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      • KCI등재

        Overexpression of Zoysia ZjCIGR1 gene confers cold stress resistance to zoysiagrass

        Yang‑Ji Kim,Dae‑Hwa Yang,Mi‑Young Park,Hyeon‑Jin Sun,Pill‑Soon Song,Hong‑Gyu Kang,Seok‑Cheol Suh,Yong‑Eok Lee,이효연 한국식물생명공학회 2020 Plant biotechnology reports Vol.14 No.1

        Zoysia japonica Steud. is a warm-season lawn grass popular in Korea and elsewhere. They are cultivated in many places such as river banks, roadside, and play grounds. However, there still is a disadvantage of frequent mowing, and the grass grows poorly under the chilly conditions. To develop a grass variety that circumvents these drawbacks, we cloned the chitininducible gibberellins-responsive1 gene (CIGR1) from zoysiagrass. The full length of the ZjCIGR1 (Zj; Zoysia japonica Steud.) gene was obtained by 5′/3′ RACE PCR and the phylogenetic tree showed that it belonged to the CIGR1-subgroup in the PAT1-group of GRAS protein family. Expression of the ZjCIGR1 in wild-type plants was confirmed in roots, meristems, leaves, and flowers, especially high in the flowers. The transgenic zoysiagrass was confirmed by PCR using gene-specific primers, phosphinothricin-acetyl-transferase (PAT) strip test, and Southern blot analysis. ZjCIGR1-overexpressing plants acquired tolerance to cold stress displaying morphological phenotypes characteristic of stress resistance. In addition, in the transformants, expression of the ZjCIGR1 as well as cold-regulated (COR) gene was increased compared to the wild-type plants under cold stress condition. These results suggest that ZjCIGR1 gene is an important candidate for regulating cold stress resistance.

      • 국어 매김말의 구조

        홍양추 東亞大學校 國語國文學科 1978 국어국문학 Vol.2 No.-

        In Korean, Determinatives is regarded as Endocentric Construction from the viewpoint of descriptive, but according to Trans-formation grammar, Determinatives is the Sentence that Constitue-nt Sentence is embedded to matrix sentence in deep structure. 1) Determinative is that determinatives is copied to nominal according to the feature of head noun and modify Head noun according to description and demonstration. 2) The determinative marker of predicates is composed of {ㄴ/은/는}{f/을}and modify according to action and descrition. In deep structure, determinative marker of predicates-causes Det-Transformation of by embedding constituent Sentence to matrix Sentence. If NP of matrix Sentence and NP of Constituent Sentence agree with each other, the determinative marker of predicates becomes Relativization ; otherwise it becomes complementation. 3) As nominal is used as function of Determinatives nominal is composed of Determinative marker {의}{φ} The ambiguti of determinative marker {의}is explained elearly according to the main verb of Constituent Sentence in deep structure.

      • 고환수염전과 동반된 고환미석증 1예

        양상국,신현준,김홍섭,정상원,노용수,김상윤 건국대학교 의과학연구소 1999 건국의과학학술지 Vol.9 No.-

        Testicular microlithiasis is a rare disease characterized by calcifications within the seminiferous tubules. Testicular microlithiasis has been found with a wide variety of testicular pathology, but to our knowledge its association with torsion of appendix testis has been reported only one case. Therefore, we report on an 13-year-old boy with torsion of testis appendix and bilaterally diffusely echogenic testes on sonography.

      • KCI등재

        大學校 敎職員의 健康實態에 관한 基礎的 調査硏究

        양점홍,황철문,남태호,백영호,윤양진,황영성 부산대학교 사범대학 1993 교사교육연구 Vol.26 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the staffs' health of P. University through survey research. Also, the staffs's health problem was analyzed by the regular health test's result and their lifestyle. The results were as following: 1. The analysis of lifestyle (1) A habit of smoking 1. It was presented the male smokers(55.9%) and females smokers(0.6%) of P. university staffs were found in this study. 2. It was presented the male smokers smoked average 18.2 pieces a day. Also, they began to smoke cigarette 21.5 years old. 3. The persistent smokers were 24.6% and 52.2% of smokers be going to quit smoking cigarette someday in the future. (2) A habit of drinking 1. It was presented 85.7% of males and 59.1% of females subject drinking normally. 2. It was presented 3.7% of male subjects were drinking alcohol almost everyday in a week. 3. The most frequent kind of alcohol is as following order a beer(males 67.6% & females 79.6%) and a soju(males 28.3% & females 4.3%). Males drunken average amount of beer was 2 bottles(640ml) and females drunken average amount of beer was 0.8 bottles in a week. (3) A habit of exercise 1. It was presented males (29.0%) and females (15.1%) were exercising regularly, but males (23.3%) and females (38.6%) of staffs were not exercise at all. 2. It was found males' regular kind of exercise was as following order mountain-climbing, tennis, and jogging and females' regular kind of exercise was as order swimming, free handing exercise, and mountain-climbing. 3. It was presented 25.1% of staffs exercised 6 times a week regularly. And each times of exercise, 37.3% of staffs spent less than 30 minutes. 4. It was presented staffs exercised for health (72.4%) and 48.4% of staffs could not exercise as following reasons of not enough times, home work, research.... 5. Male staffs prefer as following order kind of sport tennis, swimming, and golf and female staffs prefer as following order kind of sport swimming, tennis, and bowling in the future. (4) A habit of eating 1. It was presented 5.5% of males and 16.6% of females did not have a breakfast regularly. 2. Concerning balance of food content: do not concerning food (males 34.7% & females 23.8%) and subjects like vegetables 9males 25.7% & females 32.7%) were found. 3. It was presented 8.5% of males and 5.4% of females took the vitamin regularly. (5) Health condition 1. In present evaluation for subject's health condition, very healthy (males 7.5% & females 6.0%) and poor health (males 2.0% & females 1.8%) were found in this study. 2. In present evaluation criterion for subject's health condition, the ability of adaptation on fatigue was appeared the most (males 35.9% & females 40.7%). 3. It was presented subjects have a digestive trouble (males 23.5% & females 33.1%) which were the best health problem in subjects. 2. A analysis of result of regular health test (1) Physique test 1. It was presented height (males 169.5cm & females 158.6cm) and body weight (males 65.9kg & females 53.1kg) were found in this study. 2. According to this study, obesity (males 11.2% & females 5.6%) and low body weight (males 8.8% & females 14.8%) were found in this study. 3. A high blood pressure subject (males 8.7% & females 2.5%) over than a contraction blood pressure 140mmHg and A high blood pressure subject (males 8.5% & females 1.9%) over than a expansion blood pressure 90mmHg were found in this study. (2) A blood test 1. Normal hemoglobin of subject (males 99.8% & females 62.3%) and 37.7% of females less than normal hemoglobin were found in this study. 2. 5.3% of males and 2.5% of females have greater than a concentration of glucose 140mg/dl, but there was anyone less than a concentration of glucose 50mg/dl. 3. The greater than 251mg/dl staff''s T.C.(males 7.1% & females 4.9%) and the less than 130mg/dl staffs' T.C.(males 2.0% & females 3.7%) were found in this study. 4. It was found males 5.3%, 11.6% & females 1.9%, 4.3% were presented greater than GOT and GPT 341U/L. (3) Hepatitis, Urinary Sugar, and Urinary Protein test 1. According to this study result, positive hepatitis was presented males (6.5%) and female(4.3%). 2. Urinary sugar is greater than +- males (1.8%) and females (2.4%) were found in this study. 3. Urinary protein is greater than +- males (1.6%) and females (1.8%) were found in this study. (4) Chest X-ray test 1. It was found male (1.6%) suffered from tuberculosis of the lungs. (5) Dental test 1. It was presented 77.3% of males and 88.9% of females was not existed the upper caries. Also, 75.7% of males and 90.7% of females was not existed the bottom caries. 2. It was presented 96.8% of males and 99.4% of females had the non-deficit of teeth in the upper part of teeth. Also, 93.9% of males and 98.1% of females had the non-deficit of teeth in the bottom part of teeth. 3. It was presented 19% of males and 3.7% of females have the periodontal disease. (6) General report and judgment 1. In general report, it was found 75.3% of males and 91.4% of females were the normal health condition. It was presented 9.1% of males and 4.9% of females were the liver disease, 4.9% of males and 1.2% of females were the sugar diabetes, 4.9% of males and 0.6% of females were the high blood pressure, and 1.4% of males and 1.9% of females were high arrest of bleeding. 2. In general judgment, it was presented 75.5% of males and 91.4% of females were the normal health condition. However, it was presented 17.8% of males and 7.4% of females were required high observation, 6.7% of males and 1.2% of females were required simple observation. As presented P. University staffs' lifestyle, it was found still many staffs have not right living habit. It is necessary to be wellness of lifestyle and satisfaction of life through correction of self responsibility and management in their life. Therefore, it is possible to live with healthy in better quality of life which is high quality of life and new concept of health were offered. Also, researcher expected the regular health examination be more practical contents than informal contents. Researcher recommended that it is necessary to support the university administration to be more flexibility of the regular health examination day than set the certain day of regular health examination and it required to create a way of using the P. university hospital.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        식민지시기 남성교육과 젠더(gender) : 양반 남성의 생활상과의 비교를 중심으로

        홍양희 숙명여자대학교 아시아여성연구소 2005 아시아여성연구 Vol.44 No.1

        이 연구의 목적은 식민지시기 이루어진 남성교육의 젠더적 성격을 구명하는데 있다. 이를 위해 남성의 교육과정과 그 내용을 살펴보고, 그것이 조선시대의 유교적인 남성의 생활상과는 어떠한 차이가 있는 것이었는지를 구명하였다. 일제가 교육하고 만들어 낸 남성상은 조선시대 양반의 그것과는 근본적인 차이를 가지는 것이었다. 조선시대의 남성이 유교적 가족주의에 입각해 가문의 번창이 그의 목적이었다면, 일제하의 남성은 국가의 번영을 그의 목표로 삼아야 했다. 뿐만 아니라 집안 관리, 가정 경제활동, 아들교육 등을 담당하였던 조선시대의 남성과 달리, 경제활동만이 그의 몫이 되었다. 남성은 가정 내의 실질적인 일에 대한 권한에서는 재제되었던 것이다. 기존의 전통사회에서 제가(齊家) 즉 가정(家政), 그리고 아들교육은 아버지의 권한이었지만, 이제 가정과 자녀교육은 남성의 영역이 아니었다. 남성은 직업을 통해 국가 사회라는 공적인 부문에서 자기 역할을 하도록 국민적 역할을 부여받았기 때문이다. 이러한 남성상은 유교적 가족주의와 집안에 머물러 있는 남성을 가정 밖으로 나올 것을 명령했다. 남성의 시선을 사회, 그리고 국가를 향하도록 교육하였으며, 남성을 사회적 국가적 인간으로 환원시키는 것이 일제에게는 무엇 보다도 중요하였던 것이다. 그리하여 마침내 국가적 요구에 의해 새로운 남성형이 창출되었던 것이다. 아울러 이러한 식민지 지배 전략은 교육에서 남성성과 여성성을 강조하게 만들었으며, 이것이 결국 남녀차별로 이어졌다는 점도 간과해서는 안된다. The purpose of this study is to survey the gender character of the male education during the colonial period of Korea. For this, two points is to focus. The one is the process and contents of the male education, the other is a fundamental distinction of an ideal life-style between the Confucian male of the Choseon Dynasty and the educational male of colonial period. The male under Choseon Dynasty advance with an honor to his family, but the male of the colonial education is to aim at the national prosperity. The former's duties are the family affairs, such as the responsibility of incomings and outgoings, the home business and the education of his son. The latter's duty in connection with domestic affairs is only the action of the earnings. In other words, the education of his son and the home management(household) are free of the male duty. The male as a house manager should be changed as a nation and engaged in the occupation to be suited for the industrial society. For this, the male education is as a necessary consequence, and the content and the important principle of the male education during the colonial period is largely based on gender. In conclusion, the colonial male education was emphasized the gender between the male and female in an angle on the national division of labor and the making the national people.

      • KCI등재

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