao mind’ that he was criticized severly by other scholars. Among them Lee Hwang didn’t cease to criticize him for over fifteen years. It seems that Noh first encountered the study of Yangming in his early thirties and at last convinced of it in his old age. He should be called a ideological liberalist in respect that he pursued ideological diversity though it was restricted to Neo-Confucianism. We can say that his ideological endeavor has great historical significance as the antithesis of the absolute Neo-Confucianism of Lee Hwang.

      • KCI등재

        李彦迪 문학의 창작현장과 遺蹟

        이수환(Lee Soo-Hwan) 대동한문학회 2008 大東漢文學 Vol.29 No.-

        본고는 조선중기의 대표적인 성리학자이며 이 시기의 詩문학사에서도 빼놓을 수 없는 중요한 위치를 점하고 있는 晦齋 李彦迪의 문학창작 현장과 그 유적에 대한 연구이다. 이언적의 시가 창작된 현장은 그의 생애를 통해서 확인할 수 있다. 그는 일생 동안 몇 번의 외직을 제외하면 고향인 良佐洞과 인근의 玉山別業 그리고 오랜 관료생활을 한 서울과 말년의 귀향지인 강계에서 보냈다. 이 중 서울 생활은 관료생활의 어려움을 고려하면 詩 창작이 많지 않았다고 보여지고, 귀향지인 강계는 그 현장을 현재로서는 확인할 수 없다. 이런 점을 고려하여 본고에서는 옥산별업(獨樂堂, 定惠寺)과 양좌동을 중심으로 그 현장과 역사적 유적에 대해 검토하였다. 특히 옥산별업은 이언적의 젊은 시절 독서처였고, 또한 그의 대표적인 道學詩나 自然詩가 이곳에서 창작되거나 또는 이곳을 대상으로 하였다는 점에서 특별한 의미가 있다. 다만 이 두 곳은 이언적 생시에는 새롭게 조성되고 있었던 마을이라는 점에서 역사적 유적이 많지 않았고, 그의 사후에 조성된 유적이 많다는 점에서 본고에서는 이중에서 특히 이언적의 학문을 현향, 계승하기 위해 세워진 玉山書院을 포함하여 검토하였다. 또한 옥산별업은 이언적의 독서처였고 또한 자연 승경이 좋아, 조선중기 이후 많은 학자들이 래왕하면서 玉山九曲을 설정하는 등 많은 詩歌를 읊었는데, 본고에서는 이 내용도 포함하여 검토하였다. This paper examined literature creation sites and remains of Lee Eon-jeok(李彦迪) (pen name: Hoijae(晦齋)) who was a representative Sung Confucianism scholar to be important at poetry literature history at that time. The places where Lee Eon-jeok's poetry was created could be identified through Lee's career. Lee Eon-jeok mostly spent his life time at hometown of Yangjwadong(良佐洞), neighboring place of Oksanbyeoleob(玉山別業), Seoul where he lived government official life for a long time, and Ganggye where he returned to hometown to live life in last phase of his life, except for working for some of local government posts in his lifetime. And, Lee's living life at Seoul seemed not to have a lot of poetry creation considering his difficulties of government official, and Ganggye where Lee returned to hometown could not identify its place at the moment. Considering such a fact, the paper investigated sites as well as historical remains based on Oksanbyeoleob (Dokakdang(獨樂堂), Jeonghyesa(定惠寺)) as well as Yangjwadong. In particular, Oksanbyeoleob was place where Lee Eon-jeok read books in his young days to write not only poetry of study of human nature but also poetry of the nature and to select the place as an object. Both places, however, villages that were newly constructed when Lee Eon-jeok was alive had not many historical remains but remains being constructed after his death: This paper examined Oksanseowon(玉山書院) and others that were erected to make Lee's science widely known and to inherit it. And, Oksanbyeoleob was place where Lee Eon-jeok read books and a lot of scholars visited since the middle of Chosun Dynasty to write Oksankukok 玉山九曲) and a lot of other poems: This paper examined contents of those oems.

      • Light-extraction efficiency control in AlGaN-based deep-ultraviolet flip-chip light-emitting diodes: a comparison to InGaN-based visible flip-chip light-emitting diodes.

        Lee, Keon Hwa,Park, Hyun Jung,Kim, Seung Hwan,Asadirad, Mojtaba,Moon, Yong-Tae,Kwak, Joon Seop,Ryou, Jae-Hyun Optical Society of America 2015 Optics express Vol.23 No.16

        <P>We study light-extraction efficiency (LEE) of AlGaN-based deep-ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (DUV-LEDs) using flip-chip (FC) devices with varied thickness in remaining sapphire substrate by experimental output power measurement and computational methods using 3-dimensional finite-difference time-domain (3D-FDTD) and Monte Carlo ray-tracing simulations. Light-output power of DUV-FCLEDs compared at a current of 20 mA increases with thicker sapphire, showing higher LEE for an LED with 250-관m-thick sapphire by ~39% than that with 100-관m-thick sapphire. In contrast, LEEs of visible FCLEDs show only marginal improvement with increasing sapphire thickness, that is, ~6% improvement for an LED with 250-관m-thick sapphire. 3D-FDTD simulation reveals a mechanism of enhanced light extraction with various sidewall roughness and thickness in sapphire substrates. Ray tracing simulation examines the light propagation behavior of DUV-FCLED structures. The enhanced output power and higher LEE strongly depends on the sidewall roughness of the sapphire substrate rather than thickness itself. The thickness starts playing a role only when the sapphire sidewalls become rough. The roughened surface of sapphire sidewall during chip-separation process is critical for TM-polarized photons from AlGaN quantum wells to escape in lateral directions before they are absorbed by p-GaN and Au-metal. Furthermore, the ray tracing results show a reasonably good agreement with the experimental result of the LEE.</P>

      • KCI우수등재

        In Vitro 발효방법에 의한 사료유기물 이용에 관한 연구 제2보 , 성양에 의한 알팔파건초와 보리짚의 첨가량에 따른 In Vitro 유기물 소화율에 관한 시험

        이무환 ( Mu Hwan Lee ) 한국축산학회 1976 한국축산학회지 Vol.18 No.1

        To investigate the effect of sample size addition into the fermentation flasks using Lee`s modified method (1971) on the organic matter digestibility of alfalfa hay and barley straw, 0.25gm, 0.5gm, 0.75gm and 1.0gm of each forage were placed into separate fermentation flasks containing 75㎖ of rumen liquor and McDughall`s buffer solution. There was a significant difference (P$lt;0.05) between 0.25gm and 1.0gm of sample size treatment. Since there was no significant difference between treatment 0.5gm and 0.75gm of sample size, either of which could be adopted for the in vitro fermentation method for further experiments. A significant (P$lt;0.05) difference was found between the sample size of alfalfa and that of barley straw, but there was no significant difference in interaction between the kind of feedstuffs and the sample sizes. It was confirmed that Lee`s modified method was not different from Tilley and Terry`s organic, matter digestibility of the feedstuffs. In the barley straw organic matter digestibility determined by Tilley`s method the organic matter digestibility of barley straw was proportionatelly increased as the barley straw sample size was increased with slope of (b=38.6 p$lt;0.01). By the Lee`s modified method there was no significant increase (b=36.8) of D.O.M. of barley straw. Linear regression equations of organic matter digestibility of alfalfa and barley-straw were Y=7.28X+52.3 and Y=36.76X+3.01 respectively in the Lee`s modified experiments, where Y=in vivo O.M. digestibility, X=in vitro O.M. digestibility.

      • An Investigation on the Life of Master Won Guk Lee, the Creator of Chung-Do-Kwan

        ( Seon Young Jung ),( Jun Ho Lee ),( Seung Woo Shin ),( Chun Hwan Cho ),( Seung Hyun Jang ),( Won Shin ) 경남대학교 기초과학연구소 2014 기초과학지 Vol.31 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to review (or, investigate) the life of Won Guk Lee. He is the creator of Chung-Do-Kwan, which is one of the five original Taekwondo kwans. Data was gathered from advanced research, newspapers, documentaries, the Internet, magazines, and journals etc. Thus, we were able to create a sequence of events based on the research data. First, we can say that in Won Guk Lee``s career, he created Chung-Do-Kwan and brought Dangsoodo to Korea. These events have had a significant development on Taekwondo. Second, Taekwondo curriculum, which was published by Won Guk Lee, established the foundation of Taekwondo poomsae, as well as giving us the pure spirit of Korean martial arts.

      • KCI등재

        A Success Story of Korean e-Government Systems Exported to Vietnam

        Lee,Kyung hwan.Lee,Sena.Lee,Sukekyu 한국상품학회 2012 商品學硏究 Vol.30 No.6

        Many interests are on the e-Government systems from the business strategy perspective. The unique experiences by the Korean government became the attractive products for the underdeveloped countries which want to benchmark the Korea’s success as Korea made great achievement in the IT infrastructure in the national wide. The Korean e-Government exports reached USD 230 million in 2012. The e-Government systems are expected to have a substantially positive impact on Korea’s national brand image, exceeding the simple exports of IT technologies. Thus, this research addresses the importance and implications of the business strategies for the export of Korean e-Government systems to Vietnam. Through the success story in Vietnam, the paper provides for policy decision makers various implications and insights for the future. By introducing these systems (The e-Government systems fromKorea - specially e-procurement systems), the Vietnamese government is able to enhance transparency and efficiency of its procurement administration services.

      • 이근삼 박사의 개혁주의 교회론

        이환봉 고신대학교 고신신학연구회 2008 고신신학 Vol.- No.10

        이근삼 박사는 교회의 사명과 기능(praxis)에만 집착하는 기능적 교회론을 경계하고 교회의 본질과 정체성(identity)을 중요시하는 본질적 교회론을 추구하였다. 그는 '교회의 모습'과 '교회의 명칭' 그리고 '교회의 표지'와 '교회의 속성'에 대한 논의를 통하여 지속적으로 성경적인 참 교회의 본질을 규명하였다. 그리고 교회의 사명과 역할도 그러한 교회의 본질에 근거하여 설명하려고 노력하였다. 예를 들면, 교회의 본질과 관계없이 '교회연합'을 독립적으로 다루지 않고 교회의 본질적 속성 즉 단일성과 거룩성, 그리고 보편성에 대한 논의 안에서 진정한 '교회연합'의 사명과 과제를 제시하고 있다. 이근삼 박사의 교회론은 현대의 교회가 교회되지 못함은 오늘 교회가 삼위일체 하나님과 하나 되지 못하였기 때문이라는 반성을 가지게 해준다. 이근삼 박사는 자신의 교회론을 통해 오늘 교회의 진정한 개혁은 먼저 교회의 본질을 회복하는 길이라는 것을 잘 말해주고 있다. Dr. Lee Kun Sam warned the fuctional view of the Church that emphasizes only its task and praxis, and pursued the essential view of the Church that regards the essentiality and identity of it. Through discussing "the images", "the titles", "the marks" and "the attributes" of the Church, he continued to find out the biblical nature of the true Church. And he tried to explain the task and function of the Church from the point of its nature. For instance, he did not deal "the unification of the Church" without considering the nature of it, but found out the vocation and task of the Church's unification with discussing its essential marks. Dr. Lee's ecclesiology urges us to reconsider the matter that the reason why contemporary churches cannot be true reformation of the Church is the way to restore the nature of the church.

      • KCI등재후보

        Sarcomatoid Carcinoma Arising from Mature Cystic Teratoma

        Ho-Chang Lee1, Seung-Myoung Son, Yong-Moon Lee, Ji Hae Koo, Song-Yi Choi, Ok-Jun Lee, Eun-Hwan Jeong 충북대학교 동물의학연구소 2012 Journal of Biomedical and Translational Research Vol.13 No.2

        Malignant transformation of mature cystic teratoma (MCT) is rare. Sarcomatoid carcinoma is a neoplasm comprising malignant mesenchymal cells and a conventional carcinomatous area. Here, we report on a case of sarcomatoid carcinoma arising from an MCT in the left ovary of a 45-year-old female. A unilocular cyst consistent with MCT was observed; however, a nodule within the cyst was confirmed from the resected ovary. Microscopically, the nodule showed both squamous cell carcinoma and pleomorphic sarcomatous components admixing with each other. Lining epithelial cells at the periphery of the main tumor showed squamous metaplasia. When a sarcomatous component is observed in the ovary tumor, it is important to find a squamous cell component, either benign or malignant.

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