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      • Topical Irradiation of UVA to The Eye Induces Immunosuppression in The Mice via Nitric-Oxise Dependent Neuronal Pathways

        Hiramoto, Keiichi,Yanagihara, Nobuyo,Sato, Eisuke F.,Inoue, Masayasu Korean Society of Photoscience 2002 Journal of Photosciences Vol.9 No.2

        It has been well documented that dermal irradiation by ultraviolet A (UVA) locally decreases the number of Langerhans cells and suppresses contact hypersensitivity of the skin. We found that topical irradiation of UVA to the eye systemically decreased the number of Langerhans cells (LC) in the dorsalskin and lymph nodes and elicited lymphocyte apoptosis in the latter tissues but not in the thymus. Optic nerve resection, but not ciliary ganglionectomy, eliminated the UVA-induced decrease in dermal Langerhans cells by a mechanism that was partially inhibited by hypophysectomy. The immunosuppressive effect of UVA was not observed in knockout mice lacking inducible-type of nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). These results suggested that topical irradiation of UVA to the eye induced immunosuppression via NO-dependet neuronal pathways.

      • KCI등재

        儒者という生き方 -惺窩が姜沆に學んだもの-

        평원도웅 ( Michio Hiramoto ) 퇴계학부산연구원 2015 퇴계학논총 Vol.26 No.-

        日本近世朱子學の鼻祖とされる藤原惺窩(1561-1619)が亡くなった翌年、林羅山は門弟を代表して「惺窩先生行狀」を書いている. その「惺窩先生行狀」を讀んですぐに氣づかれるのは、その念頭に程伊川の「明道先生行狀」があったのではないかということだ. 藤原惺窩の排佛歸儒で、朝鮮朱子學者との出會いが契機となったという指摘の例として、德富蘇峰を擧げることができる. 惺窩は、姜沆を親友とし、ある意味においては、その師とした樣だ. されば彼が姜沆に向かって、其の眞肝を吐いたのも、決して不思議ではない. 言葉や風俗を共有する自國人同士でも、心を通わせるのは容易ではない. まして、文化を異にし、言葉も通じない他國人同士が、意志を通じ理解しあうのはいつの時代であれ至難なことであろう. しかし、國と國とが平和裡に共存していくには、結局は個人と個人との交際における相互理解がその基礎である. そこで小論では、惺窩と朝鮮儒學者との交流が實際にはどのようなものであり、惺窩は朝鮮人から何を學んだかという點について考えてみた. Hayashi Razan worte 「Seikasensei gyoujyou(惺窩先生行狀)」 as a representative of disciple when Fujiwara Seika who is progentior of the doctrines of Chu-tzu was died. I noticed that there is possibility that it quoted Teiisen’s Meidosensei gyoujyou(明道先生行狀)」, after reading「Seikasensei gyoujyou (惺窩先生行狀)」 Tokutomi Sohou(德富蘇峰) who is Korean neo-Confucian scholar had influenced Fujiwara Seika becoming Confucianism from Buddhism. Understanding each other is not easy even between the same nationality. So understanding each other who are differnet nationality is difficult through all ages. But, interactions among individual is basic element of sharing peace between countries. For this reason, in this report research about the interactions between Seika and Korean Confucian scholar and what Seika learned from them.

      • KCI등재후보


        平本 留理(Ruri Hiramoto) 한국외국어대학교 일본연구소 2004 日本硏究 Vol.23 No.-

        日本における中世は、「説話文学」の宝庫である。しかし、個々の作品を見ると、その内容はあまりに多種多様で幅広い。この幅広い「説話文学」の領域を細分化するためには、個々の書物の性質を再確認する必要がある。 本稿では、日本三大説話集の一つである『古今著聞集』を中心に、その性質の一端を考察する。ここでは多用される語句に着目しており、それが「不思議」「不可思議」という語である。これらの語句は、「説話」の根本である「伝承」という点と深く関わるものと考え、これらの語が作品中にどのように用いられているか、またこれらの語は、どのような機能を持っているのかについて考察を加えた。 『古今著聞集』において、「不思議」「不可思議」の語は64話82例使用されている。これは総話数の約10%にあたる。この割合は、他の同時期に成立した説話集と比較しても高い数値である。 そもそも「不思議」という語は仏教語としての側面を持っており、「人知を超えた神秘的なもの。神仏の意向によって引き起こされる、人間の考えには及ばない出来事」という意を含んだもので、単なる「予想外」の意を示すものではない。 このような意を含む「不思議」という語を使用することで、『古今著聞集』は「伝承のエネルギー」を生み出し、くどい評語を付すことなく「教訓性を強める」ことに成功している。 「不思議」以外の語を用いて同様の話を展開しているものは、『古今著聞集』においても、そして他の説話集においても多く見られる。この手の話は「説話」というジャンルにとって、欠かせない要素であるということである。しかし、その中でも「不思議」という語は、神仏の意向という神秘的領域に踏み込む意を持つため、他の語よりも重みや深みを持ち、教訓性の強化等につながるというさらなる効果が期待できる語なのである。 このように、『古今著聞集』は「不思議」を用いた「不思議」話を展開することで読者をひきつけ、現在にまで読み継がれる説話集となった。また、「教訓書」としてではなく、話そのものの面白味を維持することに成功しており、後代の多くの作品に影響を及ぼす説話集となったのである。

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Influence of Repeated Senna Laxative Use on Skin Barrier Function in Mice

        ( Satoshi Yokoyama ),( Keiichi Hiramoto ),( Yurika Yamate ),( Kazuya Ooi ) 대한피부과학회 2017 Annals of Dermatology Vol.29 No.4

        Background: Senna, one of the major stimulant laxatives, is widely used for treating constipation. Chronic senna use has been reported to be associated with colonic disorders such as melanosis coli and/or epithelial hyperplasia. However, there is no obvious information on the influence of chronic senna use on organs except for the intestine. Objective: To clarify the influence of senna laxative use on skin barrier function by repeated senna administration. Methods: Eight-week-old male hairless mice received senna (10 mg/kg/day) for 21 days. After administration, we evaluated transepidermal water loss (TEWL), and investigated the bio-markers in plasma and skin using protein analysis methods. Results: Fecal water content on day seven was significantly increased; however, on day 21, it was significantly de-creased after repeated senna administration. In the senna-ad-ministered group, TEWL was significantly higher compared to the control on days seven and 21. Plasma acetylcholine concentration and NO<sub>2</sub> <sup>-</sup>/NO<sub>3</sub> <sup>-</sup> were increased on days sev-en and 21, respectively. In skin, tryptase-positive mast cells and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS)-positive cells were increased on days seven and 21, respectively. The in-crease of TEWL on days seven and 21 was suppressed by the administration of atropine and N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester, respectively. Conclusion: It was suggested that diar-rhea or constipation induced by repeated senna admin-istration caused the impairment of skin barrier function. There is a possibility that this impaired skin barrier function occurred due to degranulation of mast cells via cholinergic signals or oxidative stress derived from iNOS. (Ann Dermatol 29(4) 414∼421, 2017)

      • Sticky Raciolinguistics

        Vincent Pak,Mie Hiramoto 한국외국어대학교 HK 세미오시스 연구센터 2023 Signs and Society Vol.11 No.1

        Singapore’s postcolonial multiracialism is held together by state policies that categorize its citizens into four major race groups ordered according to their size: Chinese, Malay, Indian, and Others. This postcolonial framework—with its colonial logics of statal race management and categorization—governs social life in Singapore. Recent race talk has birthed a contentious term—Chinese privilege—that has found its way into common parlance and is now deployed as an explanation for overt and covert racism. “Chinese privilege,” continuous from White privilege, may be understood as the belief that sociopolitical advantages are accorded to those racialized as Chinese. We take cues from Ahmed’s (2004b) notion of “stickiness” to consider how (1) Western ideas of racialized power rooted in Whiteness are reconfigured in postcolonial Singapore and (2) the processes of racialization and racial categorization are uncritically reproduced in invocations of Chinese privilege as censure and confessional. We interpret the notion of sticky raciolinguistics as the inextricability of race-language conaturalization from antecedent centers of White-settler colonial thought.


        Transport behaviors and mechanisms in cuspidal blockade region for silicon single-hole transistor

        Lee, Y.,Lee, S.,Hiramoto, T. Elsevier 2014 Current Applied Physics Vol.14 No.3

        The Si single-hole transistor displays the anomalously-extended cuspidal blockade region, which is elongated toward the 45<SUP>o</SUP>-tilted direction normal to gate vs. drain bias voltage regions in the Coulomb blockade diagram. This is attributed to the formation of an ultra small Si quantum dot (QD) into the gate-all-around (GAA) stack. Namely, the large one-electron-addition energy (= 447 meV) from the 2-nm-size Si QD enables the clear Coulomb-blockade events at room temperature, and the large voltage gain from the GAA stack allows the cuspidal extension of the blockade region through the renormalization of Coulomb-blockade energies at the adjacent bias points near the initial Coulomb-blockade state.

      • KCI등재

        Transport behaviors and mechanisms in cuspidal blockade region for silicon single-hole transistor

        이영민,이세준,Toshiro Hiramoto 한국물리학회 2014 Current Applied Physics Vol.14 No.3

        The Si single-hole transistor displays the anomalously-extended cuspidal blockade region, which is elongated toward the 45-tilted direction normal to gate vs. drain bias voltage regions in the Coulomb blockade diagram. This is attributed to the formation of an ultra small Si quantum dot (QD) into the gateall- around (GAA) stack. Namely, the large one-electron-addition energy (¼ 447 meV) from the 2-nm-size Si QD enables the clear Coulomb-blockade events at room temperature, and the large voltage gain from the GAA stack allows the cuspidal extension of the blockade region through the renormalization of Coulomb-blockade energies at the adjacent bias points near the initial Coulomb-blockade state.


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