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      • 김치에서 분리한 Lactobacillus sp. JC-7과 Lactobacillus acidophilus 88간의 Electrofusion 최적조건 설정

        조영배,최현정,백형석,전홍기 부산대학교 유전공학연구소 1997 분자생물학 연구보 Vol.13 No.-

        김치 발효 숙성기간을 연장하고 신선도를 오랫동안 유지 할 수 있는 김치발효 starter의 개발을 목적으로 최적숙성기에 있는 김치로부터 bacteriocin생성능이 없는 유산균을 분리하여 동정하였으며, bacteriocin생성능이 우수한 L.acidophilus 88을 융합시키기 위해 electrofusion에 대한 최적 조건을 검토하였다. 분리균주는 Lactobacillus속으로 동정되어 Lactobacillus sp. JC-7이라 명명하였다. Electrofusion에 의해 생성된 융합주를 식별하기 위해 streptomycin(2.5㎎/ml)에 내성을 나타내는 Lactobacillus sp. JC-7변이주와 kanamycin(600㎍/ml)에 내성을 나타내는 L.acidophilus 88변이주를 분리하였다. Electrofusion을 100V/㎝, 120msec(72ohms,1670 capacitance) 에서 수행했을 때 융합효율이 가장 양호하였으며 전기장의 세기와 시간이 중가할수록 융합 효율이 현저히 감소하였다. 2가 양이온은 농도가 중가할수록 대체적으로 융합효율을 감소시키는 경향을 나타내었으나 1mM MGCl_2에서는 대조군에 비해 융합효율이 약간 증가하였다. PEG매개에 의한 융합법의 융합효율을 비교한 결과, 융합효율은 chemical fusion<electrofusion<electrofusion+20% PEG순을 나타내었다. Evaluation of Optimum Conditions for the Electrofusion between Lactobacillus sp. JC-7 Isolated from Kimchi and Lactobacillus acidophilus 88. Young-Bae Jo, Hyun-Jung Choi, Hyung-Suk Baik and Hong-Ki Jun*. Department of Microbiology, Pusan National University, Pusan 609-735,Korea-A lactic acid bacterium was isolated from kimchi. The isolated strain was identified as the genus Lactobacillus thrugh its morphological characteristics and named as Lactobacillus sp. JC-7. The optimum conditions for the electrofusion between streptomycin(2.5㎎/ml)resistant mutant of Lactobacillus acidophilus 88 and kanamycin(600㎍/ml) resistant mutant Lactobacillus sp. JC-7 were evaluated. The highest number of fusants were obtained at a capacitance value of 120msec(1670㎌), a field strength of 100V/㎝,and a pulse controller setting of 72Ω. The potimum pH of elecroporation buffer was 7.5 and the concentration of divalent cation was 1mM MG^2+. Electrofusants were efficiently obtained by addition 20% polyethylene glycol to electroporation buffer. The yield of fusion was better than that of using polyethylene glycol mediated chemical induction.

      • KCI등재후보

        위치 상황 기반 보완대체의사소통의 자원 계층 구조와 상황 전환 사용자 인터페이스 개발

        서지우(Jiwoo Seo),유세희(Se Hui Ryu),홍기형(Ki-Hyung Hong),연석정(Seok Jeong Yeon),채수정(Soojung Chae),이희연(Heeyeon Lee) 한국보완대체의사소통학회 2024 보완대체의사소통연구 Vol.12 No.1

        배경 및 목적: 위치 기반 보완대체의사소통(Augmentative and Alternative Communication: AAC)은 사용자의 위치를 기반으로 AAC 상징을 추천하는 진일보한 AAC 도구이나, 작은 크기의 화면을 가진 스마트 기기 기반으로 지원되어 특정한 위치에서 사용할 수 있는 모든 AAC 상징을 활용하기 위해서는 스와이프(Swipe)와 같은 추가 동작이 필요하기 때문에 AAC 사용자의 부담이 있다. 본 연구는 중재 효율 향상을 위하여 AAC 자원을 공유하고 재사용할 수 있는 AAC 자원 계층 구조를 개발하고 AAC 사용자의 상징 탐색 과정을 단축하는 상황 전환 사용자 인터페이스 개발을 목표로 한다. 방법: 하나의 의사소통 상황에 필요한 상징을 모은 상황 AAC 보드, 하나의 주제로 묶이는 상징을 모은 그룹 AAC 보드를 정의하고, 최상위 보드에서 상황, 그룹 AAC 보드를 하위에 둘 수 있도록 AAC 자원 계층 구조를 개발하였다. 이를 반영한 데이터베이스를 설계하여 위치 상황 기반 AAC 모바일 애플리케이션에 적용하였다. 결과 및 결론: 설계한 계층 구조에 따라 중재자가 AAC 자원을 효율적으로 관리하고 AAC 사용자가 상황 기반 상징 순환 방식으로 현재 상황에 적절한 상징을 활용하도록 지원하는 사용자 인터페이스를 개발하였다. 44 명의 이해관계자를 대상으로 사용성 평가를 진행하여 상황 전환을 지원하는 위치 상황 기반 AAC 모바일 애플리케이션의 만족도, 편의성 등을 확인하였다. Background and Objectives: For people who have difficulties in language, locationbased Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) mobile applications recommend AAC symbols based on their location to assist communication in daily life. Using AAC symbols available at a specific location with smart devices having small screens requires additional actions like swiping, which can be burden for [This research was supported by a grant of the Korea Health Technology R&D Project through the Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI), funded by the Ministry of Health & Welfare, Republic of Korea (grant number : HJ21C0007). This research extends the poster presentation of ‘An AAC Board Hierarchy and User Interface for Communication Situation Switching in Location-Based AAC’ in ‘The 3rd East Asian Regional Conference on Augmentative and Alternative Communication: AAC Beyond Pandemic’ of Korean Society of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (KSAAC). Correspondence to Ki-Hyung Hong, Ph.D., Department of Service Design Engineering, Sungshin Women’s University, Seoul, Korea, e-mail: khhong@sungshin.ac.kr, tel: + 82 2 920 7525] AAC users. This study aims to make it easier for AAC users to explore symbols and improve efficiency of facilitation by reusing AAC resources. Method: We define AAC situation boards as collections of AAC symbols specifically needed for certain communication situations. Group AAC boards, on the other hand, are collections of AAC symbols that belong to the same categories. We designed a hierarchy to allow these situation and group AAC boards to be included as sub-boards in general and location AAC boards. We also developed a user interface that allows facilitators to manage AAC resources based on the hierarchy. The interface makes it easy for AAC users to select appropriate AAC symbols for the current situation through a situation-based symbol circulation and switching method. Result & Conclusion: We enhanced and expanded location and situation-based AAC mobile applications by utilizing a hierarchy of AAC resources and integrating a user interface for efficient management and utilization of these resources. To assess its usability, we conducted a user evaluation involving 44 facilitators. The results of the evaluation indicate that the location and situation-based AAC mobile application, with its ability to switch situations based on the AAC resource hierarchy, received high ratings in terms of satisfaction, convenience, and stability.

      • 현대사회와 여가교육

        홍기형 대진대학교 2001 大眞論叢 Vol.9 No.-

        The concept of leisure has changed significantly along with social development based on the remarkable economic growth that was achieved during the past couple of decades. Leisure is an integral ingredient in modem quality of life. In this respect, it is important to understand the changing concept of leisure in order to understand how leisure affects our society and quality of life. This article will cover 3 topics: the changing of leisure concept, the relationship between leisure and work, and the direction and contents of leisure education. Leisure can be as being either passive or positive. The passive of leisure is the more traditional of the two. One passively enjoys the leisure 'to be permitted' to abstain from labor that is necessary to create a livelihood. The positive concept of leisure is more modem and diversified. One proactively pursues 'self-directed' leisure to improve one's quality of life due to the increased amount of leisure time created through technological advances made in modem society. Traditionally, leisure has been a concern secondary to productivity. In modem society, however, leisure is an essential ingredient that adds humanistic value to modem life. Leisure includes resting from labor, relieving stress from the complexities of life, and utilizing leisure time to develop one's self. Scientific and industrial development has brought remarkable and material changes in our life and has created a demand for and variety of 'mass leisures'. However, we lack a concrete program to educate people to derive healthy leisure habits. An educational policy and an environmental setting that understands the relationship between the cultural system and quality of life are both necessary to create a healthy leisure society. It is important that leisure become a primary concern in the field of education and that we continue to study human behavior to achieve greater personal growth and development.

      • 甲狀腺홀몬-處置 마우스에서 스트레스에 의한 腦 Noradrenaline代謝 및 血漿 Corticosterone値의 變動에 關한 硏究

        洪起堵,金炯健,全普權 고려대학교 의과대학 1988 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.25 No.3

        The role of brain noradrenergic neurons in the suppressive activity of clonidine and bromazepam on the swim stress-induced increase of plasma corticosterone level was investigated in male mice pretreated with thyroxine, The obtained results were summarized as follows; 1. The plasma corticosterone level (P-CS) was significantly increased after the pretreatment with thyroxine, 4mg/kg/day for 3 days (T4-3d). And the P-CS was moderately increased by clonidine, 500ug/kg(CD) but markedly decreased by bromazepam, 10mg/kg (BA). 2. The increase of P-CS induced by swim stress at 20℃ (20-SS) was markedly suppressed by CD and BA, respectively. The 20-SS induced increase of P-CS in mice pretreated with T4-3d was not affected by CD but significantly suppressed by BA. 3. The increase of P-CS induced by swim stress at 4℃ (4-SS) was not affected by CD but markedly suppressed by BA. And the suppressive effect of BA was significantly attenuated by the pretreatment with 74-3d. 4. The decorticated brain contents of tyrosine (T), noradrenaline (NA), and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxy-phenylglycol (MHPG) were not significantly affected by 74-3d, 20-SS, and 4-SS, respectively. 5. CD significantly decreased brain MHPG and MHPG/NA ratio in normal and T4-3d pretreated mice. However, CD did net decrease brain MHPG and significantly increased brain NA in mice exposed to20-SS and 4-SS, respectively. 6. BA moderately decreased brain T in normal and T4-3d pretreated mice. But the brain content of T in mice exposed to 20-55 and 4-55, respectively, was not affected by BA.These results suggest that the suppressive effect of clonidine and bromazepam on the swim stressinduced increase of plasma corticosterone level may not be mediated by presynaptic regulation via alpha-2adrenoceptors of brain noradrenergic neurons.

      • 수영-스트레스에 의한 腦 Catecholamine 代謝의 變動에 있어서 甲狀腺-機能의 役割에 關한 硏究

        洪起男,申炅浩,金炯健,全普權 고려대학교 의과대학 1989 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.26 No.3

        Effects of hyper-and hypothyroidism in the swim-stress(SS) induced changes of plasma corticosterone(CS) level and brain norepinephrine(NE) metabolism were studied in male mice pretreated with 1-thyroxine sodium(4㎎/㎏, i.p. inj. once a day for 5 days; T₄) and propylthiouracil (fed ad lib in 0.01% drinking water for 5 weeks : PTU). The circadian rhythm of spotaneous motor activity was not significantly altered by T₄ and PTU, respectively. The plasma thyroxine level was markedly increased by T₄ but reduced by PTU and the plasma thyrotropin level was markedly increased by PTU but decreased by T₄. The plasma CS level was not changed by PTU but moderately increased by T₄ Clonidine slightly increased the plasma CS level, but the clonidine effect was significantly enhanced by T₄-pretreatment. The brain NE and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol(MHPG) contents were little affected by T₄ but significantly decreased by PTU. ThE SS-induced increase of plasma CS level was moderately decreased by PTU but increased by T₄. However, clonidine significantly inhibited the SS-induced increase, and the inhibitory effect of clonidine was little significantly affected by PTU and T₄ respectively. The brain MHPG content and MHPG/NE ratio were significantly decreased by clonidine bur increased by SS. THe clonidine-induced decrease of brain MHPG/NE ratio were not altered by PYTU or T₄. The SS-induced, and the inhibitory effect of clonidine was not affected by PTU and T₄ respectively. These results suggest 1) that the alteration of thyroidal function little affects the changes of brain NE in responses to swim-stress, but the stress-induced change of plasma corticosterone level may be somewhat modulated by the thyroidal function, and 2) that the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical stimulation in response to swim-stress seems to be mediated via hypothalamic noradrenergic activation, and the stress response may inhibited by the agonistic activity of clonidine on the presynaptic α₂-adrenoceptor.

      • 성견 치조골 결손부에 자가골이식과 조직유도재생막을 이용한 치주치료시 치유효과에 관한 비교연구

        홍기석,김종여,정진형 단국대학교 치의학연구소 1993 논문집 Vol.5 No.-

        The goal of periodontal therapy is the regeneration of the periodontium lost by periodontal disease. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the regenerative potential of the autogenous bone graft and guided tissue regeneration in the treatment of periodontal bony defect in dogs. Experimental periodontitis were induced in the mandibular left 3rd premolar and right 3rd and 4th premolars of 5 dogs using orthodontic ligature wire. After 6 weeks, the ligature wire removed, surgical procedure were performed as follows. 1) control group : Flap operation(Mn.Lt 3rd premolar) 2) experimental group Ⅰ: Flap operation + autogenous bone graft (Mn.Rt. 3rd premolar) 3) experimental group Ⅱ : Flap operation + Gore-Tex membrane (Mn.Rt. 4th premoalr) Thereafter, dogs were sacrificed on the 1,2,4,8,16th week and the specimens were prepared and stained with hematoxyline-eosin stain for the light microscopic examination. The results of this study were as follows. 1. The apical migration of junctional epithelium was most remarkable in the flap operation and the experimental group Ⅱ was less than the experimental group Ⅰ. 2. In the formation of new alveolar bone, it was found in experimental groupⅠ,Ⅱ and experimental group Ⅰ is more than Ⅱ. In the control group, few bone formation was found. 3. In the formation of new cementum, it was found in experimental group Ⅰ,Ⅱ and experimental group Ⅱ is more thanⅠ. So, the periodontal therapy combined with autogenous and guided tissue regeneration will be produce the periodontal regeneration.

      • 산화물 반도체 가스센서 어레이와 패턴인식 기술을 이용한 전자코 시스템의 제작과 특성

        홍형기,신현우,박현수,윤동현,권철한,이규정 경북대학교 센서기술연구소 1995 센서技術學術大會論文集 Vol.6 No.1

        An electronic nose system using gas sensor arrays and neural-network pattern recognition has been fabricated. The sensor arrays consist of such thin or thick film oxide semiconductor sensing materials as SnO_(2), ZnO and WO_(3) containing a small amount of dopants. The principal component analysis and the neural-network pattern recognition analysis were used for the discrimination of such 6 flavor samples as vegetables(carrot and green onion), perfumes(men's and women's perfume) and alcohols(soju and passport). Good separation among flavor samples was obtained using the principal component analysis. The recognition probability of the neural-network for 6 flovor samples was 93 % for thin film and 98% for thick film type sensor array.

      • 산화물 반도체 가스 센서 어레이와 패턴 인식기술을 이용한 가스 인식

        홍형기,윤동현,권철한,박현수,신현우,이규정 경북대학교 센서기술연구소 1994 센서技術學術大會論文集 Vol.5 No.1

        In order to identify C_(2)H_(5)OH, (CH_(3))_(3)N and CH_(3)SH gases, a gas recognition system using gas sensor array and pattern recognition technique has been fabricated. The sensor array consists of four thick film oxide semiconductor gas sensors whose sensing layers are Pt-doped SnO_(2), Pd-doped SnO_(2), Pd-doped ZnO and Pd-doped WO_(3). Three kinds of pattern recognition techniques such as principal component analysis (PCA), discrimination analysis (DA) and back propagation (BP) were used for the discrimination of gas species. The identification of C_(2)H_(5)OH, (CH_(3))_(3)N and CH_(3)SH gases has been successfully demonstrated.

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