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      • KCI등재

        Analyzing residents’ preferences to ecotourism impacts using simple additive weighting: The case of Mount Rinjani National Park, Indonesia

        Siolemba Patiro Shine Pintor,Hendarto Kresno Agus,Parmono V. Rachmadi,Wibowo Lukas Rumboko,Suka Aneka Prawesti,Abdurakhman Abdurakhman,Pramusita Arina,Al Hasan Rubangi,Yumantoko Yumantoko,Nandini Ryke 한국산림과학회 2024 Forest Science And Technology Vol.20 No.1

        Under the more current paradigm of protected area management, which takes a more integrated approach to conservation and development opportunities, residents are now seen as co-managers of protected areas. Through the Social Representation Theory, Rational Choice Theory, and Social Identity Theory, this study aims to identify the economic, socio-cultural, and environmental impacts of ecotourism perceived by the residents and their priorities/ preferences in Mount Rinjani National Park (MNRP). This study employed the qualitative method (phase 1) and the quantitative method (phase 2). Phase 1 collected primary data through focus group discussion (FGD). The FGD was conducted with 7 participants who were chosen using judgment sampling. Data in the FGD were transcribed and analyzed with content analysis. Results of the analysis in phase 1 were utilized as the basis for analysis in phase 2. Phase 2 collected the data from a survey. Due to the homogeneity of the population, 30 respondents were chosen as the sample using purposive sampling. Data of the survey were analyzed with simple additive weighting. The results showed that the highest preference of the residents was economic impacts, followed by the social-cultural and environmental impacts. From the perspective of Social Representation Theory, it can explain how different people understand and respond to social issues in a community. From the perspective of Rational Choice Theory and Social Identity Theory, although economic impacts rank first, social interest comes first instead of individual interest. Finally, the results of this study can be used as a guide for both the national government (MNRP) and local government (the Culture and Tourism Board) regard to how residents behave towards ecotourism development.


        Roles and voices of farmers in the “special purpose” forest area in Indonesia : Strengthening gender responsive policy

        Kurniawati Hastuti DEWI,Sandy Nur Ikfal RAHARJO,DESMIWATI,Kresno Agus HENDARTO,Aam AMINAH,Tri Astuti WISUDAYATI,Hasan ROYANI,Anggi Dian Safitri HASIBUAN,Dian Ratna SARI Asian Center for Women's Studies : Ewha Womans Uni 2020 Asian Journal of Women's Studies(AJWS) Vol.26 No.4

        Using the Harvard Analytical Framework (HAF), we analyze the role of farmers (male and female) in the Special Purpose Forest Area of Parungpanjang, Indonesia. Primary data for this study were collected through interviews and focus group discussions with male and female farmers at the research site in September 2019. This shows that female farmers participate in all dimensions of productive, reproductive, and socio-political activities, including aspects of control, while male farmers tend to limit their participation only to productive and socio-political activities. It confirms the findings of earlier research that there is no significant gender difference between the roles of female and male farmers in terms of natural resource management and control in Southeast Asia. However, one problem remains: the Special Purpose Forest Area of Parungpanjang has not given official registration rights to female farmers. By presenting their voices, we suggest the need for the strengthening of gender-responsive policies such as granting registration rights to female farmers to access and use land and conduct gender awareness programs among male farmers. Dengan menggunakan Kerangka Analisis Harvard, kami menganalisis peran para petani (laki laki dan perempuan) di Kawasan Hutan dengan Tujuan Khusus Parungpanjang, Indonesia. Data primer dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dan diskusi kelompok terpumpun dengan para petani laki-laki dan perempuan di lokasi penelitian pada September 2019. Kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa petani perempuan berpartisipasi pada semua dimensi kegiatan produktif, reproduktif, dan sosio-politik, termasuk juga aspek kontrol, sementara petani laki-laki cenderung membatasi partisipasi mereka pada kegiatan produktif dan sosio-politik saja. Hal ini mengonfirmasi temuan penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya bahwa tidak ada perbedaan peran gender yang signifikan antara petani laki-laki dan perempuan dalam pengelolaan sumber daya alam di Asia Tenggara. Meskipun demikian, masih ada masalah yaitu Kawasan Hutan dengan Tujuan Khusus Parungpanjang belum memberikan hak pendaftaran kepada para petani perempuan. Dengan menyajikan suara para petani perempuan, kajian ini mendorong penguatan kebijakan responsif gender seperti pemberian hak pendaftaran kepada para petani perempuan untuk mengakses dan mengelola lahan, serta pelaksanaan program penyadaran gender untuk para petani laki-laki.

      • KCI등재

        Variability of pod and seed traits on candidate plus tree Pongamia pinnata in Indonesia

        Danu,Nuroniah Hani Sitti,Cahyono Deddy Dwi Nur,Aminah Aam,Syamsuwida Dida,Siregar Nurmawati,Suita Eliya,Djam’an Dharmawati,Lukman Abdul Hakim,Hendarto Kresno Agus 한국산림과학회 2024 Forest Science And Technology Vol.20 No.2

        Pongamia pinnata is a species native to Indonesia and a potential bioenergy species to be developed on marginal land in Indonesia. This study examined variability in the pods, seeds, and oil content of 44 candidate plus trees (CPT) collected from a natural distribution of pongams on three islands and pongam domestication plots. The measurements of the phenotypic properties of the pods and seeds were recorded (length, width, thickness, and weight), as well as the oil content of the seeds. This study showed that Pongamia pinnata in Indonesia has variable pod and seed traits. However, there was no significant correlation between the pods/seeds trait with the oil content, indicating that the size of the seed does not determine oil content. The narrow-sense heritability of seed weight and oil content were high. The cluster of 44 CPT referred to oil content and 17 CPT can be promoted for breeding program. This study will help better identify for tree selection in a pongam breeding program.

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