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        Evaluation of a Apo-1/Fas promoter polymorphism in Korean stroke patients

        Jung-ChulSeo,Sang-WonHan,Chang-SikYin,Hyung-KyunKoh,Chang-HwanKim,Ee-HwaKim,Kang-HyunLeem,Hyang-SookLee,Hi-JoonPark,Soon-AeKim,Bong-KeunChoe,Hee-JaeLee,Sung-VinYim,Chang-JuKim,Joo-HoChung 생화학분자생물학회 2002 Experimental and molecular medicine Vol.34 No.4

        Apoptosis has been implicated in the pathogenesis ofneurodegenerative diseases such as stroke and Alzhe-imer's disease. Apo-1/Fas gene is one of the mediatorsof apoptosis in stroke. MvaI polymorphism is the firstpolymorphic marker identified in the Apo-1/Fas genepromoter, which was typed by PCR and folowed byMvaI digestion and gel electrophoresis. DNA isolatedfrom peripheral blood collected from 91 strokepatients and 103 healthy blood donors was used forgenotypes of GG, GA and AA by sequence specificprimer PCR. MvaI polymorphism was examined basedon Fas gene promotor region by restriction fragmentlength polymorphism (RFLP). The Fas-G genotypewas the least frequent in patients with stroke andhealthy controls (P= 0.57). In normal Korean controlsthe MvaI polymorphism GA, AA and GG were 48.6%,34.9% and 16.5%. In stroke patients were 56.2%, 29.6%and 14.2% respectively. And the allelic frequencies ofMvaI*2 (G) alle were les frequent than MvaI*1 (A)alle in patients with stroke and healthy controls(P= 0.76). In normal Korean controls MvaI*1 (A) andMvaI*2 (G) alles were 59.2% and 40.8%. In strokepatients were 57.6% and 42.4%, respectively. Ourresults, pending confirmation in a larger study, indi-cate that the Fas genotype may not apear to be a riskfactor for stroke in Korean stroke patients.

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