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      • Solar urticaria in Korean patients

        ( Sung Min Kim ),( Young Ah Cho ),( Ji Su Lee ),( Ji Youn Hong ),( Jin Hee Kim ),( Joo Ran Hong ),( Hye In Cheon ),( Yang Won Lee ),( Yong Beom Choe ),( Kyu Joong Ahn ) 대한피부과학회 2020 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.72 No.1

        Background: Solar urticaria (SU) is an uncommon type of photodermatoses characterized by erythematous wheal with pruritus after sunlight exposure, which shows a female predominance. Only a few studies to analyze the clinical features of SU were reported in Asia. Objectives: We aimed to analyze the clinical and photobiological characteristics of SU in Korea. Methods: We retrospectively investigated the medical records of patients with SU who visited the department of dermatology, Konkuk university medical center from January 2005 to January 2020. Results: Of a total of 44 patients, 36 (81.8%) were male and 8 (18.2%) were female. The mean age at onset was 17.6 years (range, 5-47) and the mean threshold time was 19.7 minutes. Among 32 patients who underwent phototesting, the action spectrum most commonly implicated was ultraviolet (UV) A only in 12 (37.5%), and then visible light (415nm) only was responsible for SU in 8 (25.0%). Three patients (9.4%) were induced by both UVA and visible light (415nm). Even 4 patients (12.5%) were triggered by only natural sunlight. Serum immunoglobulin E levels were measured in 33 patients, and 17 (51.5%) showed values higher than normal. The treatment most widely used were oral antihistamine (43.2%), followed by phototherapy (13.6%). Conclusion: SU is a rare photodermatosis in Korea, which shows a male preponderance. In this study, UVA and visible light (415nm) were predominant action spectrum of SU.

      • KCI등재

        Critical role of bile acid (BA) in the cellular entry and permissiveness of Hepatitis B virus in vitro

        Hong‑Jai Lee,Bo‑Young Shin,Jae‑Seung Moon,Ailyn Fadriquela,Selikem Abla Nuwormegbe,Chun‑Chang Ho,Jin‑Su Shin,Jee‑Sang Yoon,Sang‑Kyou Lee,Soo‑Ki Kim 대한독성 유전단백체 학회 2020 Molecular & cellular toxicology Vol.16 No.3

        Background Lack of universal replication system for hepatitis B virus with narrow host range and organ tropism has hampered to uncover the pathogenesis of HBV. Previously, we reported the essentiality of humoral milieu and its components toward HBV and hepatitis C virus survival/viability in vitro. Of these components, the precise role of enterohepatic humoral milieu such as bile acid (BA) on HBV cultivation in vitro and in vivo is unknown. Objective We explored whether BA, specifically taurochenodeoxycholic acid (tCDCA) would directly regulate the viral DNA and surface antigen expression of HBV in vitro, consequently rendering HBV to enter into human or murine immortalized hepatocytes, and non-hepatocytes. Result We found that higher concentration of taurochenodeoxycholic acid (tCDCA) is able to preserve the genomic stability of HBV in cell-free DMEM, showing higher the surface antigenicity than taurocholic acid (tCA). In line, we found that in vitro cell culture condition (100 μmol/L of tCDCA coupled with 1 × 108 g e/mL HBV) would be optimal for HBV entry into target cells. Using this, human (HepG2, Huh7), and rodent (Hepa1c1c7, H4-II-E) hepatoma cell lines were infected by HBV, as evidenced by the presence of HBV biomarkers (HBsAg, and HBV DNA in culture supernatant, as well as HBcAg in cell). Further, cellular entry test revealed that HBV is able to infect 12 different non-hepatic cell lines regardless of species, and organ/tissue, consequently reproducing progeny as confirmed by HBV biomarkers. Last, reinfection test showed that the progenies of HBV from immortalized HepG2, and Hepa1c1c7 cells are able to enter into each or vice versa naïve HepG2, and Hepa1c1c7 cells with or without BA. Conclusion This study demonstrates that enterohepatic humoral milieu such as BA, specifically tCDCA would directly regulate HBV DNA and its surface antigen expression in vitro, consequently rendering HBV to enter into human or murine immortalized hepatocytes, and non-hepatocytes. This is the first note to render HBV permissive to human or rodent hepatic and non-hepatic cells via sole manipulation of humoral milieu, thus establishing the platform for in vitro robust replication system of HBV.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국에서 독일어 : 과거와 현재

        홍명순,정시호,이광숙,이성만,하수권,Ammon, Ulrich 한국독일어교육학회 2002 외국어로서의 독일어 Vol.10 No.-

        Es handelt sich bei dieser Arbeit um die Frage, welche Rolle die deutsche Sprache und Kultur in der koreanischen Gesellschaft bis heute gespielt haben und noch in Zukunft spielen werden, wobei die folgenden verschiedenen Bereiche in Betrachtung genommen wurden: Wissenschaft, Kunst, Wirtschaft und Werbesprache. Außerdem wurde einen U¨berblick u¨ber die Geschichte der Fremdsprachenausbildung in Korea gegeben. Bis in die 1950er war die deutsche Sprache in Korea in denmeisten wissenschaftlichen Bereichen von großer Bedeutung vor allem in der Philosophie, Sozialwissenschaft, Rechtswissenschaft, Medizin und Musik. Danach verlor die deutsche Sprache allma¨hlich ihre Bedeutung, wa¨hrend Englisch und Japanisch eine zunehmend dominierende Rolle spielten. Die deutsche Medizin und die deutsche Sprache haben zur entwicklung der westlichen Medizin in Korea einen großen Beitrag geleistet. Zum Beispiel hat Deutsch in den Curricula der Soul und der Kyungpook Medizinschule bis 1945 fast eine gleich starke Stellung wie Englisch oder zeitweise noch sta¨rkere Stellung gehabt. Aber das Jahr 1945, besonders der Korea Krieg(1950-1953) war ein entscheidender Wendepunkt. Seitdem sind die deutsche Medizin und Deutsch verdra¨ngt worden. Es hat heute vo¨llig an Boden verloren. Und um die Beeinflußung der deutschen Musik in Korea fest zustellen, wurden in Korea erschienene Musiklehrbu¨cher und wissenschaftliche Bescha¨ftgung in der Musikwissenschaft untersucht. Nach der Analyse der Musiklehrbu¨cher ist folgendes zubemerken: Im ersten Schuljahr werden u¨berwiegend Komponisten aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum behandelt. Auf dem Hochschulbereich u¨ben sie einen gro¨ßeren Einfluss aua. Bei der Untersuchung der Magisterarbeiten auf dem Gebiet Vokal-, Klavier-, Kammer- und Instrumentalmusik zwischen 1958 und 1987 fa¨llt auf, dass ca. 60-70% der arbeiten Komponisten des deutschsprachigen Raums behandeln. Anders als in den oben erwa¨hnten Bereichen ist die Einstellung koreanischer Firmen zur deutschen Sprache extrem negativ. Seitens der koreanischen Firmen wird der deutschen Sprache fu¨r ihre gescha¨ftlichen Aktivita¨ten keinerlei Bedeutung beigemessen, in vielen Fa¨llen wurde auch das negative Image der deutschen Sprache erwa¨hnt. So kommt es nicht von ungefa¨hr, wenn Absolventen eines Studienganges in Germanistik ihre deutsche Sprachkenntnis in Bewerbungsschreiben erst gar nicht erwa¨hnen, sondern stattdessen nur ihre in den Englischzertifikaten TOEIC und TOEFL erlangten Punktzahlen angeben. Neben solchen Bereichen wurde in dieser Arbeit auch die Frage untersucht, ob und welche Bezeichnungen von Gescha¨ften und Geba¨uden aus der deutschen Sprache und Kultur stammen. Auch in diesem Untersuchungsbereich dominiert Englisch und wird Deutsch selten verwendet. Allerdings sind bei Kaffee-, Bierha¨usern und Konditoreien deutsche Benennungen nicht selten zu beobachten. Viele Kaffeeha¨user tragen die Namen der in Korea beliebten Komponisten aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum : Mozart, Schubert, Brahms und Beethoven, oder auch ihrer Werke. Fu¨r Bierha¨user beborzugt man Stadt- bzw. Ortsbezeichnungen wie Mu¨nchen, Bern, Berlin, Heidelberg, Schwabing und Mosel. Außer solchen Gesichtspunkten wurde hier auch die geschichtliche Entwicklung der Fremdsprachenausblidung in Korea untersucht. Diese Entwicklungsgeschichte hat eine enge Beziehung mit der politischen Geschichte. Chinesisch galt bis Ende des 19. Jahr hunderts als Bildungssprache, und zwar nur fu¨r ho¨here Schichten der Bevo¨lkerung. Der Fremdsprachenunterricht als allgemeine Bildung an Schulen hat seinen Ursprung in den spezifischen Fremdsprachenschulen, die Ende des 19. Jahrhundert gegru¨ndet wurden, in dem der Modernisierungsprozess Koreas begann: Englisch, Deutsch, Franzo¨sisch, Russisch, Chinesisch und Japanisch konnte man dort bei Muttersprachlern lernen. In der koreanischen Fremdsprachenausbildung haven aber heutzutage Englisch und Japanisch erste Priorita¨t vor allen anderen Sprachen. Deutsch wird zwar an den Schulen unterrichtet, findet aber daru¨ber hinaus, etwa im Berufsleben, so gut wie keine praktische Verwendung. Die Untersuchung zeigt auch in anderen Bereichen einen Wandel, na¨mlich bei der Benennung der Fremdsprachen, der Zahl der Fremdsprachen und den Unterrichtsinstitutionen. Es ist dabei festzustellen, dass die Unterrichtsmethoden und Lerngewohnheiten am wenigsten mobil sind. Wenn man solche Untersuchungsergebnisse zur Rechnung tra¨gt, scheint der Ru¨ckgang des Bedarfs der deutschen Sprache in Korea unvermeidbar sowohl in der Schule und als auch in der Universita¨t zu sein, obwohl auch in Zukunft Koreaner Interesse and de Kultur der deutschsprachigen La¨nder-im großen Abstand nach den USA, Japan und China-zeigen werden. Das ko¨nnte eine negative Kettenreaktion auslo¨sen : die Anzahl von Deutsch Experten geht zuru¨ck, ihre Berufschanchen verschlechtern sich weiter, viele Institutionen mu¨ssen zwangsweise geschlossen, Forschungaktivita¨ten beschra¨nkt werden usew. Wie vorher festgestellt, gru¨ndet sich das bestehende Lehrangebot an Deutsch in Korea weniger auf einem wirklich existierenden gesellschaftlichen Bedarf, sondem auf der Macht, u¨ber die Institutionen und Strukturen verfu¨gen. Eine am Anbieter orientierte Schulpolitik hat lange Zeit den Bedarf an Deutsch in Schulen und Universita¨ten garantiert. Mit dem nun stattfindenden Wandel hin zu einer nachfrageorientierten Schulpolitik verliert das Schulfach Deutsch sein bisheriges Fundament. Quantitativ gesehen hat der Markt fu¨r Deutsch als Fremdsprache in Korea eine Phase des Wachstums hinter sich und erlebt nun einen vielerorts deutlichen Abschwung. Die Krise, in der sich Deutsch als Frmdsprache in Korea zur Zeit befindet, wird sich vermutlich angesichts der gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen, des herrschenden Zeitgeists und der ungu¨nstigen Schulpolitik fu¨s Erste fortsetzen. Geht man von einem Ungleichgewicht zwischen Angebot und Nachfrage aus, wird dieser Abwa¨rtstrenderst zum Stillstand kommen, wenn ein Gleichgewicht hergestellt ist. Selbstversta¨ndlich sind solche Tendenzen im Zusammenhang mit der umfassenden Restrukturierung zu sehen, in der sich die koreanische Gesellschaft momentan befindet.

      • 고등학교 남자유도 선수들의 경기 중 기술 분석

        홍성관,오수일 江原大學校附設體育科學硏究所 2004 江原大學校附設體育科學硏究所論文集 Vol.- No.27

        This research has an goal to offer useful materials for beginner Judo players who are middle&high school students and coaches. Furthermore, it has an prupose to analyze using technique during matches which men Judo players who are high school students and I present research question like this. I established with research question that first, difference of each weight players who use technique, second, difference of using technique about players who won a prize, players who didn't win a prize. I would like to notice this researfh's investigative subject that the 3rd Tamragi Judo contest, the 32nd national Judo league of springtime, YMCA Judo contest etc. In addition, I made an object participated 294 players who are high school students for 2003∼2004 season. I also analyzed contest recorded paper which Korea Judo association, research assistant practiced video tape and I made an check paper by myself. I used χ^(2)verification for statical method, I made notice level is α=.05. I made an conclusion with research method & procedure like this. First, it showed an order Ashi-waza, Te-waza, Koshi-waza, Renraku-waza, which total tried 811 times technique in all weight. Second, it showed an order Daki-age, Seoinage, Harai-goshi, Uchi-mata in detail technique otherwise most few used technique was Yoko-guruma. Third, it showed the difference of each weight which showed an order Ashi-waza, Te-waza in -55kg, -66kg, - 77kg, Ashi-waza, Koshi-waza in -90kg, -100kg,+100kg. So it means the difference of using technique between light weight player and heavy weight player. Fourth, it showed the difference of technique of players who won a prize that showed an order Renraku-waza, Daki-age, Uchi-mata, Seoinage, Osaekomi-waza.

      • KCI등재

        수학교과 수준별 교수-학습 자료에서 MathML과 XSLT의 활용

        홍은표,이수현 한국수학교육학회 2003 수학교육 Vol.42 No.5

        In this paper, we propose an authoring methodology of differentiated instruction-learning materials in mathematics course using MathML and XSLT, and give utilizing suggestions of these materials as differentiated textbook and individual learning. Incorporation MathML into instruction-learning materials, there are many advantages such that view of the materials in web browser is improved since mathematical expressions are compatible with text, and an expression can be modified in more convenient way since the expression is represented in text format not an image. In authoring of differentiated materials, the author provides one document for various levels of materials is generated from the document via XSLT transformation. This enables author-driven progress control rather than student-driven which does in previous approaches, since students don't need to select components of the material.

      • 협동 미술활동이 유아의 사회·정서적 발달에 미치는 영향

        홍순옥,정수금 부산유아교육학회 2003 유아교육논총 Vol.12 No.-

        본 연구는 유아교육현장의 여러 활동 중에서 유아의 사회·정서적 발달과 관계가 깊은 협동 활동의 중요성과 필요성을 이해하며 협동활동으로서의 가치와 활용도가 높다고 보여지는 미술활동이 사회·정서적 발달에 긍정적인 효과가 있는지를 검증하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이에 부산광역시 소재 H유치원 유아 68명을 대상으로 실험집단과 비교집단으로 나누어 실험연구를 하였으며 그림책을 활용하여 13회의 협동미술활동을 실험집단에게 실시하였다. 그 겨로가 협동 미술활동이 유아의 사회·정서적 발달에 긍정적인 영향을 미친다는 것이 검증되었다. 즉 사회·정서적 발달의 하위요인인 교사에 대한 비 의존성, 내적 통제, 또래와의 상호작용, 유치원에서의 안정감, 성취동기, 호기심의 6개 하위 요인에 있어 협동미술활동이 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of cooperative art activities young children’s social and emotional development. Subjects of this study were 68 five-year-old kindergarten children(36 boys and 32 girls) attends the kindergartens in Busan. Their everage age was 5 years and 11 months. Two instruments used in this study were the Thirteen Cooperative Art Activities Programs and the Mun’s (1987) Rating Scale for Young Children’s Social·Emotional Development, a revised version of Korean Institute for Research in the Behavioral Sciences’s (1978) Scale. Experimental and control groups’ scores of social and emotional development scale were obtained from the collected data, and then the scores were analyzed with t-test to confirm research questions. Results of this study were as follows: First, there were significant positive affect of experimental group children’s social-emotional development according to cooperative art activities experience. Second, there were significant positive affect of experimental group children’s independence on teacher(internal control, interaction with peers, sense of security in kindergarten, achievement motive, curiosity) according to cooperative art activities experience.

      • 한국 고등학교 학생들의 환경문제 및 환경교육에 대한 인식 연구

        홍수미,성효현 이화여자대학교 환경문제연구소 1998 이화환경연구 Vol.2 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to develop guiding priciples of the environment education in high school geography courses through the search for the consciousness of the matter of environment and environment education on the part of high school students. The method of questionaire is taken up for the inquiry. The subjects of this inquiry include 260 students in Seoul,the metropolice, 150 students in an industrial city, Incheon, 60 in a small and medium sized city, Choon-chun, and 60 in a farming community. The investigation into the consciousness of environment iclude the degree of environmental interest, the degree of virtual contamination in the inhabited regions, general knowledge of environment, and the policy of environment. The investigation into the environment education comprises general environment education, environment education in geography class, teaching methods in environment education, and thepractice of environment education and the preservation of environment. The guides at which should be aimed in environment education in every situations and geography class are as follows. At first, the environment education should be done, with the awarness of respective regional aspects; the awarness of virtual degree of contamination and the cause of environmental pollution vary in every situation. Secondly, despite of high awarness of the degree of interest in the matter of environment and environment education, the degree of awarness of term, representing the amount of environmental pollution, and of the government's policy toward environment is somewhat low. The majority become aware of the necessity of environment preservation and the environment-related information chiefly by mean of mass media, so the reinforcement of environment education toward these area is required through formal environmental education. Thirdly, the students emphasize on active participation in theactivities, in which are at the formation of the pleasant environment. In view of their inactive participation in environment preservation at home and in and out their campuses after school, the greatest emphasis should be put on the practical aspects of life with ecological understanidng of relationship between human and environment for the purpose of practice of environment education in every day life. Fourth, the current curriculum should be shifted from the emphasis on individual phenomenon and individual cases to those of multiple phenomena and materials dealing with common environmental issues. The field of study in class should be emphasized not only their own inhabitation areas but also other areas, which will help enhance the abilites to think in a comprehensive way and to make their decisions in a reasonable way. Finally, the use of multimedia including photographs, maps, tables, and statistic data, is required in environment education in geographic class, in addition to these, the use of a variety of audio-visual aids and a variety of new teaching method are recommended.

      • 교합 및 심리적 요소와 측두하악관절내장증 발현과의 관계

        홍수민,김재형,김병국 전남대학교 치의학연구소 2002 구강과학 Vol.14 No.3

        Background : The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between temporomandibular dlsorder and occlusion, emotional factor. Through this study, it attempted to provide proper recognition of diagnosis and therapy of temporomandibular disorder. Methods: A total of 154 subjects with permanent dentition were included in this study. Internal derangement without reduction(n=82) were selected as experimental group and symptom-free subjects(n=72) were included as control group by means of clinical examination, radiographic examination and questionnaire. Investigation of morphological occlusion in each group and SCL-90-R questionnaire was performed to compare both groups Results: It was found that internal derangement without reduction was more prevalent in the individuals who have some occlusal features of open bite and deep bite. In SCL-90-R analysis, it had been observed significant relation between 5 indices(SOM,0-C. DEP, ANX, PAR) and internal derangement. And DEP. ANX,0-C were more prevalent to female than male in experimental group. Conclusion : There was significant correlation between some occlusal variables(open bite. deep bite) and internal derangement of TMJ. Some emotional factor(DEP. ANX,0-C. PAR) was found to be related to internal derangement. Female seemed to be affected by emotional factors more than male as well.

      • KCI등재

        디스크형 산화구리 촉매담지 세라믹필터의 제조와 물성

        홍민선,문수호,이재춘,이동섭,임우택 한국대기환경학회 2004 한국대기환경학회지 Vol.20 No.2

        A catalyst with CuO ceramic filter for simultaneous treatment of dust and HAP was prepared and characterized. Catalytic ceramic tilter can not only potentially achieve the substantial savings in energy but provide with effective optimization and integration of process for simultaneous removal of S0₂ㆍ NOx and particulates from flue gases. Catalytic ceramic filters remove simultaneously particulates on exterior surface of filters and reduce NO to N₂and H₂O by SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) process. Preparation of catalyst impregnated ceramic filter with disk shape (Ψ50) follow the processing of alumino-silicate ceramic filter, support impregnation and catalyst impregnation(copper oxide). Preparation routes of alumino-silicate catalyst carrier suitable for production of catalytic filters practically were studied and developed using the sol-gel and colloidal processing, homogeneous precipitation and impregnation method. Characterization of the catalyst, catalyst carrier catalytic filter materials have been performed the using various techniques such as BET, XRD, TGA, SEM. Combination of the sol-gel and colloidal processing and impregnation method is recommended to prepare catalyst carriers economically for catalytic filter applications.

      • 급성 A형 간염에 병발한 급성신부전 2 례

        홍수민;박경식;박일권;손형래;구호석;고행일 인제대학교 2011 仁濟醫學 Vol.32 No.-

        Hepatitis A is a mild, self-limiting disease of the liver, critical complications of which, such as acute kidney injury, are rare. Two cases of patients with acute hepatitis A who had an acute renal failure complication are reported herein. The first case is that of a 30-year-old man who showed up at the author’s hospital complaining of fever and myalgia. His laboratory tests upon his admission showed 9,520 lU/L of aspartate transaminase, 5,600 lU/L of alanine transaminase, 31.9 mg/dL of blood urea nitrogen, and 5.5 mg/dL of creatinine, and he was positive for the Anti-HAV IgM antibody. Upon his admission, supportive treatment was started, which included fluid therapy. The laboratory tests on the next day showed 53 mg/dL of blood urea nitrogen, 9.9 mg/dL of creatinine, and lower urine output per day. Renal replacement therapy was performed only once. A renal biopsy was performed and the result was Acute Tubular Necrosis (ATN). The patient recovered from acute renal failure without sequela. In the second case, a 35-year-old man complained of fever and abdominal pain. His laboratory tests upon his admission showed 8,570 lU/L of aspartate transaminase, 4,510 lU/L of alanine transaminase, 16 mg/dL of blood urea nitrogen, and 1.19 mg/dL of creatinine, and he was positive for the Anti-HAV IgM antibody. He experienced acute renal failure and recovered after two-time renal replacement therapy. The result of the renal biopsy was Acute Tubular Necrosis and C1q nephropathy.

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