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        Temperature Dependence of the Spin Lattice Relaxation Time of Proton NMR in the Mixed Antiferromagnets A1−xBxCl2·2H2O

        Tatsuichi Hamasaki,Kazuko Zenmyo,Hidenori Kubo 한국물리학회 2013 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.63 No.3

        The mixed transition metal dichloride dihydrates A1−xBxCl2·2H2O (A, B=Co, Mn, Ni) havebeen prepared in order to understand the specificity of the Mn spins in the mixtures. The temperaturedependences of the spin lattice relaxation times T1 of proton nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) on these mixed crystals have been measured. In Ni1−xBxCl2·2H2O (B=Co, Mn), Mn substitutionincreased the relaxation rates 1/T1 more than Co substitution, even when the amounts ofsubstitution were almost the same. In Co1−xBxCl2·2H2O (B=Mn, Ni), Mn has a significant impacton the relaxation rates in comparison with Ni. In Mn1−xBxCl2·2H2O (B=Ni, Co), the relaxationrates are much increased by a slight substitution of Co and exhibit a minimum in the temperaturerange of observation. This appearance of a minimum in the relaxation rates at low temperatures isbelieved to reflect an instability due to the occurrence of a reentrant spin-glass transition. A similartrend is seen at low temperatures in the case of Ni substitution, too. A Co1−xFexCl2·2H2O (x =0.1) sample has been prepared, too. In this sample, a minimum of the relaxation rate is seen inthe temperature range of observation. This may reflect an instability due to the occurrence of anoblique antiferromagnetic transition.

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