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      • 논문 : 단국대학교와 백범 김구

        이홍구 ( Hong Goo Lee ) 단국사학회 2012 史學志 Vol.45 No.-

        단국대학과 백범 김구와의 관계는 대학 설립자 범정 장형이 해방 후 만주에서 돌아와 백범 김구를 만나게 되면서 시작된다. 범정은 해방을 맞이한 후 한교 처리를 위해서 만주에 가 있던 김홍일의 주선으로 백범과 인연을 맺게 된다. 백범은 1945년 11월 환국 후 여러 가지 방향으로 건국구상을 실천하기 위해 노력하였고, 그 중 하나가 대학을 설립하여 인재를 양성하는 것이었다. 이에 국민대학설립기성회가 만들어졌으며, 범정은 서울에 도착 후 기성회에 참여하여 백범의 구상 실천을 돕는 한편, 이사로서 대학 설립의 실무를 맡아 1946년 9월 국민대학관을 설립하게 된다. 그러나 기성회장이었던 신익희가 임시정부 및 한독당과 결별하면서 범정은 국민대학에서 나와 새로운 대학을 설립하게 되고, 그것이 지금의 단국대학이었다. 단국대학은 백범이 꿈꾸었던 통일국가의 수립을 위한 민족의 동질성을 단군에서 찾아 교명을 ‘단국’이라 하였으며, 동지였던 박기홍의 미망인 조희재와 함께 1947년 11월 3일 단국대학을 설립하였다. 백범은 단국대학 전문부 1회 졸업식에 참석하고, 범정의 집을 방문하기도 하는 등 범정과 교육사업에 대해 칭찬을 아끼지 않았다. 범정 또한 백범이 주도하여 운영한 건국실천원 양성소 이사장을 맡아 재정적인 지원은 물론, 교수진, 교육생까지 지원을 아끼지 않았다. 이러한 범정과 백범의 관계는 두 인물의 사후 그의 후손에게 계승되었고, 자연스레 단국 대학과의 관계도 이어졌다. 범정의 아들 장충식 회장은 백범김구선생기념사업협회 회장을 맡으면서 백범의 아들 김신 장군과 함께 협회의 법인화, 백범일지 중국어판 보급, 백범강좌의 지속적 진행, 백범 추도식의 위상 강화 등 백범에 대한 기념사업을 같이 추진하였다. The relationship between Dankook University and Baekbeom Kim Koo began when the university founder Beomjung Jang Hyung met him after returning from Manjoo following the liberation of Korea from Japan. Beomjung was introduced to Baekbeom by Kim Hong-il who was in Manjoo to deal with overseas Koreans after liberation. After Baekbeom returned home in November 1945, he strived to practice the founding initiatives in many different ways, one of which was to produce talents by establishing an university. Thus, Kookmin University Foundation Supporting Association was established, which was joined by Beomjung after he returned to Seoul. He helped Baekbeom to practice the founding initiatives, while serving as a director for establishing an university. As a result, Kookmin University Hall was established in September 1946. However, as the association president Shin Ik-hee left the provisional government of the republic of korea and the Independence Party of Korea, Beomjung left Kookmin University and established a new university, which became today`s Dankook University. The name came from Dangun (legendary founding father of Korea`s first nation) who contained ethnic homogeneity for creating a unified country that Baekbeom was dreaming of. He established Dankook University on November 3, 1947, along with Cho Hee-jae, a widow of his friend Park Ki-Hong. Baekbeom attended the first graduation ceremony of Dankook University and visited the home of Beomjung, giving lots of compliments on his educational projects and achievement. Beomjung also provided tremendous financial support as a chairman of ‘Center for Training People for Founding Country’ led by Baekbeom, as well as support for faculty and students. Such relationship between Beomjung and Baekbeom was passed down to their descendants in connection with Dankook University. After the son of Beomjung, Jang Chung-shik, became the president of ‘association Commemorative services for Patriot Kim Koo’, he promoted various Baekbeom commemoration projects including incorporation of the association, distribution of Chinese edition of Baekbeom Journal, providing ongoing classes on Baekbeom, and elevating the status of Baekbeom memorial services, along with the son of Baekbeom, general Kim Shin.

      • KCI등재

        응급의료센터 과밀화 해소를 위한 환자 전원

        이경룡,구홍두,박인철,김승환,장석준,심호식 대한응급의학회 1995 대한응급의학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        To reduce the degree of overcrowding in level Ⅲ emergency care centers, authors have conducted a prospective study of patient who were transferred to level Ⅰ or Ⅲemergency center based on the non-emergent patient guideline currently used at the severance Hospital, level Ⅲ emergency center, during the period of 65 days from Jan. 1st 1995 to Mar. 6th 1995. Followings are guideline for non-emergent patient described by the Korean government low: 1) systolic blood pressure greater than 80/100 of normal. 2) respiration rate between 10 to 24 per minute. 3) pulse rate between 60 to 100 per minute. 4) body temperature between 36 to 37.5℃ by rectal. 5) relatively alert mental status. 6) patient not requiring emergency operation at the time of examination. The results were as follows: 1. Among the total 5,301 patients, 464 patients ranged from age of 1 to 82 years old were transferred to level Ⅰor Ⅱ emergency center after simple treatment. 2. Among the 464 patients, 276 patients were treated in expected hospital with medical problems in 101 (36.6%) patients, and 175 (63.4%) patients had surgical problems. 3. Among the 276 patients, 122 (44.2%) patients were admitted, 145 (52.9%) patients were discharged from the emergency room after adequate treatment. 4. Among the transferred patients, simple laceration (33.0%) were most common, acute gastroenteritis (12.0%), and simple contusion (10.5%) were followed. These results suggest that about 10% of patients visiting level Ⅲ emergency care center, can be safely transferred to nearest level Ⅰor Ⅱ emergency centers on the bases of non-emergent patient guideline described by Emergency Medical Service law. These guideline, if put into proper use, can reduce the degree of overcrowding problems in level Ⅲ emergency care center through out the country.

      • 스포츠이벤트와 지역사회 발전

        이홍구 한국스포츠리서치 2003 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.14 No.6

        Sport's events in a local community are able to not only encourage the revival of local economy and the unity and pride of local residents, but also contribute to national health improvement by intensifying the interest of leisure sports. In particular, the development of sports events meeting the characteristics and emotions of the locality and local residents is able to heavily influence economic development as well as local promotion by attracting the participation of visitors from other regions as well as local residents. With the enactment of the five-day workweek system in Korea, we now stand at the point where we should solve the pending tasks covering the reasonable construction of sports facilities for the formation of a desirable leisure culture, the creation of a new family culture in the age of the nuclear family, the diffusion of sophisticated manner of spectators such as the Red Devils which is in the spotlight due to the increased number of viewing sports, the linkage of elite athletics, school athletics, and non competitive athletics. t this point, the policies to enhance the productive value of sports are as follows. First, create a sports boom, second, create a sports park around stadiums built for major sports competitions, third, hold sport club based competitions, and fourth, form a sport's industry Mecca so that sports' events are able to become a main force of local development.

      • KCI등재

        항파상풍 톡소이드 주사후 항파상풍 항체 역가

        이한식,하영록,구홍두,장석준,심호식,김승환,이정운 대한응급의학회 1996 대한응급의학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        Objective : Tetanus decreased in prevalence since the systemic vaccination began in 1940s. Despite of the improvement in treatment like critical care with ventilatior or antibiotics, the mortality rate resides around 45%. Currently the tetanus prevention protocol recommends immunization in infancy and boosters every tenth years. Thereafter the immunization with toxoid only or toxoid plus immunoglobulin injections is recommended according to the type of injury. In most of ED in Korea, only tetanus immunoglobulin is given without any basis. Previously we proved the effect that passive immunization with the immunoglubulin 250 IU last long for only a month. At this time we measured the effect of the active immunization with toxoid and its effect was compared to the effect of the tetanus immunoglobulin to find out the logical tetanus prevention after an injury. Method: 20 healthy adult volunteers were injected with tetanus toxoid and their anti-tetanus antibody titers measured before the injection, 1 week and 4 weeks after the inection. No volunteers have taken any medication for chronic illness(e.g. hepatits, tuberculosis) or had an tetanus immunization or booster in the last 6 months. Antibody titers were measured by IMMUNOZYM??-TETANUS and t-test was performed on the results, Results: 1. Total 20 volunteers(12 males and 8 females) were participated. 2. Subjects` ages were 21 to 44 years old and there were no relevance to the antibody titer. 3. The antibody titers of before the anti-tetanus toxoid injection and 1 week, 4 weeks after the injection revealed significant difference and the antibody titers of the first and the forth week after the injection also showed a significant difference. Conclusion: Currently in Korea, the tetenus immunoglobulin 250 IU given alone as tetanus prevention was injected, but it did not elevate the anti-tetanus antibody titer for 4 weeks where as tetanus toxoid injected intramuscularly did significantly. Therefore, tetanus toxoid should be given on the dirty injuries with additional tetanus immunoglobulin injection to accomplish the correct method of tetanus, tetanus toxoid prevention.

      • KCI등재

        한국인의 항파상풍 항체 역가

        구홍두,최옥경,장석준,정구영,이정운,김승호 대한응급의학회 1993 대한응급의학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        Inspite of immunization, TETANUS remains a disease with a high morbidity and mortality rate. Tetanus has been still occurred more frequently in developing countries where immunization programs are inadequate. In Korea, there is a routine immunuzation schedule with diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus(DPT) vaccines at 2,4,6 month after birth at 18 month. But further prophylactic programs are not exist. Moreover, we have usually used only passive immunization, tetanus antitoxin, as a prophylactic regimen for injured patients instead of guidelines of Center for Disease Control. The purpose of this study was to assess the baseline tetanus immunity state and to suggest the proper immunization schedule and adequate prophylactic guideline for injured patients in Korea. One hundred thirty one trauma patients from emergency department of Severance hospital from September to November of 1993 were included. Antietanus antibody titers of the patients were analyzed by ELISA assay. The mean antitetanus antibody titer was 0.728 ±0.236IU/mL. The titers were diminished rapidly with age. In pediatric group(age under 15), the mean titer was 3.251 ±0.426 IU/mL and in geriatric group(age over 64), the mean titer was 0.007 ±0.002 IU/mL which was below the minimal protective antibody titer(0.01 IU/mL). While all of the pediatric patients have protective antibody titer, only 69.2% of young adults(15-39, n=65), 56.7% of adults(40-64, n=30), and 57.2% of geriatrics(>65, n=14) have protective antibody titer. Our results suggest that tetanus prophylaxis is unnecessary in the age under 14. In other age groups, however, our data strongly support the need of prophyulaxis.

      • 청소년의 여가활동 참가와 학교생활 적응의 관계

        이홍구,박성준 한국레크리에이션 교육학회 1999 한국여가학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between leisure activity and the school life adjustment to provide a basic materials for the development of 'leisure and sport for all' policy. In order to meet this purpose, the following four subsequence research questions are analyzed and these were : 1) relationship between leisure activity and the school life adjustment 2) relationship between leisure activity type and school life adjustment. The subjects of this study were 615 leisure participants. The data collected from questionnaire designed for this study were consisted of responses to items constructed to represent each variable. and analyzed by statistical technique such as ANCOVA and multiple regression analysis. The findings of this study were as follows; 1. The school life adjustment is the most high in sport activity. 2. There exists significant causal relationship between participation frequency and adjustment to school life adjustment.

      • 테니스클럽 동호인의 복식경기 문화

        이홍구,한태룡 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.3

        The purpose of this research was to examine the process of forming the tennis game subculture and its substance through diverse forms of interaction of each tennis club participant. In order to examine this, literature data connected with subculture and identity were collected and theoretical framework was arranged based on Coakley(1998)'s power & performance model and pleasure & participation model. The sample was drawn from 21 members of Gu-il tennis club in Joogong apartment, Myong-gu Dong, Gangseo Gu, Seoul, using typical case selection which is one method of criterion based selection. The data was collected using both in-depth interview and participation observation. This research used member check, peer debriefing, and triangulation to verify reliability and validity. On the basis of the result analysed, the conclusions were drawn as tennis club participants prefer to double game and volley style play. They also prefer to control to decrease unforced errors than increase wining shot which would happen to make error.

      • 외상성 뇌손상 환자에서 발생한 이소성 골화증에 의한 슬개 정맥 압박증 -증례 보고

        조홍구,문기현,최은,이양균 순천향의학연구소 1995 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.1 No.2

        Heterotopic ossification is frequent complication in patients with spinal cord or brain injury, although the etiology is unknown. The extensive heterotopic ossification is a cause of limitation of active or passive joint motion and ultimately bony ankylosis which interferes independency in activities of daily living and ability of maximum rehabilitation. Whereas, the articular complication of heterotopic ossification have been well documented, the vascular complication are less well known. We experienced one case with vascular compression and obstruction by heterotopic ossification in a patient with traumatic brain injury and reported the case with clinical and radiologcal and laboratoric findings.

      • 콩에서 발생하는 강낭콩일반모자이크바이러스(BCMV)와 땅콩위축바이러스(PSV)의 저항성 평가

        이영훈, 윤영남, 강범규, 김현영, 최만수, 구성철, 김현태, 윤홍태, 이수헌, 백인열 忠北大學校 農業科學硏究所 2014 農業科學硏究 Vol.30 No.2

        It has been reported several viral diseases in soybean. The occurrence of Bean common mosaic virus and Peanut stunt virus are able to induce severe problem because the main breeding target for viral disease was focused on Soybean mosaic virus. BCMV is a spcies of the genus Potyvirus of the family Potyviridae. BCMV reduces yield by as much as 80% and also adversely affects seed quality in common bean. BCMV has a worldwide distribution because of its high rates 35% of transmission via seeds produced by plants systemically infected prior to bloom. PSV is a species of the genus Cucumovirus of the family Bromoviridae. PSV has been reported to be economically damaging on beans worldwide. Although the virus is reportedly seed transmissible at very low rates, infected plants rarely produce pods with normal viable seeds. The most satisfactory management method of viral diseases such as BCMV and PSV is the use of resistant cultivars and healthy seed. For the overcome of genetic resistance by new virus such as BCMV and PSV, virus diseases monitoring and researches need to study deeply and continually. In this study, we conducted the resistance screen on BCMV and PSV for selection of resistance cultivars. We inoculated on 128 cultivars with PSV and BCMV respectively. These cultivars were classified through pathogenic response such as resistance, necrosis and susceptibility. In addition, 99 and 66 resistant cultivars were confirmed against PSV and BCMV respectively.

      • KCI등재

        뇌졸중 위험인자를 가진 어지럼 환자에서의 확산강조 자기공명영상

        강형구,윤유상,이진희,박인철,이경룡,정상원,구홍두,김승호 대한응급의학회 2001 대한응급의학회지 Vol.12 No.4

        Background: The management of vertiginous patients is a great challenge to emergency physicians. We evaluated the diagnostic value of a diffusion-weighted image(DWI) in differentiating central vertigo from the peripheral vertigo in patients who presented no neurological symptoms other than risk factors for stroke. Methods: From March 2000 to February 2001, we retrospectively analyzed the cases of 68 patients who visited the emergency department with symptoms of isolated vertigo and who had risk factors for stroke. DWIs, computed tomograms(CT), and medical records were reviewed, and the final diagnose, the DWIs and the CT readings, the risk factors for stroke, and the time it took waiting for a DWI or CT scan were analyzed. Results: Of the 68 patients, 21(30.8%) had central vertigo: 15 vertebrobasilar transient ischemic attacks(VB-TIA), 4 brain stem infarctions, 1 cerebellar infarction, and 1 cerebellopeduncular infarction. The DWI showed a 28.6% sensitivity, a 97.9% specificity, and an 85.7% positive predictive value in diagnosing central vertigo. It also had a 100% sensitivity in detecting infarctions. Conclusion: A DWI had a comparable sensitivity to MRI in detecting central vertigo and small, but potentially, lethal infarctions in our patient population. We recommend clinical application of DWI in the emergency department evaluation of isolated vertigo patients with risk factors for stroke.

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