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        좋은 논문 쓰기 : 법사회학적 방법론을 중심으로

        Terence C. HALLIDAY 梨花女子大學校 法學硏究所 2010 法學論集 Vol.14 No.3

        좋은 논문을 쓰는 것은 학문활동에서 가장 중요한 일 중 하나이지만 연구자가 과연 무엇이 좋은 논문인지, 좋은 논문이란 어떻게 써야 할 것인지에 대해서 분명히 인식하지 못하는 경우가 종종 있습니다. 이러한 인식을 기초로 BK 21 법을 통한 사회적 갈등관리 연구팀은 미국의 법사회학자 테렌스 할리데이(Terence Halliday)교수를 초청하여 ‘좋은 논문쓰기’에 관한 워크샵을 개최하였습니다. 이 워크샵은 사회과학의 시각에서 좋은 논문으로 평가되는 연구의 특징과 방법론을 자세히 살펴보기 위한 것으로, 향후 BK21 연구팀의 학술활동에 큰 도움이 될 것으로 기대합니다. 이 워크샵에서 할리데이교수는 미국 법사회학회(Law and Society Association)에서 우수논문상을 수상한 세 편의 논문들의 연구방법론과 학문적 기여도, 바람직한 글쓰기 등을 검토함으로써 좋은 논문의 구체적인 예를 제시하였습니다. 좋은 논문에 대한 할리데이교수의 설명과 이에 대한 참석자들의 질문과 토론, 평가를 통해 연구자들은‘학술적으로 가치가 있는 논문을 어떻게 쓸 것인가?’에 대한 밑그림을 그려볼 수 있었습니다. 또한 법사회학적 방법론에 입각한 논문을 공부하면서 미시적인 해석론에서 벗어나 거시적인 시각에서 법률적 쟁점을 파악하는 방법론을 배우는 기회가 되었습니다. 적절하고 효율적인 연구방법의 설계와 검증을 통해 새로운 시각을 제시함으로써 좋은 논문으로 선정된 세 편의 연구논문 요지와 워크샵의 내용을 정리하여 게재합니다.

      • Ultraviolet A Induces Immunosuppression, Protection or Memory Enhancement Depending on Dose, while Ultraviolet B is Immunosuppressive and Tolerogenic over a Large Dose Range

        Halliday, Gary M.,Byrne, Scott N. Korean Society of Photoscience 2002 Journal of Photosciences Vol.9 No.2

        UVR-induced immunosuppression contributes to skin cancer. The aim was to construct accurate dose response curves for primary and secondary contact sensitivity for solar-simulated UVR (ssUVR; 290-400nm), UVA and UVB as the role of UVA in immunosuppression is controversial. We used a xenon arc source. The mice were immobilised, enabling accurate dosing. C57BL/6 mice were immunosuppressed at half the dose of ssUVR required to cause sunburn but not by higher doses (up to the sunburn dose). Thus, ssUVR causes systemic immunosuppression only over a narrow, low dose range. UVA caused suppression at low but not high doses whereas UVB induced immunosuppression at all doses tested. 8 weeks later the mice were resensitised to assess tolerance. Mice exposed to the minimum immunosuppressive dose of ssUVR prior to primary sensitisation were tolerant to re-sensitisation. However, at higher doses of ssUVR, these mice were protected from tolerance. Interestingly, while low doses of UV A caused immunosuppression, even lower doses enhanced the response to the second sensitisation. Higher doses of UVA had no affect. UVB induced tolerance in a dose related manner. Thus, ssUVR only induces immunosuppression and tolerance over a narrow dose range. Both UVA and UVB are immunosuppressive at this dose, while higher doses of UVA protect from the suppressive effects of UVB. Surprisingly very low doses of UVA enhanced memory development. Thus UVR has complex effects on the immune system depending on dose and spectrum.

      • Immune Protection Factor of Sunscreens in Humans is Dependent on Protection from UVA and Cannot be Predicted from the Sun Protection Factor

        Halliday, Gary M.,Poon, Terence S.C.,Damian, Diona L.,Barnetson, Ross St.C. Korean Society of Photoscience 2002 Journal of Photosciences Vol.9 No.2

        Sunscreens have been advocated as an important means of preventing skin cancer. UV-induced immunosuppression is important for skin cancer development, yet the effectiveness of sunscreens in protecting the human immune system from UV radiation is unclear. The only currently accepted method of sunscreen rating is the Sun Protection Factor (SPF) based on prevention of erythema. We developed an in vivo non-invasive method for evaluating protection of the human immune system from UV radiation based on recall contact sensitivity to nickel, a common allergen. Using this system we showed that broad-spectrum sunscreens provide greater protection to the immune system than sunscreens which protect from UVB only. UVA was found to be immunosuppressive. We developed this technique to enable the study of solar simulated UV radiation dose responses and determined Immune Protection Factors (IPFs) for six commercially available sunscreens based on limits of protection from the dose response data. We found that the IPF did not correlate with the SPF and that protection from erythema therefore cannot be used to predict protection of the immune system. However, IPF was significantly correlated to the UVA protective capability of the sunscreens, indicating that sunscreen protection from UVA is important for prevention of immunosuppression. We recommend that sunscreens should be rated against their immune protective capability to provide a better indication of their ability to protect against skin cancer.

      • KCI등재후보

        Exploring Myelin Dysfunction in Multiple System Atrophy

        Joanna H. Wong,Glenda M. Halliday,김우진 한국뇌신경과학회 2014 Experimental Neurobiology Vol.23 No.4

        Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a rare, yet fatal neurodegenerative disease that presents clinically with autonomic failure incombination with parkinsonism or cerebellar ataxia. MSA impacts on the autonomic nervous system affecting blood pressure,heart rate and bladder function, and the motor system affecting balance and muscle movement. The cause of MSA is unknown,no definitive risk factors have been identified, and there is no cure or effective treatment. The definitive pathology of MSA is thepresence of α-synuclein aggregates in the brain and therefore MSA is classified as an α-synucleinopathy, together with Parkinson’sdisease and dementia with Lewy bodies. Although the molecular mechanisms of misfolding, fibrillation and aggregation ofα-synuclein partly overlap with other α-synucleinopathies, the pathological pathway of MSA is unique in that the principal sitefor α-synuclein deposition is in the oligodendrocytes rather than the neurons. The sequence of pathological events of MSAis now recognized as abnormal protein redistributions in oligodendrocytes first, followed by myelin dysfunction and thenneurodegeneration. Oligodendrocytes are responsible for the production and maintenance of myelin, the specialized lipidmembrane that encases the axons of all neurons in the brain. Myelin is composed of lipids and two prominent proteins, myelinbasic protein and proteolipid protein. In vitro studies suggest that aberration in protein distribution and lipid transport may lead tomyelin dysfunction in MSA. The purpose of this perspective is to bring together available evidence to explore the potential role ofα-synuclein, myelin protein dysfunction, lipid dyshomeostasis and ABCA8 in MSA pathogenesis.

      • Dawn and photoperiod sensing by phytochrome A

        Seaton, Daniel D.,Toledo-Ortiz, Gabriela,Ganpudi, Ashwin,Kubota, Akane,Imaizumi, Takato,Halliday, Karen J. National Academy of Sciences 2018 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF Vol.115 No.41

        <P><B>Significance</B></P><P>The changing seasons subject plants to a variety of challenging environments. To deal with this, many plants have mechanisms for inferring the season by measuring the duration of daylight in a day. A number of well-known seasonal responses such as flowering are responsive to daylength or photoperiod. Here, we describe how the photoreceptor protein phytochrome A senses short photoperiods. This arises from its accumulation during long nights, as happens during winter, and subsequent activation by light at dawn. As a result of this response, the abundance of red anthocyanin pigments is increased in short photoperiods. Thus, we describe a mechanism underlying a seasonal phenotype in an important model plant species.</P><P>In plants, light receptors play a pivotal role in photoperiod sensing, enabling them to track seasonal progression. Photoperiod sensing arises from an interaction between the plant’s endogenous circadian oscillator and external light cues. Here, we characterize the role of phytochrome A (phyA) in photoperiod sensing. Our metaanalysis of functional genomic datasets identified phyA as a principal regulator of morning-activated genes, specifically in short photoperiods. We demonstrate that <I>PHYA</I> expression is under the direct control of the PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR transcription factors, PIF4 and PIF5. As a result, phyA protein accumulates during the night, especially in short photoperiods. At dawn, phyA activation by light results in a burst of gene expression, with consequences for physiological processes such as anthocyanin accumulation. The combination of complex regulation of <I>PHYA</I> transcript and the unique molecular properties of phyA protein make this pathway a sensitive detector of both dawn and photoperiod.</P>

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