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        CLIL-Multiliteracies-Multiple Literacies Theory:

        Bradley,Joff P. N. Hunt,James R. Cole,David R. 영상영어교육학회 2017 영상영어교육 (STEM journal) Vol.18 No.2

        In dialogic and speculative fashion, the paper challenges some of the formulaic tendencies to using film in the language classroom. It undertakes this task by, on the one hand, questioning some of the theoretical approaches applied to the use of film in language classes, and, on the other, demonstrating the paucity of practical evidence for the efficacy of content-driven language learning. To counter this trend, a practicotheoretical and experimental method is proffered which has proved efficacious in the teaching of critical thought through film in the foreign language classroom. The transcript below was delivered by Bradley and Hunt during an hour-long research presentation at The Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) international conference in 2016 in Nagoya, Japan. It was later transcribed and edited by Bradley and then used as a basis for lengthy dialogues and discussions with Bradley, Hunt and Cole using email, telephone, face-to-face discussion and Skype from October to December 2016. The paper endeavors to explain how to use “movie maps” effectively in the classroom as a means to scaffold Content and Language Integrated Learning(CLIL) classes and to move from “active viewing” to what we designate as “active filmmaking”.

      • KCI등재

        CLIL-Multiliteracies-Multiple Literacies Theory: On the Passage From Active Viewing to Active Filmmaking

        Bradley, Joff P. N.,Hunt, James R.,Cole, David R. 영상영어교육학회 2017 영상영어교육 (STEM journal) Vol.18 No.2

        In dialogic and speculative fashion, the paper challenges some of the formulaic tendencies to using film in the language classroom. It undertakes this task by, on the one hand, questioning some of the theoretical approaches applied to the use of film in language classes, and, on the other, demonstrating the paucity of practical evidence for the efficacy of content-driven language learning. To counter this trend, a practico-theoretical and experimental method is proffered which has proved efficacious in the teaching of critical thought through film in the foreign language classroom. The transcript below was delivered by Bradley and Hunt during an hour-long research presentation at The Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) international conference in 2016 in Nagoya, Japan. It was later transcribed and edited by Bradley and then used as a basis for lengthy dialogues and discussions with Bradley, Hunt and Cole using email, telephone, face-to-face discussion and Skype from October to December 2016. The paper endeavors to explain how to use “movie maps” effectively in the classroom as a means to scaffold Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) classes and to move from “active viewing” to what we designate as “active filmmaking”.

      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재


        Hunt,Richard A. The Institute for Far Eastern Studies Kyungnam Uni 1989 ASIAN PERSPECTIVE Vol.6 No.1

        The role of the United States military forces in Vietnam has received broad and wide coverage; the same cannot be said for the contribution of America's allies. All told 39 nations provided economic or technical assistance to South Vietnam. In addition, the Republic of Korea, Thailand, Australia, and New Zealand sent combat forces and the Philippines a civic action/engineer unit. by 1969, the total strength of those countries' forces was over 68 thousand-a total of 31 maneuver battalions. There were 7,672 Australians, 50,000 Koreans, 11,568 Thais, 552 New Zealanders, and 2,061 Filipinos stationed in Vietnam. These figures are the peak strengths for each troop contributing country. Forces from these countries were also referred to as third country. Forces from these countries were also referred to as third country forces to distinguish them from the Americans and South Vietnamese. Vietnam was not a formally unified theater or command. Although each of the attics supported the overall campaign plan, which was drafted annually, each third country contingent had its own area of operations and was able to determine just how its activities would contribute to meeting the annual goals. The units remained under the day to day control of national force commanders and their use was of course subject to domestic political pressures from each respective home front. The Johnsoll administration in 1964 keenly felt the need to widen as much as possible international support for its policies in Vietnam, and initially placed the subject of American help for Vietnam in the context of multilateral military aid . The American government considered Vietnam, like Korea, a testing ground where the nations of the free world had to make a stand in order to stem the forceful expansion of communism, As the Korean war had been an effort of the United Nations against North Korea, the Vietnam struggle likewise appeared to the Johnson administration as requiring a comparable response by free world allies. The need was apparent to Washington in 1964 and 1965 when South Vietnam seemed on the verge of collapse, Internal political and military weakness, the increasing involvement of the North Vietnamese army in the war all imperiled South Vietnam's existence.

      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재


        Hunt, Kenneth The Institute for Far Eastern Studies Kyungnam Uni 1978 ASIAN PERSPECTIVE Vol.2 No.2

        At the end of last year it was my good fortune to travel in China and see something of the country and the armed forces, the People's Liberation Army. I talked with officials and others about China's attitude to the outside world and about their ideas on military strategy. It was all new, interesting and most enjoyable. I was treated with great kindness and courtesy and shown much of what I wanted to see.

      • Conceptual Content, Conceptual Change and Progress

        Hunt, G.M.K 釜山大學校 人文學硏究所 1998 人文論叢 Vol.52 No.1

        이 논문은 정신과 언어 철학의 관점에서 개념의 내용을 협의와 광의로 해서 해석하고자 한다. 아울러 이 논문은 과학 철학에서의 관련되는 주장들이 개념 변화의 문제들을 보다 명확하게 입증해 주는 것을 따르고자 한다. 이 논문은 먼저 물에 대한 Putman의 유명한 "win Earth'' 예시의 합리적인 요소들을 상기시켜 이것을 또한 유명한 Grue와 예시와 대조시키고자 한다. 이렇게 함으로써 첫째로, 문학에서의 전통적인 논의가 이론상으로나 실리적인 측면에서 적절하지 못했음을 지적하고자 한다. 둘째로, Lakatos의 「증명들과 반박들」 그리고 「과학적 연구 계획의 방법론」에서 밝혀 개념의 진보에 대한 그의 주장들을 개념 변화의 종류와 배율을 달리하는데 이용하고자 한다. 마지막으로, 이 논문은 최근의 과학적인 하나의 일화 즉 "polywater''의 발견의 일화를 예시하여 이러한 가설들을 검증하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        The Snake Faith of Cheju People

        Hunt, Patricia 제주대학교 탐라문화연구소 1990 탐라문화 Vol.0 No.10

        본 고는 고대부터 현대에 이르기까지 제주인의 생활에 커다란 영향을 끼쳐 온 뱀과 관련된 속신을 고찰하고 있다. 내용은 세부분으로 나뉘어져 설명되고 있다. 첫째부분은 가정과 부락에서 나타나는 두가지 상이한 뱀숭배 양상-여드랫당과 칠성숭배신당-에서의 종교적 의례를 논하고 있다. 두번째 부분에서는 제주인의 삶의 과정에서 나타나는 뱀과의 관계를 제주풍토록(1520), 남사록(1601),탐라지(1653) 그리고 탐라기년(1918)과 같은 역사 자료를 통해 설명하고 있다. 마지막 부분은 원고의 대부분을 차지하는 내용으로 아래에 목록으로 작성된 제주 뱀신앙의 기원에 대한 분류가 기록되고 있다. Ⅰ. 제주 토속신앙 1. 괴노기또 신화 2. 광정당의 뱀신앙 Ⅱ. 외지로부터 건너온 신앙 1. 하늘에서 내려온 뱀신앙 2. 육지에서 건너온 뱀신앙: 토산당신 3. 중국에서 온 뱀신화: 칠성한집 4. 남양에서 온 뱀신화 이상과 같이 본고는 제주인의 생활에서 뱀이 중요한 역할을 행해왔음을 설명하고있다. 그러므로 제주의 뱀 신앙을 이해하는 것은 제주의 전통문화의 일면을 이해하는 것이 된다. 진성기의 연구는 복잡하고 체계화되지 않은 제주도의 뱀신앙의 실상을 체계적으로 기술한 최초의 시도라 할 수 있다.

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