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        日本語學,日本語敎育學 篇 : 言語の硏究からコミュニケ―ションの硏究へ -日本語硏究の新しい方向性-

        노다히사시 ( Noda Hisashi ) 한국일어일문학회 2011 日語日文學硏究 Vol.77 No.1

        日本語の硏究は、長い間, 日本語の構造や體系を明らかにする靜的な硏究, つまり「言語の硏究」が中心であった。しかし, 最近では、日本語が實際にどのように使われているのかを明らかにする動的な硏究, つまり「コミュニケ―ションの硏究」が盛んになってきている。硏究對象から見ると, 「コミュニケ―ションの硏究」にはたとえば次のようなものがある。(1) 周邊的な言語現象を對象にした硏究 (2) 話しことばを對象にした硏究 (3) 言語行動を對象にした硏究 (4) 非母語話者の言語使用を對象にした硏究。硏究方法から見ると, 「コミュニケ―ションの硏究」には, たとえば次のようなものがある。(5) コ―パスを用いた硏究 (6) ロ―ルプレイを用いた硏究。「言語の硏究」ではすでに多くの成果が蓄積されている現在, これまでと同じような硏究對象について同じような硏究方法で「言語の硏究」を行っても, 畵期的な硏究成果は生まれにくい。これからは, これまでとは違う硏究對象を見つけ, 違う硏究方法を使って「コミュニケ―ションの硏究」を行うことが必要である。

      • KCI등재


        野田?史(Hisashi Noda),任ジェヒ(Jaehee Yim) 한국일본어학회 2021 日本語學硏究 Vol.- No.70

        일본어 학습자는 일본어 문장을 읽다가 이해가 가지 않는 부분이 있을 때 한자의 개별 의미를 토대로 어구의 의미를 추측하기도 하고 앞뒤 문맥을 토대로 문장의 의미를 추측하기도 한다. 이 논문에서는 한국어를 모어로 사용하는 일본어 학습자가 일본어 문장을 읽을 시에 잘 모르는 부분의 의미를 어떻게 추측하고 있는지를 조사하였다.그 결과,학습자는 다음 네 종류의 방법에 기반하여 의미를 추측하고 있음을 확인하였다.이러한 네 종류의 방법에는 공통적으로 성공사례와 실패사례가 혼재되어 있었다. (1) 개별 문자를 이용한 추측: 예를 들어 「受け入れ」의 의미를 모를 때, 자신이 알고 있는 한자 「入」의 의미를 이용하여 「受け入れ」를「받아들이다」라고 추측하는 경우이다. (2) 연관된 단어를 이용한 추측:예를 들어 「牛耳る」의 의미를 모를 때, 자신이 알고 있는 단어「エリート層」가 「パリの政治経済を牛耳る」의 주어인 것을 이용하여 「牛耳る」의 의미를 「좌지우지한다」라고 추측하는 경우이다. (3) 문법을 이용한 추측: 예를 들어 「認められません」의 의미를 모를 때, 자신이 알고 있는 부정의 뜻을 나타내는 문법인 「ません」을 이용하여 「認められません」의 의미를 「안 된다」라고 추측하는 경우이다. (4) 맥락을 이용한 추측: 예를 들어 「頭を下げました」의 의미를 모를 때,자신이 알고 있는 사죄의 표현인 「申し訳ないけれど」가 나오는 맥락을 이용하여「頭を下げました」의 의미를 「사죄했다」라고 추측하는 경우이다. When Japanese learners are reading Japanese documents and come across unfamiliar phrases, they may guess at the meanings based on the significance of individual kanji, or according to context. In this paper, we asked Korean-speaking learners of Japanese to read Japanese documents, and then investigated how they guessed at the meanings of unknown parts of phrases. As a result, it became clear that learners used one of the following four types of guessing strategies. Whichever the guessing strategy employed, we found both successful and unsuccessful cases. (1) Guessing from characters (kanji): When a learner finds kanji that he/she does not know, for example, “受け入れ (ukeire),” he/she can guess the meaning of “accept” from the known kanji, 入 (incoming), used in the latter half of 受け入れ (ukeire). (2) Guessing from words in the sentence: When a learner encounters an unknown word, for example “gyuuziru (牛耳る),” he/she tries to find a known word in the surrounding context. Since he/she has the expression “eriito-soo (エリート層),” which is the subject of “Pari no seizi-keizai o gyuuziru (パリの政治経済を牛耳る)” as part of the clause with “gyuuziru (牛耳る)” he/she can guess the meaning of “gyuuziru” to be “affect.” (3) Guessing from grammar: When a learner finds an unknown expression, “mitomeraremasen (認められません),” for example, and knows the grammar form “…masen (ません)” which expresses the negative, he/she can guess “mitomeraremasen” as “must not.” (4) Guessing from context: When a learner finds an unknown phrase such as “atama o sagemasita,” he/she tries to find the meaning from the context around that phrase. Since he/she finds the known phrase “moosiwakenai-keredo,” which expresses an “apology,” he/she can guess that “atama o sagemasita” also has the meaning of “apologize.”

      • Direct formation of continuous multilayer graphene films with controllable thickness on dielectric substrates

        Akiba, Sachie,Kosaka, Masaki,Ohashi, Kei,Hasegawa, Kei,Sugime, Hisashi,Noda, Suguru Elsevier 2019 THIN SOLID FILMS - Vol.675 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Direct formation of graphene films on dielectric substrates is investigated by the “etching-precipitation” method which converts metal-carbon mixed films to graphene films by etching metal away by Cl<SUB>2</SUB> at 600–650 °C. Here we report a new approach for improved control of the layer number and continuity of the graphene films. Reactive sputtering of Fe in C<SUB>2</SUB>H<SUB>4</SUB>/Ar enabled fine control of the carbon concentrations and thicknesses of the initial Fe-C films, which yielded continuous multilayer graphene films of controllable average layer numbers of ~10–40, low resistivity down to ~240 μΩ cm, and high Raman G-band to D-band intensity ratio up to 16 directly on SiO<SUB>2</SUB> substrates. We also show that the carbon concentration of the initial Fe-C films determines the film continuity and crystallinity of the graphene.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Continuous films of multilayer graphene are formed directly on SiO<SUB>2</SUB>. </LI> <LI> Average layer number is controlled for a wide range of ~10–40. </LI> <LI> Raman G-band to D-band intensity ratio up to 16 shows the high graphene quality. </LI> <LI> Such films are obtained by removing Fe from Fe-C films using Cl<SUB>2</SUB> at 600–650 °C. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • KCI등재

        Effect of Colored Potato Flakes Against Acetaminophen-induced Liver Damage in Rats

        Kiyoshi Ohba,Shoko Watanabe,Kyu-Ho Han,Naoto Hashimoto,Takahiro Noda,Ken-ichiro Shimada,Hisashi Tanaka,Mitsuo Sekikawa,Michihiro Fukushima 한국식품과학회 2007 Food Science and Biotechnology Vol.16 No.3

        We examined the hepatoprotective effects of colored potato flakes on acetaminophen(AAP)-induced liver damage in rats. F344/DuCrj (8 week-old) rats were fed a cholesterol-free diet with 54,9486 g of α-corn starch/100 g diet and were orally treated with 25% colored flakes of Kitamurasaki (KM: light purple), Northern Ruby (NR: red), and Queen (SQ: medium purple) potatoes co-administered with AAP (0.5 g/100 g diet)for 4 weeks. The hepatic thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) values in the KM, NR, and SQ group were significantly lower (p<0.05) than those in the control groups with and wothout AAP. Furthermore, the hepatic catalase, Mn-superoxide dismutase (SOD), and Cu/Zn-SOD mRNA levels in the KM, NR, and SQ groups were higher than those in the control groups with and without AAP. The present findings suggest that colored potato flakes are useful as a prophylactic agent against oxidative liver damage.

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