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        Research on the development of green chemistry technology assessment techniques: a material reutilization case

        Hong, Seokpyo,Ahn, Kilsoo,Kim, Sungjune,Gong, Sungyong The Korea Society of Environmental Toocicology 2015 환경독성보건학회지 Vol.30 No.-

        Objectives This study presents a methodology that enables a quantitative assessment of green chemistry technologies. Methods The study carries out a quantitative evaluation of a particular case of material reutilization by calculating the level of "greenness" i.e., the level of compliance with the principles of green chemistry that was achieved by implementing a green chemistry technology. Results The results indicate that the greenness level was enhanced by 42% compared to the pre-improvement level, thus demonstrating the economic feasibility of green chemistry. Conclusions The assessment technique established in this study will serve as a useful reference for setting the direction of industry-level and government-level technological R&D and for evaluating newly developed technologies, which can greatly contribute toward gaining a competitive advantage in the global market.

      • KCI등재

        Marriage, Work, and Welfare Dependency

        Seokpyo Hong 한국보건사회연구원 2000 保健社會硏究 Vol.20 No.2

        여성이 공공부조 프로그램의 의존에서 벗어나기 위해서는 결혼을 하든지 또는 취업을 하여야 한다. 본 연구에서는 여성이 공공부조에 의존할 확률을 세분해서, 결혼을 할 확률과 취업을 할 확률로 나누어 분석하였다. 여성이 결혼과 취업을 하는 결정과정은 각 여성이 예상하는 경제적인 편익(benefits)과 비용(costs)에 의해 영향을 받는다. 여성이 결혼을 안하고 취업을 안하는 데서 오는 경제적 편익은 공공부조 지급액이다. 여성이 배우자 없이 자녀를 가지는 비용보다 공공부조 지급액이 크다고 예상하면, 자녀를 가지고 공공부조 지급을 받는 것을 선택할 수 있다. 본 연구에서 사용된 데이터는 기존의 공공부조 의존에 관한 연구에서 데이터로 사용된 자녀를 가진 편모뿐 아니라 16세 이상 60세 이하의 모든 여성을 포함시켰다. 그 이유는 여성의 결혼, 취업, 그리고 자녀를 갖는 결정은 경제적인 편익과 비용에 의해 영향을 받기 때문이다. 본 연구에서는 미국연방정부의 공공부조정책(public welfare policy)에 의해 만들어진 경제적 편익과 비용이 여성의 결혼과 취업결정에 어떠한 영향을 주는지 Probit 모델을 사용하여 분석하였다. 이를 위해 1975년부터 1987년까지 Michigan Panel Study of Income Dynamics 데이터를 사용하였다. 분석결과 공공부조정책과 여성의 결혼과 취업결정, 그리고 공공부조에 의존할 가능성간에 큰 연관성이 있음이 밝혀졌다. 즉, 공공부조 지급액이 공공부조를 받을 가능성이 있는 여성의 취업할 확률과 결혼할 확률에 영향을 주어, 결과적으로 공공부조에 의존할 가능성에 변화를 주는 것이다. 그러므로 공공부조 프로그램의 근본적인 개혁은 개인의 결혼과 취업의 동기(incentive) 메커니즘에 초점을 맞추는 것이어야 한다. There are two routes to self-sufficiency for a female on welfare: work or marriage. This paper analyzes a woman`s probability of being on welfare, decomposing it into the probability of work and the probability of being married. The marriage and work decision process will be influenced by both expected economic benefits and costs. An economic benefit of not being married and not working is public welfare benefits. Higher welfare benefits reduce the net cost of an out-ofwedlock fertility and so affect both marriage and work decisions. When the individual expects benefits from welfare over the financial cost of having an out-of-wedlock birth, she may choose having an out-of-wedlock fertility and receiving the public support (welfare benefits) over marriage or work. Our empirical results suggest that economic incentives created by public welfare policy influence marital and work decisions, and, as a result, the incidence of welfare dependence. Specifically, the amount of welfare benefits significantly affects the probabilities of both marriage and work and thus changes the probability of welfare recipiency. Therefore the welfare reform needs to focus on the individual`s incentive mechanism of marriage and work.

      • KCI등재

        The Application of Oaxaca Decomposition Analysis to the Change of Females` Probability of Work

        Seokpyo Hong 한국보건사회연구원 2001 保健社會硏究 Vol.21 No.2

        빈곤층 편모가정은 미국 공공부조 프로그램의 주된 대상이 되어 왔다. 이혼율의 증가와 배우자 없이 자녀를 가지는 현상이 늘어나면서 편모가 정은 증가하고 있으며, 따라서 공공부조 프로그램에 대한 의존도 이에 상응하여 늘어날 것으로 예상된다. 1936년에 시작된 생계비 지원 위주의 아동부양가족 프로그램인 AFDC는 1997년부터 저소득 가정을 위한 한시적 지원프로그램인 TANF로 바뀌면서 근로를 통해 자활을 이룰 수 있는 취업지원 정책 중심으로 변화하였다. 따라서 공공부조 프로그램이 효과적으로 운영되기 위해서는 여성의 취업할 능력에 대한 분석이 우선적으로 수행되어야 한다. 여성은 근로활동을 통한 자활을 통해 공공부조 프로그램의 의존에서 자립할 수 있다. 자활을 위한 여성의 취업 능력은 변화하게 되는데 이러한 변화는 교육수준 등과 같은 여성 개인 특성의 변화와 외부요인, 즉, 노동시장의 변화로 구분할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 여성의 취업능력의 변화를 여성 개인의 특성 변화와 노동시장의 변화로 분해하여 분석하였다. 분석결과 1975년부터 1987년까지 여성의 취업능력은 향상되었는데 노동시장의 변화보다는 여성 개인의 특성 향상이 주된 요인으로 밝혀졌다. 따라서 근로를 통해 자활을 이룰 수 있는 취업지원 정책 중심의 공공부조 프로그램이 더욱 효과적으로 수행되기 위해서는 여성이 노동시장에 참여할 수 있는 기회를 늘려주는 정책이 우선되어야 할 것이다. Female-headed families constitute the prime eligibility group for welfare programs. With the rising illegitimate birth rate and the high rate of divorce, the size of the female-headed population is expected to grow, increasing the incidence of welfare dependence. Since U.S. Congress passed a new welfare bill which eliminates the federal guarantee of cash assistance for poor children (AFDC) in 1996, new AFDC program, TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Programs), emphasizes on selfsufficiency for women on welfare through workfare. There is a route to self-sufficiency for a female on welfare: work. The probability of work (workability) has changed over time period. The change of workability over time period can be attributed to the change of the average sample characteristic and the change of the coefficients. This paper analyzes the change of workability, decomposing it into the change of the average sample characteristic and the change of the coefficients. During the sample period (1975~1987), women`s workability improved mainly due to the improvement of their personal characteristics. If this is the case, welfare policies should emphasize on improvement of job market opportunities for women to strengthen the effectiveness of welfare policies.

      • KCI등재후보

        법원에서의 장애인 권리구제수단으로서의 공익소송

        홍석표(Hong, Seokpyo) 한국사회보장법학회 2017 사회보장법학 Vol.6 No.1

        장애인의 권리구제수단으로서 공익소송은 장애운동과 함께 발전하여 왔으며, 장애인차별금지법 제정 이후 그 숫자가 크게 증가하는 추세이다. 장애인차별금지법에서 정하는 권리구제 수단으로는 국가인권위원회에의 진정, 법무부장관의 시정명령, 법원의 적극적 구제조치 및 손해배상 등이 잇는데, 최근에는 최초로 장애인차별금지법 제48조에 따른 적극적 구제를 명한 판결이 선고되기도 하였다. 그럼에도 불구하고 아직은 공익소송에서 패소 사건이 더 많은 실정인데, 최후의 권리구제 수단으로서의 공익소송을 잘 활용하기 위해서라도 공익소송을 수행하는 변호사들의 전문성 강화가 필요하고, 법원의 장애에 대한 인식의 개선이 반드시 선행되어야 할 것이다. Public interest litigation as a relief of right for persons with disability has evolved with disability movement and are on the rise since the legislation of the Disability Discrimination Act. Remedies for violation of rights under the Disability Discrimination Act include, among others, a petition with the National Human Rights Commission of Korea, a correction order by the Minister of Justice, an active remedial measure by court and a compensation for damages. In this regards, recently, the Korean court has made its first ruling of active remedial measure pursuant to Section48 of the Disability Discrimination Act. Notwithstanding the above, cases in public interest litigations are still decided against the plaintiffs (i.e., persons with disability) on a frequent basis and both of strengthening specialty of lawyers who conduct public interest litigations and improving the awareness of disability from court are required for making better use of public interest litigation as the ultimate step for relief of right.

      • Priority survey between indicators and analytic hierarchy process analysis for green chemistry technology assessment

        김성준,Seokpyo Hong,Kilsoo Ahn,Sungyong Gong 환경독성보건학회 2015 환경독성보건학회지 Vol.30 No.-

        Objectives This study presents the indicators and proxy variables for the quantitative assessment of green chemistry technologies and evaluates the relative importance of each assessment element by consulting experts from the fields of ecology, chemistry, safety, and public health. Methods The results collected were subjected to an analytic hierarchy process to obtain the weights of the indicators and the proxy variables. Results These weights may prove useful in avoiding having to resort to qualitative means in absence of weights between indicators when integrating the results of quantitative assessment by indicator. Conclusions This study points to the limitations of current quantitative assessment techniques for green chemistry technologies and seeks to present the future direction for quantitative assessment of green chemistry technologies.

      • KCI등재

        트랙터 부착형 양파 줄기절단기 개발에 관한 기초 연구

        홍순중(Soonjung Hong),백이(Yee Paek),강동현(Donghyeon Kang),김효철(Hyocher Kim),이상희(Sanghee Lee),문석표(Seokpyo Moon),민병규(Byeonggyu Min),남영조(Youngjo Nam),권승귀(Seunggwi Kwon),김동억(Dongeok Kim) 한국산학기술학회 2023 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.24 No.7

        최근 국내 농촌인력의 고령화와 인구감소로 인하여 인력 수급의 어려움 등으로 농촌 노동력 부족현상이 심화되어 농작물 생산에 어려움이 가중되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 양파 재배농가의 노동력 부족문제를 해결하기 위해 양파 수확작업에 필수적인 줄기절단기를 개발하여 농용트랙터에 줄기절단장치를 부착하였으며, 줄기절단시험을 실시하였다. 엔진의 회전수 증가에 따라 PTO 회전수의 편차는 다소 있으나 엔진회전수 증가에 따라 PTO 회전수는 증가되었다. PTO 540 rpm으로 고정을 한 후 엔진의 회전수가 1,600 rpm일 때 줄기 절단율은 53.1%, 미절단율은 43.8%, 극절단율은 3.1% 및 손실율은 0%로 나타났고 1,800 rpm일 때 줄기 절단율은 64.1%, 미절단율은 31.3%, 극절단율은 4.7% 손실율은 0%로 나타났다. 2,000 rpm일 때 줄기 절단율은 64.1%, 미절단율은 18.8%, 극절단율은 17.2% 및 손실율은 0%로 나타났다. 양파 줄기절단기 작업시간은 10a 당 기계작업시 0.6시간, 인력작업은 10시간이 소요되었으며 작업성능은 인력에 비하여 약 16배 노력절감의 효과가 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 향후, 포장조건에 따른 작업성능을 높일 수 있는 연구가 추가적으로 필요할 것이다. Recently, the shortage of rural labor in South Korea has intensified due to the aging and decrease of the population. This is resulting in difficulties in finding workers and has added to the difficulty in producing crops. Therefore, to solve the labor shortage problem of onion growers, a stem cutter for harvesting onions was developed and attached to an agricultural tractor in this study. The number of engine revolutions varies slightly, and the change in power take-off (PTO) increases with the number of engine revolutions. When fixing the PTO at 540 rpm, the rate of cut stems was 53.1%, the rate of uncut stems was 43.8%, the rate of extreme cuts was 3.1%, and the loss rate was 0%. At 1,800 rpm, the rate of cut stems was 64.1%, the rate of uncut stems was 31.3%, and the rate of extreme cuts was 0%. At 2,000 rpm, the rate of cut stems was 64.1%, the rate of uncut stems was 18.8%, the rate of polar cutting was 17.2%, and the loss rate was 0%. The work time of the onion stem cutter was 0.60 hours per 10a, which would have taken 10 hours to do manually. The cutter saved about 16 times more effort compared to manual labor. However, there is still a need for research to improve work the performance according to field conditions.

      • Priority survey between indicators and analytic hierarchy process analysis for green chemistry technology assessment

        Kim, Sungjune,Hong, Seokpyo,Ahn, Kilsoo,Gong, Sungyong The Korean Society of Environmental Toxicology 2015 환경독성보건학회지 Vol.30 No.-

        Objectives This study presents the indicators and proxy variables for the quantitative assessment of green chemistry technologies and evaluates the relative importance of each assessment element by consulting experts from the fields of ecology, chemistry, safety, and public health. Methods The results collected were subjected to an analytic hierarchy process to obtain the weights of the indicators and the proxy variables. Results These weights may prove useful in avoiding having to resort to qualitative means in absence of weights between indicators when integrating the results of quantitative assessment by indicator. Conclusions This study points to the limitations of current quantitative assessment techniques for green chemistry technologies and seeks to present the future direction for quantitative assessment of green chemistry technologies.

      • SketchiMo : sketch-based motion editing for articulated characters

        Choi, Byungkuk,i Ribera, Roger Blanco,Lewis, J. P.,Seol, Yeongho,Hong, Seokpyo,Eom, Haegwang,Jung, Sunjin,Noh, Junyong Association for Computing Machinery 2016 ACM transactions on graphics Vol.35 No.4

        <P>We present SketchiMo, a novel approach for the expressive editing of articulated character motion. SketchiMo solves for the motion given a set of projective constraints that relate the sketch inputs to the unknown 3 D poses. We introduce the concept of sketch space, a contextual geometric representation of sketch targets -motion properties that are editable via sketch input-that enhances, right on the viewport, different aspects of the motion. The combination of the proposed sketch targets and space allows for seamless editing of a wide range of properties, from simple joint trajectories to local parent-child spatiotemporal relationships and more abstract properties such as coordinated motions. This is made possible by interpreting the user's input through a new sketch-based optimization engine in a uniform way. In addition, our view-dependent sketch space also serves the purpose of disambiguating the user inputs by visualizing their range of effect and transparently defining the necessary constraints to set the temporal boundaries for the optimization.</P>

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