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      • 「미국(美國) 장로교(長老敎)의 한국(韓國) 선교(宣敎) 역사(歷史)」에 나타난 한경직(韓景職) 목사(牧師)

        한중식 ( Han Joong-sik ) 숭실대학교 인문과학연구소 1998 인문학연구 Vol.28 No.-

        There are sporadic descriptions contained in the 「History of the Korea Mission Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.」, but they are consistent with historical materials of YoungNak Church and provide readers with an overall picture of Reverend Han. According to the material, Reverend Han was the following: First, he had an immense interest in mission related to North Korea. Second, he was a great minister. Third, he was the founder of the largest presbyterian church in the world. Fourth, he is a representative Christian philanthropist. Fifth, he was a great Christian educator. Sixth, he had a special fervor for evangelism and missionary work. Seventh, he was a leader of united church projects, the restoration of the church and re-education of ministers. As such, Reverend Han was a perfect minister who had all the necessary qualities. He was a model and mentor to all ministers and Christians.

      • 明初 對外關係攷 : 特히 對韓半島關係를 中心으로

        金漢植 대구교육대학교 1972 論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        In this paper, I attempted toexamine closely the international relations in theearly Ming dynasty, mainly with Han-peninsula. Withthe foundation of Mingsynasty, it continued to have a national isolation policy which was restricted only tothe tributary relations between Ming dynasty and its neighbouring nations. The relations of Continental Ming dynasty with Korea dynasty of Han-peninsula were also fromed with the foundation of Ming dynasty. These relations were based on the unified wills of both countries-that is, the march-northward policy which was a long-fostered wish of Korea dynasty and the policy to check the connection between Korea dynasty and Japanese invaders in Ming dynasty. The Relations of Korea dynasty with Ming dynasty were quite elastic and expedient. Compared withthis, however, attitude of Ri dynasty toward Ming dynasty was firmly dependent upon the powerful. The normalization of diplomatic relsations between Ming dynasty and Ri dynasty was formed in 1403 (Ri, Tai Jong 3 years), which resulted from such conditions of that time as internal stabilization and the moves to form an "East Asia Co-operation Body" by Ming Sung-T'su. At that time, the basis of Sino-Korean tributary relations was politically shaped to secure the administrative power of both countries's political leaders, and especially the leaders of Han-peninsula thought China as the only door of the foreign discernment. So they made positive efforts to increase the frequency of tributary relations. Therefore the tributary relations of that time was institutionalized and based on the relations afterward.

      • KCI등재후보

        Anti-inflammatory and Anti-oxidant Effects of PHBV/Collagen (PHCP) on Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Skin Inflammation

        Jin-Yi Han3*, Xu Zi Guang, Jyung-Sik Kwak, Ki-Wan Oh, Han-Ik Bae 충북대학교 동물의학연구소 2012 Journal of Biomedical and Translational Research Vol.13 No.1

        The anti-inflammatory effect of PHBV/Collagen (PHCP) was examined in a mouse model of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced skin inflammation. Vascular permeability on the back skin was measured by the local accumulation of Evan’s blue dye after subcutaneous injection of LPS (30 μg site-1). Dye leakage in the skin showed a significant increase at 2 h after injection of LPS. This LPS-induced dye leakage was also completely inhibited by HO-1 inhibitor, ZnPP, and antioxidants, including methyl gallate, trolox, and mannitol. To study the possible mechanisms underlying the in vivo anti-inflammatory effect of PHCP against LPS-induced inflammation, we also examined the effects of PHCP on malondialdehyde (MDA) and glutathione levels in skin tissues and found that pretreatment with PHCP resulted in inhibited MDA elevation and a remarkable reduction of glutathione level. In addition, similar results were obtained after pretreatment with antioxidants, including trolox and mannitol, and HO-1 inhibitor, ZnPP. Histopathologically, an influx of neutrophils into the skin dermis was detected between 24 h and 72 h after LPS injection (30, 100 μg site-1), compared to control animals after injection of saline. This increase was greater in mice treated with 100 μg of LPS than in those treated with 30 μg of LPS and was significantly suppressed by pretreatment with PHCP, antioxidants, and HO-1 inhibitor. These results collectively suggest that PHCP has an anti-inflammatory effect against LPS-induced inflammation model in vivo and may be a good candidate for the skin tissue engineering biomedical application primarily through manipulation of the redox state.

      • KCI등재
      • 글쓰기의 목소리, 몸짓 : 죠르쥬 베르나노스의 텍스트를 통해 살펴본 문학적 의사 전달 연구 L'etude de la Communication Litteraire dans le Texte de Georges Bernanos

        김한식 中央大學校 人文科學硏究所 1996 人文學硏究 Vol.24 No.-

        《Résumé》Le but de cette etude est de mettre au point la tension contradictoire qui constitue l'écriture politique de Bernanos, tension entre le souci esthetique et le refus de la littérature, l'impuissance des mots et le désir de la communication transparente. Aussi, avons-nous proposé, dans les écrits de combat de Bernanos, une modalité de l'écriture qui se ramène a la《rhétorique de l'indicible》. Celle-ci se situe au point de convergence de tous les mouvements de destination chez Bernanos. Et c'est la《rhétorique de coeur》qui est une modalité discursive de la《rhétorique de l'indicible》. Dans cette perspective, nous avons vu que, dans les séquences de jounal personnel, le destinateur postulait comme destinataire les diverses instances de son Moi : l'existence de l'allocutaire, même imaginaire, s'impose pour que le locuteur ne soit pas dupe du monologue narcissique. Le récit devient une interprétation de soi-même, une méditation sur la mort et l'éternite, en même temps qu'il donne un jugement de soi-même. Cependant, l'écrivain n'écrit jamais pour soi-même. Le problème, c'est que l'autre en face de lui risque à tout moment de se dissoudre dans le silence du papier blanc. L'écriture tend à tourner à la forme épistolaire dont nous avons étudié la variation de destination : la séquence presque de pamphlet, la séquence de lettre ouverte plus ou moins intime. On trouve un mouvement inhérent commun dans le cadre énonciatif de ce type d'allocution. C'est qu'elle cherche à être un dialogue vivant. Tout se passe comme si le locuteur s'adressait à son allocutaire de particulier à particulier. Nous avons montré que la limite esthétique des séquences épistolaires résidait justement dans une tension dialectique entre la parole vive et la lave refroidie. L'écriture devient alors une《parole》, parole qui cherche à représenter le mouvement du coeur à travers l'exaltation lyrique, l'invocation lyrique, la dénonciation pathétique, l'éloquence forte et grave. Le dilemme, c'est que rien ne remplace la présence physique et réelle d'un destinataire qui dialogue effectivement avec Je, et aussi que《rien n'est plus effrayant que l'absence de réponse》. L'écriture tourne à la prière devant ce《tiers invisible》, qui peut lui donner, un jour et par hasard, la compréhension répondante. Le récit devient une prière. La parole devient un chant《à la merci des passants》.

      • KCI등재

        Mahatma Gandhi, a big tree grown up on good soils : An alternative approach to Gandhi's leadership and its educational implications

        전윤식,장한기 부산대학교 사범대학 1995 교사교육연구 Vol.30 No.-

        리더쉽은 그 주된 육성자의 하나인 동시에 그 수요자이기도 한 교육계로서는 언제나 관심을 갖지 않을 수 없는 주제이다. 간디는 인류가 경험한 뛰어난 지도자 중의 하나일 뿐만 아니라, "지도자는 타고나는가 만들어지는가?" 또는 "될성부른 나무는 떡잎부터 다른가"라는 지도자의 양성과 관련되어 흔히 제기되는 질문과 관련하여 아주 적절한 연구의 대상이다. 본 연구에서는 "어떻게 하여 그가 비폭력주의 지도자가 되었는가" 및 "무엇이 그로 하여금 성공적인 지도자가 되게 하였는가?"를 중심으로 간디 지도성의 신비의 일단을 밝히고자 하였다. 어린 시절의 간디는 스스로 겁쟁이라고 했을 만큼 자아효능감과 자신감이 아주 낮았다. 영국에서 법학공부를 하고 변호사가 되어 인도로 돌아오고 난 뒤에도 법정의 변호사석에서 단 한마디의 말도 못했고 그래서 수임료를 반환했어야 할 정도로 그는 그야말로 실제로 별 볼일이 없는 인물이었다. 인도인들이 많이 살던 남아프리카에서 그는 영국인들로부터 유색인종으로서의 차별대우를 받게 되고 얻어맞기도 하게 된다. 이때 그는 즉각 힘으로 대항하지 않고 (사실은 못하고) 나중에 법적인 절차를 통하여 영국 관리들에게 항의하고 시정조치를 받아내게 된다. 그 성공은 그로 하여금 자신감을 갖게 만들었고 비폭력적 투쟁방법이라는 자기 자신의 (겁쟁이 적인) 성격에 적합한 지도력의 행사방법을 확립하게 되었다. 그로부터 많은 인도인들이 그를 따르게 되었고 그는 유래를 찾기 힘들만큼의 카리스마적 지도자로 발전하게 된다. 전체적으로 볼 때 간디의 성공은 사회전체의 상황이 일제시대의 우리나라처럼 무자비하고 비인간적인 것이 아니었기 때문에 가능했을 것이다. 많은 애국운동가들이 처형당하고 국어연구와 같은 문화적인 활동까지도 투옥과 고문으로 탄압 당하는 속에서는 간디로서는 감히 나서지 못했거나, 나섰다고 하더라도 성공하는 경우가 없었거나, 아니면 작은 성공과 더불어 그가 처형되었을 것이기 때문이다. 간디의 경우로부터 지도력의 함양과 관련하여 얻을 수 있는 示唆는 크게 두 가지로 요약된다. 자신감이 아주 낮은 사람도 탁월한 지도자가 될 수 있다는 것과 행위자 (잠재적 지도자)와 사회 역사적 상황이 일치할 때 지도자가 길러진다는 사실이다. 따라서 우리는 각계각층의 지도자가 없다고 개탄할 것이 아니라 지도자가 나올 수 있는 풍토와 토양을 마련하여 미래의 훌륭한 지도자를 의도적, 계획적으로 양성해야 할 것이다.

      • 융모성림프구를 보이는 비장변연부 림프종 1예

        진한영,손창학,주영돈,박정하,이재익,조영완,이원식 인제대학교 2006 仁濟醫學 Vol.27 No.-

        Splenic marginal zone lymphoma is very rare B-cell lymphoma, characterized by an indolent clinical course. Clinical features are moderate-to severe splenomegaly, absolute lymphocytosis, and bone marrow intrasinusoidal infiltration of lymphocyte. We report the case of a 37-year-old male with SMZL. He complained of LUQ pain, who had a massive splenomegaly and moderate lymphocytosis in peripheral blood. Immunophenotyping findings and morphologic findings were consistent with SMZL. He underwent splenectomy and received chemotherapy with cyclophosphamide for eight months. Now, one year later after surgery he has a nearly normal blood count with no treatment.

      • 마이크로 컴퓨터를 이용한 多品種 少量生産 시스템의 전산화 事例

        宋漢植 東亞大學校經營問題硏究所 1984 經營論叢 Vol.7 No.-

        This paper showed the application of Micrcomputers(IBM-PC compatibles) to (ⅰ) the order entry and delivery data processings, (ⅱ) stock items keeping and inquiry, and (ⅲ) grouping the ordered items by their specifications or by their raw materials requirements in the custom products job shop or batch process systems. TAEKWANG BEND IND. CO. which produces bends products were the real example of this applocation study. Bends are specified by their shape(item name), types, schedules, sizes and raw materials, and ordeed items are specified by their custom name, order no, p. o. no. duedates,, and other remarks. In this company, above (ⅰ), (ⅱ), and (ⅲ) were serious problems because of its diversity of products and of its complexity of order entry and delivery processings. Thus it has been tried to develop the EDP systems for those problems by using an IBM-PC compatible computers. EDP system development was through the several stages: system analysis, system design, data base system design, program development and installment. For the easiness of system development, dBASE Ⅱ from Ashton-Tate was used. dBASE Ⅱ is relational data base management systems which is easy and powerful in system design and program development. Program was developed as menu driven system so as to perform the task by choosing proper options. Computer system was made up of main body, 10 mega byte hard disk, and printer as microcomputer system. Now days, because of continuous falling of hardware prices, it is better to computerize the daily transactions and to support the plan and control of the custom-products job shop or batch systems by using the micro level computers.

      • 不良損失을 고려한 多段階 로트生産의 生産스케줄 樹立에 관한 硏究 : 신발類 製造業體를 實例로 in a Case of Shoes Production

        宋漢植 東亞大學校 大學院 1984 大學院論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        The competitive strategy of an organization is represented by its policies with respect to the marketplace and its competitors; four major competitive weapons are cost, quality, availability and flexibility. For intermittent system, when the quality and flexibility are almost equal among competitors, cost and availability are critical factors to have advantage over other competitors. Intermittent system has two important characteristics regarding availability and cost. One is learning curve phenomenon and the other is scrap factor in production process. So, in this paper a model which finds the efficiency of system is proposed to represent competitive power from availability and cost which are under the influence of learning curve phenomenon and scrap factor. Especially, scrap factor is the cause of delay of order delivery and increase of cost and resulted in the deterioration of productivity. On the other hand learning, curve phenomenon in production process of one kind of item reduces the production time and costs. So, this paper has the idea to represent opportunity cost of waiting time of order and defective losses into profitability of system under certain scheduling rule. Besides profitability, average number of waiting orders and average waiting time of an order are considered as systems efficiency. To find profitability as profit per systems hour, the difficulty lies in to find out the waiting time of orders. Two methods are considered. One is by analytic queueing M/G/m model or Level Cross Analysis model. The other is Simulation model. Queueing model is difficult to accommodate practical real requirements into theoretical model and to expand mathematically. So, Simulation model is constructed. The imput variables are learning curve percentage (R), defective rate (p), set-up time (UP), rate of return (r), prices (P), raw material and labor costs (C), and feedback probability (d) to complete scrap deficiency. When these input variables are given, the simulation model finds the profitability, idle time of facilities, average number of waiting order (N), average waiting time (W),etc. Through numerical example of shoes production case, it was found out that scrap factor has severe influence on profitability than expected, and average number of waiting order was greatly influenced by systems utilization factor (ρ) and average waiting time was consistently stabled through the experiment. In addition, if we have practical past history of order arrival and order size, these data can be used to generate order arrival data, we can get profitability and other important systems characteristics which give some important information about the operation of intermittent productive system such as order processing rule or scheduling priority rule.

      • 韓國産 바람꽃屬(Anemone) 植物의 分類學的 硏究(미나리아재비과)

        郭漢植,李相泰 성균관대학교 기초과학연구소 1995 論文集 Vol.46 No.1

        A taxonomic study on the Korean Anemone species except some North Korean ones, was conducted to delimitate some problematic taxa. Anemone narcissiflora var. umbellulifera was validated on the bases of inflorescence type, plant height and leaf margin, to which A chosenicola and A narcissiflora var. shikokiana were synonymized by having compound umbel. A reflexa and A amurensis were distinguished fairly by style length and the rhizome, leaf and sepal shape and clearly by a reflexed nature of sepals. A koraiensis and A rossii were distinguished by the stigma shape, but thought to be further studied because of their common features in general and the same type of pollen aperture. It was considered that the status of A stolonifera var. quelpaertensis and A raddeana var. glabrata as varieties was not supported on the basis of characters such as trichome condition and plant height. Key to the species was constructed and synonyms, descriptions, and illustrations of each taxa were given. It was revealed that 13 species of Anemone among 21 so far known, are distributed in Korea.

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