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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • The psychological implications of martial arts training on children and adults

        David J. Harrell 국기원 2012 국기원태권도연구 Vol.3 No.2

        A surprising amount of research on the impacts of martial art training and exercise on brain function has found that exercise can improve memory, enhance creativity and support the ability to rationally make good decisions about what actions to take. The impact of Taekwondo, the martial art, on children and adults has been carefully observed by the author for the past two decades, and warrants further examination to quantify the scope of the effects the martial art training makes as opposed to it’s sport oriented counterpart. Research findings consistently support the argument that traditional martial art training leads to positive personal development physically, psychologically and philosophically, irrespective of age. Emphasis is placed on respect, confidence, integrity, self‒control and honor. Mean while, modern Taekwondo focuses on sport competitiveness of athletes, not content of character.

      • KCI등재

        태권도 수련의 창의,인성적 가치

        ( David J Harrell ) 국기원 2013 국기원태권도연구 Vol.4 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 전통 태권도 도장에서 지도하는 무예수련 프로그램이 학생들의 창의성과 성격에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 알아보기 위함이다. 다음 두 가지의 특정 설문이 질문되었다. 첫째, 전통 무예수련이 학생들의 학업 성취도와 행동에 어떤 영향을 미치는가. 둘째, 무예가 학생들의 삶을 어떻게 변화시켰는가. 관련 정보를 수집하기 위해 두 가지 설문조사 방법이 개발되고 배포되었다. 그 결과 무예수련이 학생들의 체력증진과 더불어 자신감과 자아감회복에 중요한 역할을 하는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 이 향상된 자아 개념은 학생들이 긍정적인 결과를 도취해 내기 위한 행동 범위를 식별하는데 충분한 확신을 가지고 다양한 상황들을 냉정하고 분석적으로 살펴볼 수 있게 한다. 이것은 학생들이 목적과 목표 설정, 문제 해결 강구, 그리고 그 목표 성취 과정에서의 장애 극복 등에 도움을 준다. 이러한 능력과 특성은 창의성 개발의 기초가 되고 개인의 환경과 인생 경험은 그들의 성장과 성숙함에 영향을 준다. 지도자는 수련생들에게 생산성 격려, 문제해결, 상상력 사용 등을 통해 창의력과 긍정적인 가치를 양육할 수 있는 환경을 생성해 주는데 중추적인 역할을 한다. 지도자는 학생들에게 도장에서 배운 것을 그들의 개인, 직장, 또는 학업 활동에 반영할 수 있도록 고무시켜 주는 사람으로 식별된다. 모든 지도자들에게 이 책임의 의미는 엄청나다. 지도자는 제자들이 현재 그들의 위치에 섰을 때 스승의 가르침에 대한 가치를 확신할 수 있도록 본인의 영역을 돌아봐야 한다. The purpose of this study was to determine what effect, if any, the martial arts programme and the instruction offered by the Traditional Taekwondo Institute has on the lives of students, with particular attention to creative abilities and character. Two specific research questions were asked: 1. what effect, if any, has traditional martial arts training had on the academic performance and behaviour of students 2. how has martial arts made a difference in the lives of students Two survey instruments were designed and distributed to gather relevant information. The results suggested that martial art training, in addition to improving the physical fitness levels of students, is also instrumental in aiding the development of self confidence and self belief. This enhanced self concept enables students to calmly and analytically appraise a variety of situations with sufficient assurance to identify a range of actions to achieve positive outcomes. It assists them to set goals and targets, devise solutions to problems, and to overcome obstacles on the way to achieving those goals. These abilities and attributes are fundamental to the development of creativity and their growth and maturity is influenced by the environment and life experiences of the individual. For the martial art student, the instructor plays a pivotal role in the creation of an environment that can nurture creativity and positive values through encouraging productivity, problem solving and the use of imagination. The instructor is identified as someone who can inspire students to translate the lessons learned in the dojang into their personal, work or academic activities. The implications of this responsibility for all instructors are enormous. They must all evaluate the legacy that they are leaving for their own students and those who come after them to ensure it is worthy of those who taught them.

      • KCI등재

        무예 수련이 어린이와 성인에 미치는 심리적 영향

        ( David J. Harrell ) 국기원 2012 국기원태권도연구 Vol.3 No.2

        무예 수련이 두뇌 기능에 미치는 영향에 대해 많은 연구가 이루어졌는데 그 내용에 따르면 수련이 기억을 발전시키며, 창의성을 고양하고 어떤 행동을 할지에 대한 합리적 판단능력을 상승시킨다는 것이다. 본 연구자는 지난 20년 동안 무예인 태권도가 아이들과 성인들에게 끼치는 영향을 주의 깊게 관찰하였으며, 이 영향을 고려하여 스포츠 태권도에 대비해서 무예 수련이 유발하는 효과들의 범위를 구체화하기 위한 추가적인 고찰을 쉽게 할 수 있었다. 연구결과에 따르면 전통적인 무예 수련은 나이와 상관없이 생리적으로, 심리적으로, 그리고 철학적으로 긍정적인 인간 발달을 가져왔다. 존경, 자신감, 온전함, 자기제어 그리고 명예의 측면에서 특히 유효하였다. 다만 현대 태권도는 선수들의 경쟁력에만 초점을 맞출 뿐 인성교육의 측면에서는 다소 소홀하였다. A surprising amount of research on the impacts of martial art training and exercise on brain function has found that exercise can improve memory, enhance creativity and support the ability to rationally make good decisions about what actions to take. The impact of Taekwondo, the martial art, on children and adults has been carefully observed by the author for the past two decades, and warrants further examination to quantify the scope of the effects the martial art training makes as opposed to it`s sport oriented counterpart. Research findings consistently support the argument that traditional martial art training leads to positive personal development physically, psychologically and philosophically, irrespective of age. Emphasis is placed on respect, confidence, integrity, self-control and honor. Mean while, modern Taekwondo focuses on sport competitiveness of athletes, not content of character.


        Nutritional Approaches for Improving Neonatal Piglet Performance: Is There a Place for Liquid Diets in Commercial Production? - Review -

        Odle, J.,Harrell, R.J. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1998 Animal Bioscience Vol.11 No.6

        This report includes an extensive bibliography of research articles investigating various facets of rearing neonatal piglets using liquid diets, and includes historical publications dating back to the 1940's. However, in order to provide concise and timely focus for application in modem swine production, only a selected number of recent findings are reviewed in detail. Collectively, the data presented illustrate that growth of piglets fed liquid diets can greatly exceed that of littermates fed dry diets and can even exceed growth rates of sow-reared controls (by up to 160%). The central questions that remain unanswered are: 1) Can this improved performance be obtained routinely and economically under applied farm conditions? and if so, 2) Does improved growth during the early-weaning period translate into improved net economic returns overall? Unfortunately, due to the current practical management constraints related to liquid-diet feeding (i.e., lack of an easy-to-manage feed delivery system), limited data are available which examine the efficacy of liquid-diet feeding under practical, commercial farm conditions.

      • Analysis of Motivating Factors for Smokeless Tobacco Use in Two Indian States

        Danawala, Saba Ashraf,Arora, Monika,Stigler, Melissa Harrell Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2014 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.15 No.16

        Background: This study was conducted to gauge how the demographic profile of smokeless tobacco (SLT) users from Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh, India, differs from that of smokers. It also addresses how factors associated with the initiation and continuation of smokeless tobacco vary by age, gender, and education. Materials and Methods: We analyzed 2011 cross-sectional survey data collected from 4,759 respondents (smokers/SLT users/non-users) in both states. Chi-square analysis was used to make comparisons between the demographic profiles of smokers and SLT users. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to obtain the odds ratios (ORs) for initiation and continuation factors regressed on socio-demographic variables (age, gender, education). Results: Initiation-women were less likely than men to report "peer pressure", "fashion statement", and "stress/coping" as relevant factors for SLT use (OR: 0.45 CI: 0.30-0.70; OR: 0.42 CI: 0.24-0.74; OR: 2.47, CI: 1.47-4.15). Older age groups had lower odds of choosing "peer pressure" than the 15-24 year olds. Respondents with 11 or more years of education were more likely to report "stress/coping" than those with no education (OR: 2.82, CI: 1.06-7.48). Continuation-women were less likely than men to choose "relaxation", and "distance from family" as important continuation factors (OR: 0.50, CI:0.32-0.80; OR: 0.20, CI: 0.06-0.65). All age groups were less likely to choose "stimulation" as a factor than the youngest group. Conclusions: Along with confirming and expanding upon previous literature, the findings of this study should encourage further SLT research in women and younger age groups (15-24 and 24-44). They also confirm the need for SLT prevention and cessation interventions in India in other community-based settings, besides schools.

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