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        ( Chen Ya Huang ) 한국한자한문교육학회 2014 漢字 漢文敎育 Vol.33 No.-

        한자의 결구(結構)와 형성(形聲) 관계가 일반적인 표음문자와는 다르다는 것을, 대뇌에서 한자를 처리할 때의 반응에서 알 수 있다. 표음문자의 처리는 통상 대뇌의 우성(優性) 반구에 치우치며, 한자는 표음 문자에 비해 대뇌의 좌우 양측의 자원을 비교적 많이 이용한다. 한자를 읽을 때 시각구에서 대뇌전부로 정보가 이동할 때 직접적인 한자와 어휘의 결합관계를 찾는데 집중하는데, 이는 형성관계의 투명도가 비교적 높기 때문이라고 샐각된다. 전통적인 교육은 형성 관계에 대해 관심이 비교적 적었기 때문에 자형을 자음으로 전환시키는 가용의 정도나 중요성은 상대적으로 낮았다. 대뇌의 전두엽 영역에서는 한자의 처리는 표음문자에서도 사용하는 하전두엽 이랑 이외에도 표음문자에서 거의 사용하지 않는 중전두엽 이랑 전운동구에 영향을 주고 있다. 이는 한자학습에서 한자쓰기의 중요성을 반영하며, 표음 문자에 의한 입력이 한자 습득에 부정적인 영향을 미친다는 사실을 알려주고 있다. 본문에서는 선을 이용하여 분석하고, 한자의 결구가 독음에 관한 정보를 증대시키며, 이를 통해 한자 학습의 난이도와 부담을 덜어줄 수 있도록 그룹핑을 구성할 것을 제안하였다. 동시에 본문에서는 한자의 자모 사용은 유리한 그룹핑을 하는 것 이 외에 현재의 컴퓨터 사용과 한자 습득 간의 충돌을 해결하는 효과적인 방법임을 지적하였다. Hanzi is different from alphabetical languages in both structure and the form-pronunciation relationship. Alphabetical scripts are processed in the dominant hemisphere, whereas Chinese script involve bilateral hemisphere resources. Reading Hanzi works through the ventral lexical access stream whereas transparent alphabetical languages preferentially use the dorsal stream. This difference is likely to be due to the opacity of Chinese language for sound, whilst being more transparent for form-meaning relationship, as well as less explicit instructions in using the phonological clue in reading Hanzi. Anteriorly, the premotor area is involved in reading Chinese corresponding to the importance of handwriting in learning and recognizing Chinese, in the presence of the relative opacity of form-pronunciation. Suggestion is made for the linear deconstruction of Hanzi for learning purpose, the use of pronunciation of its structural architecture and the use of chunking. At the same time, the usefulness of Hanzi graphabets for chunking and as well as resolving the conflict between computer input and learning of Hanzi is emphasized.

      • 漢字結構類型

        Huang Chen Ya 단국대학교 한문교육연구소 2019 International Han-character Education Research Vol.1 No.1

        현존하는 한자구조의 분석이론은 그 유형과 명칭이 매우 복잡하고 많을 뿐만 아니라, 글자를 식별하고 쓰고 듣는 교육에 있어 그 효과를 알기 어렵다. 여기에서 필자는 간단하고 쉬운 방법으로 축을 이용하는 법을 제시한다. 한자 구조를 가로축, 세로축 및 십자 축으로 하고, 한자를 서로 다른 원수 및 층 유형의 글자로 구분하였다. 중국어, 일어, 한국어의 한자 및 베트남 한자에 대한 다양한 시험을 통해 이 분석 방법이 중화권에서 사용되는 여러 한자와 간화자, 일본 한자, 한국 한자 및 베트남 한자 연구에 활용될 수 있음을 증명하였다. 제시한 양축분석법은 한자와 자의 자음의 이해 및 학습에 있어 보다 진일보한 효과를 형성하여 한자 학습의 난제를 극복하는 데 도움될 것으로 기대한다. Previously published analytical framework for the spatial configuration of Hanzi portrays Hanzi as having many complex spatial configurations, but fails to generate usefulness for the learning of Hanzi script, meaning or sound. Such framework has also been limited by being generated from only small sample size of simplified Chinese Hanzi. This paper present s a simple bi-axial analytical model, by which Hanzi’s spatial configuration can be dissected on the horizontal and vertical axis, into mono-partite or multipartite configurations on the horizo ntal axis, or single and multi-tiere configuration on the vertical axis. Each part can again be subdivided into tiers, and each tier into parts. The model is tested using Hanzi from standard and simplified Chinese Hanzi, Korean Hanja, Japanese Kanji, and Vietnamese chữ Nôm. The analysis shows that the model can be applied to all the script within the Hanzi region. The model is likely to generate useful insights as well as new approaches for the teaching of sound, script and meaning for Chinese Hanzi learning by improving the transpare ncy of Hanzi script, and pave the way to better script pronunciation transformation learning.

      • KCI등재

        必先利其器: 漢字敎育的字典和電腦發展

        황진하 ( Chen Ya Huang ),진요량 ( Yiu Leung Chan ) 한국한자한문교육학회 2012 漢字 漢文敎育 Vol.28 No.-

        學會寫字是漢字敎育的不可或缺部分。能구寫出正確的字, 學員對詞彙的認知會更牢固透徹。我們之前已經報告漢字字母敎學法可以爲漢字提供結構細節的聽覺記憶, 克服了以往漢字學習只能用抄寫死記, 導致漢字難學的缺陷。學員也因此對學習漢字的能力、興趣和信心大增。我們現在描述漢字字母系統內的電腦和字典對漢字敎育的作用。雖然不少人都敎學生用電腦輸入漢字, 但所用的方法不外字音或代碼。字音和代碼輸入都不能구增加學員對漢字結構的細節認識。字音輸入漢字, 只能適合已知道字音的漢字, 對用筆書寫漢字, 不僅沒有幇助, 反而會造成障애。由於漢字圈內同一字符讀音不同, 用音輸入也不適合跨地區的漢字輸入。漢字字母輸入法則是可以完整無缺地像用筆寫字一樣, 按照筆畵擊鍵書寫漢字, 因此爲學員提供了自行學習漢字書寫的回饋校正機會, 幷且增加構詞認知, 使學員更容易學好漢字。字典又是漢字敎育的령一重要環節。旣有的索引系統對學員的自我學習都存有不足。我們建議用筆畵和筆順作爲索引排序的根據。使用漢字以形爲本的原有優勢, 便可以解決字音變化、字形變化的影響, 任何人都可以按照漢字字形和筆順省時省力快速査閱生字和資料。 Learning how to write is a necessary integral part of language learning. Students who know how to write correctly also will have a more solid and deeper lexical understanding. We have previously reported that the Chinese Alphabet teaching method can provide an audiovisual memory to the fine grained detailed structure of Han orthography, consolidating memory better and overcoming the necessity of rote copying and memorizing which makes the learning of Han character difficult. Students using this method have increased confidence, ability, and interest in learning. We now describe the use of computer and dictionary in this method. Although others have also utilized the computer to teach students how to input Han characters, input by means of phonetic spelling or codes do not enhance the student`s ability to acquire fine grained details of orthography, and therefore do not help with learning to recognize or writing of such characters. Because the same character has different pronunciation in different regions, such phonetic based method is also unsuitable for inputting cross regional characters. In the Han alphabet system however typing is similar to writing and therefore can be used to input all Han Characters. The system provides instant feedback for the student to learn and correct mistakes. Furthermore, it promotes morphological awareness and is suitable for inputting all Han characters irrespective of region of origin. By writing with the computer rather than the pen first, we find that second language learners will overcome their fear of the Han script, and also write better when they eventually use a pen. Dictionary usage is another important tool in language education. Previous indexing systems of Han characters however are difficult to use, and have numerous problems. Our experience suggests a better an indexing system should be based on the strokes alphabets, so that indexing is same as writing. This can deal with changes in pronunciation or font, and make the use of dictionary or file indexing much more efficient and faster.

      • KCI등재

        한자 자모(字母)교육법의 이론과 실천

        황진하 ( Chen Ya Huang ),진요량 ( Yiu Leung Chan ) 한국한자한문교육학회 2011 漢字 漢文敎育 Vol.26 No.-

        한자를 모국어의 문자로 학습하는 학생들일자라도 한자는 배우기 어렵다고 생각하며, 실제 사용에 있어서도 쉽게 오자가 발견된다. 이는 한자의 자형과 자음의 불분명한 관계 외에도, 한자의 습득과 사용의 방법은 이러한 인상을 초래하는 주요 원인이다. 학생들 대부분은 한자를 소리로 기억하는 체계를 거의 쓰지 않고, 대부분 부단한 필사를 통하여 새로운 한자를 학습한다. 또한, 일반적인 컴퓨터 입력법은 모두 음을 위주로 하여, 이미 자형과 연관성을 잃었으며, 이는 한자를 학습하고 직접 필사하는 데 있어서 거의 도움이 되지 않으며, 게다가 다른 지역의 한자를 입력하기 어렵게 한다. 본고는 이러한 어려움을 해결하기 위해 새로운 방법을 제시하고자 한다. 이는 "한자 자모 학습법"으로 한자의 구조를 21개 필획으로 구분한 후, 이를 유기적으로 조합하는 것으로, 이 방법은 口述과 肢體동작을 이용한 것이기 때문에 어떤 한자권 내의 한자도 모두 표기할 수 있다는 장점을 가진다. 이를 통해 학습 할 수 있는 한자는 중국어에서 사용되는 古今의 한자, 번체와 간화자, 한국과 일본의 한자도 포함한다. 이 방법을 사용하면 학습자로 하여금 한자에 대한 학습의 흥미를 불러일으킬 수 있을 뿐만 아니라, 학생의 자형을 기억하는 부담을 감소시키고, 뇌 내부의 기억력을 강화할 수 있다. 동시에 키보드를 이용하여 어떤 지역의 한자도 순서대로 입력하여 사용함으로써, 이 학습을 통해 한자를 기억하고 사용할 수 있게 할 수 있다. Learning to write Hanzi, otherwise known as Hanja or kanji is difficult even for those who use it as their native tongue. The difficulty is not just due to a relative opaqueness, making script to sound transformation uncertain, but also due to the poor method used in learning. Students rarely use sound to remember the structure of Hanzi, and usually just repeatedly copywrite to learn new word. Furthermore, most computer imput methods are based on whole word pronounciation, thus bearing no relationship to the actual structure of the Hanzi. Computer usage therefore does not help learning to write Hanzi, and also cannot be used for imputing Hanzi used in different regions. We describe here a solution using a fresh approach: the Hanzi alphabet method. All Hanzi can be viewed as being spelled with 21 alphabets of differening geometrical property. Using this approach, we can then orally spell or hand spell out all Hanzi characters, whether ancient, modern, traditional or simplified chinese, or hanja, or kanji. We can also use this to type any Hanzi character. Furthermore, use of the computer with this method can be shown to have a dramatic effect on the ability to write Hanzi.

      • KCI등재


        황진하 ( Chen Ya Huang ) 한국한자한문교육학회 2015 漢字 漢文敎育 Vol.37 No.-

        Bushou is the traditional indexing instrument for Hanzi. With few exceptions, all the semantic radicals in Hanzi are included amongst the Bushou. Although some have suggested that Bushou can be used to teach Hanzi acquisition, it is not certain whether all Bushou are suitable or only those that are semantic radicals, and whether this belief is true. We analyzed nearly thirty thousand Hanzi, to see if all Bushou possess semantic properties, and whether their level of semantic representation is similar. At the same time we also analyzed the ability for sound representation. The study revealed that as Bushou was developed for indexing purpose, about a fifth contain Hanzi which may share only common physical appearance and few semantic or phonological proximity. Some other Bushou contain more than one semantic property, or include just physically close Hanzi. Thus the degree of reliable semantic representation varies. About 20% of Bushou are based on physical appearance alone, the Hanzi within these Bushou do not share semantic relationships. Reliance on Bushou which are of low semantic reliability to access meaning can lead to serious misinterpretation of Hanzi and frustration. We selected 66 highly reliable semantic radicals, one of which is not a Bushou, as the most useful to learn. The use of semantically reliable radicals rather than Bushou will improve the semantic transparency of Hanzi, leading to better learning.

      • KCI등재

        Acupuncture for ventilator-dependent patients at a hospital-based respiratory care center: A randomized controlled trial

        Jia-Ming Chen,Wan-Li Chiang,Bin-Chuan Ji,Ruei-Jhe Jhang,Pei-Hsin Chen,Ya-Lun Li,Che-Ju Chang,Sung-Yen Huang,Tsung-Chieh Lee,Chia-Yun Chen,Ching-Hsiung Lin,Sheng-Hao Lin 한국한의학연구원 2023 Integrative Medicine Research Vol.12 No.4

        Background: In intensive care units, mechanical ventilation is an important therapy to help patients with dysp- nea. However, long-term ventilator dependence would consume huge medical resources and increase the risk of morbidity and mortality. The aim of the study was to examine the efficacy of the acupuncture combined with western medical care on ventilator parameters in ventilator-dependent patients. Methods: In this clinical trial, 80 ventilator-dependent patients aged 20 to 80 years old were randomly assigned to acupuncture group and control group in the respiratory care center (RCC) of Changhua Christian Hospital. Besides regular medical care and therapy, participants in the acupuncture group received acupuncture therapy at the same 17 acu-points for 20 minutes once a day, a total of 12 sessions. The ventilator parameters were recorded to evaluate the respiratory efficiency for all participants. The primary outcome was rapid shallow breathing index (RSBI), and secondary outcomes were respiratory rate (RR), tidal volume (TV) and ventilation per minute (MV). Results: Though there was no significant difference in the parameter between the acupuncture group and the control group, we found the trend of decreasing RSBI in the acupuncture group. In subgroup analyses, the mean of RSBI significantly decreased 16.02 (with the SD in 60.84) in acupuncture group, while it increased 17.84 (with the SD in 39.38) in control group (p = 0.036) after 12 sessions. Conclusion: Acupuncture treatment can improve breathing ability of patients with respirator dependence in respiratory care center.

      • The Ca <sub>V</sub> 3.2 T-Type Ca <sup>2+</sup> Channel Is Required for Pressure Overload-Induced Cardiac Hypertrophy in Mice

        Chiang, Chien-Sung,Huang, Ching-Hui,Chieng, Hockling,Chang, Ya-Ting,Chang, Dory,Chen, Ji-Jr,Chen, Yong-Cyuan,Chen, Yen-Hui,Shin, Hee-Sup,Campbell, Kevin P.,Chen, Chien-Chang Ovid Technologies Wolters Kluwer -American Heart A 2009 Circulation research Vol.104 No.4

        <P>Voltage-gated T-type Ca(2+) channels (T-channels) are normally expressed during embryonic development in ventricular myocytes but are undetectable in adult ventricular myocytes. Interestingly, T-channels are reexpressed in hypertrophied or failing hearts. It is unclear whether T-channels play a role in the pathogenesis of cardiomyopathy and what the mechanism might be. Here we show that the alpha(1H) voltage-gated T-type Ca(2+) channel (Ca(v)3.2) is involved in the pathogenesis of cardiac hypertrophy via the activation of calcineurin/nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) pathway. Specifically, pressure overload-induced hypertrophy was severely suppressed in mice deficient for Ca(v)3.2 (Ca(v)3.2(-/-)) but not in mice deficient for Ca(v)3.1 (Ca(v)3.1(-/-)). Angiotensin II-induced cardiac hypertrophy was also suppressed in Ca(v)3.2(-/-) mice. Consistent with these findings, cultured neonatal myocytes isolated from Ca(v)3.2(-/-) mice fail to respond hypertrophic stimulation by treatment with angiotensin II. Together, these results demonstrate the importance of Ca(v)3.2 in the development of cardiac hypertrophy both in vitro and in vivo. To test whether Ca(v)3.2 mediates the hypertrophic response through the calcineurin/NFAT pathway, we generated Ca(v)3.2(-/-), NFAT-luciferase reporter mice and showed that NFAT-luciferase reporter activity failed to increase after pressure overload in the Ca(v)3.2(-/-)/NFAT-Luc mice. Our results provide strong genetic evidence that Ca(v)3.2 indeed plays a pivotal role in the induction of calcineurin/NFAT hypertrophic signaling and is crucial for the activation of pathological cardiac hypertrophy.</P>

      • Student Teachers’ Reflections on the Use of Drama in Education to Motivate Young Children’s Science Play

        Ya-Ling Chen,Lee-Feng Huang The Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Ass 2022 Asia-Pacific journal of research in early childhoo Vol.16 No.1

        This study explored student teachers’ reflections on the use of drama in education (DIE) to motivate young children’s science play during a course, “creative science activity design for young children,” at a teacher development program in southern Taiwan. The participants comprised 21 student teachers who took the course taught by both researchers. Participants designed science play activities using DIE strategies and implemented the a for a group of preschool children. The data sources employed in this study were observations, interviews, and collected documents. The data were analyzed qualitatively. The findings revealed that the DIE strategies adopted by the student teachers included warm-up, improvisation, and story roleplaying. The results indicated that the student-teachers considered drama to have aroused the children’s motivation to engage in science play. Advantages and challenges relating to the application of DIE strategies in science play were presented. Suggestions for future implementation of and research on DIE strategies in science play are presented herein.

      • KCI등재

        Purification and Characterization of a Novel Laccase from the Edible Mushroom Hericium coralloides

        Ya-Jie Zou,He-Xiang Wang,Tzi-Bun Ng,Chen-Yang Huang,Jin-Xia Zhang 한국미생물학회 2012 The journal of microbiology Vol.50 No.1

        A novel laccase from the edible mushroom Hericium coralloides was purified by ion exchange chromatography on diethylaminoethyl (DEAE) cellulose, carboxymethyl (CM) cellulose, and Q-Sepharose columns followed by fast protein liquid chromatography gel filtration on a Superdex 75 column. Analysis by gel filtration and SDS-PAGE indicated that the protein is a monomer in solution with a molecular mass of 65 kDa. Its N-terminal amino acid sequence was AVGDDTPQLY, which exhibits partial sequence homology to previously isolated laccases. Optimum activity was observed at pH 2.2 and at 40°C. The enzyme showed activity toward a variety of substrates, the most sensitive of which was 2,2'-azinobis [3-ethylbenzothiazolone-6-sulfonic acid] diammonium salt (ABTS). The degradation activity toward substrates was ABTS > N,N-dimethyl-1,4-phenylenediamine > catechol > 2-methylcatechol > pyrogallol. The laccase did not exert any antiproliferative activity against Hep G2 or MCF 7 tumor cell lines at a concentration of 60 μM, unlike some previously reported mushroom proteins, but showed significant activity toward human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) reverse transcriptase with an IC50 of 0.06 μM.

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